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Outpouring of favour

6 reasons why we need to pray in tongues

Staying focussed in a world of distraction

the Giant



The Spirit of Pentecost

The LifeGiving Spirit

Preparing for an Outpouring

quarterly publication for acc leaders #2 2023 EMAG

INSIDE Outpouring

'I will pour out my Spirit on all people' (Joel 2:28 )

This edition focuses on the theme of our ACC23 National Conference – Outpouring – with inspirational articles on the power and work of the Holy Spirit.


| NEWS | ACC SNAPSHOT: Celebrating ACC Church Life 4 Tribute: Ralph Read 5 Church Governance Resources 6 AC Celebates 75 years 6 75 years of our National College 8 Earthquake Response 10 Awaken the Giant 12 Mark Edwards | FEATURES | THE SPIRIT OF PENTECOST 14 by Wayne Alcorn THE GAME CHANGER 16 by Joel Chelliah PREPARING FOR AN OUTPOURING 18 by Corey Turner THE LIFE GIVING SPIRIT 20 by Sean Stanton WORSHIP IS PNEUMA 24 by Stacey Hilliar
REASONS WHY WE SHOULD SPEAK IN TONGUES 26 by David Hall OUTPOURING OF FAVOUR 28 by Jacqueline Grey & Kristy Mills
JUST HAVING A GO ISN'T ENOUGH 32 by Paul Bartlett IS YOUR TEAM READY FOR WHAT'S NEXT? 34 by Ralph Estherby CHURCH + MISSIONS 36 by John Hunt
STUDYING AT AC HAS HELPED ME 40 Katrina Yassi | Matt Sharples | RESOURCES | New books by ACC authors 42 New Releases 44 HOLYSPIRIT

Celebrating ACC Church Life

Kids @compasschurchvic Women @iseechurchmorton State day @acc_southaustralia Baptisms @enjoychurchmelbcity Palm Sunday @macquarielife Fellowship @calvaryyeppoon Communion @hwychurch Volunteers @newhope_church Men @centrochurch_ipswich


Ralph Read

1921 -2023

The ACC Family pays tribute to Ralph Read, former national leader of the AOG in Australia, from 1969 – 1977, who passed away in February at the age of 102. Pastor Denis Smith shares insights into his life and leadership.

Ralph received the fullness of the Holy Spirit at Glad Tidings Tabernacle through the ministry of the church pastor, W. A. Buchanan.

Ralph reflected, “It was a very real and personal prayer time, which was very enriching, but so enriching that I wanted more.'

Yet his experience didn't please everyone. In those days, there was a genuine hostility among churches against the Baptism in the Spirit. The Methodists disowned him because he accepted believer's baptism. The Baptists disowned him because he had favoured the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.

Tent Revival

It was around this time that he was invited to join a team holding a tent crusade in Parkes, NSW. Ralph commented, “I would say in my many years of experience that I had never seen anything closer to a spiritual revival. I saw under that stretch of canvas; a number of the young people, farmers, good types of people, good church people come to a personal experience with the Lord.”

Ralph caught ‘tent fever’ from his involvement with the Sturgeons and engaged extensively in tent evangelism. He married Iris Conwell on the 27th September 1947, and joined a tent crusade in Orange, NSW. Ralph and Iris stayed on to pastor the small Assembly that formed there.

From Methodist to Pentecostal

Born in Lismore, New South Wales in 1921, Ralph’s family were strong Methodists, and after he made his commitment to Christ, Ralph became a Methodist lay preacher.

It was while working at the Electricity Dept of Brisbane Town Hall during the Depression years that Ralph met up with a Mr. Nosworthy, who was 'a very fine and stable Methodist, but had become a Pentecostal believer'. “He was a big influence on my life and became a friend and it helped us both spiritually,” Ralph commented.

After WW2, Ralph was invited by Bill Nosworthy to visit Glad Tidings Tabernacle. Ralph could see the difference between the normal churchgoer and these Pentecostal people who had the evidence of something very real, very satisfying, very warm, and very attractive to them.

Ministry Leadership

Out of the blue, Ralph received a call to take over the Christchurch Assembly in New Zealand.

Twelve months later, he was appointed by the Assemblies of God in New Zealand to be General Superintendent. He established a Christian Printing Press in New Zealand in 1962 and started regional Bible Schools there as well.

After about seven years, Ralph and Iris returned to Australia and following Alec T Davidson’s tenure, served as the General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Australia from 1969 – 1977. During that time, he became the Principal of Commonwealth Bible College, then at Graceville.

Over his life, Ralph served in churches in Orange in NSW, Stafford in Queensland, Oakleigh in Victoria, Christchurch in New Zealand, and Richmond in Canada.


Church Governance Resources

Proper Governance is vitally important to the operation and reputation of our churches and ministries. The whole realm of Governance can seem overwhelming at times, but there are some easy-tounderstand resources available to assist us in this space.

Here are some resources we would recommend.

Good Governance Essentials

Developed by our very own Alphacrucis University College, the Good Governance Essentials online course introduces the essentials of Church governance from some of the leading figures in the field. Topics covered in this course include:

• The legal framework of churches in Australia

• Key principles of good corporate governance

• Important aspects of financial accountability, workplace health and safety, and risk management

• Approaches to managing people, both staff and volunteer

• The legal, ethical and administrative approaches required for working with children and other at-risk people groups.


The Australian Charities and Notfor-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities here in Australia. The ACNC has developed a range of easy-to-understand resources, specifically for the charity sector.

Governance for good: The ACNC's guide for charity board members

Relevant articles include:

• Common questions about Board Member,

• Governing your charity

• Overseeing your charity’s finances

• Your charity’s obligations to the ACNC

ACNC Online Learning courses

Relevant topics include:

• Becoming a charity board member: What you should know

• Governing a registered charity in Australia

• Reporting obligations of your charity

AC celebrates 75 years

The College celebrates our 75th Anniversary this year and we want to give God the glory for what He has done and continues to do.

Our mission began on 14th February 1948 as Commonwealth Bible College based in Richmond Temple, Melbourne. At the time, the Australian Assemblies of God responded to a great need for a Pentecostal bible college to train missionaries and pastors. Our journey over the last 75 years includes changes of name and location, equipping thousands of students, and a broadening of courses.

While Alphacrucis has increased its scope to train Christians with a calling in teaching, counselling or business, we have not wavered from our initial mandate to provide education and training for missionaries, church planters and pastors.

Our mission is still to equip Christian leaders to changes our world.

We thank you for your support as we strive to become a Christian University. To do this requires us to expand in our research as well as course offerings. Our 100+ programs now cover leadership, ministry and theology, business, education, and social sciences. Also, we have just begun programs in health care.

We are also focusing on upgrading our online offering, as well as new ways to partner with churches, schools, and other faithbased organisations to provide relevant, practical and effective training for our students around the world.

We thank the ACC churches for your support over the past 75 years, and we look forward to the next 75 years serving alongside you!

7 AC.EDU.AU 1300 228 355 Call us or visit our website to find out how we can equip you, your leaders or your young adults for their calling. SEMESTER 2 STARTS 7 AUGUST BUSINESS CHAPLAINCY COUNSELLING EDUCATION HEALTH SCIENCES LEADERSHIP MINISTRY MUSIC SOCIAL SCIENCES THEOLOGY Start something new CLICK TO FIND OUT MORE

AOG Australia founded in 1937 with a strong commitment to training pastors and missionaries.

CBC purchases the Graceville Campus in 1961 to meet growing student numbers.

