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V – violent content R – racial epithets
L – strong language S – sexual situation
G – gory descriptions entertaining and evocative promenade through the mall’s story of rise, fall, and ongoing reinvention. Read by Pat KovelJarboe. 12 broadcasts; begins Mon, May 15.
Good Night Owl*
Monday – Friday 10 p.m.
And There He Kept Her, fiction by Joshua Moehling, 2022. When two teenagers break into a house on a remote lake in search of prescription drugs, what starts as a simple burglary turns into a nightmare for all involved. Read by Eileen Barratt. 11 broadcasts; begins Tue, May 2. – L, V, G
The Crocodile Bride, fiction by Ashleigh Bell Pedersen, 2022. A heartbreakingly tender coming-of-age tale set in 1982 Louisiana. Read by Carol McPherson. 12 broadcasts; begins Wed, May 17. – S, V
RTB After Hours*
Monday – Friday 11 p.m.
The Bookseller’s Boyfriend (rebroadcast), fiction by Heidi Cullinan, 2021. A bookshop owner can’t believe his longtime celebrity crush is moving to his small town. But you should never meet your heroes. And you definitely shouldn’t pretend to be their boyfriend. Read by Eileen Barratt. 10 broadcasts; begins Tue, May 2. – S
The Dead Romantics, fiction by Ashley Poston, 2022. A disillusioned millennial ghostwriter who, quite literally, has some ghosts of her own, has to find her way back home. Read by Pat Muir. 12 broadcasts; begins Tue, May 16. – L, S
Weekend Program Books
Your Personal World, 1 p.m. Sat, presents This Is How Your Marriage Ends by Matthew Fray, read by Beverly Burchett. – L
For the Younger Set, 11 a.m. Violet Made of Thorns by Gina Chen, read by Pat Muir. Poetic Reflections, noon Sun, presents Reenactments by Hai-Dang Phan, read by Mary Knatterud; followed by Turn Up the Ocean by Tony Hoagland, read by Mary Knatterud.
The Great North, 4 p.m. Sun, presents A Private Wilderness by Sigurd F. Olson, read by Judith Johannessen.
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Steps for Autism
The Autism Society of Minnesota (AuSM) hosts its 23rd Annual Steps for Autism in Minnesota 9 a.m.-noon Sun, May 21 at Como Lakeside Pavilion, St. Paul. Individuals, families, businesses, organizations, and community groups are encouraged to register for free and build teams to raise money to support AuSM’s programs and services. The event doubles as a fundraiser and opportunity for people in the community to connect with needed resources and services for people with autism. Steps for Autism is approachable for all abilities, as each participate chooses their pace and distance – even if that’s from the parking lot to the resource fair at registration. Preregister as a team or go solo. FFI: https://sfa2023.causevox.com
Can Do Canines open house
Open house Sat, May 20, noon-2 p.m. at 9440 Science Center Drive, New Hope. Potential clients, volunteers or anyone interested in supporting the organization is invited to attend. Through a self-guided tour, attendees will watch a trainer working with an assistance dog, hear from a volunteer puppy raiser, talk with volunteer staff members, pose questions to client services coordinators about the application process, and meet graduate teams from each of the five types of areas
Can Do Canines trains dogs: hearing, mobility, seizure, diabetes and childhood autism. The assistance dog demonstrations will be held at 12:30, 1:00, and 1:30 p.m., and the puppy raiser will speak at 12:15, 12:45, and 1:15 p.m. No preregistration, though attendees will be asked to share some contact information when arriving.
FFI: www.candocanines.org
"Garage Tour" Hosts are sought
Twin Cities dance and theater company
Off-Leash Area is searching for “Garage Tour” hosts for the Seventh Neighborhood Garage Tour. The brand new family-friendly production “A Medicine Show from the 25th Century” will take place in September. The Garage Tour is the company’s performing arts access program where the company transforms typical two-car garages into black box theaters, complete with set, lights, stage, seating and performers to connect with underserved audiences across the Twin Cities metro area, with the overall goal of expanding participation in the arts. A host is a homeowner who has a two-car garage, who loves the performing arts, and thrives on getting people together for a fun community event! OffLeash Area is especially looking for households with a person with disabilities. FFI: 612-724-7372, www.offleasharea.org
Post your event online Access Press would like to move more of its
New home
Central office move event listings online, and that is possible with our redesigned website. There is a word limit and we ask that those posting information include event costs and accommodations. Are ASL and AD offered? A quiet room? Is there companion seating? Fidgets? Accommodations are much more than a ramp for many of us. That kind of information can help someone decide whether or not to attend an event.
