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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Saikat Basu The Things I Do

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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

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The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Table of Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2. Getting your fix on the internet .......................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Online meeting places for the moviegoer ................................................................................... 6 2.2 Search for movie reviews and views ............................................................................................ 9 2.3 Get a sneak preview with trailers .............................................................................................. 13 2.4 What’s playing near you? ........................................................................................................... 17 3. Set Up Your Own Entertainment ....................................................................................................... 19 3.1 Watching Stuff Online ................................................................................................................ 19 3.2 Watching it with a Download ..................................................................................................... 22 a) The Torrent Way........................................................................................................................ 22 Upload Gurus ........................................................................................................................... 23 b) File Sharing Sites ........................................................................................................................ 24 c) File Sharing Search Engines ....................................................................................................... 27 d) The Mixed Bag of Bootlegged Movie Types .............................................................................. 32 e) 5 Tips to Follow for Downloading Quality Movies .................................................................... 33 f) Some Tips for Faultless Playback ............................................................................................... 33 3.3 Using RSS Feeds to be in touch with the movies ....................................................................... 38 3.4 All You Need to Catch Your Movies ........................................................................................... 39 4. Expanding Your Movie Experience .................................................................................................... 42 4.1 Read the lingo with subtitles...................................................................................................... 42 4.2 Music and Lyrics ......................................................................................................................... 43 4.3 The words the stars speak ......................................................................................................... 43 4.4 Build your own movie library ..................................................................................................... 44 a) Desktop apps ............................................................................................................................. 44 b) Online apps ................................................................................................................................ 44 4.5 Spruce it up with wallpapers, posters and CD covers ................................................................ 45 Articles on Movies and Related Websites ................................................................. 49

Don’t miss out on our other cool manuals! .......................................................................................... 50


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

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The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

1. Introduction I once knew a boy, whose idea of an ideal day was watching a movie on the first day, catching it on the first show. I once knew a boy who could sit in front of a television 15 feet away and watch a movie in rapt interest while the world bustled around him. I also knew a boy who could spout Master Yoda better than he could quote Shakespeare. He was a diehard buff when John Rambo took on the Vietcong… He remained one when Rambo ventured back into war torn Myanmar. Say hello to the movie addict that’s in all of us. Aren’t we are all movie addicts in some sense of the term? Who hasn’t felt the heart-jerk when Humphrey Bogart gazes at Ingrid Bergman with a "Here's looking at you, kid"; or felt the style punch with a “The name’s Bond… James Bond”. The first film came out in 1890’s. The world has been a better place since. The World Wide Web was born late in 1990. It made the world even better. A single invention which was meant to bring scientists closer has brought you and me within the reach of a click. Thankfully, the world of entertainment has jumped on the racing wagon. Nothing can replace the visual spectacle of a big screen but the mouse and the modem has gifted us an open ticket to a front row seat in the world of movies. Yesterday, we waited for the visual feast; today we can pick it from the web. If you like your two hour highs with popcorn, then this guide is for you.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

2. Getting your fix on the internet The internet is like a virtual oyster for all our entertainment and information needs. The best thing about it is that we can choose a film to go with our mood. We have movies like The Dark Knight in Action, Indiana Jones in Adventure, Wall-E in Animation, The Great Dictator in Comedy, The Godfather in Drama, The Blair Witch Project in Horror/Suspense, all of Harry Potter in Family, Casablanca in Romance, Moulin Rouge in Musicals, Star Wars in Sci W Fi/Fantasy and Jaws in Thriller. These apart, we also get to see standout Foreign Films like Seven Samurai. Another genre that deserves a place in the sun is the Short Film or Documentary – I hope you have seen ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. With our choice made, it takes a few clicks to dive into the world of movies.

2.1 Online meeting places for the moviegoer Movies are social glue. Like the weather, they are conversation starters. The internet has proved as effective as your cabal of friends in letting you in on the buzz about the latest all-star cast. Which movies are worth the dollar? Social networking is an online meet of like-minded individuals and when the shared interest is movies, there are a whole lot of movie forums, web communities and social websites which quench out thirst for first hand opinions. Type in some of these…

The Internet Movie Database []

The site has so much depth that it’s easy to get lost in the sea of information. Sample this, IMDB has individual message boards for each film genre (interestingly, the Horror board has 40,000+ postings. - by far the highest!). Then there are special boards to discuss specific movies and TV shows, and specific people. According to IMDB, that’s 1.2 million titles and over 2.7 million people being discussed. Look up your favorite movie, actor or actress and you will reach a board chatting about it. Would you rather be anywhere else?


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Flixter []

It is a very popular hangout for movie lovers. With nearly 15 million unique visitors, the community is large enough to rival any social networking site. Flixter has lots of features to keep the moviephile engaged – movie profiles, actors, photos, news, reviews, ratings, previews, quizzes, showtimes and of course, chit chat. Try out the quizzes for some movie addiction.

Filmaster []

A serious site about serious film buffs. It is in a niche of its own. Filmaster is a social network for movie fans with personalized content (have your own movie blog) and recommendations. It looks like a thinking man’s Flixter. Rate and review, discuss and suggest. The well-designed website has a very cultured feel.

Spout []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Discuss everything from the upcoming Harry Potter to an obscure independent film. Get the dope on film festivals as they happen around the world. Spout defines what it’s about in four sweeps – Watch (trailers), Read (new and reviews), Listen (podcasts), Act (write, share and discuss).