CBC begins the process of accreditation in 1987.

David Cartledge and Jeremy Griffiths bring new leadership in 1993 with a focus on evangelism, faith, church planting & healing. 125% increase in enrolments, government accreditation, & new name Southern Cross Bible College.

Commonwealth Bible College inauguration 14th February 1948.

Brisbane floods destroy Graceville Campus in 1974 just as new Principal Aeron Morgan begins.

CBC purchases it’s first property in 1949 and the first CBC graduates leave for PNG missions.

CBC relocates to Katoomba, NSW in 1975.

In 1996 the Chester Hill Miracle raises significant funds from churches and individuals to purchase a new campus in Sydney NSW.

In 1951, Principal James Wallace leads students to plant many churches contributing to the rapid expansion of the AOG.

Fred & Doris Lancaster (class of 1948) return to CBC to teach.

Graduate Andrew Evans becomes the new leader of AOG Australia in 1977 heralding a new era of massive growth and church planting.

Korean language program begins in 1996.

Stephen Fogarty appointed as Principal in 1998.

New bachelor graduates in 2000.

MA Leadership program begins in 2003.

Teacher education programs begin in 2010.

All classes are rapidly moved online in 2020 in response to COVID restrictions.

Local Church College program begins in 2004.

In 2007, the AOG NZ join SCC with a campus in Auckland.

The new campus opens in 2012 with innovative new technology. Chaplaincy Australia partnership with AC.

AC receives a NSW government grant in 2021 for HUB Model teacher training in disadvantaged regional areas.

Busy year in 2009 as SCC becomes Alphacrucis, and increases its accreditation.

The Australasian Pentecostal Studies Centre is opened in 2015 and the PhD program is established.

Self accreditation status is achieved in 2016, and the Brisbane campus is established.

AC’s research standards are assessed as above world standard in 2018.

University College status is achieved in 2022, and the federal government allocates Commonwealth Supported Places funding for teaching training.

Wayne Alcorn becomes the new ACC national leader.

In 2019 the innovative education hubs begin.

Imagine the next 75 years!


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Earthquake Response

UPDATE: ACCI Disaster Appeal for Türkiye & Syria

ACCI launched a disaster appeal, following the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck both Türkiye and Syria on 6 February 2023. This natural disaster caused immense destruction to multiple cities and resulted in more than 50,000 people losing their lives.

ACC churches have responded generously to the Appeal, to bring aid to people in the region. Initial funds have provided emergency assistance through our partners and field workers on the ground. This has included tarps, water filters, hygiene kits, food, clothing and access to hot meals. As time goes on, this support is transitioning towards helping people recover and rebuild their lives.

This update is from one of our Field Worker couples in Türkiye (who cannot be named for security reasons):

“The church [here] is so very tiny and there is only really one Christian-related aid organisation in the country, with foreign groups normally banned or restricted. Yet with the help of ACC, family and friends, our local communities chose to make a difference [in] the local community. Locally, our strength primarily lies in two areas: young adults (especially university students) and our oversight of a Syrian refugee church.

• Through the local refugee church, we have been able to re-house and support nearly 30 refugee families with full relocation, rent, clothing, food and supplies and place them under ongoing care. Many of these people had lost everything in the Syrian war and again, lost everything due to the earthquake. The number of families we continue to aid in this area rises nearly every day.

• Through our partnership with another local community, we have been able to provide supplies and food, and are now opening a trauma centre in our city that’s especially focused on children – with Türkiye’s sole Christian psychologist. It is your support that has provided the finance to make it happen.

• We have been able to provide over 30 small scholarships to students displaced or disadvantaged due to the earthquake. Students who have lost family, lost their homes, lost entire classes of friends. These are but small seeds of help and hope that open doors.

• Heartbreak and hope go hand in hand here. Yahya, a new believer, was in hospital due to bone cancer when the quake hit; his wife and daughters died in their home. Sometimes there are no words but through your help we were able to initially relocate him to our city and then again to another for recovery and the support of local believers.

In this crisis, the fragile local church in particular has stood strong in the love of God, demonstrating and declaring Christ’s love in a very broken world, and people are finding hope –not just temporal but eternal. After all the international aid organisations are gone, and the world moves onto the next crisis, the bride of Christ will remain. It is your partnership that strengthens and lengthens her arms.”



the Giant

It is said that after the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour on December 7th, 1942 Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, who planned the attack, reportedly wrote in his diary, “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” He was of course referring to the United States of America and the fact that this giant was sleeping in terms of being involved in World War 2. However, the might and power of this giant would now be mobilised into action and there would be no stopping it’s resoluteness.

I am not suggesting that what I am about to communicate is in any way likened to a war. Yet I do wonder if, in terms of the state of religious freedom in this nation, the Church is a sleeping giant and what will it take to awaken it with some resolve?

Freedom of religion is one of four interrelated freedoms without which, society cannot be truly be regarded as free. The others are freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of association. Religious freedom is the right of all persons to believe, speak, and act – individually and in community with others, in private and in public – in accord with their religious beliefs. This sacred and ancient right is an essential pillar of a free democratic society.

Is it reasonable to say that religious freedom in our nation is being diminished? If it is, will the sleeping giant of the Church be awakening to do anything about it?

Explosion of USS Shaw at Pearl Harbor 1941

In early 2022, prior to the last Federal election, the Religious Discrimination Bill went before the Parliament. After proceeding through the House of Representatives, with amendments, it was withdrawn from the Senate.

Since then, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), based on three terms of Reference from the Federal Attorney General, primarily relating to religious discrimination in faith-based educational institutions, produced a Consultation Paper. This Paper was quite a disappointment and in some ways a shock. Without going into all the details, the huge concern is the ALRC is recommending that faith based schools will not be able to preference the employment of staff, based on the values and ethos of the educational institution. I would have thought that if this recommendation is accepted by the Government, this would be a diminishment of religious freedom in our nation.

What can the Church do about this? What can you do about this?

At the National Conference, we will be launching a strategy which will include a Freedom of Religion Sunday on May 7, 2023. The strategy needs you to be involved. This is not a time for passivity or for a false belief that someone else will get involved.

Don’t ask the question, ‘Am I really needed?’ All of us must engage Government in relation to this issue. Many of you, like myself, do not have a Christian School attached to the church nor perhaps did you send your children to a Christian School. There is a principle here that is worth defending. Faith-based schools must have the right to employ teachers who agree with the ethos of the school. Would the ALP employ a member of the LNP or the Greens in any capacity? There is no way a company would employ a CEO if that individual didn’t believe and accept the ethos and values of that company.

This is a principle that must demand your attention and involvement. So let’s awaken the giant. After the strategy has been outlined at the National Conference, fill yourself with resolve and be engaged.

MARK EDWARDS is the senior pastor of CityHope Church and ACC representative on the Freedom For Faith board.

Fire is contagious. A small flame can start a major blaze.

The Spirit of Pentecost

Who I am today is a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in me. When I dedicated my life to Christ, just after my 20th birthday, I knew I wanted to follow Him but, to be honest, I still struggled.

Then one night in my bedroom, I said to God, ‘I’m not going to make it on my own; I need your Holy Spirit’. I had rationalised that the Holy Spirit was just for ‘weird Christians (give me a break, I’m a preachers kid). But that night, my prayer was, ‘God, I’ve read it, I believe it, and I need it. Pour out your Spirit on me.’

And in that room in East Ipswich, I had my Day of Pentecost. He filled me with the Holy Spirit.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is not some bizarre doctrine that a certain part of the Church conjured up. It is the promised gift of the Father – His power from on high that He’s given to His Church.

