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OUR graduates · FALL 2021 & SPRING 2022 Welcome to the Alumni Family

ACA DIA DIVINITY COLLEGE’S annual Commissioning Service and Supper gives our community the chance to celebrate and thank God for the story He is writing in and through the lives of our graduates. It’s also an opportunity to welcome the graduands into the ever-growing ADC alumni.

The 61st annual Commissioning Service held on May 6, 2022, was particularly meaningful – for the first time in three years, it was held in person. And, for the first time the Commissioning Service was in a hybrid format, with several graduands, as well as the ADC staff and faculty and close to 200 supporters, onsite, and other graduands and over 180 supporters participating live from around the globe. This special time brought together friends and family, staff, faculty, and board members, current students, and alumni.

During supper, Honorary Doctor of Divinity recipient and ADC alumna, Colonel (The Reverend) Barbara L. Putnam addressed the graduands by welcoming them into the alumni family as well as encouraging them to maintain ties with the College, classmates, and other alumni. “Ministry is demanding work,” she said. “You cannot take all of it on your own shoulders.”

Special recognition was given to two graduands. Master of Divinity graduand Erica Corbin was presented with the Student Service Award for her servant leadership and Doctor of Ministry (DMI) graduand Connie Phillipson received the MacRae Prize, awarded to the student with the best DMI thesis.

The Commissioning Service was held at Wolfville Baptist Church. Significant achievements were recognized, including the 2022 President’s Award, which ADC President Rev. Dr. Anna Robbins presented to Master of Arts (Theology) graduand

Charity Darby, who attended the service virtually from Newfoundland. The award is given to the student with the highest cumulative grade point average and who shows great potential for ministry. Dr. Robbins next publicly affirmed that the title of President Emeritus was conferred on Rev. Dr. Harry Gardner in November 2021.

In the Reflections of a Graduand, Dr. Raphael Iluyomade, a Master of Divinity graduand, acknowledged the importance of the ADC community in the success of the graduating class. “The treasures we found in our studies and the compassion of ADC faculty and staff have formed us for the world of our time.”

Rev. Dr. Steve McMullin, retiring Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Professor of Evangelism and Mission and Academic Dean, was next to inspire graduands during the Annual John Gladstone Sermon. “This 21st century, digital post-modern world of pluralism and secularism and anxiety needs to know God’s love, God’s grace, God’s hope,” said Dr. McMullin. “In such a world, how will you serve? How will you lead?” Completing the service was the Act of Commissioning. This is a significant time when graduands are prayed over and given a blessing as they go out into a mosaic of ministry contexts.

As we celebrate our newest graduates, we welcome them into a diverse, life-long community, made up of individuals committed to serving the mission of God with transformative impact. Welcome to the family, graduates of 2022! In the words of Dr. McMullin: “May you serve with faith in God, may you lead with faith in God, may you live by faith in God. And to God be the glory.”

GINNY WILMHOFF Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal

CHARITY DARBY Acadia University Silver Medal in Theology and Acadia Divinity College President's Award

SIOBHÁN PARR Acadia University Bronze Medal in Theology

CONNIE PHILLIPSON Acadia Divinity College MacRae Prize

Bachelor Of Theology

Congratulations to all our Fall 2021 & Spring 2022 graduates, and blessings for what's next!


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