Meeple Monthly Magazine - September Issue

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November 2014

All dates of release are estimates by the manufacturer. Prices are listed as MSRP. √ = Check with your retailer about pricing.


Meeple Monthly Issue 23 November 2014


Legend of the Five Rings: The New Order Booster Display








AEG5816 Empire Engine


Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear Solo Play Expansion


Fief: France 1429


Fief: France 1429 is a game of dynastic ambition in which players assume the roles of nobles in the 15th century kingdom of France. Each player strives to become the most powerful ruling force in the kingdom by gaining control of Fief and Bishopric territories. In turn, they acquire Royal and Ecclesiastical (church) titles which give their families influence to elect the next Pope and King. Players strengthen their positions by negotiating marriage alliances between their families, setting the stage for love, treachery and deception!

Now Boarding! Luggage...check. Round trip plane tickets...check. Carry-on bag...check. Looks like you and your party are ready to head to the airport to catch your flight. The only problem is that getting to your flight gate is easier said than done. You must check your luggage, pass security and grab some food, all the while avoiding getting bogged down by the hustle and bustle of the terminal. Make sure to not leave anyone in your party behind and...don't miss your plane!


Wargames Illustrated #326

Wargames Illustrated is a magazine dedicated to miniature wargaming which is focused on historical tabletop wargames.



Spot It! Holidays


Our most popular game is all decked out for the holidays! The cards come in a travel-friendly tin, perfect for stocking stuffers. From Snowman to Candy Cane, each card is decorated with an assortment of festive symbols. What better way to spend the holidays than by playing Spot it! with your friends and family!

Once, the world of Mekannis was united and prospered under the guidance of the Great Engine—an enormous thinking machine built into the molten heart of the world. Over millennia, Mekannis was transformed until every piece of land was incorporated into the gears and levers of the Engine itself. An act of hubris by the world’s rulers caused a series of devastating malfunctions that shattered the land and the death of the Great Engine. Now four empires rise to dominance. The Kestrel Dominion, descending from ancient hereditary rulers and cherishing their ancestral tradition of honor; Nova Centralis, a plutocratic nation built upon exploiting wealth and greatly desirous of maintaining their economic edge; the Sylphian Commonwealth, a AEG5817 once-verdant land now poisoned by the aftereffects of the Engine’s destruction; and the Grail Prelacy, a theocratic nation emboldened by prophecies of ultimate victory. Each empire vies to fulfill the prophecy and restore the Great Engine, the source of ultimate power. As gears turn, empires are forged! AEG5820


A player will be able to play Awakening the Bear against a highly reactive game AI. This AI is based on the most modern Emergent Behavior and Agent Based Logic programming systems. AI units are not individually programmed like in past solo games. Instead, each situation is evaluated and the best course of action using available AI resources and unit assets is implemented. This is a radical and groundbreaking implementation of advanced computer programming by Academy Games for their Conflict of Heroes series. Players will be surprised by the AI strategy and actions that emerge as AYG5105 a result of the player's own battle tactics. This may force even veteran players to hone and adapt their own playing styles in order to overcome the AI.

In the heart of the Colonies, the two sons of the Divine Empress each make their case to the Great Clans concerning who should eventually succeed their mother and sit on the Emerald Throne of Rokugan. Although the brothers do not seek conflict, their followers are all too eager to wage war on behalf of their patrons, and the battle between the Traditionalists and Progressives has reached a fever pitch. Who shall prevail and ascend? The New Order is the third expansion following Ivory Edition, the current base set for the Legend of the Five Rings Collectible Card Game. Combine its 16-card booster packs with any other expansion in the Ivory arc for a great L5R drafting experience. Only one of the two brothers can become the next Emperor, and the first task set before him will be arduous: restore order to a fractured Empire. 36 booster packs per display AEG5816

Doomtown: Reloaded: Saddlebag Expansion

Even in a rough and tumble town like Gomorra someone has to run the place! As Morgan's matriarch returns to town, two candidates step forward to vie for the mayor's seat. Who will you support? Doomtown: Reloaded is a fast paced expandable card game set in the Deadlands universe of gun slingin', spell slingin' and mud-slingin'!



Savage Worlds: The Widening Gyre


It's a time of upheaval; the arts and sciences are flourishing. Now is your chance to gather fame and honor by becoming a patron of the best and brightest minds. Will you succeed, or will history forget your name? As a patron, knowing when to strive for fame, when to maintain a low profile, and when to sit back and profit from others' work will determine your fate. 6


Enter a world of adventuring daredevils and academics, occultist thrill-seekers and Savants both heroic and insane, in which a secretive organization of benevolent technologists seeks to prevent the dark monsters of humanity's past from overwhelming its bright and burgeoning future. The Widening Gyre presents an original steampunk campaign setting designed for use with the Savage Worlds rules.



At the Hands of an Angry God (Society Building RPG)



We shall create the Perfect society! At the Hands of an Angry God mixes storytelling-roleplaying and civilization-building mechanics to help you and your friends to create the epic stories of brave souls willing to risk everything to establish their version of a perfect world... and what happens when 'reality' challenges those ideals.


Round Two! The Algernon Files series continues, bringing you more threats and allies (and sometimes characters that can be both) to complicate the lives of Mutants & Masterminds player characters. Run in terror before the power of The Assembly or unravel the many schemes of Baron Brimstone. Stop the soul-ending depredations of The Bargainer or fight alongside Blackheart to stop the likes of Bad Penny and Battalion. The Algernon Files 3.0 is a series of sourcebooks for Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition. You'll revisit classic characters from earlier editions, as well as meet many new heroes and villains as the series continues. CB71116

Doctor Who: Seventh Doctor Sourcebook


Celebrating the 50th anniversary of CB71116 Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Seventh Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show! Having survived an attempt on his life from his own future self, it is the Rani who forces the Doctor to regenerate once more, into an incarnation that is every bit as sharp, cunning and eccentric as his predecessors. Battle dragons, psychic clowns and out-of-control robots; match wits with the Rani, the Master and Fenric; and destroy Skaro, the home world of the Daleks! And remember - you can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies! CB71117

Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Sourcebook



Cthulhu Britannica: London Box Set



Yggdrasill: Kings of the Sea


London churns with the industry of man, constantly building and rebuilding, expanding outwards while dismantling and reforming its core. Underneath the powerhouse of the City lie millennia of history, from the celebrated and well-documented paths of Roman Londinium to darker antediluvian secrets veiled from modern eyes. London sits atop its history: an ancient swampland that was itself once an even-more-ancient sea-bed. Who knows what secrets lie buried? London is the beating heart of a global empire, drawing and pumping the blood of materials and labour from its colonial holdings, to further the ends of its aristocratic and mercantile elites. Constant activity and pursuit of wealth make for a churning maelstrom of humanity – plenty of chaos for those of a strong will to exploit or to act as cover for those whose goals are yet more sinister. Book 1 – Guide to London: The essential guide to London in the 1920s, with a focus on what it’s like to be in the city and useful information for Keepers and investigators. Book 2 – Keeper’s Book: Journey into the squamous depths of the city and uncover: Mythos London, A Keeper’s Guide to London, London and the Mythos, Notable Historical Figures, The ‘Rogues Gallery’ of NPCs, Notable Occult and Mythos Locations, and Mythos Plots. Book 3 – Scenario Book: Ready-to-play scenarios taking investigators into the Smoke.

Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Ed.: The Algernon Files 3.0, Vol.2: Artificer’s Guild to Blackheart $15.00






Kuro: Makkura

Makkura is a campaign of six full adventures for Kuro, the roleplaying game of near-future Japanese horror. Each adventure is linked together with several additional scenarios, taking you to the next level of the Kuro saga. Secrets will be revealed, spirits awoken and terrible enemies will prowl the streets of Shin-Edo.

It is time for our heroes to take to the sea and gain the coveted title, Saekonungar, Sea King! Pirate or trader, mercenary or lord, captain or pilot, the northern seas opens to the bold. Assume their destiny, inhaling the salty smell of the sea, a cold wind snapping the sail. In this supplement, you will discover new occupations linked to the sea, information on the vessels of Scandia, rules for sailors fighting techniques, an overview of some neighboring peoples, and the genealogy of the Northern Kingdoms


Fantasy Craft: Spellbound



Gear for the Ages (Fantasy Craft)



After being shot in a gang war in San Francisco, the Doctor regenerates just in time to stop the Master one more time. His eighth incarnation had much to contend with, not least the Time War, during which he had a fateful encounter with the Sisterhood of Karn once more. As well as detailing the Eighth Doctor's adventures, this sourcebook also contains a complete campaign - The Doom of the Daleks - that sees the Doctor's deadliest foe erasing him from existence, forcing his companions into a race against time itself to save him!


Get ready for the ultimate magical toolkit! Spellbound is your definitive answer for all things arcane in Fantasy Craft, bringing every spell and character option together in one indispensable volume. This massive volume contains a grimoire of nearly 900 spells, 20 original classes for career casters, specialists, and dabblers alike; dozens of player options covering everything from familiars to ritual casting and beyond; and all the guidance and campaign support GMs will ever need. Whether you want spellcasting rare or ubiquitous, subtle or realm-shattering, it's all right here.

This treasure trove of fantastic equipment is sure to have something for every Fantasy Craft hero! Weapons, armor, equipment, upgrades, magic items, and artifacts are all included, supported by new treasure tables, expanded character options, and useful play aids for adventuring in any era. 10



KaosBall: Salem Warlocks Team


‘Ribbit.’ That’s about all the defeated enemies of the Warlocks can muster after a crushing defeat by these ancient arcanists. While other teams are bound by the petty rules of reality, the Warlocks take advantage of their tradition and heritage, and bend the very nature of the game to their will. CMNKB0006



BattleTech: Support Lance Pack


Support lance MechWarriors are the unsung workhorses of every army. Overlooked by most, commanders know these stalwarts are the glue that binds any military, enabling success for any type of military campaing. Unleash the Support Lance Pack on your enemies! Awesome, Vindicator, Firestarter and Charger BattleMechs – no assembly required. Perfect for BattleTech and Alpha Strike heavy metal action!