Jesus gave His disciples specific instructions on how to prepare for it. He said, “I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you’ve been clothed with power from on high.” (Luke 24:49)

Jesus was clear that until the power of God is upon you, don’t go anywhere. Then He told them that after the Holy Spirit has come upon you, don’t stay. Once you receive His power, you will become His witnesses, locally and to the ends of the earth ( Acts 1:8).

Only a few weeks earlier, Simon Peter had denied Jesus. On the day of Pentecost, there was a shift within him – from someone who would deny Jesus, to someone who would declare Him boldly. He’d received power to be a witness.

The Day of Pentecost Acts chapter 2 describes the phenomenal events that happened on the Day of Pentecost. A bunch of defeated people were waiting, praying “quiet” prayers. Suddenly, there was a sound of a mighty wind from Heaven, and they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them.

Fire is contagious. A small flame can start a major blaze. In that moment, the Church was birthed and spread like wildfire, across the globe.

They also heard something they’d never heard before. They all began to speak in other tongues. It was a Spirit-filled prayer language. When you’re baptised with the Holy Spirit and fire, it turbo-charges your prayer life.

God’s Spirit is poured out to build us up, and empower us, to reach a world that He loves. Great Sunday services are not the only reason for this outpouring. The end game is that believers be empowered to reach lost souls everywhere.

That night when I received the power of the Holy Spirit, He showed me things that a shy kid from a country town like Mundubbera could become. He showed me pockets of fire breaking out in our nation, and from those fires young adults being sent to the nations of the earth.

What God is doing is because of an extraordinary work of His supernatural power. I’m convinced that if God can use me, He can use you. And it’s not by our might or by our power. But if we’re going to expand the Kingdom of God, we need Kingdom power. We need another Pentecost outpouring.

WAYNE ALCORN is the ACC National President.

The Game Changer

The biggest breakthrough in my personal relationship with the Holy Spirit took place when I had a revelation that He was actually a person, and not a thing. This was a game changer for me.

I always saw the Holy Spirit as a dove, a fire or a fresh wind. As beautiful as that imagery is, it is so hard to connect with those things. How do you communicate with a dove? How do you draw near to wind? How do you have an intimate relationship with fire? It’s impossible.

The Bible describes the manifest presence of the Spirit ‘like’ these things but it is not ‘who’ He is.

In John 14:16, Jesus said, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—”.

That word 'another' refers to “another of the same kind.” Jesus was comforting His disciples by telling them that though He was going, the Father would send another comforter….another just like Jesus.

He was inferring that the disciples could have a relationship with the Holy Spirit in the same way that they had formed a relationship with Him.

The Holy Spirit is not a thing but a person. He has likes and dislikes. He can be pleased or grieved by our actions. He has a will that we are supposed to get to know. He can lead and speak and move. These are all characteristics of someone and not something.

Benny Hinn wrote a book many years ago called, Good morning Holy Spirit. In it he recorded how the first thing he said when he woke up each day was “Good morning Holy Spirit.”

That was the first time I realised that we could have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. From that moment on I decided that I would spend the rest of my life getting to know this person more intimately.

JOEL CHELLIAH is the State President of Western Australia.

Preparing for an Outpouring

'And it shall be said, “Build up, build up, prepare the way, remove every obstruction from my people’s way.” For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place and also with him is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.” '(Isaiah 57:14-15 ESV)

For the last four years, our five-fold leadership team have led Neuma Church to cry out in prayer, the words of Psalm 85:6 ‘Will you not revive us again, so that your people may rejoice in you?’

In recent months we’ve seen God respond to this prayer with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This move of God bears all the marks of what some would call revival. These include mass repentance, healings, deliverance, baptism of the Spirit and many salvations. Both from revival history and the Bible, we have discovered a few key insights into positioning for a fresh outpouring.

Revival is a partnership between God’s sovereignty and our prayerful preparation

In the Old Testament, the word revive or revival is mentioned 15 times. In the New Testament, we read about the original prototype revival on the Day of Pentecost. In Revelation 2 and 3, we read where Jesus calls the seven churches back to their first love and fervent commitment to God. The word 'revive' means to be quickened, to be made alive, to be restored and to bring back into use after decline.

Historically, revival has been preceded by spiritual apathy and moral bankruptcy, both in the Church and the world.

So to counteract spiritual decline and create spiritual momentum, God stirs a hunger in His Church for revival. Psalm 110:3 says, ‘Your people offer themselves freely in the day of your power.’ The day of God’s power is determined by God’s sovereignty but us offering ourselves freely is determined by our intentionality. Too many believers blame a lack of God’s power on His sovereignty but God’s Spirit won’t do for us what He has commissioned our faith to prepare for. The prophet Isaiah declared, ‘Build up, build up, prepare the way.’

Honour for God’s presence over people’s approval is foundational

One of the greatest obstacles to revival is our lack of honour for God moving on His terms. We see this in Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, where He could not do many miracles there because of their lack of belief that was attached to their lack of honour. Too many of us are content to build a great church but not hungry for a move of God. The two are not automatically the same. Some of us can get nervous about the potential excess of revival and steer the church away from it. The great revivalist, John Wesley once prayed, ‘God give us revival without its defects, but if we can’t have revival without its defects, just give us revival.’

We must play our part in removing every obstruction from God’s people by addressing our fear of man and lack of honour for God moving on His terms. God invites us to experience Him, not evaluate Him. We must be careful to not allow our lack to become the measuring stick for someone else’s hunger to experience more of God.


Holiness is essential to carry the Spirit of revival

So few of us cultivate a resting place for him to dwell and yet 1 Pt 1:15 calls us to ‘Be holy as I am holy.’ This is a call to reorientate our hearts towards God’s nature. When God gets close, what’s not holy gets exposed. We see this principle at work in Acts 5 when Ananias and Saphirra lost their lives due to their lack of holy integrity and fear before the Lord.

The prophet Isaiah revealed where God lives, in the high and holy place. Unfortunately, holiness has been given a bad wrap and almost frowned upon in modern preaching, being mistaken for law. But holiness is supposed to be byproduct of delight not duty. The conviction of the Spirit is a gift not an inconvenience to a lifestyle of sin.

Humility guards our hearts against a spirit of entitlement

God’s presence manifests on the altar of a broken and contrite heart. Therefore keeping a short account of sin and practicing active repentance is necessary to remain in a state of revival. When revival hits a church, no one really knows what they’re doing so humble dependence is a necessity. God continually reminds me to just follow His lead and not try to lead the move of God.

I’ve had several pastors ask me the question, ‘How are you going to sustain this move of God?’ As I pondered this, the Holy Spirit reminded me, ‘Son, you don’t have to sustain it because you didn't start it. I did. You just have to remain in me.’ How do we remain in Him and be the resting place of God? By keeping lowly and contrite before Him.


Proverbs 27:7 says, ‘One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet.’ The first sign of the morbidly sick is they lose hunger. The first sign of an unhealthy believer is they lose their appetite for God’s presence. When you’re hungry for God, you don’t take no for an answer. Just ask the Syrophoenician woman who asked Jesus to heal her daughter if she was hungry or not? Hunger looks past offence because whatever you want from God is on the other side of your offence.