To post an event, go to www.accesspress. org, click the resources tab at top right, and go to the post an event line.
A small web or print ad can also generate interest in an upcoming event. For questions about ads, email ads@accesspress.org
Access Press reserved the right to reject events if they do not meet our guidelines. Call the editor at 651-644-2133 ext. one or email jane@accesspress.org with events questions.
Open Flow Forum
The Artists with Disabilities Alliance meets via Zoom 7-9 p.m. the first Thu of the month. Upcoming dates are May 4, June 8. Virtually join artists with disabilities and supporters to share visual art, writing, music, theater and artistic efforts or disability concerns. Facilitators are Tara Innmon, Kip Shane and Springboard for the Arts. The gatherings are fully accessible. Anyone needing special accommodations should contact Andy Sturdevant. Funding is available for access needs. FFI: 651-294-0907, resources@ springboardforthearts.org
Resources to Enjoy!
The Enjoy listings are for arts events, banquets, fundraisers and fun events by and for disability services organizations. Schedules may be subject to change. Some venues may have mask and vaccine requirements. Please check with a venue or organization before making plans.
The Minnesota Access Alliance (MNAA) provides an Accessible Arts & Culture Calendar for arts patrons who use accessibility accommodations such as audio description, captioning, ASL interpreting and sensory-friendly accommodations. Link to details at https://calendar.mnaccess.org. Be sure to check to find out COVID-19 protocol and if an advance reservation is needed for the accessibility service.
Accessible events can be submitted to the MNAA Calendar (and MinnesotaPlaylist.com).
A list of other venues follows the event listings.
To receive a free monthly events calendar: email mactfactor@icloud.com and/or info@ mnaccess.org. Ask for the entire events list or specific lists for ASL interpreting, captioning, AD, sensory-friendly accommodations or disability-related topics. For other accessibility resources or webinars presented by MNAA, sign up for emails at https://mnaccess.org
The Arc Minnesota has moved to the Griggs Midway Building at University and Fairview avenues in St. Paull. The new street address is 641 Fairview Ave N Suite 195, St Paul. The building has a small parking lot off of Fairview near Charles Avenue and a larger lot accessed from Fairview to the north. The front parking lot has two ADA parking spots. The office has a gender neutral single-stall bathroom, automatic door openers and a dedicated sensory friendly space. FFI: Carson Borgstrom, carsonborgstrom@ arcminnesota.org
Children and families
PACER Center workshops sampling
Many useful free or low-cost workshops and other resources are available for families of children with any disabilities. In-person and online and livestreamed re offered.workshops are offered. Advance registration is required for all workshops. At least 48 hours’ notice is needed for interpretation. Check out PACER’s website and link to the newsletter of statewide workshops that allows participants to pick and choose sessions designed for their needs. Access Press only provides a sampling of the many workshops offered.
Life Planning Series : Part 1 – Special and Supplemental Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts, 6:30-8 p.m. May 2. Focus on power of attorney, health care directives, maintaining eligibility for government benefits, special and supplemental needs trusts, and ABLE Accounts.
Housing – Starting the Journey : Step Three – What Are the Options? 6:30-9
Apply for 2023-2024 Partners in Policymaking
The free advocacy training course, Partners in Policymaking, is taking applications from Minnesotans with disabilities and parents of young children with developmental disabilities. The nationally recognized leadership training is presented in eight sessions over nine months, starting September 15.
Applications are due on July 14. Applications at bit.ly/partnersapplication
“We help individuals be more effective in advocating for their needs. The result is self-confidence and understanding of disability law and policies ,” said Colleen Wieck, executive director of the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities (MNCDD). “As they gain experience in speaking up for people with disabilities, many have become leaders in their own communities.” p.m. May 8. Hear a detailed explanation of individualized housing and service options from parents, young adults, and housing providers as they share their journeys through the process.