KaosBall: Bridgetown Trolls Team



KaosBall: Boomtown Cowboys Team


From the mobile parks of Bridgetown, the Trolls delight in making a sludgy mess of the Kaosball field. And what a team! Their tackling techniques are nigh-unbeatable, and watch out for their leftover trash, of you’ll be on the losing end of the scoreboard! They come from the frontiers of Boomtown, and they came armed! Nobody knows how, but this impressive team sports their Hammer&Smythe six-shooters into the field and can take down opposing teams from a distance! Will Kaosball ever be the same? KaosBall: Asgard Valkyries Team


Woe to the impious; The Valkyries are here, descended directly from the halls of Asgard to dominate the Kaosball field! Well rounded play skills, they supplement their solid tactics with the occasional deadly lightning bolt that can hit multiple players!


BattleTech: Historical: First Succession War





The First Succession War was a conflict of unparalleled brutality and horror that raged across the Inner Sphere from 2786 until 2821. At the beginning of the conflict, humanity was at the apex of its technical achievements. At the cessation of hostilities in 2821, the Inner Sphere was slipping rapidly into a technological abyss.



Linear is an abstract strategy game in which players attempt to line up their markers to form sets of long straight lines on the game board. They also attempt to cut off avenues for opponents' lines. In the end, players are awarded points for their lines, with longer lines being worth more points. The player with the highest score wins! CYT12020

Strategy & Tactics 290: Angola


Angola is a simulation of the 1987-88 campaign which was the culmination of the civil war in that country during the height of the Cold War. This campaign saw major offensives by both sides, with considerable intervention by the armed forces of Cuba and South Africa. Among other things, Angola saw some of the biggest armored actions of the Cold War. The game is operational level. Each player commands the forces of several different factions, each faction representing a major entity in this particular conflict whose goal was to gain control of as much of Angola as possible while inflicting decisive losses on the enemy. Command control is a critical factor, and the game uses a variant of the "Boots" system to model this. Each game turn represents about one month of operations. The map features all of Angola and the adjoining border regions of Southwest Africa and Zaire. The map scale is approximately 31 miles (50 kilometers) across each hexagon; each brigade or regiment represents from about 1,000 to 3,000 men, depending on the army. A battalion is 300-900 men, whereas a cadre represents small teams of soldiers.



Fleet Commander Nimitz


Fleet Commander Nimitz is the fourth game in our Commander series of solitaire games. DV1-022 For the first time, we take the Commander series to the high seas! At the start of the war, Nimitz faces a Pacific Ocean on the brink of disaster. The Imperial Japanese Navy has just delivered a devastating attack against the US fleet at Pearl Harbor, and little stands in the way of total defeat for the US in the battle for the Pacific. In the months to come, the situation will spiral from bad to worse. Nimitz will see the Japanese score one victory after another as they march across the Pacific, until only Midway and Hawaii stand between them and the West Coast of the US. The game spans the entire Pacific war from January 1942 until the end in September 1945. Success depends on the vital balance between strategic and tactical focus. You must move your forces across the maps to achieve your strategic goals, but you must also out-think your opponents on the battlefield. You can play each campaign as a stand-alone game, or as part of a linked series of games.




The Duke: Reinforcements: City Troops


CYT27004 CYT27004LE

Shadowrun: Run Faster Shadowrun: Run Faster Limited Edition

$49.99 $74.99

Contains 12 new tiles (6 dark, 6 light) for The Duke!

Every step, every advantage, every millisecond counts! Shadowrunners need every chance they get to gain a step on the opposition, and Run Faser is full of them. From new character creation options and a broader range of qualities, to lifestyle options, tactical advice, new contacts, and more. Run Faster serves as a crucial companion to players who want to get the most out of their Shadowrun, Fifth edition core rulebook. 12

Worker Placement: Cash is King Expansion



Big money jobs are up for grabs, and now with Worker Placement: Cash Is King up to eight players can battle for temp agency supremacy in The City! In addition to the extra player tokens and new rules included in this expansion, you'll also find over one hundred new game cards including three new card types: rental buildings, exclusive job contracts, and double skills.


Warhammer: Visions: #10 (November 2014)




Warhammer: Visions is a monthly magazine that is a super high-quality, visual feast of Citadel Miniatures. In its 232 pages, you'll find a completely new take on the worlds of Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 in a stunning new extended pictorial style. It also includes all of your favorite sections from the old monthly White Dwarf, from Army of the Month and Blanchitsu, to Kit Bash and Paint Splatter.


D&D: Hill Giant



D&D: Sundering Book 6: Elminster & Storm Silverhand (2)


D&D Next: DM's Token Set


Homeland: War on Terror


Spartacus: Theokeles, Spartacus & Crixus

A game of intrigue and suspense to foil the plot and catch the terrorist. A four player PVP co-op game. Everyone has to stop the attempt, however, one player is working against them all in secret. Three resin figures for use in the Spartacus boardgame.


Noble Treachery

Love 2 Hate: A Party Game for Inappropriate People


Love 2 Hate is the party game of finishing sentences. One player starts the fun by choosing a sentence Starter card (like hippies, lawyers, or crabs) and then saying if they love or hate the way the group on the card ________. The others each chose a Finisher card to fill in the blank and the player with the funniest or most inappropriate response wins the round. Players take turns picking Starter cards and judging, and the person GRR3010 who takes the most rounds wins the game! Love 2 Hate is a fast-paced, social, and hilarious card game for 3 to 8 players, age 14 and up. Join the fun today!

Two figure set of sixth Sundering novel characters. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required. A full colour 30 token pack with all the specific needs for a DM.


Freeport is one of the classic city settings of fantasy roleplaying and it's back in this monstrous new sourcebook for the Pathfinder RPG. Clocking in at a massive 512 pages, Freeport: The City of Adventure lovingly details a metropolis that mixes fantasy tropes, piracy, and Lovecraftian horror into an action packed setting for your RPG campaign. The city is now more detailed than ever, with added locations, characters, hooks, and a brand new, full-length adventure. The book, featuring a cover by fan favorite artist Wayne Reynolds, also includes full rules support for the Pathfinder RPG: new classes, archetypes, feats, magic GRR1912 items, and of course monsters. As always you can use Freeport on its own or drop it into your campaign setting of choice. So set sail for Freeport, mateys! Come for the pirates, stay for the cosmic horror!

Hill Giant hurling rock standing 8cm tall. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


Freeport: The City of Adventure for the Pathfinder RPG (Hardcover)





Mindfield. United States Military Trivia


MINDFIELD is a game designed for college age and above. MINDFIELD consists of 2400 total questions and answers, 300 in each of the eight categories. Categories are: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Equipment, Battles, Presidents and Miscellaneous. Questions range from continental times thru the beginning of 2002. Up to four players or four teams roll a die and move their tanks around a game board that is the American flag with the Declaration of Independence in the background. Answer one question right in each category and win the game, but Beware of the Bomb!

The time of peace and prosperity for the Kingdom of Back Rose has ended with the untimely and mysterious death of the king. With no heir, it is now up to the five great noble houses to choose a successor to the throne. Only the most cunning and treacherous player will be able to unify the five noble houses and ascend to the throne. Noble Treachery is a card and dice game for 4 to 6 players where players risk their tenuous political alliances during the chaos of war or the treachery GRN001 of diplomacy to form new alliances with the noble houses of Black Rose. The first player to form an alliance with each of the noble houses becomes the King or Queen of Black Rose and wins the game. Players utilize armies, knights, nobles, clerics, spies, castles, witches, thieves, mages and poison in an ever-changing quest to win the support of the noble houses. Noble Treachery is about thrills, love of the chase, close finishes, moments of shock and comeback victories.





From the designer and artist of the best-selling Machi Koro card game, Diamonsters, is a fastpaced monster collecting card game! In Diamonsters, each player begins the game with the same hand, and the first player to collect three identical monsters or five diamonds wins. But it's not so simple, some monsters are more valuable than others, and some will eat the diamonds you fought so hard for! If you and your friends love Machi Koro, you'll go into a frenzy for Diamonsters!






Heroes of Normandie: Scenario Pack - D-Day



This is the first expansion of Heroes of Normandie and adds three new scenarios (which can be combined for a complete landing campaign) and a new LandingScenario-Generator. Basic game is needed to play with this expansion.

Heroes of Normandie: Fortified Farm

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set

Yu-Gi-Oh!: The New Challengers Booster Display

The Noble Knights Duelists can call one and all to their majestic Round Table this holiday season with the new Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set! In addition to a pre-constructed Deck of Noble Knights, this box set includes a host of chivalric pageantry that will make this one holiday to remember! The Noble Knights of the Round Table Box Set prepares the Noble Knights for challenging tournament play by adding key cards. Noble Knights have lacked the guiding focus of Merlin, the fabled wizard of Arthurian legend! Merlin has now arrived, seeking the once and future king, and has the power to take a Noble Knight from your Deck and turn him into a leader of men. In addition to Merlin, this boxed set's pre-constructed ALL-FOIL 43 card deck of Platinum Rares - a brand new rarity - includes a new Noble Knight monster and a new Spell Card. Also included are an all-foil Power-Up Pack with 3 cards, from a set size of 6 total cards, high quality, full-size rubber game mat, 70 new Round Table card sleeves, and a storage box to keep all the cards organized. KOI82078

This expansion consists of an additional punchboard, that provides the player with more (and different) terrain choices. Basic game is needed to play with this expansion. IEL58003

KOI82089 IEL58012

Heroes of Normandie: Lord Lovat's Commandos

The New Challengers booster set conKOI82089 tains a host of daring cards that no Duelist should be without, including some of the most powerful Pendulum Monsters to date! With the recent debut of Pendulum Summoning to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, only a handful of Monsters have been made available to Duelists that utilize this exciting game mechanic. Starting with The New Challengers booster set, Duelists will be introduced to the Qliphort, a new Monster theme that harnesses the power of Pendulum Summoning like nothing else. In addition to the Qliphort, The New Challengers includes an exciting array of cards for Duelists to strengthen their Decks with. Scorch opponents with cards for the Burning Abyss Deck theme, with four new Monster cards including a brand new Synchro Monster! New support cards for popular Deck themes like Naturia, Heralds, and Machina are also included, as well as some of the final Xyz Monsters from the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL TV series arc. Finally, Duelists can Summon new cards for recently-introduced Deck themes like Superheavy Samurai, Satellarknight, Yang Zing, Shaddoll, and more!