God will often move in ways that offend our minds to reveal the lack of hunger in our hearts. The great thing about hunger is it doesn’t require giftedness, only desire. You have as much of God today as you wanted Him yesterday. I encourage you to become more hungry for God than you’ve ever been before. This is the season of spiritual rain across the earth and it’s time to ask God for rain in the season of rain. Lets join together in prayer as we cry out Psalm 85:6 ‘Will you not revive us again, so that your people may rejoice in you.’

for God is the essential pre-requisite above all else
COREY TURNER is the Senior Pastor of Neuma Church.

The Life-Giving Spirit

One of the great chapters in the Bible is Romans 8. In the preceding seven chapters, the Spirit is barely mentioned, as Paul with forensic accuracy, explains the gospel of Jesus Christ. He declares that the gospel is “the power of God that brings salvation.”

Then, in Romans 8, he references the work of the Holy Spirit 19 times in 14 verses in one chapter.. It’s the Holy Spirit that connects us to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and to the heart of God the Father.

Paul says that a new life opens before those who put their trust in Christ and who depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit. "Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." (Romans 8:5–6 (NLT)

Someone opposing the ministry of D.L. Moody somewhat sarcastically said, “To hear you talk, one would think that D.L. Moody has a monopoly on the Holy Spirit.” “No,” said one pastor wisely. “We do not intend to create that impression. But I am convinced that the Holy Spirit has a monopoly on D.L. Moody.”

There is not a single imperative, command or action directed toward us in the whole chapter. Paul is talking about the life in the Spirit – life which the Spirit guides so constantly that there is no need for a string of commandments.1

Paul speaks to us, not in the context of idyllic circumstances, nor is he only speaking to perfect people.

In fact, the opposite is true. Life in the Spirit is for weak people facing testing, and terrible circumstances. In this eighth chapter, Paul speaks to people who are subjected to condemnation, weakness, groaning, present suffering, frustration, futility, bondage, decay, trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, slaughter, and demons. It’s written for people who at times don’t know what to do or how to pray.


The chapter begins with no condemnation.

"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death." Romans 8:1–2 (NLT)


In the middle, it declares there is no defeat 2

"No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37 (NLT)


It ends with no separation

"I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.'" Romans 8:38–39 (NLT) >


Through the Holy Spirit working and through His intervention in our lives, dullness and deadness give way to life and vitality; in Him, bondage is banished and freedom reigns.3


'In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings.' Romans 8:26 (NET)

Few subjects have caused more perplexity for more Christians than the subject of prayer unless perhaps it is the matter of knowing God’s will. What should I pray for? How should I pray? Can I pray with confidence, 'claiming' things by faith? Or do I have to make my prayers tentative, adding always, “If it be your will”? What happens if I pray wrongly? Can prayer do harm? Does prayer get God to change his mind? Can it change God’s plans? If not, does it even matter if I pray?4

The Greek word Paul uses for the Spirit’s role is a long one ('sunantilambanetai'), made up of three Greek words. The simple English translation 'helps' does not even come close to doing it justice. All together the word refers to a person coming alongside another to take part of a heavy load and so helping him bear it.

INVITE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO HELP YOU – in prayer, with wisdom, in strengthening you, in leading you, in comforting you, and in giving you hope in your weaknesses.

"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper (Paraclete, Comforter, Encourager, Counsellor, Advocate) will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."

Reference notes:

1 Morris, L. (1988). The Epistle to the Romans (p. 299). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

2 Morris, L. (1988). The Epistle to the Romans (p. 299). Grand Rapids, MI; Leicester, England: W.B. Eerdmans; Inter-Varsity Press.

3 Briscoe, D. S., & Ogilvie, L. J. (1982). Romans (Vol. 29, p. 153). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc.

4 Boice, J. M. (1991–). Romans: The Reign of Grace (Vol. 2, pp. 885–886). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.

SEAN STANTON is the ACC National Secretary and Senior Pastor of LifeUC, Canberra. This is a day to gather in the Lord’s presence, seek His face, listen to His voice, be renewed, refreshed and empowered by

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We know church chairs.

Worship is Pneuma

I had an encounter with the Lord during my January holiday this year. We head to the Sunshine Coast in sunny Queensland every year and I always start the day having quiet time with God on our rooftop, where there is nothing between the ocean and me.

This particular morning, as I asked God to show me what this year would hold, I lay back with my eyes closed. With the sound of the ocean in the background, the sun warming my face and body, I immediately entered a closed vision.

In this vision, there was a leaf lying on a path. And there I was, in the middle of the path behind the leaf. Then, a light wind picked up and began to spin, lift and pinwheel the leaf down the path into the distance, and I began to chase after it. I was laughing and I was having an absolute ball chasing this leaf. Just as I would get close and reach out to catch it, the wind would pick up again, and off it would go… and the process repeated. The vision finished as quickly as it started and I knew what my assignment was for the year—follow the wind and take the time to enjoy the chase!

I’ve heard so many people express their fear that following the Holy Spirit can lead to weird places that don’t reflect much biblical truth and even that being prophetic or Spirit-led is the market share of the spiritual lightweights or weirdos. This makes me so sad because these fears keep people resisting the wind rather than having it at their back. When Jesus talked about the kind of worship His Father was looking for, in His encounter with the woman at the well, He said this:

‘But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit [pneuma] and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit [pneuma], and those who worship him must worship in spirit [pneuma] and truth.’ (John 4:23–24)

There is so much rich, amazing contextual truth and application in this encounter Jesus had with this woman at the well, but let’s land on these two words— Spirit and truth. These are the two things the Father is seeking and actively looking for from His worshipers—a

combination of pneuma and aletheia, which is the opposite of fictitious, feigned or false. In other words, not weird! Instead, it’s Holy Spirit and it’s real, sincere, accurate, truthful and dependable.12

One commentator explained that to worship in truth is worship that is doctrinally informed and directed towards Jesus; worship that affirms the realities of truth.13 I understand that I am not adequately covering so much of the rich context and theology of this encounter here, but this is because I want you to hear this: prophetic worship that is Holy Spirit led does not have to be kooky! It can and should be completely grounded in Scripture, and therefore transformational.

I often tell our worship leaders that it is one thing to express your emotions to God in prayer or song, and this is a great and important thing to do, but if you want to do war with your worship—sing or pray Scripture. Emotions are like feather dusters that tickle other people’s ears when we sing them. But singing Scripture is a sword that is an offensive weapon for God’s Kingdom.

Worship is pneuma. Let’s chase the wind.

25 WORSHIP IS ... STACEY HILLIAR WORSHIP IS ... Do you ever feel totally free when you worship, but not in your everyday life? What if worship was more than a song and more than an experience within the four walls of the church? What if there was more to worship than what we have experienced? What if we could unlock the fullness of worship and see it transform our everyday lives? Join Stacey Hilliar as she uncovers the truth in God’s Word to reveal the fullness of what worship is, and as she invites you to unlock the freedom that it brings. God is actively seeking worshipers and this book is an opportunity for you to answer one of life’s most defining questions: What is worship to me? Stacey Hilliar is an Executive Pastor at Neuma Church in Melbourne, Australia, who has been involved in leading worship teams for over two decades. 9 780646 827728 BookCover_FA.indd 7/12/20 3:58 pm
STACEY HILLIAR is an executive pastor at Neuma Church.
© Stacey Hilliar Extract from ‘Worship Is’ published with permission.

6 Reasons Why We Should Speak in Tongues

The core doctrine that really defines the Pentecostal expression of Christianity is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. It has been and continues to be a core belief in our churches across the world. It’s a message we should preach from the rooftops. We must be unashamed of the Holy Ghost.

