Arnoldsche Autumn/Winter 2014

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Dear reader, During my travels – be it visiting Collect in London or wandering the museums and galleries in the United States – time and again I realise with great joy the high esteem that the stars of the applied and visual arts as well as design enjoy. And this completely independently of whether the objects, paintings or everyday items have long since reached high prices or whether they are refreshing discoveries that stimulate discourse. Both areas belong inextricably together, like the art of the past and present, or Western and non-Western forms. This spectrum is also reflected in our publishing programme – for example, with photography from the 1860s in Imagine Japan. Earliest Photographs from the Aimé Humbert Collection, a fascinating look into the society and culture of Japan before it opened up to the Western world, or in Vanity of the Object, the postmodern photographs by Tom Vack for top designers, such as Philippe Starck, Ron Arad and Marc Newson, that question current issues regarding the strategies of presenting objects. Documentation and the construction of reality: two very different sides of photography, which ultimately go hand in hand. And so, like many other areas of artistic creativity, they essentially form a whole – from painting, via glass art and jewellery art, to textile art, ceramics and product design. As an art publisher it is our desire to give an individual face to each of the great many approaches within art and design. Therefore it gives me great delight when I hear during the conversations on my travels how positive our publications are received worldwide – by art enthusiasts, collectors and artists and by gallerists or museum curators alike. This confirms to me that we are on the right path with our publishing objectives: to make art books that – thanks to their high quality in content and design – enable the scholarly debate in the workplace as well as the pleasure of art at home on the sofa. I hope you enjoy the exciting discoveries while leafing through our new autumn preview. Yours, Dirk Allgaier Publisher

p re fa ce

The team at ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers (from left to right): Marion Boschka, project management Dirk Allgaier, publisher Sarah Güse, assistant to project management Samrin Conrad, trainee Winfried Stürzl, press and public relations Dieter Zühlsdorff, publisher (not shown)  3

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Photos: Frode Larsen/National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway


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