This expansion consists of an additional punchboard, that provides the player with more (and different) unit choices. Additional English army counters. Basic game is needed to play with this expansion.

IRON WIND METALS IWM20-5107 IWM20-5108 IWM20-5109 IWM20-5110

BattleTech: Dark Age: Malice MAL-XT (TRO3145 - 100 ton)

BattleTech: Dark Age: King Crab Mech (TRO3145 - 100 ton)

BattleTech: Shockwave Mech (TRO: 3085 - 50 ton)

BattleTech: Dark Age: Carronade Mech (TRO: 3145 - 70 ton)

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required.


$16.95 $16.95 $12.50 $13.95


Cthulhu's Vault



Cthulhu 2015 Calendar


Cthulhu's Vault is a story-telling card game in the horror genre, meant primarily for the Cthulhu mythos, inspired by Lovecraft's horror writing of the 1920s and 1930s. The Cthulhu 2015 wall calendar will feature 13 great images created by Jacob Walker, including visions of Cthulhu, Hastur, and other classic figures of the Lovecraft Mythos, which also appear in Cthulhu's Vault.


Knights of the Dinner Table #214




Legends of Adventure LOA121


Space Junk




Legends of Adventure is a cooperative fantasy board game that streamlines the role-playing experience for newcomers to the genre, people who have limited time for gaming, and those who just want to play a lighter style of game. Players attempt to cooperatively complete 10 adventures in order to become Legends. To do so, all the players must work together to defeat Monsters along the way. Each time you play is unique, and the game is enhanced by magnificent fantasy artwork.





It's the year 2047, and the world's atmosLPL1001 phere is filled with all manner of junk; those in charge have decided to do something about it. Their solution is to begin production of "Space Junk", a brand new reality TV show that follows a group of carefully chosen random contestants as they cobble together spaceships out of whatever junk they can find, cleaning up space in the process. Altruism is all well and good, but in order to make a good TV program, one needs more than that - which is why the producers, in all their wisdom, encourage the contestants to engage in space races with each other. Additionally, the contestants are allowed to use anything as weapons against one another, with a fat cash prize encouraging such motivation for the contestants. In Space Junk, you've landed a spot on this reality television show, and now it's time to clean up outer space while entertaining the masses! Orbit the earth seeking out and picking up space junk, both to build a ship with and to recycle! The game is simple, easy to learn and will reduce you to tears (of laughter) as you build the most ridiculous ship imaginable. You will use your ship to speed around the earth, crash into and attack other players, and collect valuable junk to become the most famous contestant! Space Junk plays 2-6 players and plays different every time with the huge variety of cards.





Spurs: Gambler Expansion


In Evolution, players create and adapt their own species in a dynamic ecosystem of limited resources and hungry predators. Traits like Hard Shell and Horns will protect your species from Carnivores, while a Long Neck will help your species get food that others cannot reach. With over 800 different species to create, Evolution has a ton of replayability and deep strategy, yet with the simple rules you have come to expect from North Star Games. So gather your friends and family around the table and see who will best adapt their species to eat, multiply, and thrive.

Arcanis: Bestiary Vol 2 PCI1605


Man is the Deadliest Prey! Arcanis is a dangerous world. Here, terrible beasts stalk in the wilds, wakeful dead skulk in cities built upon great necropoli, inhuman conquerors rage against vengeful empires, and silent evil lurks in the shadows. Even civilized lands are menaced by ancient horrors that are best left undisturbed. Within this Arcanis supplement you'll find complete Threat Creation rules, monstrous traits, talents, and flaws, plus more than a dozen threats - mundane and fantastical alike.


13th Age: Shadows of Eldolan


Students of Eldolan's three rival wizard schools constantly feud and create trouble for the town guard, the Silver Shields, who must clean up the wizards' messes. The Council of Mages-who truly rule the town-involve themselves with stints of political one-upmanship that keeps any true political progress from moving forward. And rumors of people going missing have been on the rise, keeping the common folk close to the magically lighted streets when they go out at night. But a darkness has been growing in Eldolan, and those who seek old power have set plans in motion to remind everyone what true fear is. Shadows of Eldolan is an introductory 13th Age adventure for 1st level heroes that provides a GM with a partially fleshed-out town setting full of intrigue. Whether you use it as a location to base adventures out of, or simply as a starting point for a campaign, it contains plot hooks and adventure options for any style of play.


The universe of normal matter is not all. A cosmos-sized artifact of dark energy was born billions of years ago in the Big Bang's afterglow. This dark energy network hosts recursions: unique but limited worlds with their own laws of science and even magic, seeded into the network by human imagination, but nonetheless very real. The Strange is a place where fictional worlds become realities of their own.







WARMACHINE: The Protectorate of Menoth: Flameguard Cleansers Unit (10)


The Cleansers of the Temple Flameguard are charged with purging heretics outside the Protectorate as well as within its borders. Individually, each cleanser is capable of clearing a swath through the enemies of Menoth. When they concentrate their purifying flames, they create a conflagration through which only the most foolish or defiant heathen would risk passage. The Flameguard Cleanser unit comes in a box (PIP 32097). A player may field up to two Flameguard Cleanser units for each warcaster in a Protectorate army.

The Gambler Expansion is an exciting new addition to Spurs - A Tale in the Old West. 10 new Equipment Cards, rules for a 2 player game, and a new 6th player,The Gambler, are included, complete with a bullet bag and cowboy miniature! Everything you ever wanted to make your Spurs Core Game playable for 2 or 6, or anything in between. Will you become the next Legend of the Old West? Spurs is for 2-6 players that plays in 30-60 min.



WARMACHINE: Cryx: Blackbane’s Ghost Raiders Unit (15)



The Ghost Raiders walk the ashen decks of the Atramentous as sinister blazing specters and over the centuries have reaped a terrible harvest of souls to increase their phantom ranks. When obliterated in battle, the ghosts' curse draws their invisible essences shrieking back to the Atramentous' endless flames. By the Dragonfather's unending fire did their mortality end, and to that fire they will forever return. The Blackbane's Ghost Raiders unit comes in a box (PIP 34118). A player may field one Blackbane's Ghost Raiders unit in a Cryx army.

HORDES: Skorne: Xerxis, Fury of Halaak: Skorne Epic Cavalry Battle Engine Warlock


HORDES: Minions: Helga the Conquerer: Farrow Warlock


No Quarter Magazine #57




Gifted with unparalleled skill, discipline, and ferocity as a warrior and a general, Xerxis, Fury of Halaak becomes truly awe-inspiring when he crashes through battle lines atop his cerops mount, Surus. As Xerxis punches through enemy lines, the entire might of his cohort surges to follow, inspired by their tyrant's example. Before him and his matchlessly disciplined troops, fortifications topple and ranks of defenders scatter like sand in the wind. Xerxis, Fury of Halaak comes in a box (PIP 74082). A player may field one Xerxis, Fury of Halaak in a Skorne army.



Having secured her vast territories through a combination of strength and cunning, Helga the Conqueror stands as one of the most formidable farrow warlords. With her great spear and shield cannon, she is a whirlwind of steel on the battlefield, and she can draw on her arcane reserves to bestow mystical strength on the warriors fighting beside her. Their every blow becomes a battering ram, capable of sending enemies flying back to shatter through walls, trees, or anything else in their way. Helga the Conquerer comes in a blister (PIP 75050). A player may field one Helga the Conquerer in a Thornfall Alliance Minion pact army. PIPNQ57 PIP73082

HORDES: Legion of Everblight: Strider Blightblades/Rangers Unit (6)

In the November issue of No Quarter Gavyn Kyle examines the enigmatic history of the Old Witch, Tournament Triple Threat breaks down the Retribution of Scyrah, the Legion of Everblight and Skorne fight it out in a huge-based Battle Report, and the penultimate chapter of the multipart adventure “Immortality” leads characters further into evil and madness. Never miss an issue!


In the arena of reconnaissance and assassination, few can compare with the blighted Nyss striders. Their incredible speed and elusiveness are gifts of their draconic master that cannot be duplicated through mere instruction and training. Strider rangers silently stalk their prey with longbow and sword. Strider blightblades eschew the longbow in favor of a pair of wicked blades infused with blighted energies to infect any that suffer their touch. This box set (PIP 73082) contains two color stat cards and all the components to assemble one of two six-model Strider units: Blightblades or Rangers. A player may field up to two Blightblade units and up to two Ranger units for each warlock in a Legion army.




