The University of Virginia Accelerated Master’s Degree In Systems Engineering for working professionals AMP-lify your career!
In the Accelerated Master’s Program in Systems Engineering you can earn your Master’s degree in one year while continuing to work full-time. AMP students study with outstanding faculty and extraordinary classmates. Join us in Charlottesville for two weeks in residence and twenty Fri/Sat weekends starting in May. Are you up for the challenge of a rigorous one-year Master’s program? FindInformation out more at anSession Regional
6:00 - 7:30 Wednesday, March 21 AMPpm, Information Session 1501 Wilson Blvd. Wednesday, October 26 Rosslyn, VA QN t 4"*$ &OUFSQSJTF #VJMEJOH To register to attend, click the “Sign Up� link on the AMP web site.