Jaman []

Interestingly, Jaman diversifies from mainstream flicks. Here, you can not only discuss independent and crossover movies (American and International) but can even watch them online. Jaman also has a blog on upcoming film festivals, movie releases, and Oscar chatter.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

2.2 Search for movie reviews and views The thing about opinions is that everyone has one. And movies don’t escape this cliché. Movie reviews are always a good way to know whether you are going to get a bang for your buck. To know what’s good, bad or downright ugly about a movie checkout some of these well-known sources for movie reviews.

The Internet Movie Database []

We mentioned this before; we will keep mentioning it again. If over 57 million people visit this link, it’s because this is an absolute trove of information on every movie and TV show. And combined with the next two in the list, that’s all you actually need. IMDB has a fairly objective review system of weighted averages. The number of votes is mentioned under user ratings, clicking on which takes us to a page with demographic breakdowns. To get their opinions, click on user comments or external reviews to get all the good (or vitriolic) word on a movie. IMDB also has a unique way of giving a recommendation. It compares a movie with others in its genre on the basis of keywords, user votes, genre and title. IMDB uses these measures to automatically create a ranking system. The recommendations can be found near the end of the page. Clicking the Show more recommendations link takes you to another page where you get more information including possible show times for the US.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict You can also use the IMDB Recommends search box to find a list of similar movies you might like but its result is more of a list based on the title rather than the plot.

Rotten Tomatoes []

If a movie hits the screen, be sure opinions will follow. The name of course, is taken from the age old act of throwing tomatoes for a bad performance. This site looks at the movies critically through its ‘Tomatometer’. It trawls through a lot of movie reviews on the net and then the website decides if the movie is positive (‘fresh’-marked by a small icon of a red tomato) or negative (‘rotten’-marked by a small icon of a green splattered tomato). The ‘Tomatometer’ is a percentage mix of positive and negative reviews given by an eclectic bunch of professionals and amateurs. T-Meter Critics gives the voice of professional experts. Top Critics section pulls in the views of media outlets like Time and NY Times. The fans pitch in with opinions in the RT Community section. You can create your own ‘panel of critics’ with custom choices in My Critics. And finally, create your own little community by inviting your friends over and sharing thoughts in the My Friends section. Reading both sides of reasoning gives a fair idea of what a movie is all about. Rotten Tomatoes manages a fair balance between the reviewer and the fan.

Wikipedia []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Search this online encyclopedia and you are sure to find the complete dope on them. If the movie is there, it’s a great place to learn more about the cast, crew, plot and the making. A Google search for a movie will give the Wikipedia entry among the top five results usually. Two sections – Critical reaction and Box Office tells all about the movie. As Wikipedia information is sourced there are numerous external references which give us more sources to look at.

Metacritic []

They deal with criticism. It has a scoring system that takes in a cross-section of reviews from a carefully-screened group of respected critics. Normal viewers are also given equal space. What the critics said… provides excerpts of what the critics said with a link to the wordy source. Critics’ thoughts are color indicated by green, yellow and red. User’s views are also similarly shown along with what they thought about the movie. Metacritic has a pretty vibrant community forum too.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Spill []

Three words - it’s irreverent, it’s blunt and it’s funny. Check out the animated characters with their take on a movie. This site’s motto is, ‘if it's crap, we will tell you.’


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

2.3 Get a sneak preview with trailers Movie trailers are designed to whet your appetite and give you a tantalizing glimpse of what’s coming this summer. The internet is a vast archive of the old and a marketing medium for the new. For any old film you are planning to download, rent or buy, there’s a short snippet somewhere. For every new release, there is usually an entire website built around it. Search, browse and play for your personal curtain raiser at some of these sites. Most sites need you to have Flash player installed. []

You don’t need a byline to convey what this site is meant to be. It’s right up there as a place to bookmark with nearly 5 million monthly visits by movie lovers. It is meant to be a serious site for the inside scoop free from the rag style gossip. Nearly 3500 trailers supported by a clean-cut interface and an updated Google site search engine is enough for most movie lovers. Get HD trailers, TV clips and interviews with the who’s who of Hollywood. Also, take a sneak peek at video footages of premieres happening around the world.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

TrailerSpy []

TrailerSpy is devoted solely to trailers. The top menu lists trailers covering movies, TV, games, books and movies. The movie trailer section covers a variety of genres from mainstream to independent. There’s a section for fan-made trailers too. To search and watch the precise trailer is not too difficult through tags, categories and the search box. The site also has a community of movie lovers.

Yahoo! Movies []

Yahoo! Movies is about movie reviews, showtimes and the latest trailers. The site is easy to navigate with clear graphics and is not cluttered by ads. The trailers and clips archive is a browse-able source of hundreds of trailers. Yahoo! Movies also gives showtime listings and you can purchase tickets online (via Yahoo! Movie trailers also come in Deutsch, French, Spanish, Italian and other languages.

YouTube [] YouTube does not need an introduction. If there is a video, there’s a high chance it has been uploaded on the world’s most popular video sharing site. YouTube is an important destination even though it is not purely a movie trailer site. But if you don’t get it anywhere else, it can be here.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Also, try out the YouTube Screening Room [] which brings you specially chosen films from around the world. You can go behind the scenes and chat up the people behind these movies.