Tunnels and Trolls: New Khazan



HORDES: Skorne: Praetorian Keltarii/ Swordsmen Unit (10)

PZO1128 $54.99

Praetorians stand as paragons of the warrior caste, their traditions irrevocably rooted in the hoksune code. These soldiers form the backbone of all house armies as well as the Army of the Western Reaches. Praetorian swordsmen require superlative skill to master their distinctive two-weapon fighting style. The keltarii wield their double-bladed glaives with unsurpassed speed and precision, able to deflect incoming projectiles as easily as they slice through flesh and steel. This box set (PIP 74078) contains two color stat cards and all the components to assemble one of two 10-model Praetorian units: Keltarii or Swordsmen. A player may field up to three Keltari units and up to three Swordsman units for each warlock in a Skorne army. PIP74078



More than elves and trolls in outer space, more than star warriors casting spells, The New Khazan rules supplement for Tunnels and Trolls has its own unique flavor of space fantasy. New Khazan begins with the assumed background of Tunnels & Trolls, then extends all those fantastic creatures and spells into a distant future where reptilian astro-gators guide ships through tunnelspace and police subdue criminals with Hold-That-Pose nets and TTYF guns powered by smaller versions of the same Kremm crystals that drive starfaring battleships. New Khazan gives you descriptions of the worlds, prominent kindreds, civilizations, technology, and common character types of the fantastic future.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Strategy Guide Hardcover


Unlock the secrets of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! This 160-page strategy PZO1128 guide gives you invaluable advice on how to make a character, from the formation of a concept to selecting the best options to make your character come to life. An extensive look at the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook rules helps you explore the world and survive the terrible dangers of the adventuring life. This guide also includes rules for advancing your character from simple beginnings to the heights of power. Learn to improve your play and master the game with the Pathfinder RPG Strategy Guide! The Pathfinder RPG Strategy Guide includes a user-friendly step-by-step illustrated guide to building your character, everything from deciding a theme (like archer, berserker, knight, pyromancer, and more!) to picking your gear; tips for making an effective and fun character to play whether exploring the world or in the middle of combat; guidelines to help you navigate every aspect of the game, from dungeon exploration to combat to venturing into the wilderness; comprehensive guide to complex Pathfinder RPG rules systems like combat maneuvers, attacks of opportunity, action types, and modifier stacking; tips on getting the most utility out of spell selection and tactical suggestions for commonly cast spells; and overviews of exciting character options beyond the Core Rulebook.



Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Red Light District



Whether your players are seeking contacts in the criminal underworld or escaping from a thieves' guild with a grudge, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing every last darkened alley and ramshackle storefront. Fortunately, with Paizo Publishing's latest Pathfinder Flip-Mat, you don't have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. This double-sided map is the perfect place for urban adventures, providing a setting for any encounter for which you want a seedy atmosphere! Don't waste your time sketching when you could be playing. With Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Red Light District, you'll be ready next time your players are ready to venture into a city's secret underbelly! This portable, affordable map measures 24" x 30" unfolded, and 8" x 10" folded. Its coated surface can handle any dry erase, wet erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master's arsenal! On tabletops across the world, the Flip-Mat Revolution is changing the way players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic encounters and easy clean-up is just a Flip away?

PZO30062 PZO3048

The heroes of Numeria must brave a remote canyonland known as the Scar of the Spider. Clues found in the Choking Tower revealed that a mysterious prophet left her legacy behind in this valley long ago... a legacy that could reveal methods to defeat the Iron God of the Silver Mount. But the heroes are neither the only nor the first visitors to the Scar of the Spider, and as they explore, they realize that alien monstrosities have colonized the canyon and have horrific agendas of their own. Can the heroes escape with their brains intact, or will they become merely the latest addition to an otherworldly collection? "Valley of the Brain Collectors" is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters. The adventure continues the Iron Gods Adventure Path, an exploration of the lands of Numeria, where savage barbarism clashes with the wonders and horrors of superscience. Several new monsters, an exploration of the mysterious alien empire known as the Dominion of the Black, rules for several strange types of alien technology, and Amber E. Scott's Pathfinder Journal round out this volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path!


Pathfinder Cards: Tech Deck Item Cards





Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lost Treasures $19.99


Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox

No quest is complete without wondrous treasures motivating heroes to adventure. Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lost Treasures presents nearly 50 rare treasures with unique game statistics, backgrounds, adventures they might inspire, and advice on incorporating them into ongoing Pathfinder RPG campaigns. To further aid Game Masters, Lost Treasures presents a dozen iconic treasure hoards, as well as new curses and deadly treasure chests to guard these wondrous treasures forever.

From the perilous holds of a crashed alien vessel, this deck presents a trove of treasures for use in any science fiction adventure, including laser rifles, gravity suits, nanite canisters, and other mysterious items inspired by classic scifi. Each of this set's 54 beautifully illustrated, full-color cards includes space on the back to add notes for each item, allowing players to track their favorite treasures. Pathfinder Item Cards allow heroes to keep track of their equipment in style. Each full-color card features a beautiful portrait of an item on one side with blank space on the back to keep notes. These Pathfinder Item Cards are designed for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, but are compatible with any fantasy or science fiction roleplaying game. PZO6014

Pathfinder Adventure Path #88: Valley of the $22.99 Brain Collectors (Iron Gods 4 of 6)


Extend your reach across the battlefield as a master of ranged combat! Set your sights on a host of long-ranged character options, magical weapons, arcane ammo, far-reaching spells, innovative adventuring gear, an inventory of every ranged weapon in the Pathfinder RPG, and much more. Whether you want to be the perfect sniper or give your spellcaster some additional ranged firepower, this collection has everything you need to assure you'll be deadly at any distance!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 4: Island of Empty Eyes $19.99

The time has come to claim your prize from the Free Captains' Regatta: the supposedly uninhabited Island of Empty Eyes. The ruins prove to be a bit more inhabited and dangerous than they might have first appeared. In the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Island of Empty Eyes Adventure Deck, you must tame the island, throw a rollicking feast, and gain seats on the Pirate Council. This 110-card expansion includes new PZO30062 rare loot cards and 5 new scenarios that make up the complete Island of Empty Eyes adventure, along with new monsters, locations, villains, and more. Continue your character's legend with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Island of Empty Eyes Adventure Deck.

PZO9452 PZO9547

Pathfinder Module: Daughters of Fury


Fury has come to the border town of Arwyll Stead! Life on the fringes of orc-ruled Belkzen has never been easy, but since the last member of the Arwyll family was murdered things have become even more desperate. Orc-blooded terrors are killing the town's defenders and threatening to lay siege, devils fly overheard, and the only half-orc who might know the secret of these nightmarish new invaders has been struck mute. Can the PCs manage to both keep the town from erupting into panic and discover what is behind the horrifying rash of infernal attacks? The winning entry of Paizo's 2014 RPG Superstar contest-in which unpublished authors compete for a chance to write a Pathfinder Module-"Daughters of Fury" includes not only Victoria Jaczko's winning adventure, but also a selection of the best monsters submitted by other contestants! Players can expect to reach 5th level by the time they complete this epic adventure double-threat, should they be able to survive both savage orc invaders and the agents of Hell itself! 20


PZOBFPPATHCD005 Pathfinder Legends CD: Rise of the Runelords 5: Sins of the Saviors




The ancient Runelord Karzoug, Lord of Xin-Shalast, rises! From his city fortress of Xin-Shalast, high in the mountains, he is directing his minions to harvest souls so that he might reclaim his lost power. If they are to prevent Karzoug's rise to dominance, Ezren, Merisiel, Harsk, and Valeros must search for the haunted vaults of the Runeforge. Only there will they be able to empower their weapons so that they may strike true against Karzoug. Yet in order to master the magic of the ancient forge, the heroes must embrace the dark forces of Thassilon as their own. Pathfinder Legends audio dramas adapt the world and characters of the best-selling Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Each episode runs about an hour and features a cast of professional actors, sound effects, and music that immerse you into the dangerous and exciting world of Pathfinder!


Kingdom Builder Big Box


Super Motherload




Guess the Mess!



The City of Medina, the SG8014 year 1822. After years of decay, it is time to rebuild Medina, located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. The players work to erect large and beautiful palaces and to renovate the damaged city wall. As life returns to the old city, people flock through the alleys and the contours of the new city gradually reappear! Each turn, players may place two pieces on the board, either augmenting an existing building or starting a new building if the current building of that color is finished. Each player will claim one building of each of the four colors by the end of the game, giving one point per wooden piece attached to the building. Also, if you own the largest building of a particular color you get a bonus for that color. Finally, there are bonuses for the player who most recently connected one of their buildings to the walls, which grow from the four corners of the city.


You have been chosen to lead an elite crew of Pod pilots who will delve below the surface of Mars in Solarus Corporation's first major drilling expedition. Super Motherload delights the senses and challenges spacial relation skills for 2-4 players who love videogames, euro-style boardgames, or deck-building card games.



Space Cadets: Resistance Is Mostly Futile is the first expansion for the original Space Cadets game. This expansion includes a variety of additions to satisfy every Space Cadets fan. Cadets will be pleased to know that their ship has been upgraded with new abilities. Star Command has helpfully installed a Psycho-Acoustic Neural Interface Control (P.A.N.I.C.) button at each station that gives players new options if things aren't going SG3004 quite as expected... although unwanted effects may occur. Space Cadets: Resistance Is Mostly Futile expansion also includes new Missions, both quick for a faster game, and challenges that will test even the best crews. Face new enemies, including mysterious space beasts, add in new Map Tiles with new hazards, and go where no Space Cadet has gone before in Space Cadets: Resistance Is Mostly Futile!

