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The Fintech Ecosystem

Finance(seeFigure12),orasanintermediaryplatformbetween banksandindividuals.Digitalplatformsalsoallowindividualsto lendmoneyviapeer-to-peerpaymentstechnologysecurelyand safely without requiring cash withdrawal or wire transfer service.Microfinanceinstitutionsprovideshort-termloansthat can be used in conjunction with microinsurance to cover a person’s out-of-pocket healthcare expenses while waiting for insurancereimbursement.

Figure 12. Case study 3: Arogya Finance—Alternative Risk Scoring Stimulating Digital Lending for the Underbanked

The Fintech Ecosystem

Thefintechecosystemconsistsofgovernmentregulators,startups, telecommunications companies, banks, financial service organizations, and fintech associations. Each of these organizations has a role to play in driving sector-wide innovation, creating desirable products, negotiating partnerships, and creating sustainable infrastructure and regulatorypathways.

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