Comingsoon []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Another well put together site which showcases the latest trailers apart from other info. The above list is just the tip of the iceberg as far as trailer sites go. We have already covered the big leaguers like IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Then there’s Google search which may take you to directly to the homepage of the movie being released. It’s only the writing constraints that prevent the mention of many more on the list.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

2.4 What’s playing near you? The internet delivers movie information faster than you can say – One flew over the cuckoo’s nest. Movie names, casts, movie schedules or ticket prices, get it all in a blink. Thanks to those websites which give you localized information just like the town newspaper.

MovieShowTimeMap []

It’s a Google mash-up tool which gives you the movie schedule with a mouse over. It’s cool because you just type in your address and just place your mouse over the icons on the Google map. Unfortunately, it works only for U.S cities. Read more about it here [] on

Favorite Theater RSS Feed Generator []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict We return to Google but combine it with the power of RSS feeds. This tool uses Google search to find the showtime lists from nearby theaters and gives you the results courtesy of RSS feeds. Enter your city, state or zip and RSS feeds keep you in the loop. More on how RSS can feed the movie addict here []. There’s no ‘theater’ like our own homes. And why should we miss out on a good movie on the boob tube. So to check if there’s a good movie on the TV today use something like -

LocateTV []

It’s a free service which searches for TV program listings. More attuned for the U.S and U.K, results give you the showtimes of your favorite episodes and movies with its cast, synopsis and whether they’re available online. Read more about what’s on LocateTV here [].


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

3. Set Up Your Own Entertainment The great thing about the web is that it’s a lot like what Mrs. Gump says,” Life's a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.” It’s all to do with the limitless choices we have in the online world. Rich, varied and more often than not - overflowing. So how do we put together our entertainment? Do I go online or should I download it and take it with me wherever I go? How do I catch Angelina’s pout without the grainy print? Hey, you have questions and the web has answers. So flatten your cushions and as a first let’s try out the online way. DISCLAIMER -- Some websites are legal in the way they source the content from providers such as Hollywood studios and media channels. They provide these movies/shows through a free advertisement-supported model or a subscription-based one. Then there are the web services which lie in the grey area. Distinguishing between the two is a tough call for a viewer. The best way to avoid illegal watching (and prosecution)? Go back to your DVD rental library or select a legal online movie website.

3.1 Watching Stuff Online A trip to the DVD rent-out is okay, if you are still in the Stone Age (or if you don’t have a good web connection). Streaming movies to your computer is the new way.

Hulu []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Hulu is probably among the well-known free online sites for motion pictures and TV shows. Hulu comes with the promise of content from places such as NBC, News Corp., Sony, MGM, FX, Sci-Fi Channel etc. It is slick and uncluttered with easy to follow navigation. The website is Adobe Flash based and streams at 480Kbps or 700Kbps. Video settings default at 480p though a setting of 360p for lower bandwidth is available. On the higher side, 720p videos requiring 1,500Kbps speeds for smooth streaming and high definition experience are also available. It is free but as is the way of things, it’s still ad-supported. Hulu is also only available for U.S audience so far. Learn How to Watch Movies and Shows on Hulu & Sling from Abroad [].

Sling []

Sling is similar to Hulu in its offerings of TV shows and movies from the popular channels. Though, Hulu’s selection seems to be broader. Presently, Sling showcases 282 movies in all the usual genres. Popular channels bring free content from NBC-Fox partnered Hulu, CBS, PBS, BBC America along with Web video sites like College Humor and bring you 965 TV shows and web series. Access is via a Flash video player (the SlingPlayer). Sling is also similarly available within the U.S only. If you are feeling left out of Hulu and Sling because you do not live in the U.S, try out How to Watch Movies and Shows on Hulu & Sling from Abroad [].


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Joost []

The brains behind Skype and Kazaa bring us Joost. Joost is a leading on-demand Internet TV service provider with over 250 high-definition TV programs and channels from various categories - Cartoons, Film, Comedy, Music, Documentary, Entertainment, Sports, and Lifestyle. Using P2PTV protocol to deliver its shows, it is a free legal online service. Joost also uses a Flash based web player to stream TV quality content to your PC. Joost is currently in deals with several networks including CBS, VH1, MTV, other Viacom channels as well as several other video distribution networks. With over 15,000 TV shows and 250+ Channels, it is a viable alternative for cable. Read more about Joost at [].

Less-than-legal Sites There are also sites like The Pirate City [] and SurfTheChannel [] which aggregate thousands of the latest movies and TV series and link to the sites where these movies can be watched online internationally, at no cost.

These websites lie in the grey area. While they obey the law and do not directly stream any content from their servers, they are linking to a lot of illegal sites that do. Keep in mind that even though they offer a far wider array of movies, the picture quality on these sites is usually a lot worse than what you see on sites like Hulu or Sling.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

3.2 Watching it with a Download The bandwidth is the umbilical cord for online movie sites. Movies are streamed across the internet. What if you are on the road? Or what if you prefer to watch a bit while having your lunch and the rest with your dinner? Then the only course to follow is to download a movie and watch it at one’s leisure.

