ACC Emag #2/2021

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Celebrate NAIDOC 2021 from 4–11 July 2021 This year’s theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction. NAIDOC 2021 invites you to embrace First Nations’ cultural knowledge and understanding of Country as part of Australia’s national heritage and equally respect the culture and values of Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders as they do the cultures and values of all Australians. This Is an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet. More info: ACC Indigenous Forum:

In February, the NSW & ACT State Executive team and many of the state’s ministry and regional leaders attended a cultural training seminar. The three hour Indigenous Awareness seminar, was led by Sinead Dumas, the co-founder of Biyang Yukul, a company that consults and works alongside churches and senior leadership to bring about cultural safety packages and training. She was supported by the leaders of ACC’s Indigenous Committee, WIlliam and Sandra Dumas, and gave insight through a Biblical lens into historical issues that Indigenous Australians face. The seminar was greatly impacting in that it challenged our bias, leaving everyone with new perspectives, and some great ways to reach the Indigenous in our communities. From left: Will & Sandra Dumas, Sinead Dumas, Annette & Paul Bartlett at the seminar. More info on Biyang Yukul:


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