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Developing and Diversifying our Firm Foundation
THE IMPACT OF our faculty
As the nature of learning and teaching in higher education continues to change, the foundation of a deep understanding of the Bible, Christian teaching, and pastoral theology remains the heart of theological education.
Our faculty see their role as part of a call to ministry and are constantly innovating and implementing strategies that support student success. The classroom experience is student-focussed and challenges future ministry leaders to ask big questions as they prepare to serve the mission of God in church and world with transformative action.
As part of their ministry, faculty members research, write, and support the work of the Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada (CBAC). Over the past year, for example,
Dr. Lennett Anderson was the keynote speaker at the 2022 CBAC Justice Summit in Truro, Nova Scotia.
• Dr. Jody Linkletter taught an online session for children’s ministry workers for the 2023 NEXT Conference.
• Dr. Danny Zacharias spoke at the 2023 Integrate Church Leaders Conference in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. This event was co-sponsored by CBAC and Canadian Baptist Ministries.
WE WELCOMED TWO NEW FACULTY MEMBERS: Dr. Grace Au, Assistant Professor of New Testament Studies
• Dr. D. Steven Porter, Assistant Professor of Church Innovation and Evangelism and Director of Doctoral Studies
• Avonport Baptist Church
Berwick Baptist Church
Bethany Memorial Baptist Church
• Brookfield Baptist Church
Brunswick Street Baptist Church
Digby Baptist Church
• East Preston United Baptist Church
• EBC: The Meeting Place
Middleton Baptist Church
Moncton Wesleyan Church
• Pereaux Baptist Church
Springhill Baptist Church
Stevens Road Baptist Church
• West End Baptist Church
Wolfville Baptist Church
“At ADC, I have found a faculty who make academic challenge a part of my formation in Christ and my work in ministry, and who are always seeking new ways to make study relevant to real life. I get to worship God with my mind at ADC, and my love for God’s kingdom is growing as a result.”
~ Andrew Taylor, Master of Arts (Theology) student
To learn more, visit ACADIADIV.CA/NEW-FACULTY-2023
Acadia Divinity College recognizes the importance of engaging the contexts in which God has placed us, for such a time as this.