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mature students

THEO 7023 Theology of the Reformers Seminar in the several theological traditions that emerged in the reforming movements of the 15th and 16th centuries: Lollardry, Hussite, Lutheran, Reformed (Zwingli and Calvin), Radical/Anabaptists, Anglican, and Catholic (Erasmus and St. Therese). Leading theologians will be examined in context, and the importance of emerging confessions will be underscored. Major thinkers to be used for essay orientation and analysis include: R. Bainton, S. Ozment; G.H. Williams; H. Oberman; C. Lindberg; and H. Hillerbrand. Prerequisite: Completion of, or concurrent enrolment in, THEO 5013 or 5023, and CHUR 5013, or permission of instructor. THEO 7033 Contemporary Theology Seminar focused on Post-Enlightenment theological trends comprising the discussion at present. Categories include 19th century Liberalism, rise of Evangelicalism and Fundamentalism, Neo-Orthodoxy, Neo-Evangelicalism, Radical Theology, Post- Foundationalism, Process Theology, Paleo-Orthodoxy, Radical Orthodoxy, Pentecostal voices, and the critiques of New Atheism and Non-Theism. Prerequisite: Completion of, or concurrent enrolment in, THEO 5013 or 5023, and CHUR 5013, or permission of instructor. THEO 7043 Christology: The Person and Work of Jesus Christ A foundational seminar in the development of theological thought about the person and work of Jesus Christ. Biblical themes from Hebrew prophecies and the narratives of the New Testament include (Christology from below): birth and infancy; Jesus’ teaching as a rabbi; work in healing; crucifixion and resurrection; post-resurrection; ascension; and parousia. These themes will be integrated with doctrinal categories (including Christology from above) like: the pre-existent Christ with the Father; Christ in Creation; the two natures of Christ; Christ and the Spirit; the Saviour as atonement for sin; Christ as Judge, Christ in the church and sacraments/ordinances; the Lordship of Christ; the finality of Christ; and the Eternal Christ. Major recent Christological theologians for this course include K. Barth; R. Aldwinckle; W. Pannenberg; E. Schillebeeckx; P. Knitter; N.T. Wright; R. E. Brown; D. Migliore; and C. E. Gunton. Prerequisite: Completion of, or concurrent enrolment in, THEO 5013 or 5023, and BIBL 5023, 5033, or permission of instructor. THEO 7053 Holy Spirit This course will explore leading contemporary thinkers in pneumatology to understand the doctrine’s biblical, historical, and contemporary contours. Emphasis is placed on understanding Free Church contributions, including Baptistic and Charismatic perspectives, as well as balancing local Canadian contributions with Global voices, all to articulate one’s theological convictions in light of trends such as the rise of Pentecostalism, liberation theology, feminism, and pluralism. The course will engage specifically pastoral issues such as questions concerning the nature of salvation, the role of experience, the interpretation of Scripture, the nature of spiritual gifts, and phenomena such as Spirit-baptism, spiritual warfare, and healings. Prerequisite: Completion of, or concurrent enrolment in, THEO 5013, and BIBL 5023, 5033, or permission of instructor. .

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