aBOuT Accounting Direct is an accounting and trading company, whose main activity is the provision of complete financial and accounting services to small and medium-sized companies.
SErViCES : Accounting Services Capital Gains Tax advise Tax Planning Company Tax Returns
aCCOunTing SErViCE
We provide accounting and tax consulting to help your company to carry out an adequate tax management. Our area of tax advice in corporate taxes is dedicated to providing support to companies in the correct fulfillment of these obligations
CapiTaL gain Tax adViCE
We also provide Capital Gains Tax advise to the client. We started activities in the field of accounting, tax and social security and finance.
Tax pLanning
Accounting Direct offer you a useful and up-to-date accounting and Tax service. We give you the practical decisions and solution of the leading experts at a reasonable price.
COMpany Tax rETurnS
Accounting Direct is one of the leading firm in the provision of professional consultancy services in the accounting administrative areas through tax advice and auditing with standards for the constant development of our client.
Address: Accountingdirect Australia Melbourne Office: 44 Ross Street, Huntingdale Tel:0385022878 Website:- www.accountingdirect.com.au