I have heard so many sermons on this subject where the preacher is giving a disclaimer, apologising for the 'awkwardness', and trying to naturalise the supernatural ministry of the Spirit. I believe this expression of our worship, prayer and devotion shouldn’t be relegated to small groups, camps or special service, but should be preached with passion and with signs following. I want my kids to be raised in a church where they see tongues as a natural and wonderful part of our walk with God.

The Apostle Paul had a lot to say about speaking in tongues. Whilst regulating proper use of prophesying in tongues, he also proclaimed his passion for speaking (and singing in tongues).

In 1 Corinthians 14:5 Paul writes, “I wish you all spoke in tongues.” Later in 1 Corinthians 14:18 he says, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all…”

If he said he spoke in tongues more than the Corninthians, he must have done it a lot. They did it so much, he seemed to slow them down a bit.

I want to give six reasons we should be regularly speaking in tongues and why our congregations should too.


In Acts 2, Acts 10 and in Acts 19 when people were filled with the Holy Spirit, they received a prayer language. They spoke in other tongues.

We need to have faith that when we pray for people to be filled with the Spirit, that they’ll receive all that is available to them; especially speaking in tongues.


'For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.' (1 Corinthians 14:2)

'Mysteries' means secrets between friends; what is known only to the initiated. We have end to end encryption with God. So when we pray in the Holy Ghost, the devil has no understanding of what is being prayed. He has to wear the consequences that come from a believer laying hold of God by praying in the Spirit.

I am certain that when we pray in the Spirit the enemy is in nervous anticipation of what God is going to do.


This is not just a prayer language, it’s a praise and worship language. I don’t only pray in the Spirit, I worship and praise in the Spirit. Tongues intensifies our worship.


I heard a pastor in Texas, Tommy Burchfield say that “it’s my supernatural, supercharged praise".

'For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is the conclusion then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding. I will sing with the spirit, and I will also sing with the understanding. Otherwise, if you bless with the spirit, how will he who occupies the place of the uninformed say “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not understand what you say? For you indeed give thanks well, but the other is not edified. (1 Corinthians 14: 14-17)


'He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself' (1 Cor 14:4)

'Build yourself up in your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Ghost.' (Jude 20)

When we pray in the Spirit, we charge ourselves up like a battery. When my phone goes under 20% charge, I look for a charger. Too many believers are running around on low battery. We have to stay charged up with the Holy Ghost.

Paul puts it differently to Timothy, he reminds Timothy 'to stir up the gift of God' (2 Timothy 1:6)

According to the original Greek, 'edifies' means 'to build a house, erect a building or to restore by building, to rebuild, repair.


'Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.' (2 Timothy 1:6–7)

When we stir up this gift, we tap into that power that breaks fear and gives us peace that comes with a sound mind. Pastoring is a tough job sometimes, thank God that in the chaos I can touch Him and find peace in my mind.


When you got saved, Jesus took a hold of your heart, but when you got filled with the Holy Spirit, He took hold of your tongue.

James 3:1–12 tells us that the tongue is the most unruly member of the body. It’s no coincidence that the Holy Spirit took a hold of the part of us that can lead us into trouble or success.  Praying in the Holy Ghost tames the tongue.

We need to make room for the Holy Spirit afresh. Give him the control over our lives, our families, our ministries. I heard it said that you can grieve, resist, quench, blaspheme the Holy Ghost but you can’t control the Holy Ghost. Yield to Him afresh today!

DAVID HALL is the South Australia State President & Senior pastor of Revivalcity Church.

Outpouring of Favour

How Jesus’ Mission is Ours for Today

In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus declares and defines His mission. He proclaims that jubilee had arrived:

‘The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.’ (quoting Isaiah 61)

The jubilee year in the Old Testament was celebrated every fifty years. It was a time when every slave was set free, all debts were forgiven, and the land given rest (see Lev 5:10-13).

Following this announcement, Jesus then began his ministry of healing the blind, setting people free from evil spirits, preaching the good news that God was with people. Jesus secured the ultimate freedom for the world by conquering sin and death through the cross and resurrection. We are now set free from the slavery to sin to know His salvation.

Then Jesus left.

But before returning to the Father, Jesus gave His Spirit to the Church. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to empower us to continue His mission. Fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the Holy Spirit was poured out on His followers (Acts 2). The Church was born into an overflowing, never-ending jubilee.

We are that Church!

We are in jubilee now!

A Church of Power

This is a powerful commissioning for us, the Church in the 21st Century! It is a clarion call to reach out to a world desperately in need. It is a call to Spiritempowered works of healing, deliverance, soul winning and God’s transformative favour coming upon

individuals, families and communities - not through a special few, but through all believers.

Sadly, in recent times there has been a resurgence of doctrines, opinions and voices that say that these demonstrations of the heart of God have ceased - that healings, deliverance and the supernatural power of the Spirit died with the apostolic age. Even some in the pentecostal church have embraced these limitations! Yet the Holy Spirit is moving to restore His Church back to her purpose to be and do the mission of Jesus. With this we can expect to see:

• More healing, deliverance and supernatural activity;

• The Spirit-empowerment of all believers (the Joel 2:28-32 promise of men and women, people of all socio-economic means, old and young all moving in the gifts and the Spirit’s power);

• Salvations - many souls coming to Jesus, and the evidence of the Spirit at work through the church;

• Unity and community through sacrificial love being displayed in local church communities (Acts 2:42-47).

It is time to embrace our anointing! We, like Jesus, are anointed to move in power for the sake of those that He is reaching. It’s time to return to our true identity as the church - to live in Jubilee and to see God’s unlimited Spirit outpoured to fulfill Christ’s mission.

PROF JACQUELINE GREY is a lecturer at Alphacrucis.

PASTOR KRISTY MILLS is Executive Pastor of Horizon Church.


• Gift and Giver by Craig Keener

• Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God by Gordon Fee

• Craig Keener website

• Bearded Pentecostal youtube channel


Staying Focused in a world of distraction

Being able to focus on the most important things has always been a challenge; it just seems to be harder these days. The proliferation of technologies and platforms that vie for our attention, that are increasingly finding their way into the rhythms of the way we work, wear us down and we often end up caught in the maelstrom of jumping from one task to the next, getting to the end of our day wondering what we actually achieved.

Or maybe that’s just me.

We know that moving towards our long-term goals happens as we make small progress in our day-to-day and our day-to-day is often the problem because that is where we get distracted. Here is some advice from the social sciences that can help us.

1. You are not welcome…at this time

Georgetown professor Cal Newport has been researching productivity and focus for many years, and he argues that to “produce at your peak level you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task, free from distraction.” He argues that creating spaces where you are uninterruptable will boost your performance. Structuring my environment to counter distraction sometimes looks like turning off emails, putting my phone on DND, placing a physical sign above my desk that indicates to colleagues I need to focus on deep work, and using noise cancelling headphones –sometimes with music.

2. Plan to encounter the enemy

No, not the devil – me. I am often my own worst enemy, and therefore need to plan my day to counteract my tendency to get distracted by conversations with colleagues, washing dishes, or making coffee. Therefore, planning ahead what I will and won’t do, and when, sharpens my focus.

Furthermore, I try to structure my most important work in the period of the day where I have the highest energy. Carey Nieuwhof writes that not all hours in the day are created equal and that we need to recognize our energy fluctuates throughout the day. Work with, rather than against your green, yellow, and red zones.

3. Exercise that hard-to-reach muscle

Focus is a muscle, metaphorically speaking; you need to work at it if you want it to grow. Here’s a few exercises that will help “workout” this hard-to-get-at muscle:

• Pay attention to your attention in a conversation, and if you find your focus slipping, intentionally bring it back.

