The Eternal Flower is Koji Arai’s ode to flowers. In this book he wants to give a voice to the beauty of their colors, their enthralling eccentric shapes, their life, their death, their fragility and elegance and at the same time treasure them for eternity. Koji Arai puts his talent at the service of flowers, hoping to help disclose the fascinating aspects of flowers and plants that we often remain unaware of. Something he does with great skill and bravura.
ISBN 978-90-5856-584-6
9 7 8 9 0 5 8 5 6 5 8 4 6
Koji Arai Photography Kiyokazu Nakajima
21/11/17 15:27
Nocturnal Blue 青夜 10
Nocturnal Blue 青夜 10
Pristine 清廉
Helios 日輪
Pristine 清廉
Helios 日輪
Caprice 移気 14
Caprice 移気 14
Lifeforce 生彩 22
Lifeforce 生彩 22
Lusciousness 爛熟 40
Lusciousness 爛熟 40
Author Koji Arai 新井光史 Photography Kiyokazu Nakajima 中島清一 Text and Editing Mikako Yamaguchi 山口未和子 English Translation Kayoko Yokota 横田佳世子 Final Editing Katrien Van Moerbeke Lay-out Group Van Damme Supported by Daiichi Engei Co., Ltd. 第一園芸株式会社 6th Toshin Building 8F 1-5-21 Katsushima, Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 140-0012, Japan 〒140-0012 東京都品川区勝島1-5-21 東神ビル6号館 Tel +81-3-6404-1300 Fax +81-3-6404-1302 Published by Stichting Kunstboek bvba Legeweg 165 8020 Oostkamp Belgium Tel +32 50 46 19 10 Fax +32 50 46 19 18 ISBN 978-90-5856-584-6 D/2017/6407/18 NUR 421 Printed in the EU All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, by any means, electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.
© Stichting Kunstboek 2017