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In One Accord
from ACC EMAG#3/2021
by ACCMag
Our 2021 National Conference exceeded all our expectations. We are so grateful to God that on the back of a year of lockdowns and restrictions, we could gather together in one place as the ACC Family. There was nothing like experiencing the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit as we worshipped together in one place, as one unified body. It was a significant conference, that has launched us into a new season with a spirit of faith and unity. National Executive We congratulate and welcome our newly elected National Executive team who will take us forward:
Wayne Alcorn (National President) John Hunt (Vice President) Sean Stanton (National Secretary) Brad Bonhomme (Executive member) Ally Cawthorn Executive member) Joel Chelliah (Executive member) Matt Heins (Executive member) Corey Turner (Executive member) Mark Varughese (Executive member)
Get to know our new Executive members: Q & A with Ally Cawthorn, Corey Turner &
Mark Varughese on page 10. Honour and Thanks We took time at Conference to honour and thank those who have served our Movement: Alun & Joan Davies for their 32 years of leadership and service on the ACC National Executive; Shane & Georgie Baxter for 12 years, and Joel & Julia A’Bell for 6 years. We also celebrated the appointment of John Hunt as our new ACCI Director, taking over from Alun Davies who has built a strong foundation for our Missions and Relief to go into the world. Conference Business Our Conference Business session voted in support of the four Remits presented. These included updates made to the ACC Child Protection Policy and the Ministerial Code of Conduct. The reworded ACC Doctrinal Basis Statement of Beliefs and new Theological Supplement was also accepted. The theme for this Conference – ONE – is significant for us all. Let’s continue to pray that, as Jesus prayed in John 17, we will have one heart and spirit, so that the world will know Him and His love for all humanity. May our UNITY be a distinctive of our lives, our churches and our movement!
WAYNE ALCORN ACC National President