• Create space in your schedule to sit, without technology, and direct your thoughts on one thing, such as an organisational problem or a biblical text.

• Consider redefining your relationship to technology through a technological Sabbath. Attempting to not engage with technology such as your phone or emails for 24 hours increases your capacity to say no to intrusion.

Bonus: For more outstanding practical thoughts on focus and using technology wisely, check out AC’s interview with Productivity Consultant Daniel Sih.

With intentionality and practice, you just might find yourself at the end of the year looking back with surprise at how much less distracted and more productive you are, actually enjoying the important work God has called you to (Ecc 2:24).

Read the full article (with an additional tip) here

ANDREW GROZA is the Victorian State Director of Alphacrucis.

When just having a go isn't enough

I’ll try anything once! It’s almost unAustralian to not have a go or give something a 'crack'. While giving anything a go is fun and exciting once, it’s not a great model for sustainable or long term success.

This is true also for the new way we must approach reaching, serving, and engaging our communities. It’s no longer good enough to have a go at Community Engagement! A lot has changed in the last ten years and as ACC pastors and churches, we must adapt.

What is your community engagement model? Is it based on 'Find a need and help solve it?' This approach no longer works; instead we can often burn our church people out while losing our credibility in the community. The new model is 'Strength based community engagement'. Find the strengths, talents and gifts of your community and work with them.

Are you or someone on your team qualified? This is one of the biggest changes in Community attitude towards the church. Simply the people we connect with in our community want the reassurances that who they are working with is trained and qualified in community work.

This is why ACC Community Engagement has partnered with our Alphacrucis College to produce an exceptional training course that will bring you and your church forward in your effectiveness and credibility ultimately making you the church the community wants around.

The Diploma of Community Services not only gives you a qualification that is recognised across Australia in spheres it will effectively train your team in strength based community engagement.

The great news is that if you have five years’ experience in community work, you are eligible to do this an RPL, allowing you to complete the Diploma in one week!

Visit the website or come and see me or one of our trained team at the Community Engagement stand at National Conference. Better still, register for our Community Engagement stream at Conference to learn more about the most effective way to influence your community.


Do you have over five years experience in community engagement through your ministry? Join the four day intensive with Paul Bartlett who will guide you through best practice in community engagement and receive an Alphacrucis College RPL Diploma of Community Services.


29th May - 2nd June 2023

14th - 18th August 2023

16th – 20th October 2023

Click here for more information

PAUL BARTLETT is the National Director of Community Engagement & NSW State President.


Missions are at the core of the Christian faith, and it is a vital aspect of the Church’s purpose to spread the Gospel to all nations. The Great Commission, which Jesus gave to His disciples in Matthew 28:18-20, serves as the foundation for the church’s mission.

Throughout the Bible, we see God’s heart for the nations, and His desire for all to come to repentance and salvation. The Apostle Paul emphasises this in Romans 10:14-15, where he says, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’”

The Bible teaches that people without Christ are lost, and their eternal destiny is at stake. Considering world events there is an increased urgency to the missions call. The Gospel is the only message that can save them, and it is the church’s responsibility to share it with them. Every mature tree drops seeds, every mature church must have a holistic missions engagement. It is not just tell-tale sign of your maturity, but an agent that brings maturity to the people as well as the church itself.

Missions must be grounded in a solid understanding of God’s character, His plan for salvation, and His purpose for the church. Missions is not something that the Church does; it is something that the Church is. It flows from the heart of God, and it should flow from the heart of every believer. This is why ACCI is so attractive, it brings with it:

Theological alignment

We are a conference that believes in the power of the Holy Spirit and the flow of His gifts, in the operation of Ascension Gift Ministries amongst other important distinctives that set us as a conference apart.

• Organisational protection

It is important to meet ACNC external conduct standards to protect the charitable status of your church. Few churches have the capacity to train their overseas partners in these standards, then hold them accountable to implementation.

• Relational connection

We are a family, and families gather to celebrate together. What a great opportunity to rejoice in the victories with one another, at our national conferences, our international conference ( formerly Pan Asia) and in our state conference.

• Operational integrity.

ACCI is held to the highest standard of accountability by the National Executive. And you can rest assured that all investment goes to the designated place with the smallest amount of administration on the way.

We, the Church, must play a critical role in missions. It is the Church’s responsibility to send and support missionaries, pray for their safety and success, and provide financial resources for their work. The Church is also responsible for raising up new missionaries and providing them with the necessary training and resources.

We need to constantly reinforce the importance of missions, the role of the Church in missions, and the need for a biblical foundation for missions. May we all be obedient to Christ’s command to make disciples of all nations and to share the Gospel with those who have not heard.

Please make sure to engage with us at National Conference. Our Tuesday. Mission stream is at capacity, but please come by our stand and talk to one of the ACCI team.

John Hunt is the Director of ACCI.

Is your team ready for what comes next?

In your church, one of the greatest blessings is your team – that group of people that the Lord has gathered to make a difference and impact your community.

Jesus modelled a specific and effective method of raising up leaders. He brought a group of people close and dedicated time to them; exposing them to various situations and tried to prepare them for every eventuality they might have to encounter. Whether it was teaching them to understand the context of the Law and the Prophets, or showing them how to deal with the difficulties of the Pharisees. Whether it was modelling effective communication or demonstrating the balance required in the administration of grace and truth. Or whether it was navigating the day-to-day rigours of ministry or exposing them to the possibility of stepping out into ministry in their own right.

Preparing your team with the right skills

Part of our mandate to make disciples is to prepare our teams with the right skills to provide the care and support that our community needs. Even the most gifted and effective leader has limitations on what they can impart: available time, lack of specialised experience, different development levels of your team and the tyranny of the familiar. All these conspire to inhibit the effect of a locally based development pathway.

The truth is that none of us can be expected to have all of the skills we need to provide effective upskilling for those we lead. This is where partnerships with others are important – working with people and groups who have specialised skills and experience which can make even a young and inexperienced team start to develop high level skills, which will continually yield effective and lasting results.

Chaplaincy Australia is concentrating on helping you impact your community by offering bespoke training options for your team... we hope that you will take the opportunity to connect with us to discuss how we can

help your team go to the next level.

Professional Development options include...

• Advancing Pastoral Care

• Introduction to Chaplaincy Skills

• Effective Community engagement

• Mental Health Support

• Navigating Challenging Questions

• Suicide prevention and postvention

• Self-care and Debriefing

• Grief, Loss and Trauma

There is a lot to do, and it is getting more challenging every day. Let’s all work together to make sure that your team is ready for what is coming next!

Ralph Estherby is the National Director / CEO of the Chaplaincy Australia.

We’re here to serve you.

In celebration of our 75th Anniversary, we are sending our biggest ever team to conference to connect with you.

Executive Team Staff & Faculty Stephen Fogarty President Sandra Fogarty Transforming Leadership Program Greg Cortese Vice President Operations David Perry Vice President Academic Lauren Perry Alumni Relations Officer Kevin Hovey Senior Lecturer, Cross Cultural & Pastoral Ministry Kay Dohle Director of Church Partnerships Neil Scott Advancement Director Andrew Groza VIC & TAS State Director Donna Kipps WA State Director Jacqui Grey Professor in Biblical Studies Dean O’Keefe SA State Director Michael Lu Marketing Director, Business Lecturer Jonny Black Future Students Officer Libby Edwards Future Students Officer

click here

Don’t miss the opportunity for one-on-one time with us at conference. We’re here to support you, your ministry, and your church.

