Faculty Scholarship Grant Commencing in 2021, this annual partnership with the Association for Academic Support Educators (AASE) has sponsored 15 Scholars from the academic success and bar prep areas to pursue and develop new scholarship in the field. Unlike their faculty peers, most academic support and bar preparation staff are not eligible for funds or time devoted to research; therefore, the grant program serves to support the professional development of Scholar participants and encourages upward career trajectory. The results of this partnership with AASE are illustrated at the AASE Annual Conference, where for the past three years AccessLex | AASE Faculty Scholars have presented their research. Moreover, the impact of the Scholars’ work has been recognized in the field, with two articles accepted for law review publication and a third poised for acceptance.
• Who Watches the Watchmen? Using the Law Governing Lawyers
to Identify the Applicant Duty Gap and Hold Bar Examiner Gatekeepers Accountable – Ashley London
• Building Belonging: Proven Methods to Decrease Attrition and Best Serve Law Students – Leila Lawlor