In Kingdom Builder, the players create their own kingdoms by skillfully building their settlements, aiming to earn the most gold at the end of the game. Nine different kinds of terrain are on the variable game board, including locations and castles. During his turn, a player plays his terrain card and builds three settlements on three hexes of this kind. If possible, a new settlement QNG61131F must be built next to one of that player's existing settlements. When building next to a location, the player may seize an extra action tile that he may use from his next turn on. These extra actions allow extraordinary actions such as moving your settlements. By building next to a castle, the player will earn gold at the end of the game, but the most gold will be earned by meeting the conditions of the three Kingdom Builder cards; these three cards (from a total of ten in the game) specify the conditions that must be met in order to earn the muchdesired gold, such as earning gold for your settlements built next to water hexes or having the majority of settlements in a sector of the board. Each game, players will use a random set of Kingdom Builder cards, special actions, and terrain sectors to build the map! Kingdom Builder: Big Box ramps up this variability by including all expansions to date, ensuring you'll never play the same game twice!


Space Cadets: Resistance Is Mostly Futile Expansion



With only thirty seconds to paw through a giant pile of photo clues, the pressure is on to pick ones that describe your secret hiding spot so you can be found. When time runs out, the Messes are passed around and you must guess which of the possible locations landed in front of you. What will YOU choose when you have to...GUESS THE MESS!


Munchkin Game Changers



Munchkin Game Changers contains all the cards from Munchkin Fairy Dust, Munchkin Fairy Dust Dice, Munchkinomicon, Munchkin Monster Enhancers, and Munchkin Reloaded! It also includes some bonus items - new Fairy Dust and Munchkinomicon level counters, and four cards formerly only available directly from Steve Jackson Games.

Munchkin Holidazed


Fans love our holiday boosters, so this year we're making the ultimate Munchkin stocking stuffer: a holiday pack combining eleven new cards with four reprints from the hard-to-find Munchkin Holiday Surprise, a candy-themed Level counter, and six red-and-green festive 14mm dice!


Relic Knights: Star Nebula Corsairs: Broadside $17.95


Relic Knights: Doctrine: The Prefects Hasami $24.95






SPM146004 SJG5582

+6 Bag O' Munchkin Legends



Munchkin Journal Pack 3


Show off your legendary munchkinosity in style! Use these six Munchkin zombie pawns in your Munchkin games...or in any game! Use them to mark your place, and get some special munchkiny benefits while you're at it. Based on the Munchkin Legends art by John Kovalic. Chronicle all your adventures, secret plots, and laundry lists in this set of Munchkin Journals! Three pocket journals, each with artwork from our various holidaythemed Munchkin boosters plus a new Munchkin card!


Relic Knights: Cerci Speed Circuit: Suicide Queen & Rin Farrah SPM141004





A few decades ago a young half-elf woman TLG8329 named Aspasia ventured into the Minnimar. Born to her elven mother and raised among the fey folk, Aspasia had love and respect for the sylvan land. Her grandmother had lived in the Minnimar centuries before and Aspasia traveled here to reconnect with her ancestral home. So it was for a great while, and she lived in peace. She spoke to the wild like no other, and traveled with a stag that bore a crown of horns. But in time, men came and they built homes as men do, and for their homes they cut trees. And they feasted as men do, and for their feasts they hunted the wild game. Thus it was that Aspasia found the men one eve feasting upon the Stag and she cursed them and she called on the forest gods to bring them death and ruin. And the call goes out for stalwart adventurers, to bring relief from Minnimar's sufferance.

Relic Knights: Black Diamond: Black Dragons $24.95 SPM143008



SPM144005 SPM144008 SPM144009

Castles & Crusades: A Druid’s Lament Adventure

Relic Knights: Noh Empire: Hatriya Warriors $27.95 Relic Knights: Noh Empire: Dahon $59.95 Relic Knights: Noh Empire: Hounds of Nozuki $29.95


Castles & Crusades: Reaping Bones Adventure $6.99

The Tar Kiln, a wild region of wooded hills, cut by deep gulches, where giant blocks of gray stone rise from the upland prairie like islands in the sea. Here streams feed lakes or wild rivers and the sky seems to stretch on forever. But the Tar Kiln is not a kindly place; it is littered with tar pits, constantly oozing the ichors of the world's birth upon the green grasses. And it is home to wild beasts, hunting dragons, bull headed men and tigers so large their fangs are like sabers. And in the midst of all this lie the ruins of an ancient god, Nunt, master of dark places. Only the hearty dwell here. Reaping Bones is a fast paced pursuit adventure that plunges the characters into the wilds to find a boy whose captures are anything but normal mercenaries.



Castles & Crusades: Hel Rising Adventure



In the rough mountainous region of Ormr, the earth groans, turned this way and that by forces beyond understanding. The tremors send shock waves across the Nine Worlds, jolting the local kingdom of Eucia terribly. People, high and low, turn to their King, as is their right. But King Hrolfr is in the dark, as are his seers; so he must look beyond his wooden halls, calling to the stalwart heroes of his realm, brave adventurers to venture forth in his name and conquer the unknown. The adventurers must search out what is going on in the kingdom of Eucia, but to do that, they'll find more than they ever bargained for, because Hel has her fingers planted deep in the roots of all things. Before they can end the quakes they'll see this and so very much more or die in the trying. TLG8331






Castles & Crusades: Odin’s Fury Adventure


Captains of Industry


Deck Protector: PRO Slayer: Black (100)


Portfolio: 4-pocket Pokémon XY-4


Portfolio: 9-pocket Pokémon XY-4

Binder: 9-pocket: PRO: Pokémon Pikachu Binder: 9-pocket: PRO: Pokémon Silhouettes

√ √

Solid Black Deck Protectors with Ultra PRO's hologram quality seal. Stores and protects standard sized cards. 100-count pack. All Ultra PRO Deck Protectors are archival-safe and acid-free. Made in the USA.


With Hel's plot unearthed, the Nine Worlds beckon, for somewhere beyond Midgaard lies Odin AllFather's scattered Fimbulwinver Runes! And to stop Hel and bring peace to King Hrolfr's realm, someone must fetch the runes and return them to Valhalla, before any take note!


Deck Protector: PRO Slayer: Black Cherry (100) √

Solid Black Cherry Deck Protectors with Ultra PRO's hologram quality seal. Stores and protects standard sized cards. 100-count pack. All Ultra PRO Deck Protectors are archival-safe and acid-free. Made in the USA.

4-pocket portfolio featuring XY-4 release art from Pokemon. Holds 40 collectible cards single-loaded or 80 double-loaded. Each Portfolio includes 10 high-clarity, archival-safe pages. 9-pocket portfolio featuring XY-4 release art from Pokemon. Holds 90 collectible cards single-loaded or 180 double-loaded. Each Portfolio includes 10 high-clarity, archival-safe pages. Made in U.S.A


Use your best business acumen to come out on top and show the world that you are a true Captain of Industry! As a captain of industry in the suitably titled game Captains of Industry, you will vie for domination in the cutthroat arena of the marketplace. To do this, you will build facilities to control supply, develop real estate to manipulate demand, invest in technology to increase efficiency, complete hidden agendas to secure your legacy, and undercut the competition to dominate the marketplace! You will depend on your opponents to fuel your expansion as they exploit your production for theirs. Supply and demand are king in this player-driven marketplace!




ULP84372 ULP84373

ULP84373 TTT1012



The town of Scoville likes it hot! Very hot! That means they love their peppers – but they're too busy eating them to grow the peppers themselves. That's where you come in. You've been hired by the town of Scoville to meet their need for heat. Your role as an employee of Scoville is to crossbreed peppers to create the hottest new breeds. You'll have to manage the auctioning, planting, and harvesting of peppers, then you'll be able to help the town by fulfilling their orders and creating new pepper breeds. Help make the town of Scoville a booming success! Let's get planting. A round of Scoville consists of a blind auction, which determines player order, a planting phase, a harvesting phase, and a fulfillment phase. Each round, the players plant peppers in the fields. Throughout the game, the available opportunities for crossbreeding increase as more peppers are planted. When harvesting, players move their pawn through the fields, and whenever they move between two planted fields, they harvest peppers. If, for example, they harvest between fields of red and yellow peppers, they crossbreed those and harvest an orange pepper. Harvested peppers are then used to fulfill the town's peppery desires!


9-pocket PRO-Binder with printed cover. Embossed middle black web material gives cards a classic framed look. Side loading pocket design to prevent cards from easily falling out. Elastic strap holds the binder shut when not in use. All materials made from archivalsafe, acid-free non-PVC material. Holds 360 Cards in Ultra Pro Deck Protector sleeves.


Firefly Dice Game


D&D Fantasy: Icons of the Realms Tiamat


D&D Fantasy: Icons of the Realms Bahamut


Tiamat, the queen of evil dragons comes alive on the tabletop with this latest release from the D&D Icons of the Realms fantasy miniatures series! WizKids Games, the industry leader in quality pre-painted plastic miniatures, is pleased to bring one of the best known dragons from the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe to life with this latest release, the D&D Icons of the Realms Tiamat Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure! This fantastic pre-painted premium figure stands several inches tall and towers over all of the other D&D Icons of Realms fantasy miniatures. The perfect adversary for your next adventure, The D&D Icons of the Realms Tiamat Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure is a beautiful display piece as well!

Play as the crew of the Serenity as you complete mission objectives. Do you press your luck for great rewards or risk losing it all to the Alliance? Get a mission, try to complete it and make money while trying not to get caught. The game lasts three rounds and whoever has the most points after three rounds wins.


Camelot: The Court



Camelot - The Court takes us into the Great Hall at Camelot and the viscous world of court politics where a whisper of scandal can send even the most senior knight tumbling down the social order. The board shows the dazzling splendour of Arthur and Guinevere enthroned at one end of the hall where your knight might spend some time hob-nobbing with their majesties as well as the somewhat less dazzling and notably un-splendid end of the hall by the door where he will just have to try and ignore the draught, the dirt and the ripe smell of failure.


