Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka 特集: ジェフリー・バワ──スリランカのエッセンス
For most people, Sri Lanka brings to mind a mysterious country rich in ancient heritage sites and spectacular natural landscapes. It is within such a captivating context which the architect Geoffrey Bawa (1919–2003) practiced his craft. Considered the foremost contemporary architect in Sri Lanka, his work continues to have lasting influence for several generations of Asian architects, particularly those in the tropical regions. Working mainly in Sri Lanka and parts of tropical Asia, he adapted vernacular elements, materials, construction methodologies and thinking during a time when the current notions of sustainability and climate-responsiveness had yet to exist. Also, for him the spatial and visual experiences through a building were far more important than its physical form. The result is an architecture that is responsive to its climate and landscape, with carefully orchestrated scenography of spaces typically blurring boundaries between the inside and outside. It is this ability to distil the essence of Sri Lanka through his contemporary sensibilities, which has allowed his work to bridge seamlessly between vernacular traditions and modernity, beautifully sensitive to context yet thoroughly relevant to its time and till today. Over two weeks in January 2011, we had the opportunity to photograph most of the projects presented in the issue, in their current states. Our editor also visited the various sites, returning with deep impressions that contributed to the shaping of the issue. This issue introduces the landscapes of Sri Lanka, and brings readers into the built legacy of Geoffrey Bawa. The main essay and project descriptions by Channa Daswatte – who was a principal associate and close friend of Bawa – give valuable insight to the approach and background of his works. The issue closes with glimpses into the nature of architecture education in Sri Lanka and the works of the emerging, new generation of Sri Lankan architects today. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff and trustees of the Geoffrey Bawa Trust for all their support and help in the making of this issue, as well as the current building owners who kindly allowed their buildings to be photographed. (a+u)
スリランカは数多くの古代遺跡と、壮大な自然の景観に彩られたミステリアスな 国としてよく知られている。そうした魅惑的なコンテクストの中にあって、建物 をつくり続けたのが建築家ジェフリー・バワ( 1919 ∼ 2003 年)である。現代スリ ランカにおける建築家の第一人者として知られる彼の作品は、数世代にわたって 今もアジアの建築家、特に熱帯アジアの建築家たちに影響を与え続けている。 バワはスリランカと熱帯アジアの一部をその活動の中心としつつ、サステイナビ リティと気候順応性という今日脚光を浴びている概念が生まれる以前から、その 土地固有の建築要素や素材、建設手法と、自身の思考とを順応させてきた。また、 建物の物理的形状よりも、その中をめぐる空間的・視覚的体験を大きく重視した のも彼である。その結果生まれたのは、気候と地形とに呼応する中で、複数の空 間を絶妙に配分しつつ内部と外部との境界をぼやかした、独特の建築であった。 現代的な感覚によってスリランカという国の本質を純化するという彼一流の才覚 こそが、作品において地域の伝統と現代性とを齟齬なく橋渡ししつつ、往時のみ ならず今日まで生き続けるコンテクストにたいしての美しいまでの繊細さを与え ているのである。 今回の特集号では、そうした彼の作品の今をとらえるべく、2011 年 1 月に 2 週間 にわたり掲載されているほとんどの作品の写真が撮影された。多岐にわたる作品 所在地で我々が行った取材は、それぞれに深い印象をもたらすものとなり、この 号にしかるべきかたちを与えている。特集はスリランカの地形の紹介に始まり、 読者をジェフリー・バワによって打ち立てられた数々の伝説へと誘う。中心とな るエッセイと、作品の解説では、バワのプリンシパル・アソシエイトであり、ま た親友でもあったチャンナ・ダスワッテ氏によって、バワの作品にたいするアプ ローチと背景にたいする貴重な洞察が行われている。また、特集の最後ではスリ ランカにおける建築教育に目を向けつつ、台頭しつつある新世代のスリランカ人 建築家の作品についても紹介している。今回の出版に当たっては、ジェフリー・ バワ財団のスタッフの方々の温かいご支援に加えて、現存する建物の所有者には 撮影の許可を頂いた。ここに深い謝意を表明するものである。
ジェフリー・バワは 1919 年、旧セイロン(現スリランカ)のコロンボに生まれた。 その後 1938 ∼ 1944 年まで、英国で英語および法律を学ぶ。1946 ∼ 1948 年には 米国とヨーロッパを広く旅行し、帰国後にルヌガンガ郊外に土地を購入。建築に 関するキャリアは 1951 年、コロンボにてエドワーズ・リード・アンド・ベグ建
Geoffrey Bawa at his country estate in Lunuganga, June 11th 1996. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
ジェフリー・バワ(1990 年当時)、ルヌガ ンガの自宅にて。
Geoffrey Bawa was born in Colombo, Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka), in 1919. He moved to the UK to study English and then law, from 1938 to 1944. From 1946 to 1948, he travelled widely across the USA and Europe, before returning to Ceylon and purchasing his country estate at Lunuganga His first foray into architecture was as an assistant architect at the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg in Colombo in 1951. He worked sporadically as a lawyer, before going back to London to study architecture at the Architecture Association School of Architecture from 1954 to 1957. Upon graduating at the age of 38, he returned to join Edwards, Reid and Begg as a junior partner. He worked in close association with the Danish engineer Ulrik Plesner from 1958 to 1965. In 1967, he took over the firm, in partnership with Dr K. Poologasundram. This partnership lasted till 1989, when the firm, located at No. 2 Alfred House Road since 1962, was closed down. In 1990, he then opened a new office in his Colombo home at 33rd Lane as a partner in Geoffrey Bawa Associates, with Channa Daswatte made partner in 1997. He received the Aga Khan Chairman’s Award in 2001. After a long illness, he died in Colombo in 2003 and was cremated on the Cinnamon Hill at Lunuganga.
築設計事務所でアシスタント・アーキテクトとして働いたことに始まる。その頃 は、弁護士としても働いていたが、のちにロンドンに戻り 1954 ∼ 1957 年にかけ て AA スクールにて建築を学び、 38 歳で卒業したのちに、エドワーズ・リード・ アンド・ベグ建築設計事務所でジュニア・パートナーとして働いた。また 1958 ∼ 1965 年まで、デンマーク人デザイナーであるウルリック・プレズナーと頻繁 に仕事をしている。 1967 年に K・プーロガスンドラム工学博士をパートナーとし て、エドワーズ・リード・アンド・ベグ建築設計事務所を引き継ぐ。博士との関 係は、事務所が 1962 年に入居した「アルフレッド・ハウス・ロード 2」から移転す る 1989 年まで続いた。翌年の 1990 年、バワはコロンボの自宅、 「 33 番レーン」に てジェフリー・バワ・アソシエイツを設立し、 1997 年からはチャンナ・ダスワッ テがパートナーとして加わった。 2001 年にはアガ・カーン建築賞を受賞。長い闘 病生活ののち、2003 年コロンボにて死去。ルヌガンガのシナモン・ヒルに埋葬さ れた。
All drawings in this issue are reproduced with the permission of the Geoffrey Bawa Trust, and were originally photographed by David Robson. 10
Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka 特集: ジェフリー・バワ──スリランカのエッセンス
For most people, Sri Lanka brings to mind a mysterious country rich in ancient heritage sites and spectacular natural landscapes. It is within such a captivating context which the architect Geoffrey Bawa (1919–2003) practiced his craft. Considered the foremost contemporary architect in Sri Lanka, his work continues to have lasting influence for several generations of Asian architects, particularly those in the tropical regions. Working mainly in Sri Lanka and parts of tropical Asia, he adapted vernacular elements, materials, construction methodologies and thinking during a time when the current notions of sustainability and climate-responsiveness had yet to exist. Also, for him the spatial and visual experiences through a building were far more important than its physical form. The result is an architecture that is responsive to its climate and landscape, with carefully orchestrated scenography of spaces typically blurring boundaries between the inside and outside. It is this ability to distil the essence of Sri Lanka through his contemporary sensibilities, which has allowed his work to bridge seamlessly between vernacular traditions and modernity, beautifully sensitive to context yet thoroughly relevant to its time and till today. Over two weeks in January 2011, we had the opportunity to photograph most of the projects presented in the issue, in their current states. Our editor also visited the various sites, returning with deep impressions that contributed to the shaping of the issue. This issue introduces the landscapes of Sri Lanka, and brings readers into the built legacy of Geoffrey Bawa. The main essay and project descriptions by Channa Daswatte – who was a principal associate and close friend of Bawa – give valuable insight to the approach and background of his works. The issue closes with glimpses into the nature of architecture education in Sri Lanka and the works of the emerging, new generation of Sri Lankan architects today. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff and trustees of the Geoffrey Bawa Trust for all their support and help in the making of this issue, as well as the current building owners who kindly allowed their buildings to be photographed. (a+u)
スリランカは数多くの古代遺跡と、壮大な自然の景観に彩られたミステリアスな 国としてよく知られている。そうした魅惑的なコンテクストの中にあって、建物 をつくり続けたのが建築家ジェフリー・バワ( 1919 ∼ 2003 年)である。現代スリ ランカにおける建築家の第一人者として知られる彼の作品は、数世代にわたって 今もアジアの建築家、特に熱帯アジアの建築家たちに影響を与え続けている。 バワはスリランカと熱帯アジアの一部をその活動の中心としつつ、サステイナビ リティと気候順応性という今日脚光を浴びている概念が生まれる以前から、その 土地固有の建築要素や素材、建設手法と、自身の思考とを順応させてきた。また、 建物の物理的形状よりも、その中をめぐる空間的・視覚的体験を大きく重視した のも彼である。その結果生まれたのは、気候と地形とに呼応する中で、複数の空 間を絶妙に配分しつつ内部と外部との境界をぼやかした、独特の建築であった。 現代的な感覚によってスリランカという国の本質を純化するという彼一流の才覚 こそが、作品において地域の伝統と現代性とを齟齬なく橋渡ししつつ、往時のみ ならず今日まで生き続けるコンテクストにたいしての美しいまでの繊細さを与え ているのである。 今回の特集号では、そうした彼の作品の今をとらえるべく、2011 年 1 月に 2 週間 にわたり掲載されているほとんどの作品の写真が撮影された。多岐にわたる作品 所在地で我々が行った取材は、それぞれに深い印象をもたらすものとなり、この 号にしかるべきかたちを与えている。特集はスリランカの地形の紹介に始まり、 読者をジェフリー・バワによって打ち立てられた数々の伝説へと誘う。中心とな るエッセイと、作品の解説では、バワのプリンシパル・アソシエイトであり、ま た親友でもあったチャンナ・ダスワッテ氏によって、バワの作品にたいするアプ ローチと背景にたいする貴重な洞察が行われている。また、特集の最後ではスリ ランカにおける建築教育に目を向けつつ、台頭しつつある新世代のスリランカ人 建築家の作品についても紹介している。今回の出版に当たっては、ジェフリー・ バワ財団のスタッフの方々の温かいご支援に加えて、現存する建物の所有者には 撮影の許可を頂いた。ここに深い謝意を表明するものである。
ジェフリー・バワは 1919 年、旧セイロン(現スリランカ)のコロンボに生まれた。 その後 1938 ∼ 1944 年まで、英国で英語および法律を学ぶ。1946 ∼ 1948 年には 米国とヨーロッパを広く旅行し、帰国後にルヌガンガ郊外に土地を購入。建築に 関するキャリアは 1951 年、コロンボにてエドワーズ・リード・アンド・ベグ建
Geoffrey Bawa at his country estate in Lunuganga, June 11th 1996. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
ジェフリー・バワ(1990 年当時)、ルヌガ ンガの自宅にて。
Geoffrey Bawa was born in Colombo, Ceylon (now known as Sri Lanka), in 1919. He moved to the UK to study English and then law, from 1938 to 1944. From 1946 to 1948, he travelled widely across the USA and Europe, before returning to Ceylon and purchasing his country estate at Lunuganga His first foray into architecture was as an assistant architect at the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg in Colombo in 1951. He worked sporadically as a lawyer, before going back to London to study architecture at the Architecture Association School of Architecture from 1954 to 1957. Upon graduating at the age of 38, he returned to join Edwards, Reid and Begg as a junior partner. He worked in close association with the Danish engineer Ulrik Plesner from 1958 to 1965. In 1967, he took over the firm, in partnership with Dr K. Poologasundram. This partnership lasted till 1989, when the firm, located at No. 2 Alfred House Road since 1962, was closed down. In 1990, he then opened a new office in his Colombo home at 33rd Lane as a partner in Geoffrey Bawa Associates, with Channa Daswatte made partner in 1997. He received the Aga Khan Chairman’s Award in 2001. After a long illness, he died in Colombo in 2003 and was cremated on the Cinnamon Hill at Lunuganga.