The anonymity of the World Wide Web has made it the melting pot for a variety of entertainment. Some of it within the law, some beyond and some in the grey. Efforts by MPAA [] have borne fruit but uploaders on the WWW have deeper roots. It is a fact of the times that with broadband use on the rise, studies say that millions of downloads of illegal movies occur each week. Torrents have emerged as the most popular way to download movies. Just like everything else, torrent download occupies both sides of the street – legal and illegal. While stressing on end user responsibility, let me give a brief note on torrents and its use.

a) The Torrent Way A Torrent is a file which is sent over a protocol called BitTorrent. Protocols of course, are simply sets of rules which define how one computer will connect with the next. The BitTorrent protocol is designed such that users connect to each other directly (without a central server) to send and receive portions of a file. The file can be of any type – a song, a game, an application or a movie. So the hosting and the downloading are spread out over many computers, thus reducing the load on any one computer. When a torrent download is started, the BitTorrent network finds multiple computers with the file and downloads different parts of the file from each computer. Each user participates in the BitTorrent network using a special piece of software called the BitTorrent client. The BitTorrent client first downloads a .torrent file – a ‘map’ which points to the 22

The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict users sharing in the download of the file. The client understands this map and then starts the download by connecting to the users having bits of the file. BitTorrent is on a turf all its own with its own vocabulary and way to do things. Our Big Book of BitTorrent [] is just as good a starting point as any to learn more on torrents. The guide will not only hold your hands through the basics but it will also help you out with your first download.

Dedicated torrent users are zealots by another name. You can see them parked in most of the popular torrent sites like Mininova [], Demonoid [], Vertor [] or IsoHunt [].

Upload Gurus The painless way towards a quality movie download is to follow the raves reserved for the good torrent uploaders. These are the guys who take the pains to upload good quality movies (usually DVD Rips). aXXO - ‘God’ wouldn’t be a bad name for him - Quality DVD rips averaging at 700MB, files which are properly named and linked. Though his activity has slacked off, his torrents remain popular. KLAXXON - The ‘axxo’ in the name is for grabbing eyeballs. Though he lacks aXXo’s finesse, he makes it up with his quality DVD rips. One negative: his file sizes average around 1.2 to 1.4 GB. FXG - Very close to the top, FXG’s uploads too hover near the 700MB size. Most of his uploads also include English subtitles. 23

The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict FxM - Another good uploader with uploads hardly breasting the 700MB mark. Leetay – Though he has tapered off this year, his torrents remain trusted. His uploads also size up to around 700MB. To find all movies uploaded by any uploader, just enter his name in the site search field of the torrent index site or a torrent search engine. A good torrent uploader is usually followed by generous comments by the community. The best ones of course enjoy a high rate of download activity. As we continue with some direct downloading web services below, you will find that you can search for the above uploaders too. If you prefer direct downloads instead of torrents, simply enter a name like ‘axxo’ in the search engines profiled later and you will get the link.

b) File Sharing Sites Torrents might be marching towards world domination, but file sharing services still have a large free country of their own.

RapidShare []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict It is the world’s biggest single-click hosting site (and among the Top20 visited homepages in the world). And movies are just one of the things it hosts. RapidShare has a mirror site at []. A maximum upload limit size of 200MB/file means that a movie is only available as a split archive. Usually a DVD quality movie can be downloaded in 6-7 installments. A premium (paid) account gives you more features – no waiting times, simultaneous downloads, support for download accelerators, remote uploads via FTP and HTTP etc. The free option limits you to one download and a waiting time between each successive download. If the waiting time is not enough of a nag, there’s the reverse countdown clock too. Skip all that waiting with a simple Firefox add-on called Skipscreen []. This simple add-on and a serious browse of our Collection of Rapidshare Tools and Tricks [] will make you an expert Rapidshare user.

Megaupload []

A popular site with nearly 10 million hits. Premium membership comes with unlimited features. Free downloaders have caps on download speeds, a single download per session and a waiting time. There are two free flavors – Free Membership and No Membership.

Megashares []


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict It provides a Java-based web application for uploading entire folders, upload/download resuming, using FTP for backup or mirroring. Maximum upload size limit using the Java uploader is 10GB as compared with the standard uploading max file size of 1.5GB. The paid service called Link Cards frees other limitations. Download managers are supported but free downloaders are restricted to 1 download stream (max 500MB) and 1 download link. Every free download has a ‘slot’; the download thus depends on the availability of open slots. Read more at Megashares FAQ [].

Filefactory []

Allows a maximum 300MB per file free uploads. Larger files need to be split and uploaded. The amount of data free users can download in a 24 hour period is restricted with capped download speeds. The free basic account also allows one download stream at a time. Paid premium membership unlocks restrictions. More info can be found at the Filefactory FAQ [].

Easyshare []

Let’s you upload a max of 100MB per file. Like other free services, you can download files for free, but with certain limitations. Unlike other sites though, Easyshare introduces ePoints, which is a way to pay users for there uploads. If your upload gets downloaded 10,000 times, you’ll seemingly receive $20. More on the Easyshare FAQ page []. These are just five of the many which take up the file sharing space. Some of the others are… MyFreeFileHosting [] Gigasize [] 26

The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Sendspace [] ZShare [] Hotfile [] On your movie hunt, you will come across a lot more. What’s important is not where the files are hosted but how do you hunt out those files. Most of the files hosting services do not have searchable databases. Worry not.

c) File Sharing Search Engines A lot of the search engines are dedicated for Rapidshare but then some others prefer the multipronged meta-search path. Here’s a list of 10 in no particular order.

Rapidzearch [] - search for files across top file sharing web sites like Rapidshare, Megaupload, Uploading, SendSpace, FileFactory and many others. The user interface is simple with basic and advanced search options.

Read more about Rapidzearch here [].

Rapidshare123 [] - One of the best Rapidshare search engines. It collects Rapidshare downloads from sites, forums, blogs and portals.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Read more about Rapidshare123 here [].

