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Cover Story

Business and Council united on Powerhouse PROGRESS

Opportunity too good to miss


THE $1.1B relocation of the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta would be the day-visitor attraction so much needed in Sydney’s second CBD, according to Lord Mayor Bob Dwyer and Chamber of Commerce president Schon Condon.

Cr Dwyer said the Powerhouse, to be built on the foreshore on the old David Jones site, was the fi rst major Government investment in Parramatt a since the Riverside Th eatre back in 1988.

And, yes, he understands the controversy and laments the loss of historic properties Willow Grove and St George’s Terrace, but emphasises that the relocation of the iconic Powerhouse from Ultimo to Parramatt a was an opportunity “too good to miss”.

“Th e Powerhouse in Parramatt a will bring two million people a year to Parramatt a. Th at will have untold fi nancial benefi t to the whole of Parramatt a,” he told Access.

“I appealed to the Premier to keep this project as the government was considering cutt ing back on infrastructure (post-Covid).”

Despite reservations about some aspects of the development, particularly the demolition of the heritage properties, Cr Dwyer said Parramatt a would be “a laughing stock” if council rejected it now.

He emphasised that the Powerhouse decision and the siting of it was made during council’s administration period and indicated that perhaps another site would have been found if councillors had been involved.

Aft er all, the council had invested heavily in a grand plan for the foreshore while John Chedid was lord mayor, but that had to be scuppered for the Powerhouse.

“But you can’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” Cr Dwyer said.

“I believe that the majority of residents in our Local Government area

Bob Dwyer. Schon Condon. “ The Powerhouse Museum will be a destination venue and that is important.”

- Bob Dwyer.

(LGA) and Greater Western Sydney want Powerhouse to come to Parramatt a.

“It is important to recognise the full extent of this once-in a lifetime opportunity. We are developing our city’s and our region’s capacity to att ract visitors from international and domestic sources.

Regional Capacity

“Th e Powerhouse Museum will be a destination venue; and this is important in the context of our region’s continued development and the opening of Australia’s newest 24-hour airport at Badgerys Creek.

“And, while I don’t want to see heritage go, and council in its submission wanted a design that would keep Willow Grove, realistically, more people would visit the Powerhouse than Willow Grove.”

Artist impressions of the Powerhouse Museum at Parramatta.

Cr Dwyer agreed with heritage protectors, particularly the North Parramatt a Resident Action Group that vehemently opposes the Powerhouse’s relocation, that there should be a bett er co-ordinated heritage tourism plan for Parramatt a but said that would need Destination NSW working with council.

Mr Condon echoed the Lord Mayor’s enthusiasm, saying the Powerhouse would join Bankwest Stadium in bringing “growth and development” to Parramatt a.

“I’m bitt erly disappointed about lost heritage and I hope this will be the end of it, but this investment is critical to our city,” he said.

Mr Condon looks forward to the fl ow-on benefi ts from the two million a year Powerhouse visitor to Parramatt a retail and hospitality businesses.It was an opportunity too good to miss, he said.


Some of the hurdles along the way

DESPITE the enthusiasm of civSciences exhibits from Ultimo to Partive No 1 and other large steam engines At least 15 of the museum’s largest

ic and business leaders for the ramatt a. and aircraft from its collection to the objects would not fi t into the new planned Powerhouse in ParramatAlready the original planned opennew site. building’s goods lift , the government ta, there remain hurdles along the ing of 2019 has passed and now the exTh e State Government released the papers revealed. way. pected opening date is mooted as 2024, papers under pressure from Labor and Th e government is working towards

Apart from a huge cost blowout long aft er the Ultimo site has closed. Greens, both strongly opposed to the ministerial approval for the site by from the original $400M to today’s Th e Sydney Morning Herald has Powerhouse’s relocation. Some govDecember with a builder appointed $1.17b, there are concerns over the reported that government documents ernment ministers have also expressed next year. logistics of moving some of the larger, show that the design team has been doubt over the expensive move to Th e project is set to provide 1,100 iconic Museum of Applied Arts and searching for ways to install LocomoParramatt a. construction jobs.



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Upcoming Events

Social restrictions? Pffft!! Stay Visible and Well-connected

One of our most popular event series has always been our Chamber Connect networking nights, which have typically run the 2nd Tuesday of every month. These events give members an opportunity to connect on a face-to-face, more human level, to explore collaborative opportunities for mutual benefi t. Now why let a little COVID prevent us from making these important connections? Chamber Connect gets digital (at least for the time being). In fact, the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with attendees loving the facilitated breakout rooms and their ability to make more connections with more people. Join us for another round virtual networking, in the comfort of your own space with your own delicious beverage. Simply visit our website to book your space… www.penrithchamber.org.au Open to both members and non-members. No cost.

Please send any enquiries through to admin@penrithchamber.org.au


The Penrith Valley Chamber of Conmmerce exists to promote and support Penrith's growing and dynamic business community. It is only through our collective eff orts that we are able to drive positive outcomes for the benefi t of all.

Considering membership? Contact our Member Services Manager, Stacey Randell on (02) 4722 6969

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