WOCA92190000 D&D 5th: Dungeon Masters Guide WZK71858




Pathfinder Battles Miniatures: The Lost Coast Booster Brick (8 Boosters)

Heebie Jeebies


How well do you know your ZIP1300 friends and family? How well do you really know them? Find out what really pushes their buttons by playing Heebie Jeebies. Heebie Jeebies is a party game of unsettling notions where you find out what really makes your friends twitch and squirm. The game plays where one person starts as "The Subject", flips over four cards and reads them out loud. The rest of the players then secretly vote on which one of those cards gives The Subject the Heebies Jeebies. Once all votes are in, The Subject tells everyone which card gives him/her the Heebie Jeebies. If the players guess correctly they get a point.Then the board gets passed to the next person and they become The Subject and play continues. The first one to ten points wins!

The Lost Coast is the name given to the coastal land of south-western Varisia stretching from the city of Magnimar to the Fogscar Mountains. It is a wild and desolate country full of lingering fogs, small woodlands of pine and nettles along a rocky coastline of ragged bluffs and crashing waves. Many an adventuring party has travelled to the Lost Coast seeking fame and riches, never to be heard from again... The Lost Coast is the latest 55-figure set release in the award-winning Pathfinder Battles line of miniatures from Paizo Publishing and WizKids Games! The Lost Coast features friends and foes alike from the region of the same name, and is sure to please Pathfinder fans new and veteran alike! WZK71578

Bahamut, the king of all good dragons comes alive on the tabletop with this latest release from the D&D Icons of the Realms fantasy miniatures series! WizKids Games, the industry leader in quality pre-painted plastic miniatures, is pleased to bring one of the best known dragons from the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms universe to life with this latest release, the D&D Icons of the Realms Bahamut Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure! This fantastic pre-painted premium figure stands several inches tall and towers over all of the other D&D Icons of Realms fantasy miniatures. The perfect encounter for your next adventure, The D&D Icons of the Realms Bahamut Premium Fantasy Miniature Figure is a beautiful display piece as well!


The Dungeon Master’s Guide provides inspiration to create worlds of adventure for players to explore and enjoy. This 320-page volume contains world-building tools, tips and tricks for creating memorable dungeons and adventures, optional game rules, hundreds of classic D&D magic items, and much more!



Pathfinder Battles: The Lost Coast Gargantuan Shemhazian Demon Promotional Figure √

This fantastic pre-painted Gargantuan Shemhazian Demon stands several inches tall and towers over all of the other miniatures in the Pathfinder Battles: The Lost Coast set. The perfect adversary for your next Pathfinder encounter, the Gargantuan Shemhazian Demon is a beautiful display piece as well! Please note: Customers who preorder a Pathfinder Battles: The Lost Coast Booster Case will have the opportunity to purchase the Gargantuan Shemhazian Demon Promotional Figure. This offer will be limited to one Gargantuan Shemhazian Demon per case purchased, while supplies last!


October 2014 Additional Releases

All dates of release are estimates by the manufacturer. Prices are listed as MSRP. √ = Check with your retailer about pricing. ACD DISTRIBUTION ACDMM022

Meeple Monthly Issue 22 October 2014


AEG5110 AEG5111

Munchkin: Loot Letter, Clamshell Edition Munchkin: Loot Letter, Boxed Edition


$10.99 $10.99

Hey Munchkin and Love Letter fans! Get the Loot - Love the Loot! Munchkin Loot Letter manages to take the romance (and those silly princesses) out of Love Letter and replace all that smooching and kissy stuff with a Munchkin-esque pure pursuit of loot!


Wings of Glory: WWII: Avro Lancaster B Mk.III Grog's the Shot

Wings of Glory: WWII: Avro Lancaster B Mk. III Dambuster

The Avro Lancaster is a British four-engine World War II heavy bomber, designed and built by Avro for the Royal Air Force (RAF). It first saw active service with RAF Bomber Command in 1942 and, as the strategic bombing offensive over Europe gathered momentum, it became the main heavy bomber used by the RAF. The "Lanc", as it was affectionately known, became the most famous and most successful of the Second World War night bombers, delivering 608,612 long tons of bombs in 156,000 sorties. You must own a WWII Wings of Glory - Rules and Accessories Pack to play. AREWGS304B

The Avro Lancaster B Mk.III was modified for special mission against the German dams during World War II. Twenty-three aircrafts of this type were built to carry the "Upkeep" bouncing bomb for the dam busting raids. The bomb bay doors were removed and struts to carry the bomb were fitted in their place, with a hydraulic motor fitted to spin the bomb. Lamps were added to measure the required low-flying altitude at night. These changes helped the Avro Lancaster B Mk.III become known in history as the “Dambuster” You must own a WWII Wings of Glory - Rules and Accessories Pack to play.


Castles of Mad King Ludwig BEZCAST




Laser pointer: Marker Dot Light Laser pointer: Target Lock Line Light

$6.99 $6.99

In the tile-laying game Castles of Mad King Ludwig, players are tasked with building an amazing, extravagant castle for King Ludwig II of room at a time. You see, the King loves castles, having built Neuschwanstein (the castle that inspired the Disney theme park castles) and others, but now he's commissioned you to build the biggest, best castle ever - subject, of course, to his ever-changing whims. Each player acts as a building contractor who is adding rooms to the castle he's building while also selling his services to other players.





Wargames Illustrated #325

This laser pointer was created to help gamers and give them the vital tools to do battle on the tabletop. This version created a line of red light or target light which helps gamers mark targets in any game. Includes 3 x 44LR batteries.

Wargames Illustrated is a magazine dedicated to miniature wargaming which is focused on historical tabletop wargames.




Wings of Glory: WWII: B–17F Memphis Belle


The Boeing B-17 "Flying Fortress" is a four-engine heavy bomber aircraft developed in the 1930s for the United States Army Air Corps (USAAC). The B-17 was primarily employed in the daylight precision strategic bombing campaign of World War II against German industrial and military targets. From its introduction in 1938, the B-17 Flying Fortress evolved through numerous design advances. The famous B-17F "Memphis Belle" was one of the first B-17s to complete 25 combat missions with her crew intact. These miniatures are designed to be used with the popular air combat game system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia, each WWII Wings of Glory Airplane Pack is a ready-toplay model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible with any other WWII Wings of Glory game product. You must own a WWII Wings of Glory - Rules and Accessories Pack to play. AREWGS303B

Wings of Glory: WWII: B–17G A Bit o' Lace

“A Bit o’ Lace” is possibly the most famous B-17G ever - it flew 83 missions over Europe, and featured art by cartoonist Milton Caniff as a decoration. You must 29 own a WWII Wings of Glory - Rules and Accessories Pack to play.


Victoriana: The Concert in Flames


The Old Faiths of Europe have long been choking under the dominance of the Aluminat; many formerly potent gods have found themselves limited to few worshippers or subsumed into the Aluminat orders of angels and saints. One dark god, no longer bound by the weakening powers of others in his pantheon, has decided to strike back. As the industrial revolution sweeps across Europe, many people are discovering the hard way that there are more cogs than drivers, and cogs can be too easily replaced. Their dire circumstances fuel agitation for social revolution. This in turn is encouraging governments to CB70301 become even more repressive and pushes Prussia ever closer to creating a new great power in the heart of Europe. The servants of the dark god is tapping into this angry energy and using it to open a portal. Should they succeed, then an old god will walk the Earth with power that rivals the Aluminat and threaten the balance of power. The Concert of Europe will go up in flames...


The One Ring: Rivendell



This setting supplement will take your adventures west across the Misty Mountains to the Last Homely House, expanding play into eastern Eriador, covering not only Rivendell itself, but Angmar, Fornost, Mount Gram, Tharbad and everywhere in between. There are also rules for creating your own Magical Treasure; playing Rangers of the North and High Elves of Rivendell; turning the baleful Eye of Sauron on your company; and facing more powerful adversaries than ever before. CB71010

The One Ring: Ruins of the North



Doctor Who: Sixth Doctor Sourcebook (Hardcover)



Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, this Sourcebook explores the Sixth Doctor's adventures on Earth and beyond. With detailed information on all the allies, enemies, aliens and gadgets that he encounters, as well as examining each of his adventures, the book contains a wealth of material for the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG, and is also a fact-packed resource for fans of the show! After sacrificing his life to save Peri in the Caves of Androzani, the Doctor regenerated into his most flamboyant, arrogant and frightening incarnation yet. Save Earth from Halley's Comet, do battle with the alien mastermind Sil, twice, and face not just the Master - but the Rani too! Return to past adventures, battle terrible foes old and new and face the ultimate trial - the trial of a Time Lord. It's time for a change my dear, and not a moment too soon. CB71653

Rocket Age: Trail of the Scorpion



Doctor Who: Card Game 2nd Edition


Disney Frozen 4 Pack





Yardmaster Express


In Yardmaster Express, two to five players compete to have the highest valued train after a set number of rounds. The game starts with the first player drafting a Railcar card from his hand, attaching it to his train, then passing the rest of his hand to the player to his left. CRA602 This draft continues until all players have added one Railcar to their train for each round of the game. The trick is, while each new Railcar must match the resource type or value of the one previously played, players always have the option to play any card face down as a Wild Railcar; the Wild Railcars don't have much value, but they can be used to save a player in a bind or to thwart your opponents by "hiding" a card they need.

The Doctor Who Card Game is an action packed adventure for three to four players designed by Martin Wallace. To win the game you will have to use your wits and courage to: Defend the universe as the Doctor and his companions, Send the Doctor's enemies to conquer the places your competitors are trying to protect, Save the Universe! CGDDCF11507


In Yardmaster, 2-5 players compete to build trains comprised of railcars of different goods and values. However, players are restricted in connecting railcars of only the same value or good type, so if you grab a railcar you can't use, it needs to wait in your sorting yard until it can legitimately hook up to your train.