築設計事務所でアシスタント・アーキテクトとして働いたことに始まる。その頃 は、弁護士としても働いていたが、のちにロンドンに戻り 1954 ∼ 1957 年にかけ て AA スクールにて建築を学び、 38 歳で卒業したのちに、エドワーズ・リード・ アンド・ベグ建築設計事務所でジュニア・パートナーとして働いた。また 1958 ∼ 1965 年まで、デンマーク人デザイナーであるウルリック・プレズナーと頻繁 に仕事をしている。 1967 年に K・プーロガスンドラム工学博士をパートナーとし て、エドワーズ・リード・アンド・ベグ建築設計事務所を引き継ぐ。博士との関 係は、事務所が 1962 年に入居した「アルフレッド・ハウス・ロード 2」から移転す る 1989 年まで続いた。翌年の 1990 年、バワはコロンボの自宅、 「 33 番レーン」に てジェフリー・バワ・アソシエイツを設立し、 1997 年からはチャンナ・ダスワッ テがパートナーとして加わった。 2001 年にはアガ・カーン建築賞を受賞。長い闘 病生活ののち、2003 年コロンボにて死去。ルヌガンガのシナモン・ヒルに埋葬さ れた。
All drawings in this issue are reproduced with the permission of the Geoffrey Bawa Trust, and were originally photographed by David Robson. 10
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
A Legacy over Time Channa Daswatte エッセイ: 受け継がれる遺産 チャンナ・ダスワッテ 土居純訳
特の神秘性を放つものとして崇められている。ケン・ヤンはかつてこう語った、 「彼
By the 1960s Bawa had developed a body of work that clearly showed a departure from the mainstream modernist project that was being followed in the rest of the world. While there were indeed others around the world working on bridging together the traditional and the modern, Bawa seamlessly married the two and formed an attitude to architecture that was uniquely his. The work was featured in the Architectural Review in 1966 along with some modernist examples, but interestingly also had a portfolio of drawings by Barbara Sansoni as if to show what inspired the new direction.
こそが最初の我らがヒーローであり、我らが師 ( グル ) なのです」。バワがそのキャ リアを終えてはや 10 年が過ぎ、いまでは建築家も建築愛好家も皆、現存するバワ 建築めざして巡礼にでかける。旅行業者が企画するバワ・ツアーには、たとえば バワのイコンとなったホテルに滞在するプランや、一般人にも見学可能な建物を 巡るツアーなどがある。バワが郊外に所有した「ルヌガンガ」 (本誌掲載、 112 頁) の地所は、現在は小さな別荘風ホテルになっているので、ここに宿泊すれば誰で もバワ空間に暮らす気分を味わうことができる。コロンボ市内にあるバワの自邸 「 33 番レーン」 ( 28 頁)や庭園にはもっと多くの見学者が訪れる。どちらもバワが その目的で設立した財団によって管理されている。忘れ去られたバワ建築の中に
In 1965 Bawa built his first hotel, the Blue Lagoon Hotel near Negombo, which first brought together in a public building the combination of materials that would become synonymous with the so called “Bawa style” – concrete frames, plastered walls, timber screens and timber-framed pitched roofs with long eaves covered over with half-round Portuguese tiles. Add to this the groves of frangipani trees and large reflecting pools as he did in the Bentota Beach Hotel (a+u 82:06) of 1967 and there is the classic style of resort architecture that was to become so influential thoughout Sri Lanka and South East Asia. This influence in resort design was reinforced with his work in Bali (1972) where, working with Donald Friend, he adapted the traditional Bale Agung to good effect as part of a contemporary home. Although the 1970s saw a dearth of work in Sri Lanka, a few important commissions did come his way and included the Offices for the State Mortgage Bank (1976) for which he produced a design which seemed to have been inspired by the Brutalism of the 1970s, but with a fresh twist. The 10-story building was totally naturally ventilated and its form was derived from a need to maximize floor space and natural light within. This is arguably the first consciously designed bio-climatic tall building in Asia, if not the world. The 1980s saw the practice boom with many important projects including the Triton Hotel (1979, a+u 82:06), the University of Ruhuna (1980) and the Parliamentary Complex at Sri Jayewardenepura (1979, a+u 82:06; current issue, p. 54). These grand projects, often much bigger than any the office had handled before, tested the ideas developed in the 1960s and 1970s. The university was designed as a complex of simple buildings in a sophisticated relationship with each other and its location on three hills by the southern ocean, to bring about pleasure in the minds of the students that used it. The
は、現オーナーのおかげで延命したものもあれば、当初の姿に復元されたものも ある。スリランカ政府はバワにたいする関心の高さにお墨つきを与えるとばかり に、 「オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸」 (1960 年、22 頁)を建築遺産に認定した。 というのもその少し前に、近くにある病院がこの邸宅をつぶして駐車場を整備す るとの計画がもち上がり、それにたいして市民が激しく抗議したのである。それ が今では政府が率先して、「デ・シルヴァ邸」を適切な場所に移築して当初の姿に 復元しようといい始めた――現代建築としては破格の扱いである。
バワは一度は弁護士を目指したものの、結局は建築の道に入った。 1947 年に別荘 用に購入したルヌガンガの地で造園や建築に手を染めだした彼は、しだいに建築 への興味を募らせた。まもなくロンドンの AA スクールで正規の教育を受け、建築 家として出発するものの、この時期の作品はまだ 1950 年代の AA スクールの思想 を引きずっている。たとえば「ビショップ・カレッジ」の教室( 1960 年)、 「セント・ トーマス・カレッジ」の教室( 1957 年)や「コロンボ自動車協会」のオフィス(1959 年)には、いかにもトロピカル・モダニストらしい態度がありありと見てとれる。 しかしながらバワはもともと、一般標準の建物をそのまま母国の文脈にもち込む ことにたいして懐疑的であったため、わざわざコンクリートと鉄を使ってモダニ
Essay: A Legacy over Time Channa Daswatte
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
After training to be a lawyer, Bawa came into architecture through an interest that he gained while making his garden retreat at Lunuganga, which he purchased in 1947. Having then educated himself formally at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, Bawa’s early projects reflected the concerns of that school in the 1950s. Works such as the Bishops College classrooms (1960), the classrooms for St Thomas College (1957) and the offices for the Automobile Association in Colombo (1959) show a clearly tropical modernist stance. However, from the very beginning, Bawa questioned the accepted norms of building in the context of his homeland and made inroads into experimenting with using methods of construction more easily available to him than the modernist project of concrete and steel. He looked at the possibilities of using age-old construction technologies and materials common to the vernacular traditions of the country, in making buildings suited to modern needs and functions. In this he was helped by the young Danish architect Ulrik Plesner, who was working with him at the time, and perhaps inspired by the work of his friend Barbara Sansoni who was then drawing and writing appreciations of vernacular buildings in the local press. The Dr. A.S.H. de Silva House (1959), the Osmund and Ena de Silva House (1960) and No. 2 Alfred House Road (1961, p. 38) were examples of this work. The Polontalawa Estate Bungalow (1963, p. 34) arose from these influences and another prime mover of
his architecture – the site.
The work of Geoffrey Bawa has held a particular mystique for several generations of Asian architects. Ken Yeang once said of him, “For many, he is our first hero and guru.” Now, more than a decade after the end of his career, architects and architectural aficionados alike make pilgrimages to those of his buildings that are still intact. Tour operators offer Bawa tours, which often involve staying in some of his iconic hotels and visiting whatever buildings that are possible for the public to visit. His country estate at Lunuganga (a+u current issue, p. 112) is now a small country house hotel available for people to experience firsthand what it is like to live in a Bawa space. A larger number visit the gardens, as they do 33rd Lane (p. 28), which is his town house in Colombo, both looked after by a trust he set up for the purpose. Some Bawa buildings that had been neglected are being given new leases of life by their current owners, and others have been restored to their original form. As if to stamp its approval on this interest in all things Bawa, the Sri Lankan government made the Osmund and Ena de Silva House (1960, p. 22) a heritage building after a public outcry about its demolition to make way for a car park of the nearby hospital, and now insists that it be rebuilt in an appropriate location in its original form – the first such contemporary building in Sri Lanka to be so treated.
ストの真似をするのではなく、まずは手近な構法を試すことにした。彼の見込み では、昔ながらの建設技術にせよ自国の伝統素材にせよまだまだ捨てたものでは なく、現代のニーズも機能も十分満たせるはずであった。その彼の右腕となった のが当時協働者であったデンマーク人建築家ウルリーク・プレスナーである。プ レスナーはどうやら、バワの友人にして当時地元紙にヴァナキュラー建築に関す る絵や推奨文を寄せていたバーバラ・サンソニの仕事に触発されていたらしい。 こうして 2 人は「A.S.H. デ・シルヴァ博士邸」 ( 1959 年)、 「オズモンドとエナ・デ・ シルヴァ邸」 ( 1960 年)、「アルフレッド・ハウス・ロード 2」 (1961 年、 38 頁)を 完成させる。 「ポロンタラワ・エステイト・バンガロー」 (1963 年、 34 頁)も同じ 路線にあるが、ただしここにはバワ建築のもう 1 つの原動力――敷地――が作用し ていた。
This page, from top: The gardens at Lunuganga; main courtyard in the Osmund and Ena de Silva House; Offices for the State Mortgage Bank.
本頁、上から:ルヌガンガの庭園; オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸 のメイン・コートヤード;州立抵当 銀行。
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
A Legacy over Time Channa Daswatte エッセイ: 受け継がれる遺産 チャンナ・ダスワッテ 土居純訳
特の神秘性を放つものとして崇められている。ケン・ヤンはかつてこう語った、 「彼
By the 1960s Bawa had developed a body of work that clearly showed a departure from the mainstream modernist project that was being followed in the rest of the world. While there were indeed others around the world working on bridging together the traditional and the modern, Bawa seamlessly married the two and formed an attitude to architecture that was uniquely his. The work was featured in the Architectural Review in 1966 along with some modernist examples, but interestingly also had a portfolio of drawings by Barbara Sansoni as if to show what inspired the new direction.