CrawlRapidShare [] - It claims to be the first "realtime" Rapidshare crawler search engine. It runs a script which checks if the links displayed in the search results are valid anymore and point to real files.

Read more about Crawl Rapidshare here [].

TotMe [] - A simple Rapidshare search engine but it filters out non-working links too.

Read more about TotMe here [].

Rapidshare1 [] - Lets you instantly search though a dozen of Rapidshare link sharing websites, forums and message boards.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Read more about Rapidshare1 here [].

DaleYa [] – Meta-search files on Megaupload, Rapidshare and several other file sharing. You can select or deselect the file-sharing sites you want to include in the search.

Read more about DaleYa here [].

Buskka [] – A Google-powered search engine that Rapidshare, Megaupload, Badongo, Mediafire, Gigasize, Seriesyonkis, Filefactory, Filefront and Peliculasyonkis. You can either search all sites at once or select the ones you want.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

Read more about Buskka here [].


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

ShareMiner [] - ShareMiner looks at Rapidshare and Megaupload and locates files by their actual file names unlike others which search webpages. You can set it up to filter by type like software, games, videos, music, docs & eBooks or archives.

Read more about ShareMiner here [].

FilesTube [] - Searches through Rapidshare, MegaUpload, Megashares, YouSendIt, SaveFile, FileFront and Badongo. Use a dropdown to filter search by media type - AVI, MP3, MPEG, MPG, RAR, WMA, WMV or ZIP. The advanced search page rpovides a few more options.

Read more about FilesTube here [].

Findshared [] - Select or search through Rapidshare, Megaupload, Mediafire and Ziddu. If you are looking for a particular file format (avi, wmv, mpeg, divx, iso, rmvb, mp3, exe, rar, zip, pdf) select it through the dropdown.


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict The number of search engines devoted to file sharing websites makes one thing clear – you will never run out of options.

d) The Mixed Bag of Bootlegged Movie Types Movie bootlegging has found a home and its own language on the internet. So how does piracy happen and what are the terms generally used? Films are copied in many ways and the uploaded movie gets labeled with the source. The terms used say a lot about the quality of the copy. Cam (CAM) - Pirates record a movie as it appears on a theater screen by smuggling a camera usually mounted on a tripod into a theater. These copies are usually poor quality both visually and audibly. The scenes also sometimes show shadows of the audience moving about. Telesync (TS or TELESYNC) – The video source remains the camera on a tripod. Telesync refers to the audio recording enhancement done by methods like using wireless transmitters from theater speakers or connecting directly to the projection equipment. The difference sometimes is difficult to tell. PDVD – Pre-DVD is common in Asian countries especially India. Low quality CAM/TS prints are recorded on DVD and labeled as DVD rips. Workprint (WP) – Made from an unfinished version of the film. Workprints have unedited effects and missing scenes. They also may lack un-dubbed parts. Workprints differ greatly from the final cut version. They usually have text overlays or audio disruptions to discourage pirates from spreading it. A recent case of a workprint fiasco was X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Screener (SCR) - These promotional preview films (usually DVD or VHS) for limited reviews are provided to video retailers or film critics before a movie’s official theatrical release. Pirates obtain a screener DVD and make a copy of it. R5 - This is a retail DVD from region 5. Region 5 consists of Eastern Europe (former Soviet Union), Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia. R5 releases standout from normal releases in that they are a direct Telecine transfer of the film without any of the image fine tuning. The sound is also not as good as DVD quality. Telecine – The word refers to the Telecine machine, an expensive piece of equipment that renders the film from the analog print to the digital format. The quality is slightly inferior to DVD as the source print is the copy reel instead of the final digitized version. DVD Rip - The final cut. DVD Rips are generally distributed to regions away from the premiere zones of the film. High quality, they soon supplant any other version that might have been circulating. DVDR – This is a copy of the original DVD but re-encoded to fit in a more compact and less expensive DVD. DVDRs resemble retail discs in that they contain menus and other disc features. So now, if you see a downloadable file tagged with any of the following terms, you know the quality to expect. But even then there are…


The Things I Do

The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

e) 5 Tips to Follow for Downloading Quality Movies 1. What’s a great print without a great story behind it? Check the quality of the plot in sites like IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes. Movie recommendation sites are also a lot of help. 2. If you can tell the difference between a R5 and TS, then VCDQuality [] does the rest. The website lists all new movie releases and along with the basic information also gives a quality rating on the audio and video of the bootlegged print. Sometimes, links to screenshots and trailers are provided. 3. NFO files are little information files supplied by the encoders with the release, and most often contain things like the video/audio-bitrate, screen resolution, language, etc. You can download these NFO files from VCDQuality as an image, or in the original format. After which you can open it in a special NFO reader or even in MS Notepad. Read more about NFO readers here [] 4. Always read the comments section if it’s there on any download page. Rants or raves usually hints at the quality of the movie. 5. The number of subscribers is also a good indicator of a running website, though it might not say much about the individual movie.

f) Some Tips for Faultless Playback Aha! Downloading’s done. Now, it’s time to dim the lights and dam the world outside the window. It’s just gonna be me and those ugly Autobots against the Decepticons before they wreck the world. But heck, why is my media player all dark and silent? Now, that’s a too familiar sight for anyone whose home theater is the computer. If everything else is running except the movie, then the fault is perhaps with the media player or the movie file itself. But let’s not worry because if software errs, it also cures.