Thrill to the adventures of Rocket Age as the heroes face off against the deadly Red Scorpion Crime Syndicate! From the 1939 World's Faire in New York to the forested surface of Ganymede and the moons of Saturn, the Solar System needs heroes - heroes like you! Trail of the Scorpion contains six new adventures for Rocket Age that can be played independently or combined together to form a linked series. So strap on your jet pack, grab your space helmet and prepare to launch into another thrilling adventure.


Pay Dirt

Pay Dirt is an engine-building, worker placement game set in frigid Alaska for 2-5 players. Players are competing to manage and grow their entire mining outfit while acquiring the most gold before the ground is too frozen to dig. The Alaskan countryside is an inhospitable environment, so players will face hardships that affect their entire outfit - not to mention the ever-dropping temperature that will shut down their operation. In Pay Dirt players start with a small basic crew, CRA501 an unimpressive claim, mediocre equipment and just a little bit of cash to make a go in one of the toughest competitions this side of the globe. Gold mining isn't cheap and players will have to sell their gold throughout the game to keep the equipment running and their workers happy. Through clever use of their equipment and workers, players can make their mining outfits more efficient and dialed in to their preference of play.

To accompany Rivendell, Ruins of the North is an adventure anthology that takes your company from Wilderland and into Eriador, hunting Trolls, Barrow-wights and malignant spirits, and exploring the ruins of Fornost, Angmar and into the Barrow-downs. There's some great stuff in here, including some well-loved characters from Bilbo Baggins and Glorfindel to Tom Bombadil himself...





Shadowrun: Runner’s Toolkit: Alphaware


Designed to provide adventures, maps and tools to use in conjunction with Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, or to be the perfect stepping-stone between the Shadowrun Beginner CB71115 Box and the core rulebook, this box can fill a number of roles. Whether you’re looking for more tools to help your existing gaming group, or adventures and options to move beyond the Beginner Box, laying the groundwork for your gaming group to move fully onto Shadowrun, Fifth Edition, you’ll find this kit invaluable.

Your favorite characters from the coolest movie of the year, Frozen! Includes Kristoff, Elsa, Anna and Olaf!




The Jarl: Vikings Title Laying Game



In Jarl: The Vikings Tile Laying Game, players move their tiles around the board and flip them over after each move. Each tile’s side shows a different movement profile. If you end your movement in a square occupied by an opponent’s tile, you capture that tile. Capture your opponent’s Jarl to win!



Deck Protector: Android Deck Protector: Android Deep Red LE Deck Protector: Android Deck Protector: Android Deck Protector: Android Inside Job LE Deck Protector: Android Posted Bounty LE

Netrunner: Pop-Up LE $4.99 Netrunner: $4.99 Netrunner: Snare! LE $4.99 Netrunner: Wotan LE $4.99 Netrunner: $4.99 Netrunner: $4.99



It is the eve of Carnivale on the magical Victorian isle of Ludobel, and you are all invited to the fantastical festivities! In the card game Belle of the Ball, players take on the roles of party hosts, seeking the best mix of guests to make their gala the greatest by the end of the night. In order to ensure that they stay one step ahead of the other hosts, players will have to carefully watch the growing line of guests at the door, inviting those in that seem to share passions with partygoers already inside, all the while handing out their precious stash of Regrets to those who should seek refuge elsewhere. Of course, other hosts may find it advantageous to invite a rejected guest inside GSDHMBELL01 just to collect their accumulated Regrets for later use. Hosts may also choose to ignore the competition for guests and instead try to earn the favor of the Belle of the Ball herself, whose charms can make or break any party.


ENTMLPCCG3475 Celestial Solstice Deluxe Fat Pack Boxed Set √

MLP: CCG Celestial Solstice has 2 exclusive oversized Mane Character cards with very special lenticular 3-D treatment, plus 8 new foil cards with 3 copies of each to maximize playability. You also get 70 card protector sleeves featuring Princess Celestia and Luna (10 sleeves for your problem deck and 60 for your draw deck). It’s all packaged in a stunning deck box to hold this coveted collection & more! FFE0301

Traveller 5: Starships and Spacecraft 1


Game of Thrones LCG: A Deadly Game Chapter Pack


Leap to the defense of Deephall or ensure the city's destruction in the Guardians of Deephall FFGDJ29 Hero and Monster Collection! In this Hero and Monster Collection for Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition, players find thirteen plastic figures, previously only available in the first edition of Descent, now reimagined with new figure sculpts and artwork. In addition to these detailed figures - which include four heroes, two crypt dragons, three wendigos, and four dark priests - players discover two brand-new quests chronicling their battles for Deephall.



Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition: Guardians of Deephall Hero & Monster Collection


The Starships and Spacecraft series from Avenger Enterprises presents an array of spacegoing vessels for use in science-fiction roleplaying games. All designs are compatible with the Traveller RPG from Mongoose Publishing, but offer a different take on interstellar travel that will open up new adventure possibilities. Starships and Spacecraft Book 1: Vendetta presents a range of vessel designs, ranging from humble utility boats, shuttles and resupply ships to frontier traders and passenger vessels. These ships were designed with the Far Avalon background in mind but can be used in any SF gaming setting. The featured design is the Vendetta class light assault ship, a popular vessel with small mercenary forces and corporate security units. Examples have also been converted for use as an extremely well protected trading vessel, or as a pirate or planetary raider.




Android: Netrunner Art Sleeves offer a high-tech combination of functionality and style. Whether you choose from designs in the meat world or the virtual world, our six new sleeve designs immerse you more fully than ever in the highstakes cyberstruggles of Android: Netrunner, even as their clear, 100 micronthick, non-PVC, acid-free polypropylene plastic offers your cards durable protection free of any damaging chemicals that could corrode your cards.

Android Netrunner LCG: The Source Data Pack $14.95


Themes of life, death, replication, and rebirth in the virtual world of Android: Netrunner run throughout The Source, the sixth and final Data Pack in the Lunar Cycle. At the cycle's close, the pack's sixty cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) offer a final exploration of the moon's grail ice, locations, and Corporate divisions. You'll also find assets that reward Corps for birthing new servers, and other assets that self-destruct. Meanwhile, self-propagating viruses wait to explode into the network, and other programs reward you for jacking out of your runs. 33

Expand your intrigues and battles in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game with A Deadly Game, the second Chapter Pack in the Wardens cycle! Its sixty new cards (three copies each of twenty different cards) introduce new tactics and meaningful decisions for every House. You'll also find new versions of iconic characters and locations drawn straight from A Song of Ice and Fire, including Brienne of Tarth, Khal Drogo, and The Eyrie. Finally, A Deadly Game expands your options for trait-based decks, and Castle plots promote long-term planning.


Star Wars LCG: Ready for Takeoff Force Pack $14.95


Prepare for takeoff! As the first Force Pack in the Rogue Squadron cycle for Star Wars: The Card Game, Ready for Takeoff brings the game's interstellar battles to the forefront, as vehicles and ace pilots clash in the vacuum of outer space. This Force Pack contains ten new objective sets, two copies each of five unique sets. With these sets, Ready for Takeoff shakes up the evolving metagame with a new fate card, iconic starship pilots like Lando Calrissian and "Mauler" Mithel, and new mechanics for piloting vehicles through space battles. FFGSWC16



The Witcher Adventure Game




Warhammer 40,000 Conquest LCG: The Howl of Blackmane War Pack



Begin your hunt across the stars in The Howl of Blackmane, the first War Pack in the Warlord cycle for Warhammer 40,000: Conquest! The Howl of Blackmane includes sixty new cards, including a complete playset of each new player card and a new warlord for the Space Marines: Ragnar Blackmane. Additionally, each of the game's factions gains new units and other cards to encourage new deck-building options. Whether you use the Tau's advanced technology, the Dark Eldar's sadistic torture, or the Astra Militarum's battle tactics, you'll find plenty of potent firepower in The Howl of Blackmane.

Pop! Magic the Gathering: Gideon Jura

Pop! Magic the Gathering: Tezzeret

Tezzeret is a male human planeswalker. Born in Tidehollow on the shard of Esper, he specialises in artifice and mental magic. He joined the academy of the Seekers of Carmot, the sect that was said to possess the Codex Etherium, a sacred tome containing Crucius's teachings. He joined in hopes of seeing the Tome and inheriting its secrets for himself.

The Witcher Adventure Game takes players on a journey across the world of the critically acclaimed Witcher franchise. Based on the best selling novels and awardwinning video games, the Witcher universe makes its way to your tabletop with The Witcher Adventure Game. You and up to three friends will take on the roles of beloved characters from the Witcher universe and travel across the dangerous wilds, battling monsters, completing quests, earning gold and victory points, and vying for ultimate triumph. Along the way, you'll craft an unforgettable narrative, unique to each and every game. FFGWHK02




Pop! Magic the Gathering: Elspeth

Elspeth Tirel is a planeswalker who wields white mana. She specialises in the powerful magic of community and fortification--spells that build mighty armies, bolster them, and protect them from harm.


Pop! Magic the Gathering: Kiora Atua

Kiora venerates the huge monsters of the sea, such as the leviathans, krakens and other denizens of the inky depths. For her these creatures embody the ability to withstand any persistent force: time, water, predation and darkness. She seems calm and wise, but her dreams are as bizarre and alien as the depths from which her creatures rise. FNK4572

Gideon Jura is a planeswalker formerly beholden to the multiplanar organization known as the Order of Heliud. He is particularly known for his three-bladed whip known as a sural and his powerful hieromancy. FNK4569


Pop! Magic the Gathering: Sarkhan Vol



Sarkhan Vol is a primarily red planeswalker who came from Tarkir, a plane scourged by war. This plane was controlled by constantly battling warlords, who had a tradition of slaying dragons for sport and glory, driving the beasts to extinction.



