Access Insight - July 2017

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JULY 2017

WINNERS ANNOUNCED 2017 NSW Disability Access Inclusion Awards

Mark Relf

AWARDED MEMBER (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia

Update on Australian Standard on Wayfinding - AS1428.4.2 NDIS Specialist Disability Housing explained

ACCESS 2017 Conference


FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK by Mark Relf President of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia


fter many years of faithful service we have decided to retire Airwaves and commence a new era of newsletter to our members with Access Insight. Thanks to Francis Lenny for the inspired title.

Lastly I must thank Farah Madon for her immense effort in bring Access Insight to reality.

Our aim is to develop a newsletter that is both reflective of the membership while also providing information that can benefit members and build the profile of ACAA to a wider audience.

What’s new at Standards Australia – while there has been on and off discussion about several important Standards relevant to Access Consultants I can advise that;

The new look Access Insight will trial a few ideas of the coming months including feature articles, member opportunities to showcase your work, tips and tools for being an Access Consultant, library resources plus all the regular information items. While this edition has a focus on NSW we would like to hear from other states and territories for the next editions. I hope you enjoy the read and we look forward to your feedback through this SURVEY, in particular what you would like to see in coming editions.

Standards Australia

• AS 2890.5 – Off Street Parking and AS 2890.2 are being revised. • AS 1428.4.2 – Is out for public comment which closes on 2nd August 2017. • TS 3695.3 – Wheelchairs Part 3: Requirements for designation of powered wheelchair and mobility scooters for public transport and/or road related area use is out for public comment which closes 7th August 2017.

AS1428.4.2 – 2nd Public Draft Comment Period I urge members to please read the document which has been dramatically reduced compared to the first draft in an effort to achieve incremental improvement of the scope of Part

IN THIS ISSUE CPD Opportunities.................................6 NDIS Specialist Disability Housing Explained...............................................7 What's New...........................................8 2017 NSW Disability Access Inclusion Awards...................................................9 Update on the Australian Standard AS1428.4.2........................................... 16 ACAA Matters....................................... 17 Resources............................................ 18 Hot Apps.............................................. 19


The Association of Consultants in Access Australia

Address: 20 Maud Street, Geelong VIC 3220 Email: Phone: +61 3 5221 2820 Web: Editor: Farah Madon July Issue Cover Photo: Kennedy Associates Architects

Please email the Editor if you would like to showcase your project on the Cover of the next Access Insight


D3.6 of the BCC and Premises Standards. Importantly, please read the standards as if you were applying to a design or audit and provide feedback as to whether it is practical or whether it needs more diagrams or modified text. Jane Bryce provides a great overview of the task and hurdles to date and what the draft includes.

TS 3695.3 - Wheelchairs Part 3 - Public Draft Comment Period This Technical Specification is of extreme importance to people who use wheelchair and scooters as it is seeking to establish a regulation for Blue and White label registration that will allow or deny people using wheelchairs and scooters on public transport (Blue Label) and in the public domain (White Label). The TS incorporates several test methods for turning and manoeuvring that differ from AS1428.1 and hence the DDA Premises Standards and the DDA Public Transport Standard, which in my opinion are fundamentally flawed and actually reduce the rights of people with disabilities. The proposed test methods are, in my opinion, inconsistent with the objective of the DDA and while I have been relatively vocal at committee meetings I am outnumbered by engineers and therapists telling me what’s good for me. If you have an interest in the above items either visit the Standards website or email me.

ACAA NSW Seminar – Inclusion by Design & Disability Inclusion Access Awards Finally after many months of planning the NSW Network hosted the 2nd seminar for 2017 at the University of NSW. The seminar embraced the theme of disability inclusion within the built environment as the prelude to the 2017 NSW Disability Access Inclusion Awards, which you can read more about on the following pages. The event kicked off with a brief welcome from Professor Catherine Bridge who spoke about the research work being undertaken by UNSW and the formation of the Disability Innovation Institute that will focus on harnessing all research and innovation across all UNSW faculties. If you know of access and inclusion research in your state and territory please drop us a line. As a great example of Inclusion by Design the audience obtained the opportunity to listen to the new guidelines for Changing Places sanitary facilities, thanks to Bruce Bromley, and with a little state rivalry the NSW Lift and Change equivalent presented by Frances Van Zinnen and John Evernden. This was followed by a Great presentation by Dr Phillippa Carnemolla, who has recently departed from UNSW to University of Technology Sydney to establish the Built Environment Informatics and Innovation Research Centre (BEII). Phillippa completed a continued page 20