Book a chat with us

Our key leadership team wants to meet you at ACC National Conference.
Head of Schools State Directors Gary Lottering Vice President Advancement Michelle Fredericks QLD & NT State Director Jon Newton Senior Lecturer; HDR Supervisor Jeffrey Aernie School of Ministry and Theology Lily Arasaratnam-Smith Deputy Vice President Faculty Duane Van Vuuren Director of Postgraduate Leadership Rebecca Loundar School of Health and Human Sciences Daniel Thornton School of Pathways, Arts, and Business Jesse Winchester NSW & ACT State Director Susan Westraad School of Education Adam Dodds Lecturer in Systematic Theology Emma Austin Associate Lecturer in Old Testament Studies

How studying at AC has helped me

Master of Arts

Katrina Yassi, Campus Pastor, Faith Christian Church – Waverly

My time studying at AC has enabled me to preach better, pastor more effectively, and has helped to cultivate an even greater love for the word of God. I have learnt that it is important to grow in our development and understanding of the Bible, but it is incredibly valuable to do so with a Pentecostal lens. Our heritage as a movement is crucial to who we are and how we minister to others. As a Pentecostal bible college, AC offers the opportunity to grow in knowledge of the word of God and equip me practically for ministry.”

Master of Leadership

Matt Sharples, State President of ACC Tasmania, Senior Pastor, Abundant Life Church, Sports Chaplaincy Tasmania

The subjects I’m learning at AC are relevant to my leadership context and help me gain clarity and practical tools for my staff meetings, sermons, and strategic meetings. Online learning means I can work at my own pace, and the material is too good not to engage with it. I wasn’t ready for the Master of Leadership 10 years ago, but I’m so thankful I’m doing it now before it’s too late.

Master of Leadership

Ben Higgins – Youth Director, Alpha Australia

I was very grateful for the flexibility and support from AC, which enabled me to integrate my study with my responsibilities in ministry and at home. I really enjoyed the Strategic Planning and Leadership subjects because my current role is focused on leading a team to serve the Australian Church, primarily by empowering ministry leaders for evangelism, preparing young leaders for the future and developing content to engage with the next generation. I am very grateful for my time at AC and would highly recommend it to any Australian church leaders looking to further develop themselves and their leadership.

Leila Hovey - Assemblies of God, New Guinea Mission

Leila Hovey is one of our eldest living alumni at 90 years old, having been a Commonwealth Bible College student from 1952-1953. After graduating, Leila joined her husband Morris on the mission field in Papua New Guinea. Together they set up the Tamaui Mission Station and established a church to reach further villages in the region providing first aid, medical assistance, school teaching, and trade store operations. Morris later set up his own motor vehicle workshop in Tamaui and developed it to serve the people of the region. Morris and Leila worked in PNG for 25 fruitful years and then resigned as missionaries in 1975. However, they continued their workshop enterprise at Tamaui for many more years whilst actively working with both the mission and the national churches. They are loved and honoured by the people of the East Sepik District.


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Raising up leaders is the privilege and responsibility of every local church.
Leadership Principles with Ps Ben Naitoko Cross Cultural Missions with Ps John Hunt Old Testament with Ps Matt Heins New Testament with Ps Ken Lee Christian Worldview with Ps Mark Varughese Pastoral Ministry with Ps Georgie Baxter Preaching with Ps Wayne Alcorn Children’s Ministry with Ps Andy Kirk Youth Ministry with Ps Cameron and Ps Renee Bennett Your Inner World with Ps Darlene Zschech
to find out more ⟶

New books by ACC authors

MY FATHER'S SON A Generational Journey

I remember the day clearly. We were almost at the end of the twentieth century. A brand-new millennium was at our doorstep. There were all kinds of predictions about the change that awaited all of us. The Doomsday prophets were having a field day. Ah yes, who can forget ‘Y2K’? It’s amazing that we’re all still here!

Late in 1999, I was sitting in the front of a church, about to speak on a Sunday morning, knowing that the seasons of life were also changing for me personally. I’d been leading a program in our nation called Youth Alive.

It had been an amazing ride: from being a local youth group leader in a regional town to seeing our desire to help young people unfold. Youth Alive became a significant force for good, helping countless thousands of young people in our nation. Beyond that, it played a part in shaping the contemporary Australian church.

In that moment, I heard what I believe was the whisper of heaven into my own heart: ‘You’ve spent the last 20 years helping young people. Now it’s time to help their fathers help them.’

Since then, I’ve spent much of my time talking to and with men – at church, at camps, at conferences and at men’s events.

There have been conversations in boardrooms, over barbecues in back yards, on fishing trips and in the grandstands at sporting events, both large and small.

One moment stands out. I was in the far north of my state, in the beautiful tropical region of Queensland, to speak at another men’s event. The men there were ordinary guys who loved outdoor activities – sport, recreational fishing, camping and the like – and they were the kind of people I love hanging with. There was a broad range of age groups. Professional businessmen rubbed shoulders with tradesmen, middle management and retirees. Many were husbands. A lot were fathers. Some were single. But we all had a common need. (Read on: you’ll discover it!)

Click here to order
©2023 Wayne Alcorn. Extract from 'My Father's Son' published with permission from Acorn Press.


The story of one family's journey through tragedy

October 14th, 2003. The day began like any other, but changed me completely. I started early. My morning walk was interrupted by the sound of the slasher in our neighbour’s wheat crop. A drought had ravaged our community in the season just gone. Now frost. Again. Young life stolen in an instant! Not the only thief that day.

When I stepped in through the back door, I had no idea that the events of the next few hours would forever change our lives. Laura Grace greeted me. Three years old, funfilled, and life-loving. She had taken off all her nightwear and laughed as I asked her, “Where are your clothes?” She had a belly laugh that filled the room– a familiar, loved sound in our home.

It was a typical morning for that time of year; sunny, clear skies, shaping up to be a beautiful spring day. The older children got ready for school, and Laura and I were preparing for childcare, where I worked, and she attended, an enjoyable thing that we did together.

...We were propelled, my little family and I, into a dense fog, driven by grief’s unbearable pain. The faith we held so dear hung loosely across us like a worn life jacket that we hoped might somehow save us. Each had the task of traversing Tragedy’s waters. Every man for himself, yet bonded by our loss.

©2023 Barbara Ireland Extract from 'Daddy Will Carry Me' published with permission. Orders and info:

HOLY SPIRIT BREAKOUT Discovering the stories of Australian Pentecostalism

Most of the research was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2022. During this time Australia was beset with lockdowns, restrictions on movement and closures of borders between different states. Our plans often had to be adjusted as a result of unforeseen factors like these. But this helped us see God’s hand in our work. In 2021, Tex and I were travelling in NSW for the second time, this time by road. He had brought an Apple computer to load the data onto, but he forgot to bring the power cord. It was an old-style power cord often used with electric jugs in the past. But without it, his camera would soon have no more space to store data and we would be in major trouble. We tried to buy a cord at Bunnings, a major Australian hardware chain, but they didn’t stock such obsolete items. Then as we drove from Orange to Parramatta, across the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, we noticed the local community was having a hard-waste rubbish collection, so Tex would stop every so often to rummage through people’s waste looking for such a cord. No luck.