Preview partially downloaded video files -- This is always recommended especially for ongoing torrent downloads and thanks to some versatile media players like VLC [], GOM Player [] and KMPlayer [], it is possible to play partially downloaded files and check the quality. Stop your torrent client, watch the incomplete part and if the quality agrees with you continue the download. A full download consisting of many split WinRAR archives is fairly common with most file download sites. With WinRAR we can extract the first archive and play it using any of the above media players. Open the archive using WinRAR – Click on Extract to – Give the destination path and under the Miscellaneous section put a check against Keep broken files. In the Processing volume dialog select Process selected files only. The first part gets extracted and WinRAR asks for the second part. Hit Cancel. 33

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Playing an unplayable movie -- You think you have the perfect release. But then instead of Angelina’s pout you get a black screen with a pop-up somewhere saying that the media type is not supported. That’s a lousy stumble on the doorway of cinematic bliss. The culprit here is the media player or more specifically the codecs which do something like digital equivalent of locking-unlocking of the movie file. Codecs (coder-decoder) are used for compressing and decompressing media files so that they don’t take up a lot of space and can be broadcast faster. Think of a codec like the key and the video file like the lock. So you need the same key or the codec to view the file that was used to encode the file. And sometimes your media player misses the key. There are two ways to nail down the missing codecs – 


All installed codecs in your system (Windows) can be viewed from Control Panel - Sounds and Audio Devices Properties - Hardware - Select Video Codecs -> Select Properties - Select Properties tab.

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Gspot []is a nifty free tool which identifies the codec required to play a video file. The current version hasn’t been updated for some while but it is still handy.

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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict

However, these days you can just download a codec pack – most of these will install every kind of codec you’ll ever need. Codec Packs like K-Lite and XP Codec Pack are complete collections of all the codecs you need to enjoy to play almost every movie format that you can find on the Internet. Free-codecs [], Codec Guide [] and Movie Codec [] are some of the best resources for all things called codecs. If you’re still dumbfounded by an unplaying movie, check out this post on MakeUseOf []

Patch up a broken AVI file -- DivFix+ [] is an AVI repairer that fixes the AVI file by rebuilding the index part of the file thus allowing for it to playback. This is useful for some corrupted torrent files. The handy Dr.Fixit does not take up much CPU and also comes as a standalone executable not requiring an installation. 36

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Read more about it here - How to Repair Broken AVI Files That Won’t Play [].


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3.3 Using RSS Feeds to be in touch with the movies There’s a new release every Friday. There’s a new upload even more often. So how do we keep ourselves informed with the rapid change before it goes by in a blink – RSS feeds of course! RSS is what it is because of two reasons –  

It allows us to easily be in the know by fetching the latest content from the sites you are interested in. We don’t need to visit each and every site individually.

Now, armed with a Feed reader, we can wait, catch and watch the movie we want. author Varun Kashyap’s post on How to Use RSS Feeds to Download Torrents Automatically [] goes into the simple detail of setting up a RSS feed for the torrents you want to download. With his how-to, you can set up your torrent client to grab the right movie or TV show torrent and start the download automatically. 4 RSS Feeds for the Movies Addict [] gives us four super-useful RSS feeds - Rotten Tomatoes [] (for upcoming movies), a feed for what’s playing at your favourite theatre, a feed for what’s the latest at Hulu, SurfTheChannel and one for movie/TV show playtimes courtesy LocateTV []. Today, all sites worth their rep have an attention-grabbing RSS button. Some even have a different feed for different types of information. Here’s IMDB’s feed button located at the bottom of the page.

Clicking on it show’s you what’s available from the website.

You can thus select the feed of your choice and get to the meat of the brouhaha.


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3.4 All You Need to Catch Your Movies This is where online movies score over downloaded ones. All you need to watch online movies are a good browser and sufficient bandwidth. But downloading movies to watch at your leisure is a job. So you need to put together quite an assortment of applications and software to make a tidy job of it.

a) Bandwidth Let’s say too much is never enough when it comes to bandwidth whether it is online or for downloads. On the lowest side, 256kbps is sloth slow. It takes 6-7 hours to stream/download an entire movie. An online service like Hulu recommends – Our videos stream at 480Kbps or 700Kbps, and we'll adjust our stream based on your bandwidth, but we recommend a downstream bandwidth of 1,000Kbps or higher for the smoothest playback experience. In my opinion, 700kbps is the standard to aim for. Remember, with Hi-definition and Blu-Ray coming into the scene, file size might swell up. With lower bandwidths you still can download movies, but then patience should be a virtue. Test your bandwidth at – Speed Guide [], Bandwidth Place [] or Speed Test [].

b) Hard drive space When it comes to movies think gigabytes. An average movie is 700MB. Make sure you have enough space on your hard disk drive. The best solution is to get an external hard drive just to store the classics for your sunset years.

c) Software For BitTorrent – If it’s to be lightweight, super-efficient and feature rich then I wouldn’t hunt beyond uTorrent []. Wikipedia has a detailed comparison [] of BitTorrent clients. Mac OS users can check out the beta version of uTorrent or the cross platform BitTorrent client – Transmission []. For other P2P networks – Limewire [] is P2P software which uses the Gnutella network. It also has limited BitTorrent support. The free and lightweight Limewire clone called Frostwire [] surpasses the original in many respects. Another good one is Shareaza [] which supports Gnutella, Gnutella2, eDonkey Network, BitTorrent, FTP and HTTP.

