diccionary skill

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Name _Carla Bustos Jiménez_ Date _16/11/2009_ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1

Dictionary Skills Directions: Using a dictionary, find the meaning to each of the following highlighted word and scenarios.

1. If you were beautifying your neighborhood park, what might you be doing to it? _Planting flowers_ 2. If you didn't understand the lingo used in a book, what don't you understand? _The language_ 3. If an artist asked to hold their palette, what would you be holding? _Aboard to mix colours_ 4. If you were told that the water in your house was not potable, what would you do? _I would not drink the water_ 5. If a doctor used a rhino scope to examine you, what body part would they be looking at? _My house_ 6. If your friend said she was growing spelt, what would she be growing? _Cereals(wheat)_ 7. Where would you find a hackamore? _In Spain_ 8. Where might you find an exergue? _In a book_ 9. When running, if you are feeling lethargic what should you do? You should stop_ 10. If you hired a pettifogger, whom would you be hiring? _A lawer_ 11. If your shirt reeks, what should you do with it? _ You should wash it_ 12. If you owned a sesterce, what would you do with it? _I woul buy something__ 13. Name three living things that are apodal? _A hamster, A horse and a person_ Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2

Dictionary Skills Words A-C Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. arrogant. He is arrogant, because he left whithout saying goodbye 2. ambiguous This commentary is ambiguous 3. amorphous My aunt has an amorphous personality 4. agenda My agenda is tidy 5. apathy The apathy of this weekend was due to my personal problems. 6. blueprinting The architect did his blueprinting 7. comprehensive They did a report comprehensive about an accident of traffic 8. convention Today the town council of my town talk about the park in a convention 9. conform He usually conforms to their wishes 10. condemn He was condemn and now he is serving his sentence Name ___________________________ Date ___________________

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Dictionary Skills Words D-F Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. deliberate the jury have been deliberating over their verdict for a number of days. 2. defendant the defendant do play innocent 3. detrimental Smoking is detrimental for your health. 4. diverge I diverge to you for explain the exercises 5. extraneous My classmate is extraneous. 6. elusiveI I’ve been very elusive the unit four thisw year. 7. erratic My peancil is erratic to your 8. exploit The work of my father is exploit old building 9. exacerbate 10. fundamental Eat is fundamental for live Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 4

Dictionary Skills: Words G-I Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. gullible My cousin is so gullible that people could sell her anything 2. ghastly This dress is ghastly 3. heir I am heir of my mother 4. hoard This boy has a hoard of food in his house 5. hypocrite I can’t stand this hypocrite 6. hypothesis That you go to my house was a hypothesis 7. ingenious My granddad is ingenious 8. integrity Pilar was integrity in our group of friends 9. inaudible I can’t listen music, because is inaudible. 10. implausible This sentences is implausible Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5

Dictionary Skills Words J-M Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. jargon This builfighter use their jargon for talk between they. 2. lament I lament that my grandma is died 3. lofty Iker Casillas is lofty, because he go other countries for help them. 4. lampoon The old women of my town lampoon the other peoples that isn’t like their

5. levity My pilot can be move whit levity 6. lurid My granddad is lurid since the last mouth 7. mediocre This object is mediocre, because was cheap 8. meticulous My friend Alejandra is meticulous, never arrive late 9. methodical My boat of carton is methodicar,because is made in order 10. migrate He migrate to Spain Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 6

Dictionary Skills Words N-O Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. novel He wrote the novel: ‘’Amar en Tiempos Revueltos’’ 2. nullify We nullify the contract 3. negate They negate their marriage 4. objective Our objective is learn a lot. 5. obsolete This car is obsolete. 6. ominous This house is ominous. 7. omniscient God is omniscient, because he knows all things 8. oblivious He was oblivious to what did when he was drunk 9. obliterate When she has an accident with the car, she obliterate this memory. 10. opaque The wood is opaque and hard. Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 7

Dictionary Skills Words P Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. prodigal My friend is a prodigal person because he squander his money in unnecessary things. 2. plagiarize There is people who plagiarize some designer clothes. 3. philanthropy The philanthropy is the love to mankind. 4. preclude I precluded of my football team when split me the leg 5. promontory In this plain there is a promontory 6. plateau This plateau is very long. 7. parochial I am parochial of La Zubia 8. proposition I have the proposicion of lot study 9. precarious You have precarious when run 10. paucity Some people have paucity of food and drink Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 8

Dictionary Skills Words Q-R Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. quarry I hunt a quarry

2. quibble you can’t quibble over anything 3. rectify I know rectify 4. reconcile I reconciled after of the argument 5. residual They eat the residual of the bull 6. reminiscence I have reminiscence of when my grandma give me the sweets 7. recluse the monk is recluse 8. redundant she was made redundant 9. revelation The disc revelation of this year is: La Ley Innata 10. reiterate Can you reiterate this sentence? Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9

Dictionary Skills Words S Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. sanction This action deserve a sanction 2. solitude My neighbour complain of her solitude 3. superficial The damage of the accident are superficial 4. systematic We are reducing the systematic mistake 5. scepticism The scepticism is doubt of the truth 6. stoic He has a stoic behavior in view of the seriousness of the situation 7. stupefy The notice stupefy 8. subdue He was subdue to pressure many years. 9. serene He is serene, because has taking a pastille 10. strive I can strive more in Physical Education Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 10

Dictionary Skills Words T Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. taciturn He is taciturn because he fail his exam. 2. tactless The president of this country did a tactless comment. 3. tamper They tampered my lock for live in my house. 4. tangible Now the profit of the company are tangible 5. tawdry She is tawdry because she is wearing a printed shirt and a checked trousers. 6. temperate The temperature of the planet is higher than two years ago. 7. temporal This job is temporal, because I look for another. 8. tenacious My sister is very tenacious in her studies. 9. tenet The tenet of the book is boring. 10. tensile I have the neck tensile, because I am under stress Name ___________________________ Date ___________________ ©Teachnology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 11

Dictionary Skills Words U-Z

Directions: Use each of the following words in a complete sentence. 1. utopian In this moment that all the people live in peace is utopian. 2. volatile My friend is volatile, because you never Know that she is going to do. 3. virtue Being patient is a virtue 4. variable In autumn the weather is variable 5. vague He always loses his keys, he always is vague. 6. zeal I wait her arrived with zeal. 7. unwieldy The car of my granddad is unwieldy, because it is very old 8. usury He is usury and make more money. 9. vademecum My grandmother has a vademecum of when she was a child 10. yule In yule my family dinner together

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