Photo: Prof. Catherine Bridge

Photo: Francis Van Zinnen, John Everden and Bruce Bromley

July 2017


Vale to Dr Max Murray A star over Townsville: in memory of Max Murray


t is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of Dr Max Murray, the founding spirit and inaugural President of ACAA, who passed away on the 23rd July 2017 from a short bout of pneumonia. Max had made “access” his life after incurring a C5 spinal cord injury in 1980 and living with the impact of quadriplegia paralysis (now known as tetraplegia). Like many stories of people with spinal cord injury from that era the brutal reality of living with quadriplegia really sinks in upon discharge form a spinal unit and in Max’s story that was Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane. Like most experiences of people with quadriplegia prior to the late 1990’s the home, the workplace and the community were largely not wheelchair accessible, and at times hostile environments. Not to be daunted by his disability, Max continued his work with James Cook Photo Credit (background image) Phil Copp Photos

University as a research supervisor in the field of tropical veterinary science, being promoted to Associate Professor in 1990. Max has received many awards for his dedicated work which culminated in being awarded the Centenary Medal in 2011 and joining an elite group of Outstanding Alumni of James Cook University. Max decided to retire from JCU in 1994 to concentrate on his access agenda. But of course this was no ordinary retirement as this was just the beginning of his new career and to formalise what he already knew he embarked on a new path of learning studying computer architectural drafting, residential drafting, kitchen and bathroom design and a Diploma in Architectural Technology in order to gain Building Services Authority licences for his Access Designs consultancy. Simultaneously, with a sense of urgency as he and his wife Anita travelled extensively across Australia to campaign for better access to the

MURRAY, Ray Maxwell (“Max”) 5th November 1938 - 23rd July 2017

built environment. Eventually, in October 2000 in a meeting room at Standards Australia the Association for Consultants in Access Australia was born. Max was elected unopposed as the President and held the position for 10 years until he retired in 2010 and dare I say if it were not for Max’s efforts ACAA would never have formed. Other highlights of Max’s career include; the important work that he, with Robert Jones undertook on the ABCB Building Access Policy Committee in the development of the Premises Standards, which commenced in 1995 and was finally enacted in 2010. Can you imagine 15 years of tireless work, which was recognised by the Australian Human Rights Commission? During Max’s presidency of ACAA, he worked tenaciously to see the development of Access consultancy as a qualified profession and was the prime motivator in the development of the Certificate IV and Diploma qualifications and in 2012 the Graduate Diploma qualification. I know in his final days he became deeply

concerned when he heard the news that moves were being made to cancel the Graduate Diploma qualification for Access Consultants. We will work to preserve his legacy. There is so much more to say to honour Max … which will be documented by many people whose lives were touched by Max’s infectious passion for equal and inclusive access, but for now we must all say a huge thank you to Max and his extremely dedicated wife Anita for all their tireless work campaigning for the basic human right of access for people with disabilities. Max never sought personal glory for his work … he just wanted others to “get it right” when they designed and built something. Our sincere condolences to Anita and a sad farewell to Max, a remarkable man. We will miss you deeply and your place at the table at Standards Australia will always be there. Mark Relf ACAA President

CPD OPPORTUNITIES ACAA NSW Access Consultant Network Meeting Details of next meeting TBA. Contact ACAA NSW Chairperson Robyn Thompson for details.

ACAA QLD Access Consultant Network Meeting Date: 29th August 2017, 1pm-4pm. Contact ACAA QLD Chairperson Cynthia Lawes for details.

ACAA SA Access Consultant Network Meeting Date: 29th August 2017, 10am to 11:30am Contact ACAA SA Chairperson Grant Wooller for details.

ACAA VIC Access Consultant Network Meeting Details of next meeting TBA. Contact ACAA VIC Chairperson Kellie Millar for details.

ACAA WA Access Consultant Network Meeting Date: 5th September 2017, 4pm to 5:30pm Details of next meeting TBA. Contact ACAA WA Chairperson Anita Harrop for details.

ACAA 2017 National Conference CLICK HERE for further details

U.S. Access Board Webinar: Surface Roughness and Rollability Research This webinar is scheduled for August 3 from 2:30 – 4:00 (ET) and will cover the results from a Board study that assessed how the roughness of pathway surfaces impacts wheelchair travel. CLICK HERE to register for the webinar.