こそが最初の我らがヒーローであり、我らが師 ( グル ) なのです」。バワがそのキャ リアを終えてはや 10 年が過ぎ、いまでは建築家も建築愛好家も皆、現存するバワ 建築めざして巡礼にでかける。旅行業者が企画するバワ・ツアーには、たとえば バワのイコンとなったホテルに滞在するプランや、一般人にも見学可能な建物を 巡るツアーなどがある。バワが郊外に所有した「ルヌガンガ」 (本誌掲載、 112 頁) の地所は、現在は小さな別荘風ホテルになっているので、ここに宿泊すれば誰で もバワ空間に暮らす気分を味わうことができる。コロンボ市内にあるバワの自邸 「 33 番レーン」 ( 28 頁)や庭園にはもっと多くの見学者が訪れる。どちらもバワが その目的で設立した財団によって管理されている。忘れ去られたバワ建築の中に
In 1965 Bawa built his first hotel, the Blue Lagoon Hotel near Negombo, which first brought together in a public building the combination of materials that would become synonymous with the so called “Bawa style” – concrete frames, plastered walls, timber screens and timber-framed pitched roofs with long eaves covered over with half-round Portuguese tiles. Add to this the groves of frangipani trees and large reflecting pools as he did in the Bentota Beach Hotel (a+u 82:06) of 1967 and there is the classic style of resort architecture that was to become so influential thoughout Sri Lanka and South East Asia. This influence in resort design was reinforced with his work in Bali (1972) where, working with Donald Friend, he adapted the traditional Bale Agung to good effect as part of a contemporary home. Although the 1970s saw a dearth of work in Sri Lanka, a few important commissions did come his way and included the Offices for the State Mortgage Bank (1976) for which he produced a design which seemed to have been inspired by the Brutalism of the 1970s, but with a fresh twist. The 10-story building was totally naturally ventilated and its form was derived from a need to maximize floor space and natural light within. This is arguably the first consciously designed bio-climatic tall building in Asia, if not the world. The 1980s saw the practice boom with many important projects including the Triton Hotel (1979, a+u 82:06), the University of Ruhuna (1980) and the Parliamentary Complex at Sri Jayewardenepura (1979, a+u 82:06; current issue, p. 54). These grand projects, often much bigger than any the office had handled before, tested the ideas developed in the 1960s and 1970s. The university was designed as a complex of simple buildings in a sophisticated relationship with each other and its location on three hills by the southern ocean, to bring about pleasure in the minds of the students that used it. The
は、現オーナーのおかげで延命したものもあれば、当初の姿に復元されたものも ある。スリランカ政府はバワにたいする関心の高さにお墨つきを与えるとばかり に、 「オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸」 (1960 年、22 頁)を建築遺産に認定した。 というのもその少し前に、近くにある病院がこの邸宅をつぶして駐車場を整備す るとの計画がもち上がり、それにたいして市民が激しく抗議したのである。それ が今では政府が率先して、「デ・シルヴァ邸」を適切な場所に移築して当初の姿に 復元しようといい始めた――現代建築としては破格の扱いである。
バワは一度は弁護士を目指したものの、結局は建築の道に入った。 1947 年に別荘 用に購入したルヌガンガの地で造園や建築に手を染めだした彼は、しだいに建築 への興味を募らせた。まもなくロンドンの AA スクールで正規の教育を受け、建築 家として出発するものの、この時期の作品はまだ 1950 年代の AA スクールの思想 を引きずっている。たとえば「ビショップ・カレッジ」の教室( 1960 年)、 「セント・ トーマス・カレッジ」の教室( 1957 年)や「コロンボ自動車協会」のオフィス(1959 年)には、いかにもトロピカル・モダニストらしい態度がありありと見てとれる。 しかしながらバワはもともと、一般標準の建物をそのまま母国の文脈にもち込む ことにたいして懐疑的であったため、わざわざコンクリートと鉄を使ってモダニ
Essay: A Legacy over Time Channa Daswatte
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
After training to be a lawyer, Bawa came into architecture through an interest that he gained while making his garden retreat at Lunuganga, which he purchased in 1947. Having then educated himself formally at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, Bawa’s early projects reflected the concerns of that school in the 1950s. Works such as the Bishops College classrooms (1960), the classrooms for St Thomas College (1957) and the offices for the Automobile Association in Colombo (1959) show a clearly tropical modernist stance. However, from the very beginning, Bawa questioned the accepted norms of building in the context of his homeland and made inroads into experimenting with using methods of construction more easily available to him than the modernist project of concrete and steel. He looked at the possibilities of using age-old construction technologies and materials common to the vernacular traditions of the country, in making buildings suited to modern needs and functions. In this he was helped by the young Danish architect Ulrik Plesner, who was working with him at the time, and perhaps inspired by the work of his friend Barbara Sansoni who was then drawing and writing appreciations of vernacular buildings in the local press. The Dr. A.S.H. de Silva House (1959), the Osmund and Ena de Silva House (1960) and No. 2 Alfred House Road (1961, p. 38) were examples of this work. The Polontalawa Estate Bungalow (1963, p. 34) arose from these influences and another prime mover of
his architecture – the site.
The work of Geoffrey Bawa has held a particular mystique for several generations of Asian architects. Ken Yeang once said of him, “For many, he is our first hero and guru.” Now, more than a decade after the end of his career, architects and architectural aficionados alike make pilgrimages to those of his buildings that are still intact. Tour operators offer Bawa tours, which often involve staying in some of his iconic hotels and visiting whatever buildings that are possible for the public to visit. His country estate at Lunuganga (a+u current issue, p. 112) is now a small country house hotel available for people to experience firsthand what it is like to live in a Bawa space. A larger number visit the gardens, as they do 33rd Lane (p. 28), which is his town house in Colombo, both looked after by a trust he set up for the purpose. Some Bawa buildings that had been neglected are being given new leases of life by their current owners, and others have been restored to their original form. As if to stamp its approval on this interest in all things Bawa, the Sri Lankan government made the Osmund and Ena de Silva House (1960, p. 22) a heritage building after a public outcry about its demolition to make way for a car park of the nearby hospital, and now insists that it be rebuilt in an appropriate location in its original form – the first such contemporary building in Sri Lanka to be so treated.
ストの真似をするのではなく、まずは手近な構法を試すことにした。彼の見込み では、昔ながらの建設技術にせよ自国の伝統素材にせよまだまだ捨てたものでは なく、現代のニーズも機能も十分満たせるはずであった。その彼の右腕となった のが当時協働者であったデンマーク人建築家ウルリーク・プレスナーである。プ レスナーはどうやら、バワの友人にして当時地元紙にヴァナキュラー建築に関す る絵や推奨文を寄せていたバーバラ・サンソニの仕事に触発されていたらしい。 こうして 2 人は「A.S.H. デ・シルヴァ博士邸」 ( 1959 年)、 「オズモンドとエナ・デ・ シルヴァ邸」 ( 1960 年)、「アルフレッド・ハウス・ロード 2」 (1961 年、 38 頁)を 完成させる。 「ポロンタラワ・エステイト・バンガロー」 (1963 年、 34 頁)も同じ 路線にあるが、ただしここにはバワ建築のもう 1 つの原動力――敷地――が作用し ていた。
This page, from top: The gardens at Lunuganga; main courtyard in the Osmund and Ena de Silva House; Offices for the State Mortgage Bank.
本頁、上から:ルヌガンガの庭園; オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸 のメイン・コートヤード;州立抵当 銀行。
The Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka consists of its most significant ancient landscapes. Sigiriya Rock and its caves were inhabited from prehistoric times. In the 5th century, the site was developed into a palace fortress and capital city with extensive gardens. This page: View of the Kandalama reservoir, with Sigiriya Rock behind. Photo by Sebastian Posingis / ThreeBlindMen. Opposite: Aerial view of Sigiriya Rock, the ancient city and its gardens. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
スリランカの文化三角地帯(スリランカの ほぼ中央に位置する古代遺跡が集中するエ リアのこと)の中で最も重要な古代遺跡。 シーギリヤ・ロックとその洞窟は有史以前 から人が住んでいた。5 世紀に入ると、宮 殿要塞と広大な庭園をもつ都市として栄 えた。 本頁:カンダラマ貯水池と、シーギリヤ・ ロックを背後に見る。右頁:シーギリヤ・ ロックの空撮。古代都市と庭園。
The Cultural Triangle of Sri Lanka consists of its most significant ancient landscapes. Sigiriya Rock and its caves were inhabited from prehistoric times. In the 5th century, the site was developed into a palace fortress and capital city with extensive gardens. This page: View of the Kandalama reservoir, with Sigiriya Rock behind. Photo by Sebastian Posingis / ThreeBlindMen. Opposite: Aerial view of Sigiriya Rock, the ancient city and its gardens. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
スリランカの文化三角地帯(スリランカの ほぼ中央に位置する古代遺跡が集中するエ リアのこと)の中で最も重要な古代遺跡。 シーギリヤ・ロックとその洞窟は有史以前 から人が住んでいた。5 世紀に入ると、宮 殿要塞と広大な庭園をもつ都市として栄 えた。 本頁:カンダラマ貯水池と、シーギリヤ・ ロックを背後に見る。右頁:シーギリヤ・ ロックの空撮。古代都市と庭園。
parliamentary complex was seen as a serene one akin to the royal and monastic complexes of ancient Sri Lanka in stately repose in the middle of a vast artificial lake, in the center of a new proposed garden city extension for Colombo. The mass of the huge complex was broken down into approachable units to show a new direction to the relationship between the rulers and the ruled. Moving away from his partnership with Dr. K. Poologasundram – his long-time engineer partner at the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg – and thus free from the responsibilities of running an office and perhaps with the added freedom of most people thinking that he had retired, Bawa entered the final years of his working life with a freshness of purpose. Starting with the Kandalama Hotel (p. 66), he came up with design ideas and approaches quite new to him. Hotel design commissions came from various parts of the world especially Southeast Asia. The hotels he thought up, which are mostly unbuilt, are a catalog of ideas for architecture in monsoon Asia. Especially interesting is the still unfinished Sinbad Garden Hotel with its immense threestory wall becoming the movement spine of the whole complex and vast soaring roofs floating about it. In the Kandalama Hotel he explored the idea of disappearing into a site, while in the other he looked at creating a site out of what was a dull and uninspiring plot of land albeit in a beautiful location. Two other completed hotels, the Lighthouse Hotel (p. 88) and the Blue Water Hotel (p. 96), along with a few commissions for private homes and the designs for the state residence of the President of Sri Lanka, occupied Bawa until a debilitating stroke put an end to his working life.
1960 年代に入る頃には、バワの作品もすでにある程度まとまった数に達しており、
例に混じって 1966 年の『アーキテクチュラル・レヴュー』誌に紹介されるのだが、
けにして、必ず手前の空間とのつながりを保つ。バワにとっては、見えざるもの も見えるものに劣らず重要なのであった。
1965 年にバワは、はじめてホテル建築を手がける。ニゴンボ近くに建つその「ブ ルー・ラグーン」では、のちにいわゆる「バワ・スタイル」の代名詞となる一連の
すなわち 4 世紀の溜池とその彼方にそびえる 5 世紀の要塞であれ、小さな中庭と陽
る。さらに 1967 年の「ベントータ・ビーチ・ホテル」 (『 a+u 』 82 :06 )と同様に、
リに手がけたドナルド・フレンドとの共同作( 1972 年)である。伝統的なバレ・ アグン[寺院]の要素をほどよく利かせた現代的な住まいである。
ところが肝心の建物のほうは、ひどく印象が薄い。建物はほぼ必ずといっていい ほど無装飾であり、これらは第 1 に空間をかたちづくるためのもの、第 2 に空間に
1970 年代のスリランカは建設不振の時代であったが、それでもバワにはぽつぽつ
大きな仕事が入った。その 1 つの「州立抵当銀行」 ( 1976 年)は、 1970 年代のブル
10 階建てのビルなのに完全に自然換気であったり、床面積と採光を極力優先して
ア初の生物気候学に配慮した高層ビルといってよい。 となると、彼は形式だの様式だのといった事柄には頓着しなかったのだろう。あ
Bawa’s architecture is structured around architectural promenades that are arranged to move people around a building in a specific way. Although mostly designed in a rectilinear plan, Bawa’s work is about how these spaces are connected together, and it is not always in an orthogonal axis. Diagonal views through and beyond spaces are often used to dramatic effect in many of his works. Spaces are seen as scenographic settings for specific events. Other spaces beyond are always connected by revelation or subtle concealment. He believed that what is not seen is as important as that which is revealed. The scenographic approach to architecture always included the landscape beyond the built area, be it a 4th-century reservoir with a 5th-century citadel in the distance, or a small courtyard with a bubbling pool glittering in the sun. The space was complete only with the so-called outside considered as well. Bawa’s design process, which was often the sketch plan, is revealing of this, as many of his drawings would always include the trees shrubs or any other elements outside the built space that he might consider important in his construction of the space.
