ZOOM 101
A camp friendly guide to Zoom
WHAT IS ZOOM? Zoom is a communications technology company that provides video chat services through a cloud based peer-to-peer software It is the tool that we will be using to for our virtual camp programs Zoom is free to use and meetings can be accessed through designated links created by Camp Quality. Camp Quality has a premium account to ensure the security of our participants and allow our meetings to run for at least an hour.
HOW TO ACCESS ZOOM Click Your Meeting Link
Your meeting host will send you a specific link to access the meeting. 1. Click on that link at the time of the meeting. If you have dowloaded the application in advance, Zoom will open. It will also offer you the opportunity to "Join from your browser". 2. Enter the meeting password and you will be brought into a virtual 'waiting room'. 3. Your host will allow you into the meeting once the program is ready to run. 4. You'll be connecting with your camp friends in no time!
Download Zoom (Optional) Computer Download 1. Open your internet browser 2. Visit https://zoom.us/download 3. From the Download Centre, click on the Download button under Zoom Client For Meetings 4. Open the downloaded file and run through the installation process
Cell Phone Download 1. Click on the Apple or Android store icon 2. Search Zoom 3. Install Zoom 4. Sign in using meeting details
YOUR NAME When you sign in, please make sure your name and pronouns are connected to your video. We ask that everyone includes their pronouns beside their name to ensure that we are creating a safe and inclusive environment. Including your pronouns will help make sure that everyone feels welcome, and will help normalize asking people for their pronouns and not assuming someone's identity.
Maya Stern (She/Her)
To update your name: Hove over your video on the screen Click the three dots in the top-right corner, and select rename Update your name and pronouns and click OK
Your safety and security is our top priority. All of our Zoom meeting rooms are secured with the following settings: Waiting Room - Only the host can allow people into the session, so anyone not registered will not be allowed to join Password Protection - All meetings are password protected. Your meeting host will share the password with you.
MEETING TIPS Don't feel like being visible? Take a break and stop your video. Look for this icon in the bottom left corner of your meeting window. If your background is noisy or you need to have a side conversation, you can mute your audio. Look for this icon in the bottom left corner of the meeting window. Ensure that you are in a good space for a call; quiet and set up in a way that makes you feel comfortable, as your surroundings will be visible to others if you turn on video.
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ZOOM FEATURES WAITING ROOM The Waiting Room feature allows the host to control when a participant joins the meeting. A COC member will admit attendees one by one, or hold all attendees in the Waiting Room and admit them all at once. Participants will see the following screen when joining a meeting with Waiting Room enabled:
REACTIONS Meeting participants can react during a meeting by sending a thumbs up or clapping to communicate without interrupting the meeting. Reactions will disappear after 5 seconds. By default, the meeting reactions have a yellow skin tone. On the Zoom Desktop Client for Windows and Mac, you can also set your skin tone.
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VIRTUAL BACKGROUNDS 1. The Virtual Background feature allows you to display an image or video as your background during a Zoom Meeting. This feature works best with a green screen and uniform lighting, to allow Zoom to detect the difference between you and your background. You can upload your own images or videos as a virtual background. 2. To enable the Virtual Background feature for your own use: 3. Sign in to the Zoom web portal. 4. In the navigation menu, click Settings. 5. In the Meeting tab, navigate to the Virtual Background option and verify that the setting is enabled. Then choose your background.