Home Modifications Australia (MOD.A) National Conference This conference will take place on 14 and 15 August at ANZ Stadium, Sydney Olympic Park. CLICK HERE for further details.

Australian Network for Universal Housing Design ANUHD 2017 Housing Forum on Tuesday 15 August 2017 1.30pm to 5pm at Conference Centre Sydney Olympic Stadium. CLICK HERE for further details.

Assistive Technology Australia Endless Possibilities for All

Home Modifications Course CPPACC5016A and CPPACC4020A 2017 Dates 25-26 Jul (Toowoomba, QLD) 08-09 Aug (Blacktown, NSW) - fully booked 22-23 Aug (Blacktown, NSW) 05-06 Sep (Blacktown, NSW) 19-20 Sep (Coffs Harbour, NSW) Time:

9:30am - 4:30pm

Duration: 2 days Fee:


CLICK HERE for more information about this course 6



NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation explained


pecialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) refers to housing scheme under NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme). SDA is defined as “Accommodation for people who require specialist housing solutions, including to assist with the delivery of supports that cater for their extreme functional impairment or very high support needs”. NDIA have provided 4 documents that relate to SDA: • SDA Rules 2016 • SDA Pricing and Payments • SDA Registration and dwelling enrolment • SDA Operational Guidelines The SDA price guide, details the Minimum Design Category Requirements for 5 types of SDA: 1. Basic which is defined as “Housing without specialist design features but with a location or other features that cater for the needs of people with disability and assist with the delivery of support services” 2. Improved Liveability which is defined as “Housing that has been designed to improve ‘liveability’ by incorporating a reasonable level of physical access and enhanced provision for people with sensory, intellectual or cognitive impairment” 3. Fully Accessible Housing which is defined as “Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment”

4. Robust which is defined as “Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision and be very resilient, reducing the likelihood of reactive maintenance and reducing the risk to the participant and the community” 5. High Physical Support which is defined as “Housing that has been designed to incorporate a high level of physical access provision for people with significant physical impairment and requiring very high levels of support.” In addition to a number of requirements it is essential for the Improved Liveability and Robust Housing to achieve Livable Housing Australia ‘Silver’ level and for the Fully Accessible and High Physical Support housing to achieve Livable Housing Australia ‘Platinum’ level. Further details in regards to requirements can be found on pages 16 and 17 of the “SDA Pricing and Payment” document. However further work is required to detail out the requirements as noted in the Pricing Guide. ACAA has partnered with Summer Housing and Summer Foundation to discuss experiences with SDA certification, LHA certification and seek to develop a benchmark of acceptable design based on the intent of the NDIS’ SDA Price Guide. So watch this space for further information…………

July 2017


WHAT’S NEW Mark Relf awarded Member (AM) in the General Division of the Order of Australia


t was very exciting to see Mark Relf honoured in the Queen’s Birthday Awards 2017. Mark was made a member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to people with a disability, through accessibility standards and inclusion, and through advisory roles.


Mark has made a very significant contribution to our community, professional access consulting and improving access for all, he is very deserving of this recognition and we thank him for his hard work and congratulate him on this award.

Nominations for 2017 National Disability Awards Open


he Hon Jane Prentice MP, Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services has announced that nominations are now open for the 2017 National Disability Awards. The Awards are part of the Australian Government’s International Day of People with Disability, a United Nations (UN) sanctioned day celebrated each year on 3 December and will have the following categories. • Lesley Hall Leadership Award – recognises excellence in development of reform opportunities that improve the lives of people with disability. • Employer of the Year Award • Community Excellence Award • Excellence in Innovation Award • Excellence in Education and Training Award To submit a nomination, visit



CS-MST-H089 Rev. 0

2017 NSW DISABILITY ACCESS INCLUSION AWARDS by Robyn Thompson Chairperson of the ACAA-NSW Access Consultants Network


he Association of Consultants for Access in Australia (ACAA), in partnership with the NSW Department of Family and Community Services (FACS) have been proud to recently hold the inaugural 2017 NSW Access Inclusion Awards. The awards aimed to recognise achievements in enabling people with disabilities to fully participate in community life through the creation of an accessible built environment. Awards were given in the following categories: • Category 1 Residential • Category 2 Non-Residential • Category 3 Outdoor Public Domain There were 4 judges, Robyn Thompson and Bruce Cameron representing ACAA, and on behalf of the Department of Family and Community Services, Brad Wotton and Michael Patterson. Photo: Mr John Bailey, HR Director of FACS being presented a Certificate of Appreciation by ACAA President Mark Relf and ACAA-NSW Chairperson Robyn Thompson

As these were the inaugural Inclusion Awards the judges commented that it has been a learning process for both the entrants and the judging panel. Entries within each category were extremely varied (in size, budget, design brief and legislative requirements) which made the process of comparison difficult. The judges felt that the entries were of a high standard and demonstrated, that following the implementation of the Disability (Access to Premises - Buildings) Standards (2010) inclusive design has been demonstrated over the full range of projects in each category; however they observed that even a higher level of excellence is potentially achievable. It is hoped future awards will be able to showcase ongoing achievements. Our thanks go out to NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services for funding and presenting the awards.