This page, from top: Triton Hotel; University of Ruhuna; the Parliamentary Complex at Sri Jayewardenepura; Kandalama Hotel. 16
本頁、上から:トライトン・ホテル;ルフ ヌ大学;スリランカ国会議事堂;カンダラ マ・ホテル。
All the while the building itself demands hardly any attention. Almost always undecorated, the structures are used for creating the space first and then giving it any other added cultural significance and meaning. Often the building itself disappears or only acts as a frame, or as the poet Michael Ondaatje put it, “the house an open net” to capture the objects and events that the architect wished the people in the space to experience. For Bawa, if the building was architecture then it must not stand in the way of life and enjoyment. To this end he seemed almost indifferent to the issues of
1980 年代には事務所も景気づき、「トライトン・ホテル」 (1979 年、『a+u 』 82 :
えて形式 ( フォルム ) を論ずるとすれば、それは内部空間のことであり、それらの
06)、「ルフヌ大学」 ( 1980 年)、「スリランカ国会議事堂」 ( 1979 年、『 a+u 』 82 :
06、54 頁)などの代表作が続々と誕生した。バワ事務所にとってはいずれも異例
の規模の大型プロジェクトであっただけに、これを機に 1960 年代や 70 年代来あ たためてきた種々のアイディアを試すことができた。単純な棟が複雑に入り組み
ながら、 3 つの丘にまたがり、南に海を望む「ルフヌ大学」は、利用者である学生
したし、手当たり次第に「引用」した。 1960 年代に土着の建設技術や素材を採り
入れたのも、1990 年代にコンクリートを植物で覆ったりミニマリスト風のスティ
折衷的であり、しばしば歴史や美を肯定するものであった。ただし彼のモダニス トの教養が、行き過ぎやないものねだりを許さなかった。
K. プーロガスンダラム博士――エドワード・リード・アンド・ベグ事務所で永ら くバワのパートナーを務めた技師――とのパートナーシップを解消してからは、
仕上げに入る。 「カンダラマ・ホテル」 (66 頁)を皮切りに、彼は次々と新しいデザ インやアプローチをひらめく。東南アジアを中心に世界各地からホテル設計の依
築家が集まってきた。その第 1 世代の多くは、現モラトゥワ大学の前身カトゥベ
ーデン・ホテル」であり、3 階建ての巨大な壁が施設全体の脊柱として屹立し、そ
っかく景勝地にありながらその区画だけが凡庸で冴えないということで、敷地を 一から整備することが検討されている。バワは「ライトハウス・ホテル」 (88 頁)
と「ブルー・ウォーター・ホテル」 ( 96 頁)の両ホテルを完成させるかたわら、設
頁をめくるたびに現れる理想郷的な作品は、アジアの建築家たちの琴線に触れた。 17
parliamentary complex was seen as a serene one akin to the royal and monastic complexes of ancient Sri Lanka in stately repose in the middle of a vast artificial lake, in the center of a new proposed garden city extension for Colombo. The mass of the huge complex was broken down into approachable units to show a new direction to the relationship between the rulers and the ruled. Moving away from his partnership with Dr. K. Poologasundram – his long-time engineer partner at the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg – and thus free from the responsibilities of running an office and perhaps with the added freedom of most people thinking that he had retired, Bawa entered the final years of his working life with a freshness of purpose. Starting with the Kandalama Hotel (p. 66), he came up with design ideas and approaches quite new to him. Hotel design commissions came from various parts of the world especially Southeast Asia. The hotels he thought up, which are mostly unbuilt, are a catalog of ideas for architecture in monsoon Asia. Especially interesting is the still unfinished Sinbad Garden Hotel with its immense threestory wall becoming the movement spine of the whole complex and vast soaring roofs floating about it. In the Kandalama Hotel he explored the idea of disappearing into a site, while in the other he looked at creating a site out of what was a dull and uninspiring plot of land albeit in a beautiful location. Two other completed hotels, the Lighthouse Hotel (p. 88) and the Blue Water Hotel (p. 96), along with a few commissions for private homes and the designs for the state residence of the President of Sri Lanka, occupied Bawa until a debilitating stroke put an end to his working life.
1960 年代に入る頃には、バワの作品もすでにある程度まとまった数に達しており、
例に混じって 1966 年の『アーキテクチュラル・レヴュー』誌に紹介されるのだが、
けにして、必ず手前の空間とのつながりを保つ。バワにとっては、見えざるもの も見えるものに劣らず重要なのであった。
1965 年にバワは、はじめてホテル建築を手がける。ニゴンボ近くに建つその「ブ ルー・ラグーン」では、のちにいわゆる「バワ・スタイル」の代名詞となる一連の
すなわち 4 世紀の溜池とその彼方にそびえる 5 世紀の要塞であれ、小さな中庭と陽
る。さらに 1967 年の「ベントータ・ビーチ・ホテル」 (『 a+u 』 82 :06 )と同様に、
リに手がけたドナルド・フレンドとの共同作( 1972 年)である。伝統的なバレ・ アグン[寺院]の要素をほどよく利かせた現代的な住まいである。
ところが肝心の建物のほうは、ひどく印象が薄い。建物はほぼ必ずといっていい ほど無装飾であり、これらは第 1 に空間をかたちづくるためのもの、第 2 に空間に
1970 年代のスリランカは建設不振の時代であったが、それでもバワにはぽつぽつ
大きな仕事が入った。その 1 つの「州立抵当銀行」 ( 1976 年)は、 1970 年代のブル
10 階建てのビルなのに完全に自然換気であったり、床面積と採光を極力優先して
ア初の生物気候学に配慮した高層ビルといってよい。 となると、彼は形式だの様式だのといった事柄には頓着しなかったのだろう。あ
Bawa’s architecture is structured around architectural promenades that are arranged to move people around a building in a specific way. Although mostly designed in a rectilinear plan, Bawa’s work is about how these spaces are connected together, and it is not always in an orthogonal axis. Diagonal views through and beyond spaces are often used to dramatic effect in many of his works. Spaces are seen as scenographic settings for specific events. Other spaces beyond are always connected by revelation or subtle concealment. He believed that what is not seen is as important as that which is revealed. The scenographic approach to architecture always included the landscape beyond the built area, be it a 4th-century reservoir with a 5th-century citadel in the distance, or a small courtyard with a bubbling pool glittering in the sun. The space was complete only with the so-called outside considered as well. Bawa’s design process, which was often the sketch plan, is revealing of this, as many of his drawings would always include the trees shrubs or any other elements outside the built space that he might consider important in his construction of the space.
This page, from top: Triton Hotel; University of Ruhuna; the Parliamentary Complex at Sri Jayewardenepura; Kandalama Hotel. 16
本頁、上から:トライトン・ホテル;ルフ ヌ大学;スリランカ国会議事堂;カンダラ マ・ホテル。
All the while the building itself demands hardly any attention. Almost always undecorated, the structures are used for creating the space first and then giving it any other added cultural significance and meaning. Often the building itself disappears or only acts as a frame, or as the poet Michael Ondaatje put it, “the house an open net” to capture the objects and events that the architect wished the people in the space to experience. For Bawa, if the building was architecture then it must not stand in the way of life and enjoyment. To this end he seemed almost indifferent to the issues of
1980 年代には事務所も景気づき、「トライトン・ホテル」 (1979 年、『a+u 』 82 :
えて形式 ( フォルム ) を論ずるとすれば、それは内部空間のことであり、それらの
06)、「ルフヌ大学」 ( 1980 年)、「スリランカ国会議事堂」 ( 1979 年、『 a+u 』 82 :
06、54 頁)などの代表作が続々と誕生した。バワ事務所にとってはいずれも異例
の規模の大型プロジェクトであっただけに、これを機に 1960 年代や 70 年代来あ たためてきた種々のアイディアを試すことができた。単純な棟が複雑に入り組み
ながら、 3 つの丘にまたがり、南に海を望む「ルフヌ大学」は、利用者である学生
したし、手当たり次第に「引用」した。 1960 年代に土着の建設技術や素材を採り
入れたのも、1990 年代にコンクリートを植物で覆ったりミニマリスト風のスティ
折衷的であり、しばしば歴史や美を肯定するものであった。ただし彼のモダニス トの教養が、行き過ぎやないものねだりを許さなかった。
K. プーロガスンダラム博士――エドワード・リード・アンド・ベグ事務所で永ら くバワのパートナーを務めた技師――とのパートナーシップを解消してからは、
仕上げに入る。 「カンダラマ・ホテル」 (66 頁)を皮切りに、彼は次々と新しいデザ インやアプローチをひらめく。東南アジアを中心に世界各地からホテル設計の依
築家が集まってきた。その第 1 世代の多くは、現モラトゥワ大学の前身カトゥベ
ーデン・ホテル」であり、3 階建ての巨大な壁が施設全体の脊柱として屹立し、そ
っかく景勝地にありながらその区画だけが凡庸で冴えないということで、敷地を 一から整備することが検討されている。バワは「ライトハウス・ホテル」 (88 頁)
と「ブルー・ウォーター・ホテル」 ( 96 頁)の両ホテルを完成させるかたわら、設
頁をめくるたびに現れる理想郷的な作品は、アジアの建築家たちの琴線に触れた。 17
formality and style. As far as form went, it was the internal spaces and their relationships to each other and the outside that were important; the outward form was seen only as a consequence of these relationships.
As for what the building looked like stylistically, he was happy to be inspired and often “borrowed” promiscuously from almost any source. His adaption of vernacular building techniques and materials in his work of the 1960s and the forest draped concrete and minimalist steel of some of the 1990s works is a consequence of this attitude. In the end what Bawa enjoyed first and foremost was the imagining of spatial experiences, and how it was defined in formal terms was eclectic and often acknowledged history and beauty. However, his modernist training always stood by to restrain excess and use only that which was relevant to what was at hand. Often Bawa’s work is dismissed in one-liners by academics. However what he did, while it certainly was not consciously trying to change the world, gave Asian architects a perspective of how one should be looking at practicing architecture, and has been a tremendous influence on them.
The cave temple complex in Dambulla was established in the 3rd century BC. A drip ledge along the top edge of the overhanging rock ceiling prevents rainwater penetration. Above: View of the cave temples. Photo by Sebastian Posingis / ThreeBlindMen.
