==== ==== Effective Money Making Tips http://tinyurl.com/87lkegm ==== ====
Everyone knows different methods of making gold on RuneScape, but there are usually two differences between the rich and the poor. The first is the most obvious, that their particular technique for earning gold is more effective. The second is maybe less obvious, but it's almost as important - their methods aren't boring! You cannot expect to do the same boring tasks over and over again to make money. You need to stimulate your mind to keep yourself focused and occupied or you'll never achieve what you want and this applies to almost every aspect of life, not just RuneScape. One critical tip I'll let you know is that you cannot neglect the Summoning skill, its benefits which can be used in conjunction with almost every other method of making money are too important to ignore. You have the instant money making summoning familiars such as the Magpie which you can summon at level 47. It collects gems and jewelry and it takes zero effort - that's right, you just summon it and do whatever you usually do in the game and it'll earn you 30,000 gp per hour at no effort expense of your own. More importantly it clearly has very low level requirements just needing 47 Summoning, and even if you're not that high you can easily train up to that very quickly. If you're playing a little over three hours a day then you're going to be making 700,000 gold a week with no input - it's free gold, if someone walked up to you and handed you 700k gold you wouldn't say no would you? The implications of the relatively new Summoning skill aren't just confined to the Magpie; there are familiars which grant experience boosts for almost every skill. Now you may think that experience boosts don't earn you extra gold, but seeing as you level your skills up faster which inevitably unlock greater gold earning potential activities they are definitely earning you gold quicker by extension of letting you level up quicker. There are 70+ summoning familiars so I'm not going to list all of them, but for lower levels a Granite Crab which you can create at level 18 speeds up how quick you catch fish. A Dessert wyrm at requirement level 19 helps mine for you without needing your control; it mines up to iron ore for you. A bull ant (Summoning - 40) acts as a 'beast of burden' which allows you to hold items that are outside your inventory space but are accessible as long as the creature is still summoned. The bull ant increases your inventory space by nine which means you have more food to fight longer, and more space to store collected items. These are just a few of the familiars you can create which will directly or indirectly aid you in earning gold quicker. I think one thing that's really important is to not get focused on earning gold at a relatively low level. There's very little point trying to earn gold when your combat and skill levels are too low, because the time taken solely to train these levels up so that you could do more profitable activies later which are only un-lockable the higher you get is much faster than earning gold at the incredibly slow rate that newer players tend to waste their time doing. Just like earning extra experience using a familiar will aid you in the long run, it's best to train up now and earn gold later
at a vastly increased rate. If I had to be honest with you, a lot of websites talk about using skills to make money - but the truth is that skills are terrible for earning gold. People don't like to mention it because they'd have nothing to write about, but out of all the twenty five RuneScape skills I'd say that there are only ten - maximum - which are genuinely good for earning money. Basic gatherer skills such as woodcutting, fishing and mining have insanely low rewards. Don't even think about earning money with smithing, ranged, cooking and crafting - those skills lose you money. The vast majority of skills are only useful when used in conjunction with other skills to do far more complex tasks such as high level monster killing. This is why I really think it's critical to put down the woodcutting axe, train up your combat and start making some real money. It's very easy to get carried away doing very low earning tasks because they're 'safe' - no one ever got rich by playing it safe. I didn't, and I've got billions. Please think about what it is you're doing, work out the best ways of making gold and compare them and combine them with other methods. That's how you make the real money. I hope these RuneScape Money Making Tips have been useful to you, they're aimed far more at lower levels and so I do sometimes feel a little silly talking about a few hundred thousand gold when I give away millions just for fun - however this article puts across the correct mindset you need to expand your horizons and earn big money.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Octavius_Bell
==== ==== Effective Money Making Tips http://tinyurl.com/87lkegm ==== ====