2 minute read
from ACC Emag #4 2022
by ACCMag
Good Governance Essentials
'Governance quenches the Spirit.' More times than I would have liked, during my more than half-century of active involvement in many aspects of church life, I have had to disabuse this fringe notion, that governance is somehow ‘worldly’. Thankfully, the surrounding cultural environment in which we all minister and better training opportunities have worked to quench that notion once and for all.
Alphacrucis University College is relaunching its online Good Governance Essentials courses. I highly recommend these courses to anyone in leadership roles, whether at pastoral or board levels, who are interested in enhancing Kingdom outcomes throughout the constituent churches and other entities that make up our ACC Movement.
Better board competence, regardless of whether the church or entity is large or small, as an essential component of Kingdom outcomes, can only result in a wider reach of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I’m commending these courses not only to existing and prospective board members but also to our pastors. One of the distinctives of our ACC Movement is the focus on our pastoral leadership model. The development of better board competence can only assist in enhancing this distinctive rather than to be seen as derogating from it, or to be in competition with it.
The respective roles in the governance and management/ leadership equation have distinctive characteristics but there should never be entrenched fortifications between them. As with all Kingdom roles, one is not superior to the other. ideas and share chemistry all within a spirit of honour, empathy and respect. Hubris and self-serving inclinations in any part of the equation can only damage Kingdom outcomes.
The Good Governance Essentials courses are interesting, informative, well-constructed and well-presented, the ACC Movement, and thus the Kingdom, will be well served by their relaunch. Anyone interested in serving the Lord in any capacity will also find them very helpful.
GRAHAM CORNEY OAM is the former lawyer for ACC and currently a member of the ACC Review Group.
This online course is an introduction for leaders of churches to the important areas of governing your church well. Directors are not merely liable for the results of their decisions, but in a fast-paced world, an aligned and strategically aware board will make better decisions faster.
Course Outcomes include the legal framework of churches in Australia; Important aspects of financial accountability, workplace health and safety, and risk management; Approaches to managing people, both staff and volunteer; and more.