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changing lives in 2019 & 2020
In the past two years, with your support, we’ve seen: • 110 missionaries serving • 255 new churches planted • 3,927 leaders trained • 3,678 salvations • 1,608 people baptised in water • 698 people baptised in the Holy Spirit • 520,947 adults and 174,629 children assisted through community programs • 123 communities benefit from community transformation projects
Thank you for your continued support of ACCI missionaries and field workers around the world.
It is my privilege to give this my final report to Conference. This Conference completes my final term as Director of ACCI. It has been an honour to serve the fellowship as Director of ACCI for the past 12 years.
During this time, ACCI Missions has changed in too many ways to cover in this brief report. We have relocated the missions centre and restructured and refreshed the ministry. We have re-staffed Missions, initiated new ministries, expanded and strengthened our missionary team and improved our performance achieving greater outcomes. As a result, ACC Missions is stronger and more effective than ever before. We serve our fellowship’s mission vision enabling missionaries to fulfil the call of God and take the gospel to the nations with the support of our churches and partners. We have an amazing team of passionate people working tirelessly to implement the vision of the fellowship. This includes an extremely effective team of dedicated missionaries, associates and partners who achieve amazing things to help change lives and extend the kingdom in many nations. These heroes, supported by our Melbourne team, have together over the last 12 years of my time as Director, have:
• Planted 2,229 churches • Seen 72,000 accept Christ • Trained 54,498 national leaders
• Total Missions & Relief revenue raised: $95 million
These figures reveal the powerful results that our fellowship has seen as a result of our partnership of churches and missionaries working in unity together. During the last 12years, we have also new initiatives that have increased our
effectiveness and fruitfulness including: • ACCI Relief that raised $60,175,206 over 12 years to transform communities, provide relief in disasters, train leaders, engage in antitrafficking programs, poverty reduction programs, rescuing at risk youth, engaging in prison ministries, and much more. • Our Kinnected program and related children’s community ministry has helped 908,850 children. • Village Life and our community programs have assisted 1,759,642 adults. • Our PanAsia Conference held each year in Phuket has seen hundreds of people, leaders and Pastors from Australian churches attend. The conference connects churches, leaders and missionaries in new partnerships that assist the churches of our fellowship to have a greater direct relationship and understanding of field workers and their ministry. • Our annual 1Day campaign – which encourages individuals and churches to give one day’s salary to help those in need – is another initiative that continues to go from strength to strength. In the past 11 years, 1Day has raised over $2.7 million for vital missions and relief work around the world enabling us to train leaders, plant churches, develop ministries and assist national churches.
There is a great deal more we could report on as we have seen and continue to see an abundance of the Lord’s favour and blessing on this ministry. I am very grateful for everyone I have had the privilege of working with – our wonderful Melbourne team, Ps Wayne Alcorn our national ACC President, the National and State Executives, the boards of ACCI Missions and Relief, our many generous supporting churches and stakeholders and especially our amazing missionaries, who remain my heroes. The support of these wonderful people and churches have made all of this possible. I feel confident as John Hunt assumes the position of National Director at the conclusion of this conference. John is well suited for this ministry and I know our mission and the vision of our fellowship will thrive under his leadership. Thank you for the privilege of serving you as Missions Director for our fellowship and working for our missionaries this last 12 years. I have been humbled and honoured to serve the Lord and promote the Great Commission in this capacity.