1 minute read
From the President’s Desk
from Access Insight - Spring 2021
by Lindsay Perry - President of the Association of Consultants in Access Australia
Welcome to the Spring edition of Access Insight, our final one for this year, another tumultuous year for us on the east coast with Covid lockdowns and restrictions. Hopefully we are through the worst of it as we ramp up to the festive season which can also be challenging.
We are looking at lifts in this issue – a critical aspect in the accessibility of buildings and a complex little topic. There are a range of different lifts available for different applications – a lift is not just a lift – and in this edition we explore some of the lifts available including stairway platform lifts and the elusive emergency evacuation lift. We also have an article on the progression of lift standard that provide an interesting background to the topic.
A special mention goes out to Terry Osborn who has stepped down from his role as Administration Assistant for the ACAA. Terry, much of the success of the association can be attributed to you. As a founding member and long-standing secretary, words cannot convey how your contribution has shaped our little community. You have been the go-to person for members and committee alike and your patience and dedication will truly be missed. I personally wish you all the best for your next adventure and thank you profoundly for all you have done for the committee – reminders, follow-ups, technical support, and the list goes on. I will miss our regular chats and while the thought of an ACAA without you seems surreal, things change, and we will do our best to maintain the integrity and sincerity you have selflessly contributed over your many years with the association. Take care.
Thank you to all our contributors for your time, effort and expertise. Thank you also to our regular contributors who continually offer us insights into technical matters and the latest technology.
Enjoy this issue!