For FTP – You might come across some file sharing websites allowing FTP transfer. File Transfer Protocol is a very simple client-server exchange process over a network. It is especially useful for bulk 39

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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict transfer of files. FileZilla [] is a popular FTP client. It is lightweight, cross platform and also has a portable version. Mac users can also pick out any one from our review on 8 Free FTP Clients for Mac []. Then there are online FTP clients [] too which let you access files from a public computer.

Archiving / Un-archiving While downloading (or uploading) you are more likely to bump into the RAR/ZIP format than anything else. To extract the files, you need the indispensable archiving application. For free alternatives to WinRAR and WinZip, look at what we think are The Top 3 File Compression & Extraction Software’s [] - Universal Extractor, KGB Archiver and the multi-platform 7-Zip.

Security Downloads and high speed bandwidth are come hither invites for viruses and Trojans. Firewalls and updated anti-virus guards are always the first line defense. The worthy ones are: Zone Alarm Free Firewall, Comodo Firewall, AVG Anti-Virus, and the list continues. While on the topic of security, you can hop over and read this post on the Best Programs to Keep Your Computer Secure [].

Playback The four all-purpose video players that should handle and play any video file are: Windows Media Player, VLC player, Media Player Classic and DivX player. Along with the right codecs which we have covered in the previous section, you should have your all-purpose media box. Check out what is the most popular video player among MakeUseOf readers here [].

File Conversion Media is plural in literal terms and in actuality when we venture into file formats. Being in the digital age, we have more than one type of digital product and sometimes one file format may not play in the other. Thus, having a media converter helps with the mixing and matching. With 5 Easy-to-use Freeware Video Converters [] we have looked at Quick Media Converter, Super Video Converter, Any Video Converter, MediaCoder and Format Factory. If you are looking for a tiny app to convert your videos to carry along in an iPod or a PSP, look at EncodeHD []. It’s a great little app which coverts for devices from Apple, Blackberry, Playstation, X-Box, Zune and even YouTube HD. Read the how-to here []. Linux and Mac users can look at – WinFF and Handbrake for their file conversion jobs. Read about a few more handy apps along with these two here [].


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Burning Utilities Nero is the name which comes to mind first. But why spend $80 when you have lighter alternatives for both your wallet and PC available? Here’s looking at some free alternatives to Nero which can do the job of writing DVDs just as well. 

CDBurner XP [] - At 3.6MB it includes support for Blu Ray/HD DVD and Bin to ISO conversion too.

InfraRecorder [] - Very light and can do multi-session burning and creating dual layer DVDs.

Deep Burner (Free) [] - The free version is slightly restricted but does all the simple jobs.

Ultimate CD/DVD Burner [] - A simple and intuitive interface and has a portable version too.

Burn At Once [] - It has a drag and drop interface and features tagging of media by importing data from FreeDB.

Burn Aware (Free) [] - Is very intuitive, features on the fly recording and supports the Blu Ray format.

ImgBurn [] - If you are looking for an all-rounder, this one comes fits the bill. Supports a wide variety of formats and runs on Linux too.

FAVC [] – This is a free collection of tools using a common GUI to convert your media files, such as AVI, MP4, WMV and more to a DVD disk. FAVC uses several other free software to burn the DVD.

The above applications have been featured in our Best Free Alternatives to Nero CD/DVD Burner [] post. But you might like to take a look at the homepages to see the compatibility with your requirements and hardware. Mac users don’t need to download anything separately as it comes with an integral burner. The inbuilt burner does the job as well and without the need to add anything extra. Read about the four ways to burn CDs and DVDs easily [] on the Mac.


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4. Expanding Your Movie Experience The show’s over and we amble down the aisle towards the exit. Not quite, as this is the World Wide Web motivated PC. There is so much more to play around with.

4.1 Read the lingo with subtitles Don’t ask me why, but I just can’t catch Nicholas Cage’s mumbles. Maybe it’s my ears or the audio coding. But whatever, it’s why I feel that adding subtitles helps a lot to understand the dialogs. Thanks to some sites, now we can add download and add subtitles on our own without ringing the producers. I won’t go into the details of how to overlay subtitles using software like DirectVobSub or how to burn it permanently using Windows software. Simon’s tutorial on How to Add Subtitles to a Movie or TV Series [] should show you the ropes. What I will do is to point you towards some of the better subtitle downloading sites.      

Open Subtitles [] Subscene [] DivX Subtitles [] AllSubs [] Subtitle Source [] Subtitle Online []

All the subtitle sites are searchable. Alternatively, you can also use a web-wide search engine like Subtitlesearch [].


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4.2 Music and Lyrics It’s not about the burnt out singer who falls in love. It is the music and lyrics that play in the background. The melancholic trumpet of a violent ‘The Godfather’ or the solo voice of William Shatner during the opening of Star Trek. The music plays on in some of these sites – SoundTrackInfo [] - This is an exhaustive site for soundtrack info. Use the search feature to browse by movie title, song title, composer’s name, performer’s name or browse movies alphabetically. Soundtrack Collector [] - Share notes on soundtracks of films and TV shows. The site is more like an online community of people interested in movie soundtracks. It also allows you to store your movie soundtrack collection and share wish lists. (Check out the music sites page [] for a list of movie soundtrack sites). Tracksounds [] – The nearly decade old site offers soundtrack reviews, composer interviews and movie contests. ScoreNotes [] – It is a "fan’s" tribute to the genre of film music. An uncluttered interface brings us movie reviews, audio reviews and a music library with MP3 sound clips.