And the winners are...

July 2017



CATEGORY 1 - Residential Building Project: Belle Apartments: Hunter Housing Demonstration Project Access Consultant: Aja Goddard - BCA Access Solutions Pty Ltd Architect: MSM & Associates Pty Ltd Builder: Base Build Pty Ltd


This private residential development of 110 units, includes ten apartments for people with a disability integrated throughout the development, which are co-ordinated by the Summer Foundation. An additional apartment is used as an office and sleepover space for disability support workers. The judges were in full agreement that the project demonstrates a high standard of well appointed, fully accessible, integrated housing, which includes smart home technology and support. The project design goes beyond the minimum legislative criteria and includes accessible furniture, equipment, assistive technology, joinery and services that maximise a person’s abilities through the removal of barriers and provision of enabling devices and support services.



July 2017



CATEGORY 2 - Non-Residential Building Project: Action Stations, Australian National Maritime Museum Access Consultant: Mark Relf - Accessibility Solutions Architect: Francis-Jones Morehen and Thorp (FJMT) Builder: Stephen Edwards Constructions


Action All Stations, at the Australian Maritime Museum has created an on wharf accessible building whose exterior and interior architecture embraces a naval theme designed to enhance the museum experience for people who cannot board other museum vessels below deck. The judges were impressed with this strategy to provide an alternate “vessel” experience which is barrier free throughout. In addition, it was noted that the displays within the gallery areas are created in a manner that enhances access for people who use a wheelchair, while the Immersive Experience “action all stations” video provides a range of visual and sensory elements to enable people with various disabilities to obtain maximum experience. The displays also included hands-on memorabilia and other items for a tactile experience for people with vision impairment and physical limitations including scale models of some parts of the vessels.



July 2017



CATEGORY 3 - Outdoor Public Domain Space Project: Wet'n'Wild Sydney Access Consultants: Howard Moutrie - Accessible Building Solutions and Farah Madon - Vista Access Architects Architect: The Buchan Group, Sydney Builder: Lipman

VIDEO LINK This Village Roadshow thrill ride theme park in Western Sydney is a theme park which traditionally, due to safety and insurance requirements would not be considered to be accessible. However, despite these limitations the judges were impressed by the strategy to make the facility as accessible as possible. This included consultation with a number of disability groups to determine what they would like to see provided. The park includes reasonable percentages of accessible pool experiences, as well as accessible furniture and facilities. In particular, the accessibility guide to the park and rides, added to the potential inclusive experience for park visitors. The judges were impressed by the commentary on the effectiveness of the design by BJ a young wheelchair user and his mother Julie.

“I was surprised last weekend when we visited to find that we stayed all day and left having had a great day of experiences. The smile never left BJ’s face and we found that wheelchair access was surprisingly good” Julie Jones, Have Wheelchair Will Travel




July 2017



Update on the Australian Standard on Wayfinding AS1428.4.2 By Jane Bryce


any people will ask why the Wayfinding Standard has taken so long to develop and why the current draft differs from the original one which was circulated. Great question! When the Standard’s Working Group first started developing content for this Standard, the list of topics to be covered was diverse, including defined or legible footpaths with the aim to address the wayfinding needs of people with a wide range of disabilities. The Standard will be presented to the ABCB for consideration in future revisions of the NCC. To enable the standard to be referenced by the NCC, it is important that any inclusions be the minimum recommended outcome and that they are measurable to ensure that implementation within the built environment is consistently and predictably applied in installation across sites. As flagged by earlier wayfinding researchers, writing content in a manner that can be consistently implemented proved to be a significant challenge. The initial draft public comment response was significant, with over 1000 comments. The message received by the committee was


that many respondents were not supportive resulting in limited possibility of the ABCB referencing the standard. The committee needed to decide whether to pursue writing a standard with broader content which would be a non-mandatory standard or reduce the scope for this first publication. The decision was made to focus initially on improvements to the provision of signage. The view of the committee is that this is an achievable starting point. In the future, more content can be developed and incorporated. The current draft of the standard includes the following: Section 2 - location for signage - The aim of this section is to confirm that a person who is blind or has low vision knows that they have arrived at their destination Section 3 - position for signage - This section nominates the height range for a variety of signs Section 4 - requirements for the content of the sign The Wayfinding Standard is available for public comment until August 2, 2017. The committee would very much welcome comments in the context of the information provided above.



