UPS Inside Sales Competencies

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Competencies COMPETENCY NAME Financial Concepts

DEFINITION Analyzes information to determine the specific financial impact to the customer and the company. Evaluates data to determine financial patterns, tendencies, and trends.

Proficiencies N/A 1 2 3 4

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency. Describes financial terminology; explains financial concepts. (Minimal) Gathers and analyzes financial information; performs cost/benefit analyses using provided tools and under direction of others; uses this information to recommend solutions that benefit the company and the customer. Recommends course of action based on the financial analysis results under the direction of others; takes action to implement decisions that benefit the company and customers. (Proficient) Advises others on how to perform financial analyses.

COMPETENCY NAME UPS & Competitors’ Services – Building Solutions

DEFINITION Applies knowledge of company products and services in selling to customers.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency. (Minimal)


Describes basic products and services offered by the company; explains features of selected products and services.


Identifies competition and the features of their products and services; describes types of customers that would benefit from selected products and services; compares and contrasts company and competitor products and services.


Explains strategies for standard products and services; identifies business cycles such as timing and seasonal trends’ adapts products and services information to varying situations or groups; demonstrates knowledge of competitive pressures and how they impact the company’s bottom line; reacts to positively position company products and services in the context of the competitive pressures. (Proficient)


Advises others about product and service features; seeks opportunities to build products and services knowledge at an organizational level; evaluates and improves the use of products and services knowledge to attain desired business objectives; identifies and communicates requirements of new products and services; estimates the impact of new products and services on multiple business results.



Develops Sales Call Strategies

DEFINITION Identifies and develops course of action for sales calls to customers. Ensures strategies support organizational goals, meet customer needs, and accommodate organizational constraints.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Describes organization’s, customers’, and stakeholders’ goals; identifies organization’s policies and procedures; describes the importance of strategy.


Identifies issues or additional opportunities not captured by current sales call strategies; identifies how competitive, customer, supplier, industry, and marketplace trends impact a call strategy; develops specific objectives for each sales call with long and short term goals in mind for both the company and the customer. (Minimal and Proficient)


Develops short and long term customer strategies and plans that align with other parts of the organization; balances business, technical, and operational strategy requirements; integrates plan for multiple programs, strategies, and projects so they support one another without redundancy.


Advises others on how to develop account strategies that meet the organization’s, customers’, and stakeholders’ goals.



DEFINITION Persuades others; expresses ideas in ways which lead customers to share and agree with his or her perspective; influences others through personal credibility.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Displays confidence by tone of voice, manner of speech, and non-verbal cues; establishes credibility and respect; communicates opinions and viewpoints clearly and professionally without offense; identifies key decision makers within a client relationship. (Minimal)


Provides input to customers’ decisions; presents multiple arguments, facts, logic, and concrete examples to support position; presents ideas in an assertive, persuasive, and compelling manner.


Adapts persuasive techniques and approaches to varying situations or groups; guides or strongly impacts others’ decisions; identifies perspectives of customers and customer decision criteria and overcomes objections and points of difference. (Proficient)


Advises others on influencing skills; identifies and addresses hidden influences, such as underlying feelings, and encourages open discussion; evaluates and improves effectiveness of personal influence.



Solution Selling

DEFINITION Identifies opportunities for company products and services to improve the effectiveness of customer businesses and/or improve customer financial returns. Positions these opportunities effectively to customers.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Demonstrates knowledge of customer businesses; recognizes key drivers of customer business performance; recognizes how company products and services are used in the customers’ businesses. (Minimal)


Identifies customer needs based on knowledge of customer business and knowledge of company products and services; recognizes how company products and services can improve the effectiveness of customers’ businesses (e.g., faster service, more reliable service) and/or improve the customers’ financial returns.


Positions the value company products and services can add to the customer’s business so that the customer can clearly understand the impacts and advantages to his or her business; is viewed as knowledgeable about his or her business by the customer and is viewed as a business partner. (Proficient)


Advises others in how to develop account strategies that improve the effectiveness of customers’ businesses and/or improve the customers’ financial returns.



Verbal and Written Communication

DEFINITION Expresses complex ideas and solutions clearly and simply. Is effective in both written and oral communications.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Describes the importance of clear and concise written and verbal communication; organizes and presents his or her perspective in a logical manner; expresses ideas clearly; demonstrates proper grammar and word use in verbal and written communication. (Minimal)


Selects the most appropriate method to deliver communication; adapts communication content based upon audience level and needs; produces concise, well structured, and organized written and oral communication messages; tailors communication to different audiences so that the messages are understood. (Proficient)


Clearly communicates differing viewpoints on complex conceptual issues in both verbal discussions and written documents; identifies and summarizes main points from an ambiguous communication; demonstrates effective communication style to generate excitement for topics, create support for new ideas, and motivate others.


Influences and motivates multiple, diverse stakeholders through effective writing and speaking.





DEFINITION Listens attentively to others in a way that demonstrates respect and empathy. Uses listening skills to identify customer needs.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Listens attentively when others are speaking; provides others the opportunity to speak; can identify key points and issues others are making. (Minimal)


Shows empathy and summarizes others’ issues and comments in a way that conveys understanding.


Identifies customer business needs that are not explicitly stated based on what the customer is saying. (Proficient)


Identifies customer business needs that are not explicitly stated even with customers who are difficult to understand or present their ideas in ways that are not targeted or clear.




DEFINITION Takes responsibility for delivering on commitments. Is responsive to customer needs.

Proficiencies N/A

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency.


Identifies what his or her responsibilities are and what the expectations are for those responsibilities.


Makes commitments based on the ability to deliver. Performs the tasks/activities required to fulfill commitments made. (Minimal and Proficient)


Volunteers for commitments or responsibilities when the need arises.


Proactively identifies tasks needing completion and takes responsibility for them.




Anticipation of Client/Individual Needs (Short-term) Identifies, monitors, and measures customer or business needs to guide recommendations, decisions, and actions. Proficiencies N/A 1 2 3 4

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency. Uses existing data to researches past customer needs as well as current and future industry trends to identify future business opportunities. (Minimal) Actively researches additional sources for gathering data about client business needs. Identifies business development opportunities and develops appropriate solutions. (Proficient) Anticipates future client needs using information from multiple sources and creates sales strategies that meet these needs. Advises others on how to anticipate future client needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.



Getting to Decision Criteria

DEFINITION Asks probing questions to identify customer needs and decision criteria.

Proficiencies N/A 1 2 3 4

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency. Identifies the importance of using questioning techniques to identify customer needs. Uses questioning techniques effectively to probe for information on customer businesses and isolate business needs. (Minimal and Proficient) Uses questioning techniques to lead customer thinking and influence customer decision making. Advises others on using questioning techniques to identify customer needs and lead customer thinking.




DEFINITION Establishes strategy, desired outcomes, priorities, and appropriate concessions. Asks questions to uncover points of agreement and disagreement. Discusses alternatives and bargains for win-win solutions. Closes contracts.

Proficiencies N/A 1 2 3 4

The employee has not had the opportunity to demonstrate or has not demonstrated the behaviors associated with this competency. Defines techniques/methods of negotiation; identifies stakeholders/participants in negotiation; describes parties’ objectives. (Minimal) Recognizes impact of negotiation proceedings on business; maintains focus on basic issues; secures consensus to achieve main objectives. (Proficient) Identifies and removes barriers to arguments; employs multiple strategies/actions to persuade others; wins concessions without damaging relationships. Negotiates agreements that satisfy the interests of multiple parties; anticipates objections and overcomes resistance; advises others about negotiation strategies.


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