4.3 The words the stars speak How does Johnny Depp speak the dialogs he speaks? Of course, it’s his acting but credit is also due to the unheralded penmanship of men behind the script. Have you ever read a movie script? There are a few sites which host copies of the script for us to look over and of course to appreciate the actors who give life to the one dimensional words.

The Internet Movie Script Database [] sounds a lot like IMDB and it aims to do the same turn to film scripts as has done to indexing films. Or just check out Yahoo’s directory [] of screenplay sites for the bucket list. 43

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4.4 Build your own movie library It starts with a trickle of few classics then maybe your favorite westerns or the entire 11 seasons of M*A*S*H. Soon, your hard drive is being hogged for space and you don’t know where you kept Episode 13 of Season II. It’s always better to become organized before the mass of files builds up to unwieldy levels. Thanks to the choices of online and offline collection managers, file management is a cinch, habit is the problem.

a) Desktop apps to catalog your collection Griffith [] - a cross platform application which refers the movie title and fetches the movie information from the web. It also has multi-language support. GCstar [] - Though primarily for Linux, it also runs under Windows and with some configuration for Mac OS X. It is a well packaged free software. Libra [] - It’s for Windows XP and Vista. Adding features are simple and though it’s more in tune with e-books (has a useful barcode feature), it’s handy for movie collections too. Data Crow [] - Runs on both Mac and Windows. Data Crow takes the entered media name and retrieves information from Amazon and/or IMDB. It also comes with a report (HTML/PDF) tool and backup-restore features. Movienizer [] - This freeware not only helps you manage, track, and research your movie collection but also gathers relevant info on stars, plots, reviews, download DVD covers, add DVD using barcodes and keep track of movies you have lent out. All with mouse clicks. Further reading - 4 Open Source Collection Manager Apps []

b) Online apps to catalog your collection iTrackMine [] - An online collection manager for tracking, trading, and lending various items like movies, books, games, wine, and gadgets. You can add movies by scanning barcodes, searching, importing from files, or from iTunes, CollectorZ, Delicious Library, etc. GuruLib [] - Accesses 530 public and university libraries around the world to collect cataloging information about hard-to-find books, movies, games and software. Also lets you know if the missing piece is available near your location. It is feature rich with provisions to add DVD/Books using barcode images. Also, extends to social networking with a Facebook application, iGoogle Module, RSS Feeds and Blog widgets. DVD Corral [] - An online DVD cataloging service with a slick interface. Export your preexisting catalog the online service in CSV, XML formats. Cataloging is free without limits and it also lets you buy movies or view online from Amazon and Netflix. DVDAficionado [] - Share, browse, and search your collection, get cheapest 44

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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict prices and do all this using your cellphone. DVD Aficionado is very handy for collecting DVDs and finding bargains on DVDs. DVDCrate [] – You can track your collection from multiple perspectives using this online service. Figure out who your favorite actress really is or your most liked genre. Share reviews of films you have watched or enter your wish list. Further reading - 5 Ways to Catalog Your Movies Online []

4.5 Spruce it up with wallpapers, posters and CD covers Remember the wonder years, when the walls had more paper than paint. Chock-a-bloc with every pretty face we could find. Now we plaster the computer screen. The magic of movie posters and wallpapers never fades (Sharon Stone’s sultry eyes looking over Michael Douglas’ shoulder or Christopher Reeves with billowing cape over the Earth!).

a) Wallpapers I have listed just three as sample examples.   

MovieWallpapers [] Cinematic Wallpaper [] AtoWW []

Wallpaper and poster sites are dime a dozen; a Google search yields those many. Then there are also still the official movie sites which bring out wallpapers as a promotional vehicle.

b) Online tools for creating CD covers and sleeves This is a more niche requirement. Creating personalized DVD covers is just another facet of an organized mind. PaperCDCase [] has an interface which helps to create print ready PDF files which can be folded to create CD cases. The cover can be designed to show information like mailing information tracks and little graphics. Use a CD search engine to find out if anyone has created a similar cover before.


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See the paper case page at Liquid Mongoose [] which gives you the ability to find relevant album art and turn a fold-able piece of paper into a CD or DVD case.

A similar site is CoverCreator [] which uses a Flash cover maker to design your own CD/DVD covers or booklets and then print them out.


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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict CD Covers [] claims to be the world’s largest archive of covers. Search from a large quantity of music and movie covers, free of charge. You can either drag the image to their cover printing software where it’s made ready to print or you can download the image to your computer.


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The Internet Guide for the Movie Addict Articles on Movies and Related Websites Through this short guide we have merely played out the first few scenes. A lot of other relevant sites and tools have missed a mention here and many continue to debut each day. Here at, we are usually on the ball with our constant lookout for exciting websites, web apps and freewares to write about. Over the past months, check out what’s all been said on movies and media here… 

MakeUseOf ‘Movie’ Articles []

Directory of ‘Movie’ Sites and Applications []

And He Rode Into The Sunset…

Every good thing must come to an end. Thankfully with movies, there’s always a fresh one to look forward too. We hope you have taken something from this little guide, something that will help you find a great movie for the perfect two hours. Let’s end with Humphrey Bogart famously misquoted line from Casablanca – “Play it again, Sam.” 49

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