ダンブッラにある洞窟寺院は紀元前 3 世紀 に建造された。岩上部の溝は雨水の浸蝕に よるもの。 上:洞窟寺院を見る。
Polonnaruwa ポロンナルワ
All through his career, Bawa managed to draw to him a group of very talented architects. The first generation of them were mostly products of the technical school at Katubedda, later the University of Moratuwa, with some training abroad at the Royal Danish Academy and the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. They have made significant contributions to architectural thought in their own right. More than this though, they all taught at their alma mater the University of Moratuwa, and through them succeeding generations of architects were exposed to his ideas. The most widespread dissemination of his ideas though came from the publication of the first monograph of his work by Brian Brace Taylor, Geoffrey Bawa. Well-thumbed copies of this book were to be seen on the table of many an Asian architect, and the Arcadian works shown in those pages struck a chord with architects practicing in the newly confident and developing economies of Asia looking for homegrown role models.
easily available and even if less sustainable also project more of an image of “modernity”, than the vernacular materials that Bawa used in the 1960s. The promiscuous use of these available materials not confined by stylistic dictums is another feature of the emerging architecture of Sri Lanka. Even here though, Bawa set a precedent in his clean pure lines of a steel-roofed building as a holiday home in the House on the Red Cliffs (a+u 98:11; current issue, p. 104) which was a shocking new idea in Sri Lanka at the time of its execution, but is now a part of the common Sri Lankan architectural vocabulary. The idea of an Arcadian beauty that uplifts the soul is also very much a part of Sri Lankan architecture, and is difficult to avoid when working within the context of a country as richly endowed with natural beauty. Even in the tightest urban courtyard a tree will grow to provide life and inspiration to the occupants of that space. Bawa used it to the full and unashamedly, and thus provided precedents for a younger generation to follow. Bawa created a practical architecture that functioned within the monsoon climate with an economy of means. Since his prime concern was not form-making but spatial manipulation, the structures that he built were often very simple, but the relations within the spaces are what visitors to his buildings still respond to. Most of all, he showed that restraint was what architecture was about. And this above all else seems to be coming out in the best of the work of the current generation. April 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka References Bawa, Geoffrey, and Plesner, Ulrik. “Ceylon – Seven New Buildings.” Architectural Review (February 1966). Bawa, Geoffrey, and Plesner, Ulrik. “The Traditional Architecture of Ceylon.” Architectural Review (February 1966). Lewcock, Ronald. “Bawa – Arcadia in Sri Lanka.” RIBA Journal (February 1986). Taylor, Brian Brace. Geoffrey Bawa. Singapore: Concept Media, 1987. Keniger, Michael. Bawa: Recent Projects 1987–1995. Brisbane: Queensland Chapter of the RAIA, 1996. Ondaatje, Michael. Handwriting. London: Bloomsbury, 1998. Daswatte, Channa, “Bawa on Bawa.” In Tan Kok Meng, Asian Architects 2. Singapore: Select books, 2001. Robson, David. Geoffrey Bawa – The Complete Works. London: Thames and Hudson, 2002.
In Sri Lanka the current generation of architects practicing their craft have had a plethora of ideas influencing them, including the idea that Bawa was indeed reactionary in promoting a throwback to colonial models and therefore should not be emulated. This seems to be rooted in his use of vernacular construction methodologies and the adaptation in some of his works of vernacular elements such as the courtyard and verandah. While this is a shallow perspective of a part of his oeuvre, the end of the 20th century saw the deeper structures and ideas contained in his work taken for granted by many of the current generation of practices.
Polonnaruwa was the capital city from the 10th to 13th centuries. The Vadatage – a Buddhist structure – is one of its foremost architectural works. Below: Base step of the Vatadage. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen. 18
ポロンナルワは 10 世紀から 13 世紀のあい だスリランカの首都であった。ヴァダテイ ジ──仏教の構造──は最も重要な建築要 素の 1 つ。 下:ヴァダテイジの基壇ステップを見る。
Architectural promenades leading to a scenograpic setting of space that always contained the surrounding space and landscape; the use of a courtyard in urban architecture; the seamless transition from inside to outside so they are almost perceived as one, are all now ideas taken for granted in Sri Lankan architecture in particular and also in the architecture for monsoon Asia in general. What have changed are the materials one uses to make the building work. Economic advances in the country have led to the availability of a variety of new materials. Glass, steel, concrete and aluminum are now more
Channa Daswatte studied architecture at the University of Moratuwa and the Barlett School of Architecture, University College London. He joined the architect Geoffrey Bawa in 1991, becoming a partner in the practice in 1997. During that time he was closely involved with Bawa on projects such as the renowned Kandalama Hotel in 1994. In 1998, he formed MICD Associates in partnership with Murad Ismail, and has been involved in various projects in Sri Lanka, India and other parts of the Indian Ocean rim. He received an Award of Distinction in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards of 2007. He has taught at both the City School of Architecture in Colombo and the University of Moratuwa, and his writings have been published in several books and magazines. In 2006, he published the book Sri Lanka Style, together with the photographer Dominic Sansoni. 19
formality and style. As far as form went, it was the internal spaces and their relationships to each other and the outside that were important; the outward form was seen only as a consequence of these relationships.
As for what the building looked like stylistically, he was happy to be inspired and often “borrowed” promiscuously from almost any source. His adaption of vernacular building techniques and materials in his work of the 1960s and the forest draped concrete and minimalist steel of some of the 1990s works is a consequence of this attitude. In the end what Bawa enjoyed first and foremost was the imagining of spatial experiences, and how it was defined in formal terms was eclectic and often acknowledged history and beauty. However, his modernist training always stood by to restrain excess and use only that which was relevant to what was at hand. Often Bawa’s work is dismissed in one-liners by academics. However what he did, while it certainly was not consciously trying to change the world, gave Asian architects a perspective of how one should be looking at practicing architecture, and has been a tremendous influence on them.
The cave temple complex in Dambulla was established in the 3rd century BC. A drip ledge along the top edge of the overhanging rock ceiling prevents rainwater penetration. Above: View of the cave temples. Photo by Sebastian Posingis / ThreeBlindMen.
ダンブッラにある洞窟寺院は紀元前 3 世紀 に建造された。岩上部の溝は雨水の浸蝕に よるもの。 上:洞窟寺院を見る。
Polonnaruwa ポロンナルワ
All through his career, Bawa managed to draw to him a group of very talented architects. The first generation of them were mostly products of the technical school at Katubedda, later the University of Moratuwa, with some training abroad at the Royal Danish Academy and the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. They have made significant contributions to architectural thought in their own right. More than this though, they all taught at their alma mater the University of Moratuwa, and through them succeeding generations of architects were exposed to his ideas. The most widespread dissemination of his ideas though came from the publication of the first monograph of his work by Brian Brace Taylor, Geoffrey Bawa. Well-thumbed copies of this book were to be seen on the table of many an Asian architect, and the Arcadian works shown in those pages struck a chord with architects practicing in the newly confident and developing economies of Asia looking for homegrown role models.
easily available and even if less sustainable also project more of an image of “modernity”, than the vernacular materials that Bawa used in the 1960s. The promiscuous use of these available materials not confined by stylistic dictums is another feature of the emerging architecture of Sri Lanka. Even here though, Bawa set a precedent in his clean pure lines of a steel-roofed building as a holiday home in the House on the Red Cliffs (a+u 98:11; current issue, p. 104) which was a shocking new idea in Sri Lanka at the time of its execution, but is now a part of the common Sri Lankan architectural vocabulary. The idea of an Arcadian beauty that uplifts the soul is also very much a part of Sri Lankan architecture, and is difficult to avoid when working within the context of a country as richly endowed with natural beauty. Even in the tightest urban courtyard a tree will grow to provide life and inspiration to the occupants of that space. Bawa used it to the full and unashamedly, and thus provided precedents for a younger generation to follow. Bawa created a practical architecture that functioned within the monsoon climate with an economy of means. Since his prime concern was not form-making but spatial manipulation, the structures that he built were often very simple, but the relations within the spaces are what visitors to his buildings still respond to. Most of all, he showed that restraint was what architecture was about. And this above all else seems to be coming out in the best of the work of the current generation. April 2011, Colombo, Sri Lanka References Bawa, Geoffrey, and Plesner, Ulrik. “Ceylon – Seven New Buildings.” Architectural Review (February 1966). Bawa, Geoffrey, and Plesner, Ulrik. “The Traditional Architecture of Ceylon.” Architectural Review (February 1966). Lewcock, Ronald. “Bawa – Arcadia in Sri Lanka.” RIBA Journal (February 1986). Taylor, Brian Brace. Geoffrey Bawa. Singapore: Concept Media, 1987. Keniger, Michael. Bawa: Recent Projects 1987–1995. Brisbane: Queensland Chapter of the RAIA, 1996. Ondaatje, Michael. Handwriting. London: Bloomsbury, 1998. Daswatte, Channa, “Bawa on Bawa.” In Tan Kok Meng, Asian Architects 2. Singapore: Select books, 2001. Robson, David. Geoffrey Bawa – The Complete Works. London: Thames and Hudson, 2002.
In Sri Lanka the current generation of architects practicing their craft have had a plethora of ideas influencing them, including the idea that Bawa was indeed reactionary in promoting a throwback to colonial models and therefore should not be emulated. This seems to be rooted in his use of vernacular construction methodologies and the adaptation in some of his works of vernacular elements such as the courtyard and verandah. While this is a shallow perspective of a part of his oeuvre, the end of the 20th century saw the deeper structures and ideas contained in his work taken for granted by many of the current generation of practices.
Polonnaruwa was the capital city from the 10th to 13th centuries. The Vadatage – a Buddhist structure – is one of its foremost architectural works. Below: Base step of the Vatadage. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen. 18
ポロンナルワは 10 世紀から 13 世紀のあい だスリランカの首都であった。ヴァダテイ ジ──仏教の構造──は最も重要な建築要 素の 1 つ。 下:ヴァダテイジの基壇ステップを見る。
Architectural promenades leading to a scenograpic setting of space that always contained the surrounding space and landscape; the use of a courtyard in urban architecture; the seamless transition from inside to outside so they are almost perceived as one, are all now ideas taken for granted in Sri Lankan architecture in particular and also in the architecture for monsoon Asia in general. What have changed are the materials one uses to make the building work. Economic advances in the country have led to the availability of a variety of new materials. Glass, steel, concrete and aluminum are now more
Channa Daswatte studied architecture at the University of Moratuwa and the Barlett School of Architecture, University College London. He joined the architect Geoffrey Bawa in 1991, becoming a partner in the practice in 1997. During that time he was closely involved with Bawa on projects such as the renowned Kandalama Hotel in 1994. In 1998, he formed MICD Associates in partnership with Murad Ismail, and has been involved in various projects in Sri Lanka, India and other parts of the Indian Ocean rim. He received an Award of Distinction in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards of 2007. He has taught at both the City School of Architecture in Colombo and the University of Moratuwa, and his writings have been published in several books and magazines. In 2006, he published the book Sri Lanka Style, together with the photographer Dominic Sansoni. 19
アヌラダープラ スリランカの現世代の中堅建築家たちは、これまでありとあらゆる思想に染まっ てきた。そうした思想にたいし、バワはみごとに反動的であった。コロニアル・ モデルへの回帰を提唱した彼は、だから思想の極北にいた。これはおそらくバワ がヴァナキュラーなものを工法に採り入れたり、ヴァナキュラーな要素を中庭や ヴェランダ[回廊]に翻案していくなかで確立した思想であろう。ただしこれも一 面的な見方にすぎない。なぜなら 20 世紀末の作品になると、その構造といい思想 といいいっそう奥行きを増すのである。だが現世代の建築家はあまりこの変化に 気づいていない。
周囲の空間と風景を含みながら、空間の舞台背景へ至る建築的プロムナード。中 庭のある都市建築。内と外の境界が消えてほとんど 1 つになった空間。いずれも 今日のスリランカ建築を中心に、モンスーン・アジア建築にも広く定着した概念 である。変わったのは、建材の種類である。スリランカ経済が強くなったことも あり、建材の選択肢が増えた。ガラス、スティール、コンクリート、アルミは以 前よりずっと入手しやすくなった。 1960 年代にバワが用いた素材に比べれば、こ れらはサステイナブルではないにせよ、少なくとも「当世風」な印象は与える。こ の手の新しい素材を様式論に縛られずに随意に用いるところも、この当時のスリ ランカ建築の傾向である。その先鞭をつけたのがバワであり、その「赤い崖の家」 (104 頁)である。すっきりとした直線のみでできたスティール製の屋根を頂くこ の別荘は、竣工当時はそのあまりの新しさにスリランカ人を唖然とさせたものだ が、それがいまやスリランカ建築の共通言語にさえなっている。
精神を高揚させる理想郷の美。この概念もまたスリランカ建築には深く浸透して いる。そもそもこれほど美しい自然に恵まれた国にあって、それを意識するなと いうほうが無理な話である。都会では猫の額ほどの中庭にも木を 1 本植えて、暮 らしに華と潤いを添える。バワはそうした自然の力を遠慮なく利用し、そうして 若い世代に辿るべき道筋をつけてやったのである。
バワのつくる建築は、実用的かつモンスーン気候に適しており、しかもあまり手 が込んでいなかった。彼の最大の関心はフォルムをつくることにではなく、空間 を操作することにあったので、建物はおのずと素っ気なくなりがちだが、しかし 実際に訪れてみるとその空間の連なりには今でもはっとさせられる。そしてなに より彼は、建築とは制約であることを教えてくれた。現世代による最良の建築には、 たぶんその教えが反映されつつある。
2011 年 4 月、スリランカ、コロンボ
This page, from top: Lighthouse Hotel; Blue Water Hotel; House on the Red Cliffs. All photos on pp. 13–20 except as noted courtesy of the Lunuganga Trust.