National experts lead group participation exercises to emphasize learning. Over the program’s 35-year history, more than 1,100 Minnesotans have become leaders in their own communities. Many have described it as “life changing.” Participants become effective advocates for themselves, their children and others with disabilities.
Sessions cover the history of disability and self-advocacy movements, inclusive education, supported living, and competitive employment. Individuals consider how to influence county, state, and federal legislative processes. The monthly two-day sessions are held on Fridays and Saturdays, from September to May (with no session in December). The March session is on a Sunday and Monday, when participants prepare for and meet with legislators at the capitol.
Costs for the program are covered by a federal grant. Child care and respite allowances are given, and overnight accommodations are provided for those who travel from outside the metro area to attend. Mileage is reimbursed, and meals are provided. Sessions are held at the Crowne Plaza Aire in Bloomington, near Mall of America and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
Limited to 35 Minnesotans, participants are selected by a panel of Partners graduates and representatives of MNCDD. The council introduced the Partners in Policymaking program in 1987, and, through expansion to other states and countries, has trained more than 27,000 people worldwide.
“This program is based on the belief that systems change is best brought about through the efforts of those most affected by them, and we seek to arm these individuals with the tools needed to be successful in the public policy arena,” said Wieck.
Those selected to participate in the program must attend all sessions and complete homework assignments. For further information on class expectations, or to get an application form, go to bit.ly/class41website. or contact Brenton Rice at brenton@ togevents.com, or 651-242-6589.
Life Planning Series : Part 2 – Supported Decision-making and Guardianship is 6:30-8 p.m. May 9. The workshop will address the consideration and purpose of supported decision-making and guardianship, with a focus on the details of the legal procedures and a discussion about both short and long-term planning.
Choosing Reading Tools to Match Reading Material is 4-5 p.m. May 15. Reading can be challenging for many with reading disabilities and visual impairments. Learn how to match reading tools to the type of reading material. Tools include auditory and visual modifications.
Build a Sensory Space: DIY Options to Create a Sensory Room is 2-3:15 p.m. May 10. Learn easy DIY options that can be used to create sensory rooms or spaces. Offered virtually and at PACER Center.
FFI: PACER, 952-838-9000, 800-5372237, www.pacer.org
Info & Assistance
Many classes available
NAMI Minnesota (National Alliance on Mental Illness) has free and in-person online mental health classes. Choices include Hope for Recovery, Transitions, Ending the Silence, Understanding Early Episode Psychosis for Families, In Our Own Voice, Family to Family, Positive Psychology, Creating Caring Communities, smoking cessation, a suicide prevention class called QPR – Question, Persuade and Refer, a special QPR class for Agricultural Communities and many more.
NAMI Minnesota’s Online Support Groups moved to a new and improved platform, HeyPeers. HeyPeers provides a safe, easy to access environment for online support group meetings. The classes and online support groups are designed for family members and caregivers, persons living with a mental illness, service providers, and also the general public. Find a complete listing of these classes and how to join in by going to namimn.org and clicking on “Classes”.
Two AT grants available LiveLife Therapy Solutions and Lighthouse Center for Technology in Bloomington, have two assistive technology grants available through March 2024. AT for Wellness and Tech for Connectivity are designed to help people who currently receive HCBS waiver services to obtain equipment and connectivity to help them access telehealth and/or for social engagement. Examples include access to online classes, educational programs, work related activities, community engagement, and remote healthcare appointments. Grants can help with purchasing Internet services and equipment that is denied by waiver or cannot be covered, like tablets and computers, to allow people to access telehealth services. Equipment and setup help are also available. FFI: 952-921-8334, sue@livelifetherapysolutions.com; https:// livelifetherapysolutions.com/at4w-referrals;
Classifieds For Rent
METES & BOUNDS MANAGEMENT Company manages the following Section 8 properties in Minnesota. Income and rent restrictions apply
Metes & Bounds is an equal housing opportunity housing company
Wayzata 952-473-0502