From the ACAA Committee of Management June 2017


ummary of the Decisions and Discussions of the last committee of management meeting are noted below and further details can be found on the member’s portal of the ACAA website. • Assistive Technology Australia is seeking industry support from ACAA to add the Cert IV and Diploma in Access Consultancy to their scope of training delivery. The ACAA has agreed to support their submission to Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). • ACAA Conference registrations are now open for early/early birds member offer. All details can be found at http:// • The Mentoring Portal is now open on the website. A Mentoring Forum has been

Committee contact details President Mr Mark Relf Conference, Policies and Procedures, ACAA Research into Luminance Contrast

set-up on the acaa-forums. This forum is for members learning how to practice as Access Consultants seeking advice and supportive collegial mentoring. • There is a full review being conducted on the CPD process. The CPD requirements of allied organisations are currently being assessed. • ACAA President Mark Relf and Michael Small met with the Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Mr Alastair McEwin in relation to the Premises Standard Review. ACAA has offered our services to the Human Rights Commission, should it be required. • There are three papers being prepared in relation to the Luminous Contrast Research. 1. Technical aspects of the formula; 2. The equipment including the validity of the current provisions within the standard; 3. Related to Phase 2 research and methodology. These are separate to the thesis.

Vice President Ms Farah Madon Editor of Access Insight, ACAA Practice Notes, Membership, ACAA Representative to RAIA NAWG (National Access Work Group) Treasurer Ms Lindsay Perry Finance, Membership Secretary Mr Terry Osborn Website, Conference, Membership, Policies and Procedures Ordinary Member Ms Cathryn Grant Policies and Procedures


Ordinary Member Mrs Anita Harrop Policies and Procedures

PDF tax invoices for membership renewals were emailed out to members.

Ordinary Member Mr Francis Lenny Mentoring

If you haven’t received a Tax invoice please contact the Secretary or you can also renew your membership through the ACAA website.

Ordinary Member Mr Bryce Tolliday Membership, 2017 Conference Coordinator

July 2017



July 2017 Resources The NDIS - is it different from the NDIA? Check out the ‘What is the NDIS’ animation which explains this best.

Have Wheelchair will Travel This website has a fantastic collection of travel and entertainment resources for a family with a wheelchair user. The family shares their travels, tips and experiences at Have Wheelchair Will Travel with their mantra being ‘Don’t be an observer in life, participating is so much better’.

Changing Places Australia - New A new Information Guide & Technical Standard document has been released for Changing Places Australia in June 2017. A copy of the same can be downloaded from the website

NATIONAL ACCESS WORK GROUP (NAWG) The Australian Institute of Architects has a NAWG which constitutes a representative from each state/territory chapter and selected others including a representative of ACAA (Farah Madon). NAWG meets quarterly to discuss issues related to disability access on behalf of the Institute nationally and provide the Institute’s input on reports, standards and issues related to access. There are also access working committees in most states which operate on a similar basis but at a chapter level. Any architect member of ACAA is welcome to join the Chapter committees. Contact Eric Martin AM for details. 18

“My Place” Questions Guides "My Place" questions guides to help people with disability and their families make decisions about accommodation options/ where to live – this includes an Aboriginal specific version and a more detailed Accommodation Planning Inventory for support planners.

My Life and Somewhere to Live booklets: Simple guides for people with disability, their family and carers to get help with their life and a home that’s right for them: • Easy English booklet 1 – My Life, Things to think about. • Easy English booklet 2 – Somewhere to live, What help can you get?

BUILDING CODES COMMITTEE This is a committee under the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) which meets three times per year to provide technical and industry input to the National Construction Code (NCC) including consideration of all proposed changes to Vol 1-3 including the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA). There are often access related issues that arise. Eric Martin represents the Australian Institute of Architects on this committee and his report of the recent meeting that has been provided to the NAWG can be provided to interested members. Contact Eric Martin for details.