本頁、上から:ライトハウス・ホテル;ブ ルー・ウォーター・ホテル;赤い崖の家。
チャンナ・ダスワッテはモラトゥワ大学とユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンのバー トレット校で建築を学ぶ。1991 年にジェフリー・バワの事務所で勤務し、1997 年に実務 のパートナーになる。1994 年のカンダラマ・ホテルなどのプロジェクトなどで、バワと 親交を深めた。1998 年、彼はムラド・イスマイルとパートナーシップを組み MICD アソ シエイツを設立し、スリランカやインドなどインド洋周辺国で数多くの作品を手がけた。 彼は 2007 年にユネスコアジア太平洋遺産賞 2007 を受賞した。コロンボ建築学校とモラト ゥワ大学で教鞭を執ったほか、彼は多数の雑誌や書籍で執筆している。2006 年に写真家
Anuradhapura was founded in the 4th century BC. It was the political and religious capital city until the 10th century. This page: Ruins of the royal baths in Anuradhapura. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
アヌラダープラは紀元前 4 世紀に建造され た。10 世紀まで政治、宗教の都市であった。 本頁:アヌラダープラの王室用浴室の遺跡。
ドミニク・サンソニとともに『Sri Lanka Style』を出版した。
アヌラダープラ スリランカの現世代の中堅建築家たちは、これまでありとあらゆる思想に染まっ てきた。そうした思想にたいし、バワはみごとに反動的であった。コロニアル・ モデルへの回帰を提唱した彼は、だから思想の極北にいた。これはおそらくバワ がヴァナキュラーなものを工法に採り入れたり、ヴァナキュラーな要素を中庭や ヴェランダ[回廊]に翻案していくなかで確立した思想であろう。ただしこれも一 面的な見方にすぎない。なぜなら 20 世紀末の作品になると、その構造といい思想 といいいっそう奥行きを増すのである。だが現世代の建築家はあまりこの変化に 気づいていない。
周囲の空間と風景を含みながら、空間の舞台背景へ至る建築的プロムナード。中 庭のある都市建築。内と外の境界が消えてほとんど 1 つになった空間。いずれも 今日のスリランカ建築を中心に、モンスーン・アジア建築にも広く定着した概念 である。変わったのは、建材の種類である。スリランカ経済が強くなったことも あり、建材の選択肢が増えた。ガラス、スティール、コンクリート、アルミは以 前よりずっと入手しやすくなった。 1960 年代にバワが用いた素材に比べれば、こ れらはサステイナブルではないにせよ、少なくとも「当世風」な印象は与える。こ の手の新しい素材を様式論に縛られずに随意に用いるところも、この当時のスリ ランカ建築の傾向である。その先鞭をつけたのがバワであり、その「赤い崖の家」 (104 頁)である。すっきりとした直線のみでできたスティール製の屋根を頂くこ の別荘は、竣工当時はそのあまりの新しさにスリランカ人を唖然とさせたものだ が、それがいまやスリランカ建築の共通言語にさえなっている。
精神を高揚させる理想郷の美。この概念もまたスリランカ建築には深く浸透して いる。そもそもこれほど美しい自然に恵まれた国にあって、それを意識するなと いうほうが無理な話である。都会では猫の額ほどの中庭にも木を 1 本植えて、暮 らしに華と潤いを添える。バワはそうした自然の力を遠慮なく利用し、そうして 若い世代に辿るべき道筋をつけてやったのである。
バワのつくる建築は、実用的かつモンスーン気候に適しており、しかもあまり手 が込んでいなかった。彼の最大の関心はフォルムをつくることにではなく、空間 を操作することにあったので、建物はおのずと素っ気なくなりがちだが、しかし 実際に訪れてみるとその空間の連なりには今でもはっとさせられる。そしてなに より彼は、建築とは制約であることを教えてくれた。現世代による最良の建築には、 たぶんその教えが反映されつつある。
2011 年 4 月、スリランカ、コロンボ
This page, from top: Lighthouse Hotel; Blue Water Hotel; House on the Red Cliffs. All photos on pp. 13–20 except as noted courtesy of the Lunuganga Trust.
本頁、上から:ライトハウス・ホテル;ブ ルー・ウォーター・ホテル;赤い崖の家。
チャンナ・ダスワッテはモラトゥワ大学とユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドンのバー トレット校で建築を学ぶ。1991 年にジェフリー・バワの事務所で勤務し、1997 年に実務 のパートナーになる。1994 年のカンダラマ・ホテルなどのプロジェクトなどで、バワと 親交を深めた。1998 年、彼はムラド・イスマイルとパートナーシップを組み MICD アソ シエイツを設立し、スリランカやインドなどインド洋周辺国で数多くの作品を手がけた。 彼は 2007 年にユネスコアジア太平洋遺産賞 2007 を受賞した。コロンボ建築学校とモラト ゥワ大学で教鞭を執ったほか、彼は多数の雑誌や書籍で執筆している。2006 年に写真家
Anuradhapura was founded in the 4th century BC. It was the political and religious capital city until the 10th century. This page: Ruins of the royal baths in Anuradhapura. Photo by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
アヌラダープラは紀元前 4 世紀に建造され た。10 世紀まで政治、宗教の都市であった。 本頁:アヌラダープラの王室用浴室の遺跡。
ドミニク・サンソニとともに『Sri Lanka Style』を出版した。
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House Colombo, Sri Lanka 1960–1962 オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸 スリランカ、コロンボ 1960 ∼ 1962
半分を連絡する。後ろ半分は 1 階が主要な居
住空間に、 2 階が寝室群にあてられている。
ている。この住宅の第 1 印象は、どことなく
い て は、 適 材 適 所 の 方 針 が 貫 か れ て い る。
関与している。 チャンナ・ダスワッテ
( 土居純訳 )
して、空間を開放し、大スパンを実現する ことで屋内に開放感を与える一方で、伝統 的な地場材を用いて雨期の豪雨をしのいだ り照りつける陽射しを遮っている。屋内の 居住空間は互いに露天空間を介して滑らか につながっており、まるで空間が無限に続 いているかのような印象を与える。 街路側の外壁は、車庫の扉と小さな入口が 穿たれている以外は、まるでのっぺりとし ている。入口の扉を開くとまず前庭があり、 目の前にはかつては寺院に使われていた時 代物の立派な門扉が現れる。門扉を抜ける
Opposite: View from the entrance with carved wooden doors toward the main courtyard. All photos on pp. 23–27 except as noted by Hélène Binet/Aga Khan Trust for Culture. pp. 24–25: View of the main courtyard. Photo by Dominic Sansoni/ThreeBlindMen. 右頁:彫刻の施された木製扉のある玄関か ら中庭方向を見る。24 ∼ 25 頁:中庭。
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House Colombo, Sri Lanka
リランカにおける近代運動の成果を示す 1 つ
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Credits and Data Project title: House for Osmund and Ena de Silva Client: Osmund and Ena de Silva Location: No. 5, Alfred Place, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Architect: Geoffrey Bawa Inception: 1960 Completion: 1962 (now demolished) Engineer: Dr. K. Poologasundram
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House is a landmark in the development of the modern movement in Sri Lanka. There, for the first time, the main issue of how to deal with tradition and modernity in architecture appears to be resolved. The house appears at first sight to be a traditional urban courtyard of a vaguely south Asian provenance. But a closer look reveals that the spatial qualities and the connections between the spaces are far from traditional. The rooms open into each other very much like any modernist house. The resolution comes from an appropriate use of materials to do what each does best. The advantages of a concrete frame structure are used to open up the spaces, while creating the large spans that provide the openness within the house, and the more traditional vernacular materials are used to shade and protect the covered spaces from the relentless onslaught of the monsoon weather and bright sunshine. The covered living spaces seamlessly become one with the open-to-the-sky spaces that give this house a sense of endless space. A blank wall on the street punctuated only by a garage door and small entrance door opens into a forecourt from which a magnificent antique temple door gives entry to a passage that leads into the great courtyard with its ancient frangipani tree. A wide verandah connects the front half of the house with the back half, which has the main living spaces on ground level and the sleeping spaces above them. An entirely invisible service wing is tucked into one side of the building, starting in the garage. Here is a groundbreaking building, which was the result of a close collaboration between an enlightened client with a clear appreciation of Sri Lankan culture and architecture, and an architect who was receptive to this and understood her needs. Ena de Silva went on to work closely with Bawa on many of his other projects in her own right as a renowned batik artist. Channa Daswatte
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House Colombo, Sri Lanka 1960–1962 オズモンドとエナ・デ・シルヴァ邸 スリランカ、コロンボ 1960 ∼ 1962
半分を連絡する。後ろ半分は 1 階が主要な居
住空間に、 2 階が寝室群にあてられている。
ている。この住宅の第 1 印象は、どことなく
い て は、 適 材 適 所 の 方 針 が 貫 か れ て い る。
関与している。 チャンナ・ダスワッテ
( 土居純訳 )
して、空間を開放し、大スパンを実現する ことで屋内に開放感を与える一方で、伝統 的な地場材を用いて雨期の豪雨をしのいだ り照りつける陽射しを遮っている。屋内の 居住空間は互いに露天空間を介して滑らか につながっており、まるで空間が無限に続 いているかのような印象を与える。 街路側の外壁は、車庫の扉と小さな入口が 穿たれている以外は、まるでのっぺりとし ている。入口の扉を開くとまず前庭があり、 目の前にはかつては寺院に使われていた時 代物の立派な門扉が現れる。門扉を抜ける
Opposite: View from the entrance with carved wooden doors toward the main courtyard. All photos on pp. 23–27 except as noted by Hélène Binet/Aga Khan Trust for Culture. pp. 24–25: View of the main courtyard. Photo by Dominic Sansoni/ThreeBlindMen. 右頁:彫刻の施された木製扉のある玄関か ら中庭方向を見る。24 ∼ 25 頁:中庭。
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House Colombo, Sri Lanka
リランカにおける近代運動の成果を示す 1 つ
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Credits and Data Project title: House for Osmund and Ena de Silva Client: Osmund and Ena de Silva Location: No. 5, Alfred Place, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Architect: Geoffrey Bawa Inception: 1960 Completion: 1962 (now demolished) Engineer: Dr. K. Poologasundram