So I said, belatedly, “We’d better pray about this.” At the next town we found a “Cash Converters” store open, even though it was Sunday, and they nearly matched what we wanted, but not quite. So we drove on, did some more

interviews, and finally arrived at the apartment of Kevin and Glenys Hovey in Parramatta, where we were to stay a few nights. We hoped they could direct us to some kind of shop where we might obtain the needed cord the following day before our next set of appointments. But imagine our surprise when Kevin said, “I think we have such a cord.” They had found it in their apartment just a few days earlier, even though they had never had an appliance needing such a cord, and were wondering why they owned it. It was brand new!

It was experiences like this, and the privilege of sitting at the feet of the amazing participants in this research, that has motivated us to keep going, even when our journey was complicated by COVID-19 issues, money problems and other people’s schedules. We have completed nearly 200 interviews in nearly all states of Australia, including people from nearly all Pentecostal and charismatic streams, men and women, and from varied ethnic backgrounds.

©2023 Jon K. Newton. Extract from 'Holy Spirit Breakout' published with permission. Orders and info:


Bible Society Group aims to empower Australian churches through our various ministries, to disciple people by providing practical resources that help Open The Bible to all people everywhere by all means possible.

Bible Society Group is a proud sponsor of ACC National Conference 2023 Find out more at
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A Generational Journey

Wayne Alcorn has seen the radical life-change that happens in men as they embrace the love of God the Father.

And he has seen that love heal and transform men’s lives –his father’s, his own and the countless men across Australia he has talked to and helped heal. This is his – and their – story. And the story of how God’s love transforms generations. A story that just might change your life. This book aims to:

Provide encouraging stories of lives transformed through a relationship with God

Give insight into how the love of a Father God can heal lives

Inspire to transform lives and future generations by embracing God’s love


7 Leadership Principles for a Church that Lasts

Craig Groeschel is the founding and senior pastor of Life.Church, an innovative multisite church known around the world and an organisation that Glassdoor has named a #1 U.S. Best Place to Work. But it didn't happen by accident. In 1996, a handful of congregants worshipped together in a two-car garage. Today, the church welcomes tens of thousands of attendees in multiple states across the country and globally at Life. Church Online.

Lead Like It Matters presents Groeschel's transformative insights on how to effectively build a thriving, enduring ministry and organisation, and the secret for building ministry momentum and then keeping it going.

*Lead Like It Matters is a completely revised and updated version of the book previously published as It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It.*


The Tide-turning Power of Hope

What if we could fundamentally reframe how we see life’s challenges?

Good Catastrophe is your blueprint for finding your way out of pain. It is an atypical, no holds barred message of redemptive hope that will breathe new sunshine into your soul.

We need to rebrand hope. The era of everything in our lives fitting neatly in a box is done. That world is over. We need hope - but we need a hope that is robust enough to speak to real life.

In a gritty and unique take on the story of Job, Benjamin Windle shows that flourishing does not come from a life devoid of loneliness, trauma, and anxiety. It's one lived with hope engineered for adversity.

True hope is not hype. It's not pretending that everything is fine. Hardship, not perfection, is the starting point of hope.


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DADDY WILL CARRY ME The Story of One Family's Journey Through Tragedy

by Barb Ireland

Life changed forever for Barbara and Paul Ireland and their family following a freak accident that claimed their little daughter's life.

Three-year-old Laura died tragically and, in the process, left the Irelands devastated.

Daddy Will Carry Me is a powerful story told by Barb with rawness and honesty. She confronts the question of “why?” and the dilemma of where God is when the worst happens. The hope-filled pages will bring assurance and encouragement to all who encounter heartbreak and those who stand with them.

Barb and her husband Paul were married in 1986. Between them, they have many roles, including Pastor, Farmer, and Teacher. They are passionate about helping people overcome adversity. Barb and Paul live in regional South Australia with their youngest daughter and two dogs. Family gatherings with their children and granddaughters are among their favourite things.

Click here to order

HOLY SPIRIT BREAKOUT Discovering the Stories of Australian Pentecostalism

Why are Pentecostal movements like the ACC highly visible and growing, attracting large numbers from all ages and many ethnic groups and even expanding overseas? What happened to stimulate such amazing growth from a movement that was insignificant in 1970? Who were the main players and what did God do through them?

This book came out of a research project conducted by AC Associate Professor Jon Newton and ‘Tex’ Houston (YiLong Productions) in 2019. They both lived through the explosive growth period in Australian Pentecostalism that began in the later 1970s. They carried out (so far) 193 interviews, mostly face-to-face but a few online. Only a small sample of these stories are contained in the book but more will be included in a TV documentary and a more substantial history to come. You will be inspired as you read what these amazing men and women did by the Spirit

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In cinemas on April 20

When you open your heart, there's room for everyone. In the 1970s, young Greg Laurie (Joel Courtney) is searching for all the right things in all the wrong places: until he meets Lonnie Frisbee (Jonathan Roumie), a charismatic hippie-streetpreacher. Together with Pastor Chuck Smith (Kelsey Grammer), they open the doors of Smith’s languishing church to an unexpected revival of radical and newfound love, leading to what TIME Magazine dubbed a 'Jesus Revolution'.

Jesus Revolution will release in over 120 Cinemas around Australia, New Zealand and Fiji from April 20, 2023.

More info: Group bookings & enquries:


ACC EMAG #2 2023

Published by Australian Christian Churches.

Editor: Daryl-Anne Le Roux

Proofreader: Elba Broadhead

Photography by:

p. 1 ACC23 Stock

p. 2 ACC23 Stock

p. 4 Instagram @accsnapshot

p. 8 Alphacrucis

p. 11 ACCI

p. 12 Pearl Harbor archives

p. 14 ACC23 Stock

p. 16 WA State Conference

p. 18 Neuma Church

p. 20 Calvary Townsville

p. 24 Neuma Church

p. 27 RevivalCity Church

p. 36 Andrew Groza

ACC EMAG is published four times a year. Visit to read more editions.

ACC National PO Box 8093 Norwest NSW 2153

No part of this magazine may be reproduced with the written permission of the publisher.

All rights reserved. ©2023 Australian Christian Churches.


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Articles inside

New books by ACC authors

pages 42-47

How studying at AC has helped me

pages 40-41

Is your team ready for what comes next?

page 37


pages 34-36

When just having a go isn't enough

page 33

Staying Focused in a world of distraction

pages 30-32

Outpouring of Favour

page 29

6 Reasons Why We Should Speak in Tongues

pages 26-28

Worship is Pneuma

pages 24-25

How one chair can change a life.

page 23

The Life-Giving Spirit

pages 21-22

Preparing for an Outpouring

pages 18-20

The Game Changer

pages 16-17

The Spirit of Pentecost

page 15

Awaken the Giant

pages 12-14

Earthquake Response

page 11

Peace of mind for your church, ministry and Christian school Weathering the storm – together

page 10

AC celebrates 75 years

pages 6-9

Tribute Ralph Read

pages 5-6

New books by ACC authors

pages 42-47

How studying at AC has helped me

pages 40-41

Is your team ready for what comes next?

page 37


pages 34-36

When just having a go isn't enough

page 33

Staying Focused in a world of distraction

pages 30-32

Outpouring of Favour

page 29

6 Reasons Why We Should Speak in Tongues

pages 26-28

Worship is Pneuma

pages 24-25

How one chair can change a life.

page 23

The Life-Giving Spirit

pages 21-22

Preparing for an Outpouring

pages 18-20

The Game Changer

pages 16-17

The Spirit of Pentecost

page 15

Awaken the Giant

pages 12-14

Earthquake Response

page 11

Peace of mind for your church, ministry and Christian school Weathering the storm – together

page 10

AC celebrates 75 years

pages 6-9

Tribute Ralph Read

pages 5-6
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