Pay tax for doing a good business Tax which is one of the important factor for everyone weather it is an individual person or a company everybody has to return the tax for the betterment of the country as we as for upgrading of the society. Company Tax Returns is one of the important factors as returning of tax by company can able to help the company in growing and getting more business. Proper returning of tax also help in maintaining the smooth functioning of the financing and also keep the give the proper knowledge of other accounting tax also. There are many advantage of tax return by the company. 1. It help the company to have the goodwill as per the legal compliance is to be concerned. 2. Helps in making the decision faster as the picture of the finance is clear. 3. Helps in maintaining the clear and accurate budget which gives the correct idea of profit and loss of the company. 4. Helps in maintaining the good record by getting the rid of unnecessary details. Companies which fulfill all the GST Returns timely get more benefits. It provide the simplest taxation process and also consumes the less time and give the better business transactions. It also give the reasonable costs and reduced the considerable margins in it. GST also offer the very smooth business especially in transport as every state used to have same tax rules and it help the business to grow at a large area. Now a day’s Business Setup is not so easy ever company should have the offshore market place and should have the all the trade policies for its free business environment. Starting a business mainly require a investment and also the freest economy for controlling the foreign exchange transaction and the corporate ownership.