September 2008 Edition - Access Press

Page 8

September 10, 2008


12 to one or 8 to one; that is the question International Residential Code changes are controversial by Access Press staff


nyone who has ever tried to navigate a toosteep ramp will want to weigh in proposed building code changes that will be voted on September 21. A lobbying and public education effort is underway to make sure the changes aren’t implemented.

Code (IRC) is the building code that governs construction involving one and twofamily homes in 46 states, including Minnesota. A proposal has been made by Rick Davidson, director of Building Inspection Services for the city of Maple Grove, to change the language in this code to The International Residential allow wheelchair ramps that INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS TRANSITION SERVICES HOUSING NEEDS PEER MENTORING RAMP PROJECT NURSING HOME RELOCATION DISABILITY LINKAGE LINE ADVOCACY Phone: 651.646.8342 ACCESSIBILITY Fax: 651.603.2006 ADA INFORMATION TTY: 651.603.2001 TECHNOLOGY PERSONAL ASSISTANCE


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are too steep to be safe for the large majority of mobility device users. The change is being proposed as both a costsavings measure and as a way to clear up ambiguity in the current code language. But disability advocates are worried that the change could create barriers to ramp users. If the change is adopted it could become a standard throughout the United States. Individuals would be getting advice from contractors that are just following the code, not the ability and safety to use the ramp.

access to single-family homes and duplexes. It would change the current code language that requires a 1 to 12 in most cases to code language that states “Ramps shall have a maximum slope of one unit vertical in eight horizontal.” Slope is determined by how many inches or feet of sloped surface (also called run) there are for each unit of height. For example, if the entrance to a home is 1 foot above the ground, an 8 foot long ramp creates a 1 to 8 slope and a 12 foot long ramp creates a 1 to 12 slope. The math also works by measuring The decision to approve or both height and run in inches. Bob Zimmerman carefully heads down an 8 to 1 slope. The disapprove this change will be It is important to remember slope raises concerns about the safety factory in the winter made September 21 at the In- that more units of run create a when it would be slippery with snow and ice. Photos by Gordon Gillesby and Guy Winters ternational Code Council more gradual ramp and fewer (ICC) annual meeting in Min- units make the ramp steeper. garding proper slopes for lowable slope and do not preneapolis. Several advocates vent anyone from building a and people with disabilities Jim Williams of the Metro- ramps. more gently sloped ramp if will provide testimony to the politan Center for Independent ICC members who will be vot- Living (MCIL) and Bob Much of the public education desired. According to Ziming to approve or disapprove Zimmerman of the Minnesota efforts centers on a video, pro- merman, who has designed the new language. The advo- Rehabilitation Services Inde- duced August 23 with the help more than 3,000 ramps in the cates hope to persuade the pendent Living section are of about a dozen volunteers. Twin Cities area since 1992, council to keep the standard coordinating efforts to block The video will provide power- “a ramp with a 1 to 8 slope is so for the slope of ramps for the Davidson proposal. The ful testimony about the prob- steep it will be difficult or danhomes at 1 to 12. The ICC is a Statewide Council for Inde- lems and potential dangers gerous for most people to just non-profit organization that pendent Living, the Minnesota caused by steep ramps. The walk up and down. Changing develops the various codes Association of Independent volunteers, using a variety of the code language as proposed used around the country. Living Centers, the South East- mobility devices, were filmed by Davidson will create the ern Minnesota CIL and MCIL using both a 1 to 8 and 1 to 12 false impression that a 1 to 8 Davidson’s proposal deals are co-sponsoring a booth at ramp. All agreed using the ramp is the right ramp to build with the maximum or steepest the ICC meeting. The booth steeper ramp was more diffi- because it is the code.” slope allowed for ramps for will provide information re- cult. In some cases, volunteers said the steeper ramp was Advocates note that building even scary. Comments like “I code officials are seen as had no idea pushing a wheel- sources of reliable informachair up a ramp could that tion and many people conhard” and “It’s really hard to fronted with the need to install maintain control going down a ramp at their home will conthis ramp” were common. The tact their local code official to sound of wheelchair footrests find out what to build. The scraping the floor when get- official will tell them what the ting on or off the 1 to 8 ramp code is and many people take was often heard, with no simi- that to mean a 1 to 8 slope is lar occurrence on the 1 to 12 what they should build. They ramp. will only find out it is too steep for them after it has been built. The code current code lanJoen Overby, struggling to keep her husband Bill from guage and the proposed change The web site freewheeling down the ramp that is far too steep for easy both establish the steepest al- has complete information control. Photos by Gordon Gillesby and Guy Winters about the International Code Council and how it develops the codes. Anyone can submit a code change proposal. The proposal is then reviewed by a committee and members of the organization vote to accept or reject the proposal. Davidson’s proposal and 20 public comments requesting that it be disapproved can be found by going to the ICC website. In the drop down menu for Codes and Standards choose Code Development then choose 2007/2008 Code Development Cycle and scroll down to and select “Final Action Agenda”, scroll down to IRC residential code and click on RB2 – RB105 and in this section scroll down to RB 57. ■

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