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House is a landmark in the development of the modern movement in Sri Lanka. There, for the first time, the main issue of how to deal with tradition and modernity in architecture appears to be resolved. The house appears at first sight to be a traditional urban courtyard of a vaguely south Asian provenance. But a closer look reveals that the spatial qualities and the connections between the spaces are far from traditional. The rooms open into each other very much like any modernist house. The resolution comes from an appropriate use of materials to do what each does best. The advantages of a concrete frame structure are used to open up the spaces, while creating the large spans that provide the openness within the house, and the more traditional vernacular materials are used to shade and protect the covered spaces from the relentless onslaught of the monsoon weather and bright sunshine. The covered living spaces seamlessly become one with the open-to-the-sky spaces that give this house a sense of endless space. A blank wall on the street punctuated only by a garage door and small entrance door opens into a forecourt from which a magnificent antique temple door gives entry to a passage that leads into the great courtyard with its ancient frangipani tree. A wide verandah connects the front half of the house with the back half, which has the main living spaces on ground level and the sleeping spaces above them. An entirely invisible service wing is tucked into one side of the building, starting in the garage. Here is a groundbreaking building, which was the result of a close collaboration between an enlightened client with a clear appreciation of Sri Lankan culture and architecture, and an architect who was receptive to this and understood her needs. Ena de Silva went on to work closely with Bawa on many of his other projects in her own right as a renowned batik artist. Channa Daswatte
Above: Section. Below: Plan. Opposite, clockwise from above left: Staircase; upper bedroom; stone monolith with light fixture; interior view showing wooden beam and pillar frame. 上:断面図。下:平面図。右頁、左上より 時計回り:階段;上階の寝室;1 本石と照明; 木製の梁とコンクリートの柱型を見る。
Above: Section. Below: Plan. Opposite, clockwise from above left: Staircase; upper bedroom; stone monolith with light fixture; interior view showing wooden beam and pillar frame. 上:断面図。下:平面図。右頁、左上より 時計回り:階段;上階の寝室;1 本石と照明; 木製の梁とコンクリートの柱型を見る。
The clients of the Polontalawa Estate Bungalow had commissioned the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg to design an estate bungalow for them on one of their coconut plantations. On going to the site the architects realized that the house they had designed was indeed not an appropriate one after seeing a setting of boulders and trees on the estate. Bawa disregarded the plans they had brought with them, and between him and Ulrik Plesner with the help of several workers, they lined out a structure on the site with sticks and string and gave instructions for construction. The large boulders and trees were left intact and become integral part of the building with some acting as support or used to provide privacy for the more private rooms. The drawings were reputedly done to record the final design. Bawa here follows an ancient Sri Lankan tradition of rock gardens and dwellings used in monastic architecture and particularly common in this part of the north western and north central provinces. The architecture becomes a consequence of the spaces already defined by the existing site and objects on it, and the architect’s intervention simply highlights these and makes it habitable. The house is entered by a small lynch gate set amongst rocks. A short walk between some boulders and down a shallow flight of steps opens up into a space covered by a sweeping roof supported by a concrete ridge beam spanning two great boulders. This is the man living space and the rest of the rooms lead off this and are arranged amongst other boulders. Granite walls in the bedrooms and bamboo screens in the main living spaces provide privacy to these spaces. A boundary wall around the whole site provides any necessary security and defines the house. Channa Daswatte 36
広場には 2 つの巨岩をまたいでコンクリート
し戻し、その場に居合わせたウルリック ・ プ
全 体 は 境 界 壁 に よ っ て と り 囲 ま れ て お り、
とで新たな計画を地面に文字通り描き始め、 施工についても指示を下した。巨岩と木々
チャンナ・ダスワッテ (渡辺一生訳)
とは完全に保全されたうえで建物に不可欠 な部分として組み込まれ、あるいは必要な 場所においてはプライヴァシーを確保すべ くいくつかの付属構造があてがわれた。噂 では、図面が仕上がったのはデザインの最 終的な決定段階においてだったという。 この建物において、バワはスリランカ北部 中央から西側の地域に古くからある、石庭 と住居からなる修道院建築の伝統様式を踏 襲することとした。すなわち、もとからあ る土地とその要素とをして、建築がすでに
p. 34–35: View of the main space. The roof is supported by a concrete ridge beam spanning two great boulders. Opposite, above: Exterior view. Opposite, below: Close-up of boulders and concrete ridge beam. This page, above: Plan. All photos on pp. 34–36 by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
成立していると考えるのである。建築家が したことは、それらの関係を強調し、そこ に住まうことができるようにすることだけ であった。 敷地には岩肌の上に立つ小さな屋根つきの
34 ∼ 35 頁: メ イ ン・ ス ペ ー ス を 見 る。2 つの巨岩をまたいでコンクリートの棟木を 掲げる大屋根。左頁、上:外観。左頁、下: 巨岩とコンクリートの棟木の近景。本頁、 上:平面図。
The clients of the Polontalawa Estate Bungalow had commissioned the firm of Edwards, Reid and Begg to design an estate bungalow for them on one of their coconut plantations. On going to the site the architects realized that the house they had designed was indeed not an appropriate one after seeing a setting of boulders and trees on the estate. Bawa disregarded the plans they had brought with them, and between him and Ulrik Plesner with the help of several workers, they lined out a structure on the site with sticks and string and gave instructions for construction. The large boulders and trees were left intact and become integral part of the building with some acting as support or used to provide privacy for the more private rooms. The drawings were reputedly done to record the final design. Bawa here follows an ancient Sri Lankan tradition of rock gardens and dwellings used in monastic architecture and particularly common in this part of the north western and north central provinces. The architecture becomes a consequence of the spaces already defined by the existing site and objects on it, and the architect’s intervention simply highlights these and makes it habitable. The house is entered by a small lynch gate set amongst rocks. A short walk between some boulders and down a shallow flight of steps opens up into a space covered by a sweeping roof supported by a concrete ridge beam spanning two great boulders. This is the man living space and the rest of the rooms lead off this and are arranged amongst other boulders. Granite walls in the bedrooms and bamboo screens in the main living spaces provide privacy to these spaces. A boundary wall around the whole site provides any necessary security and defines the house. Channa Daswatte 36
広場には 2 つの巨岩をまたいでコンクリート
し戻し、その場に居合わせたウルリック ・ プ
全 体 は 境 界 壁 に よ っ て と り 囲 ま れ て お り、
とで新たな計画を地面に文字通り描き始め、 施工についても指示を下した。巨岩と木々
チャンナ・ダスワッテ (渡辺一生訳)
とは完全に保全されたうえで建物に不可欠 な部分として組み込まれ、あるいは必要な 場所においてはプライヴァシーを確保すべ くいくつかの付属構造があてがわれた。噂 では、図面が仕上がったのはデザインの最 終的な決定段階においてだったという。 この建物において、バワはスリランカ北部 中央から西側の地域に古くからある、石庭 と住居からなる修道院建築の伝統様式を踏 襲することとした。すなわち、もとからあ る土地とその要素とをして、建築がすでに
p. 34–35: View of the main space. The roof is supported by a concrete ridge beam spanning two great boulders. Opposite, above: Exterior view. Opposite, below: Close-up of boulders and concrete ridge beam. This page, above: Plan. All photos on pp. 34–36 by Dominic Sansoni / ThreeBlindMen.
成立していると考えるのである。建築家が したことは、それらの関係を強調し、そこ に住まうことができるようにすることだけ であった。 敷地には岩肌の上に立つ小さな屋根つきの
34 ∼ 35 頁: メ イ ン・ ス ペ ー ス を 見 る。2 つの巨岩をまたいでコンクリートの棟木を 掲げる大屋根。左頁、上:外観。左頁、下: 巨岩とコンクリートの棟木の近景。本頁、 上:平面図。
pp. 50–51: Interior of the large central shrine room. Opposite: Detail of the wooden enclosure. This page: Corner detail.
50 ∼ 51 頁:中央の大聖堂内観。左頁:木 製のルーヴァー詳細。本頁:コーナー詳細。
pp. 50–51: Interior of the large central shrine room. Opposite: Detail of the wooden enclosure. This page: Corner detail.