July 2017 Hot Apps


n this section we have featured 3 different apps that are Access Industry related. If you have an app that is useful for Access Consultants, please let the Editor know so that it can be included in the next issue of Access Insight.

LRV Contrast app Got your LRV values for your selected colours ready from a fan deck and want to know to if the colour selections will comply with the luminance contrast requirements? Try out the free LRV Contrast App based on the BowmanSapolinski Equation. And just for fun, check out if the same colours would pass the American ADA requirements. This is an essential and easy to use App for all Access Consultants. Download from Itunes Store

Download from Google Play

DIY modify App This is a free home modifications and renovation app is available for Seniors and people with disabilities. There are 5 options to choose from including, entries, bathroom, toilet shower and other rooms. If you have a client who is wants some basic information for their DIY accessibility project then this is the app to pass on. Download from Itunes Store

Download from Google Play

Gradient Calculator This free app, can work out gradients as a ratio, a percentage as well as in degrees. You also have the option of putting in a distance and a level difference and the app will calculate the gradient for you. It is a fantastic app and very easy to use. Download from Itunes Store

Download from Google Play

July 2017


FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK (continued from page 3) thesis in 2016-17 which looked at the impact of how an inclusive design in a home environment can reduce the cost of care and empower individuals to be more independent. The thesis is available online. This was followed by a presentation by Cathryn Grant on, evaluating the implementation of Universal Design in the built environment. The final session included a panel of speakers, Relf, Bridge, Carnemolla and Grant, who presented their perspectives on Universal Design and Inclusive Design to examine whether the concepts are the same or are they Photo: Dr. Phillippa Carnemolla

different and what role they may play in the work of Access Consultants? While undoubtedly there is significant overlap between the two philosophies the speakers were able to identify differences. For what it’s worth, my money is on Inclusive Design for individually focussed design briefs while UD is right at home within the general population, which is evidenced by the Livable Housing Design Guidelines.

Livable Housing Guidelines Edition 4 Edition 4 is now available but for those who are seeking change and progress don’t get to excited as this edition has been prepared to resolve a few queries, provide clarifications on several requirements and tidy up a few typos and inconsistencies. A copy can be downloaded online.

ACAA New Members In the past month we welcomed: • Eden Fong as an accredited class member • Matt Shuter, Riana Greenberger and Ranjith Liyana as associate class members • Michael Moutrie and Tania Saggers-Clarke as affiliate class members

Mark Relf

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Access Insight proudly designed by Shel Design



YOU'RE INVITED! ACCESS 2017, proudly hosted by ACAA, 18 - 20 October 2017 at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, South Brisbane, Queensland



Matthew Ames

Richard Coulson

Maha Sinnathamby

FULL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Includes: • attendance to all sessions • one ticket to the Trade Show Launch • one ticket to the Conference Dinner • daytime catering on the conference days EARLYBIRD REGISTRATION (before 31 August 2017) MEMBER: $990 NON-Member: $1,200 FULL REGISTRATION (after 31 August 2017) MEMBER: $1,200 NON-MEMBER: $1,400

DAY ONLY REGISTRATION Includes: • attendance to sessions • daytime catering on the day of the registration MEMBER DAY ONLY: $700 NON-MEMBER DAY ONLY: $800


Soren Luckins

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ACCESS 2017 Proudly hosted by Association of Consultants in Access Australia (ACAA) 18 - 20 October 2017, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Merivale & Glenelg Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101


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If you are interested in advertising in the next issue of Access Insight, please CLICK HERE

The content of this newsletter is for information purposes only and opinions expressed in articles are those of its author and not ACAA. ACAA assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. Advertised products and services that appear in this newsletter have been provided by such organizations without verification by ACAA. ACAA does not guarantee, support nor endorses any product or service mentioned in this newsletter, nor does it warrant any assertions made by the manufacturers of such products or services. Users of are recommended to obtain independent information and to perform independent research before using the information acquired from this newsletter. In this newsletter, you will find links to other websites. ACAA cannot be held liable for the content of these websites nor for the way in which these websites handle your (personal) data. For information in this regard, read the privacy policy, disclaimer, copyright notices, general terms & conditions, if available, of any website you visit. No part of the newsletter may be reproduced without the prior written consent of the ACAA Committee of Management.

The Association of Consultants in Access Australia 18/07/2017 11:00 am 20 Maud Street, Geelong VIC 3220


ACAA has a range of marketing and advertising opportunities for promoting your business and services to Access Consultants.


+61 3 5221 2820

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