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The Results Are In: 2022 Graduate Survey
The Results Are In
The annual survey demonstrates graduate retention and opportunities, with Assiniboine graduates getting jobs and remaining in the province.
The 2022 survey shows that 94 per cent of graduates have jobs within nine months of graduation, with 89 per cent working in a career related to their field of study.
“This survey is one of the key measures of accountability for the college. Transforming lives and strengthening Manitoba extends far beyond the time that students spend with us,” said Mark Frison, President at Assiniboine. “It means ensuring that their experience here supports them as they launch their careers, and that they feel motivated to do this in the province where they received their training.”
Assiniboine graduates stay in Manitoba. This year’s survey shows that 92 per cent of grads were still in the province. With 86 per cent of these graduates originating in the province, that’s a net population gain for Manitoba as a result of students studying at Assiniboine.
“A key piece of our province’s Skills, Talent and Knowledge Strategy is to see Manitobans succeeding in their careers, and strengthening their communities,” said Jon Reyes, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration.
“When we see results from Assiniboine graduates that indicate just that, we can be confident we’re heading in the right direction. We’re proud to work with ACC to ensure that both Manitobans and the provincial economy are set for success.” Canadian college diploma grads after two years, which is $38,200 according to the National Graduates Survey [The State of Post Secondary Education in Canada 2022 (Usher, 2022)].
The average income of an Assiniboine grad from 2017/18 (four years after graduation) is $56,700, a 24 per cent increase over the $45,900 average nine months after their 2017/18 graduation.
“Assiniboine graduates are faring well compared to national averages,” said Dr. Deanna Rexe, VP Academic at Assiniboine. “In addition to the strong start, they progress quickly in the early years of their careers.”
Our most recent graduates, nine months after graduation are making an average of $46,800, significantly exceeding the average income of Nine out of 10 graduates would recommend Assiniboine to a friend or family member.