50 ∼ 51 頁:中央の大聖堂内観。左頁:木 製のルーヴァー詳細。本頁:コーナー詳細。
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
de Soysa House Colombo, Sri Lanka 1985–1991 デ・ソイサ邸 スリランカ、コロンボ 1985 ∼ 1991
最後の 10 年間の前兆を示している。それは
建 物 に は コ ン ク リ ー ト の 柱 と 梁 の 構 造 体、
や 植 物 が 面 す る 部 分 を 必 要 な だ け 開 放 し、
より親密な空間が必要な場所ではプライヴ ァシーが保たれるつくりにしている。
チャンナ・ダスワッテ (松本晴子訳)
駐車場、使用人部屋、小さな事務室が住宅 の地上階を占めており、広々とした階段に よりこの場所から上層階の居住部分がつな がっている。1 階のメインの居間はほぼ全体 がガラス張りとなり、住宅の周りの背の高 い木々が植物の生い茂ったテラスの上に枝 を伸ばすのが見える。これらのテラスと大 きな部分を占めるガラス窓はコンクリート 壁を伝って上層まで伸びるパーゴラにより 日差しから遮られている。2 階はよりテラス
Opposite: View of the entrance facade. pp. 60–61: Main living space on the 1st floor. All photos on pp. 59–65 by Yasuhiro Nakayama / Shinkenchikusha. 右頁:入口ファサードを見る。60 ∼ 61 頁: 1 階のメインの居間。
de Soysa House Colombo, Sri Lanka
宅は建築家が古い友人のために 2 人が所有し
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Credits and Data Project title: de Soysa House Client: Cecil and Chloe de Soysa Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka Architect: Geoffrey Bawa Inception: 1985 Completion: 1991 Project team: Dilshan Ferdinando, Sumangala Jayatillake
The house for Cecil and Chloe de Soysa was built for old friends of the architect on the mature back garden of an old house they owned. Once their children had left the roost, the de Soysas were looking for an easily manageable house but with the spirit of living within the lush green to which they were accustomed. The building adopts a simple vocabulary of concrete column and beam structure infilled with large areas of black anodized aluminum glass screens or plastered brick walls as the case may be, to provide necessary openness to the large trees and vegetation around or privacy for more intimate spaces where required. Parking, staff and a small office occupy the ground level of the house, from where a generous stairway leads to the upper levels of the residence. The main living spaces on the first floor are almost entirely glazed and look into the branches of the large trees surrounding the house and onto thickly overgrown terraces. These terraces and the large areas of glazing are further shaded from the sun by concrete pergolas covered by lush climbing plants. The second floor contains more bedrooms opening onto more terraces, and the roof is a planted garden as lush as all the other terraces below and looks into and over the upper branches of the trees. This house is in many ways is a precursor to what was to come in the final 10 years of Bawa’s career. It is very much a model for the Kandalama Hotel – here the architect also dispenses entirely with the concern with outward form and explores his innate sensibility that the prime generator of architecture is the movement through sequences of space and how they relate to each other and the environment around them. Channa Daswatte
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
de Soysa House Colombo, Sri Lanka 1985–1991 デ・ソイサ邸 スリランカ、コロンボ 1985 ∼ 1991
最後の 10 年間の前兆を示している。それは
建 物 に は コ ン ク リ ー ト の 柱 と 梁 の 構 造 体、
や 植 物 が 面 す る 部 分 を 必 要 な だ け 開 放 し、
より親密な空間が必要な場所ではプライヴ ァシーが保たれるつくりにしている。
チャンナ・ダスワッテ (松本晴子訳)
駐車場、使用人部屋、小さな事務室が住宅 の地上階を占めており、広々とした階段に よりこの場所から上層階の居住部分がつな がっている。1 階のメインの居間はほぼ全体 がガラス張りとなり、住宅の周りの背の高 い木々が植物の生い茂ったテラスの上に枝 を伸ばすのが見える。これらのテラスと大 きな部分を占めるガラス窓はコンクリート 壁を伝って上層まで伸びるパーゴラにより 日差しから遮られている。2 階はよりテラス
Opposite: View of the entrance facade. pp. 60–61: Main living space on the 1st floor. All photos on pp. 59–65 by Yasuhiro Nakayama / Shinkenchikusha. 右頁:入口ファサードを見る。60 ∼ 61 頁: 1 階のメインの居間。
de Soysa House Colombo, Sri Lanka
宅は建築家が古い友人のために 2 人が所有し
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Credits and Data Project title: de Soysa House Client: Cecil and Chloe de Soysa Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka Architect: Geoffrey Bawa Inception: 1985 Completion: 1991 Project team: Dilshan Ferdinando, Sumangala Jayatillake
The house for Cecil and Chloe de Soysa was built for old friends of the architect on the mature back garden of an old house they owned. Once their children had left the roost, the de Soysas were looking for an easily manageable house but with the spirit of living within the lush green to which they were accustomed. The building adopts a simple vocabulary of concrete column and beam structure infilled with large areas of black anodized aluminum glass screens or plastered brick walls as the case may be, to provide necessary openness to the large trees and vegetation around or privacy for more intimate spaces where required. Parking, staff and a small office occupy the ground level of the house, from where a generous stairway leads to the upper levels of the residence. The main living spaces on the first floor are almost entirely glazed and look into the branches of the large trees surrounding the house and onto thickly overgrown terraces. These terraces and the large areas of glazing are further shaded from the sun by concrete pergolas covered by lush climbing plants. The second floor contains more bedrooms opening onto more terraces, and the roof is a planted garden as lush as all the other terraces below and looks into and over the upper branches of the trees. This house is in many ways is a precursor to what was to come in the final 10 years of Bawa’s career. It is very much a model for the Kandalama Hotel – here the architect also dispenses entirely with the concern with outward form and explores his innate sensibility that the prime generator of architecture is the movement through sequences of space and how they relate to each other and the environment around them. Channa Daswatte
Dambulla, Sri Lanka 1991–1994
489 Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Kandalama Hotel Dambulla, Sri Lanka 67 66
カンダラマ ・ ホテル スリランカ、ダンブッラ 1991 ∼ 1994
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
Kandalama Hotel
Dambulla, Sri Lanka 1991–1994
489 Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka
Kandalama Hotel Dambulla, Sri Lanka 67 66
カンダラマ ・ ホテル スリランカ、ダンブッラ 1991 ∼ 1994
Architecture and Urbanism 11:06
Kandalama Hotel
The Kandalama Hotel is built on the edge of a rocky bluff overlooking a large reservoir built in the 4th century with distant views of two important archeological sites – the 5th-century palace and garden site of Sigiriya, and the Dambulla caves with their extensive galleries of 18th-century Buddhist paintings. It is the visitors to these and other monuments in the area that the Kandalama Hotel serves. The Kandalama Hotel is conceived as a modern palace, albeit with a decidedly non-palatial palette of materials and finishes. The simple column and beam structure overgrown with lush jungle vegetation, the highly polished stone floors, black and white columns and simple slabs help to dematerialize the structure, which becomes a background to the spectacular surroundings of forest, rocky escarpment and grand views over the reservoir. Carefully constructed axes guide the visitors through the building and the structure simply acts as a support for what are essentially large platforms strategically placed to capture these views. The building itself visually disappears into a series of vertical frame and horizontal frames that bring out the best of the views. Guests arrive at the hotel on an unpaved road through dry zone deciduous forest and drive up an immense ramp to the 5th level of the hotel to a cave-like entrance. A wide flight of steps made from local stone quarried on the site leads on to a polished black stone floor, which leads on through an entrance tunnel hewn of living rock onto a reception lobby high above the treetops. The infinity edge of a swimming pool is suspended over the edge of this rocky terrace looking out over the lake and drawing the eye out to it and the view of Sigiriya beyond. The public spaces are all arranged above the entrance level and the rooms, which make up the bulk of the structure, are hidden away at the entrance level or below, making them hardly perceptible. Channa Daswatte pp. 66–67: View of the cave-like main entrance. Opposite: Looking from the entrance tunnel towards the reception hall. On the left are the rocks originally on the site. This page: View of the reception hall, looking towards the lake. pp. 70–71: View from the dining room on the 7th floor. All photos on pp. 66–87 by Yasuhiro Nakayama/Shinkenchiku-sha.
66 ∼ 67 頁:洞窟のようなメイン・エント ランスを見る。左頁:エントランスのトン ネルから受付ホールを見る。左側には敷地 にあった岩がそのまま使用されている。本 頁:受付ホールから湖のほうを見る。70 ∼ 71 頁:7 階のダイニング・ルームから見る。
The Kandalama Hotel is built on the edge of a rocky bluff overlooking a large reservoir built in the 4th century with distant views of two important archeological sites – the 5th-century palace and garden site of Sigiriya, and the Dambulla caves with their extensive galleries of 18th-century Buddhist paintings. It is the visitors to these and other monuments in the area that the Kandalama Hotel serves. The Kandalama Hotel is conceived as a modern palace, albeit with a decidedly non-palatial palette of materials and finishes. The simple column and beam structure overgrown with lush jungle vegetation, the highly polished stone floors, black and white columns and simple slabs help to dematerialize the structure, which becomes a background to the spectacular surroundings of forest, rocky escarpment and grand views over the reservoir. Carefully constructed axes guide the visitors through the building and the structure simply acts as a support for what are essentially large platforms strategically placed to capture these views. The building itself visually disappears into a series of vertical frame and horizontal frames that bring out the best of the views. Guests arrive at the hotel on an unpaved road through dry zone deciduous forest and drive up an immense ramp to the 5th level of the hotel to a cave-like entrance. A wide flight of steps made from local stone quarried on the site leads on to a polished black stone floor, which leads on through an entrance tunnel hewn of living rock onto a reception lobby high above the treetops. The infinity edge of a swimming pool is suspended over the edge of this rocky terrace looking out over the lake and drawing the eye out to it and the view of Sigiriya beyond. The public spaces are all arranged above the entrance level and the rooms, which make up the bulk of the structure, are hidden away at the entrance level or below, making them hardly perceptible. Channa Daswatte pp. 66–67: View of the cave-like main entrance. Opposite: Looking from the entrance tunnel towards the reception hall. On the left are the rocks originally on the site. This page: View of the reception hall, looking towards the lake. pp. 70–71: View from the dining room on the 7th floor. All photos on pp. 66–87 by Yasuhiro Nakayama/Shinkenchiku-sha.
66 ∼ 67 頁:洞窟のようなメイン・エント ランスを見る。左頁:エントランスのトン ネルから受付ホールを見る。左側には敷地 にあった岩がそのまま使用されている。本 頁:受付ホールから湖のほうを見る。70 ∼ 71 頁:7 階のダイニング・ルームから見る。
Opposite: Close-up of the concrete frame structure of Dambulla wing. This page, above: Timber brise soleil supports the screen of vegetation on the facades. This page, below: View of the column bases from a 3rd floor corridor of Sigiriya wing. 80
左頁:ダンブッラ棟のコンクリート・フレ ームの構造の近景。本頁、上:木製の日除 けがファサードに育つ植物のスクリーンを 支えている。本頁、下:シーギリヤ棟の 3 階廊下から柱基礎を見る。
Opposite: Close-up of the concrete frame structure of Dambulla wing. This page, above: Timber brise soleil supports the screen of vegetation on the facades. This page, below: View of the column bases from a 3rd floor corridor of Sigiriya wing. 80
左頁:ダンブッラ棟のコンクリート・フレ ームの構造の近景。本頁、上:木製の日除 けがファサードに育つ植物のスクリーンを 支えている。本頁、下:シーギリヤ棟の 3 階廊下から柱基礎を見る。
Currents: BIG + Grontmij + Spacescape Win the Stockholmsporten Master Plan / Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 by Peter Zumthor / Nicholas Grimshaw Awarded Mobile Art Pavilion in Brazil
Feature: Geoffrey Bawa – Essence of Sri Lanka Architecture and Urbanism 2011:06 No.489 Publisher/Editor: Nobuyuki Yoshida Design Consultant: Massimo Vignelli
Essay: A Legacy over Time Channa Daswatte 22
The Osmund and Ena de Silva House 28
33rd Lane 34
Advisers: Tadao Ando, Osaka Jacques Herzog, Basel Toyo Ito, Tokyo Rem Koolhaas, Rotterdam Terence Riley, Miami Cecil Balmond, London Jean-Louis Cohen, Paris Toshiko Mori, Cambridge Mohsen Mostafavi, Cambridge Ryue Nishizawa, Tokyo Distributor: Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.: Sawa Kato Emiko Yazawa
Polontalawa Estate Bungalow 38
No. 2 Alfred House Road 46
Seema Malaka 54
Parliamentary Complex at Sri Jayewardenepura 58
de Soysa House 66
Kandalama Hotel 88
Lighthouse Hotel 96
Blue Water Hotel 104
House on the Red Cliffs 112
Lunuganga 128
Essay: Architecture Education in Sri Lanka Harsha Munasinghe 131
Works by a New Generation of Sri Lankan Architects
Cover: Kandalama Hotel. Photo: Yasuhiro Nakayama / Shinkenchiku-sha. ©A+U Publishing Co., Ltd. 2011 Printed in Japan Published by A+U Publishing Co., Ltd. 30-8 Yushima 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0034, Japan Tel: +81-3-3816-2935 Fax: +81-3-3816-2937 E-mail : au@japan-architect.co.jp URL: http://www.japan-architect.co.jp A+U Publishing Pte. Ltd. Nankin Row, 3 Pickering Street, #02-26, Singapore 048660, Singapore Tel: +65-6557-0537 Fax: +65-6557-0531 a+u = Architecture and Urbanism is handled exclusively by Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.: 31-2 Yushima 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8501, Japan Tel: +81-3-3816-2532 Fax: +81-3-3812-8229 E-mail : ja-business@japan-architect.co.jp Subscription rate for 2011 outside Japan ¥42,000 (Airmail – Asia), ¥45,000 (Airmail – Europe, North America, Oceania, & Middle East), ¥49,000 (Airmail – South America & Africa) U.S.Dollars, Euro, Sterling Pounds and Swiss Francs equivalent to the above Japanese Yen prices are acceptable. Your remittance should be converted at the current exchange rate when you remit us.