Munchkin Panic





D&D: Behir (Classic S4)


Eons past the fabled sorcerer-kings of Parhok perished in a rain of eldritch fire. But legends hold that one tribe survived the apocalypse, fleeing with their slaves to a hidden city, where the greatest enchanters of all time could sleep away the centuries, and awaken in a future age as rulers of a ruined land. Now once more the forbidden spells of the Parhok threaten the good folk of the Known Realms. A kingdom lies ensorcelled, a royal family ensnared by the forgotten dweomers of a long-dead race. When the best attempts of seers and diviners have failed, it falls to the heroes to save the kingdom. Have the sorcerGMG50825 er-kings risen to reclaim their bejeweled thrones? Or has a more sinister power bent their ancient magics to its sinister will? Only the most courageous and cunning of heroes will emerge victorious from Dragora's Dungeon.

The Munchkin Monsters have invaded the Castle Panic Towers and are on the rampage! Anne-Marie De Witt has designed a crazy, clever, and addictive new game based on designs by Justin De Witt (Castle Panic) and Steve Jackson (Munchkin) in what is a semi-cooperative game of all-forone meets all-for-me! Players combine cards to hit Monsters before they destroy the Castle. Each defeated Monster becomes a Trophy and gives up its Treasure to the victor. If players work together to defeat the Monsters, they up their chances of survival and the player with the highest point count becomes the Master Munchkin. However, if players get too greedy, the Monsters will stomp the Castle to the ground while players are busy fighting over Treasure! Two worlds collide in this game of hopeful, desperate, and addictive twists featuring the iconic Munchkin art by John Kovalic and the innovative play design of Fireside Games and Steve Jackson Games.


Dungeon Crawl Classics #82.5: Dragora’s Dungeon


Dungeon Crawl Classics #83: The Chained Coffin Gold Foil Edition


Dungeon Crawl Classics #83: The Chained Coffin Silver Foil Edition


This is the limited edition gold foil cover to the DCC #83: The Chained Coffin! In this level 5 adventure module by Michael Curtis, a whispered voice calls from a coffin bound in chains, urging the heroes into the depths of the Shudder Mountains, a place rife with superstition and forlorn secrets. In the shadowy, pinegrown valleys of the Deep Hollows lurk mysteries of a bygone age and a new evil emerging from the ruins of the past. The adventurers must plumb the mountains' secluded reaches to root out this rising terror before its power comes to fruition. Standing in their path are cackling witches, subtle devils, lingering spirits, and a foul thing that moves in the night. Can the heroes appease that which lies within the Chained Coffin and thwart the dawn of a new and terrible age?

The Behir multi-legged cave dwelling monster standing 15 cm high. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required. GF97013


This is the limited edition silver foil cover to the DCC #83: The Chained Coffin! Packaged in a complete boxed set with a gazetteer of the Shudder Mountains and other materials. GMG5084S

GF97028 GF971028

D&D: Sundering Book 5: Kleef & Malik (2)


Firefly: Artful Dodger


Sons of Anarchy: Grim Bastards Expansion

Two figure set of fifth Sundering novel characters. Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembly may be required. The Artful Dodger ship card and ship model with ship dice.

GMG5085 GMG5085

Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem – Grim Bastards is an additional clubhouse card for Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem, giving someone the option of controlling "The Grim Bastards Motorcycle Club" instead of one of the four clubs in the base game.



Metamorphosis Alpha: Deluxe Collector’s Edition


A level 4 adventure by Harley Stroh. The Purple Planet: Where tribes of manbeasts wage an endless war beneath a dying sun. Where mighty death orms rule the wastes, befouled winds whistle through ancient crypts, and forests of fungi flourish in the weirdling light. Where ancient technologies offer life...or a quick death. Bereft of patron, friend or god, your survival depends on quick wits and a strong blade. Will you and your companions stand as conqueror's atop this alien land? Or will you fall beneath the blast of an ink-black death rays, just another corpse left to litter the wastes of the Purple Planet? This deluxe adventure module includes a cover with two fold over flap illustrations plus a three-panel fold-out map! DCC RPG is an OGL system that cross-breeds Appendix N with a streamlined version of 3E. This level 4 adventure module adds even more support to the growing game line!


The very first sci-fi RPG returns in a deluxe oversized hardcover featuring the original 1976 rules plus loads of extras and new material! This is a 136-page compilation of the original 1976 edition of Metamorphosis Alpha, plus the supporting articles from Dragon magazine, introductions by Tim Kask and Jon Peterson, all-new monsters and NPCs by James M. Ward, and a new adventure module by James M. Ward. It features the very first publication ever of Mr. Ward's original playtest notes for the 1976 edition of the world's first science fiction RPG!

Dungeon Crawl Classics #84: Peril on the Purple Planet






Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom (5th Ed. D&D Adventure)


Fifth Edition Fantasy is here! This level 3 adventure module is fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world's first fantasy RPG, and ready to play in your home campaign! Centuries ago, the glitterdoom came to the dwarves of Steelhand Clan! This divine curse transformed the dwarves into hellish forms with an insatiable greed for gold. Now, a chance encounter breaks open long-sealed gates to unleash the glitterdoom again. Can your adventurers delve into the forgotten halls to confront the subterranean menace? This all-new 5E adventure module includes a new dwarf sub-race and a new PC background!

Fifth Edition Fantasy #2: The Fey Sisters’ Fate (5th Ed. D&D Adventure) $9.99

Fifth Edition Fantasy is here! This level 3 adventure module is fully compatible with the fifth edition of the world's first fantasy RPG, and ready to play in your home campaign! The cries of battle echo in the rustic wilderness, as a pair of fey sisters defend the ancient Briarwood against invaders. When the town of Bur Hollow sends militia men to support their fey allies, they disappear without a trace. The adventurers must enter the Briarwood and save them! This all-new 5E adventure module includes two new spells and a new PC background! GMG7008

Age of Cthulhu 8: Starfall Over the Plateau of Leng (Hardcover)


Xcrawl: Maximum Xcrawl Corebook (Hardcover)


An investigation into the whereabouts of a missing artist becomes a manhunt for her suspected murderer. The trail leads to the impossible, deep into the mystical realm of sleep, The Dreamlands. The investigators must journey to the very heart of the Plateau of Leng, to the fabled Pharos of Leng, if they are to find their quarry, but it may all be for naught, as a giant falling star threatens to destroy both The Waking World and The Dreamlands. GMGP2000

Fabulous prizes! Cars, wealth, and a year's supply of furniture wax! All of these - and much, much more - can be yours... if you survive. Of course, you are going to have to kill the monsters to get the treasure, and you aren't the crowd favorite today, and the camGMGP2000 eras are very unforgiving. But there are no second takes, and if you die... YOU DIE! This Pathfinder-powered core rulebook is everything you need to add Xcrawl to the Pathfinder rules. In Maximum Xcrawl, the players are superstar athletes taking their chances in a live-on-pay-per-view death sport. It's a modern-day world with a fantasy twist, and the game is simple: the Dungeon Judge, or DJ, creates an artificial dungeon under controlled - but lethal - conditions. He designs the maze, and stocks it with monsters, secret doors, magical traps, treasure and prizes. The players must go through the dungeon and fulfill whatever conditions the DJ puts forth in order to win.


Coup: Reformation Expansion


Coup: Reformation, an expansion for the original version of Coup: City State from La Mame Games, adds new cards to the game and rules for factions and team play that increases tension in the early stages for four or more players and (thanks to 15 additional character cards) allows Coup to be better played with up to ten players. With Coup: Reformation, each player must declare himself either Protestant or Catholic and can target only members of the other faith. Conversion is possible, however, for yourself or for another player by paying a charitable donation to the Almshouse. Like all factions, once you have eliminated the other sect, you just descend into in-fighting, so there's still only one winner and no second place. Coup: Reformation adds a new IBCCOR1 fluid team dynamic to Coup as players jostle with their allegiance to take advantage or seek protection in the early stages of the game. 39 Requires base card game to play.


Dragon Slayer


You are the world's most fearless dragon slayers, competing to be crowned the master slayer. Your brave warrior must search far and wide for these ferocious beasts, defend yourself against its attacks and be ever ready to strike them down. Even in victory your companions may challenge your courage, demanding that you prove your valor with foolhardy audacity or cower in their mocking taunts. Game designer David Mortimer really made this game shine; creating a new PYL game is a deceptively difficult challenge, and he did this one right. Like all great PYL games, the rules are a simple format of repeating the Dragon Hunt until you decide to IBCDRS1 stop. The very interesting twist is the player challenges. The ability to challenge, and rewards for passing or failing when challenged, add a dimension to everything that you do on your turn.



Japan, 1605 - Hidetada Tokugawa has succeeded his father as the new Shogun, ruling from the great city of Edo, (now Tokyo). All the most powerful families in Edo are trying to curry favor with the new Shogun, and you must ensure that your clan will prove indispensable to him. Work from the shadows to acquire information about rival clans, kidnap those who might oppose your ascent and assassinate those who prove too great a threat. Beware, only your cunning will prevent your adversaries from doing the same to you. Find glory and honor in the eyes of this IDW00692 new Shogun - or failing that, end his rule by any means necessary. Selected by Dice Tower host Tom Vasel as one of the Top 10 Worker Placement games, Yedo is an award-winning title from the designers of Kill Shakespeare: The Board Game!


Yu-Gi-Oh!: Geargia Rampage Structure Deck Display

Geargia Decks are one of the hottest tournament Deck themes for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game, and are at the core of the brand new Geargia KOI82121 Rampage Structure Deck! Geargia cards are versatile and really good: their strategy is based around teamwork and Geargia monsters can Special Summon more Geargia monsters, or add them to your hand for free. Since Geargia monsters are also Machine-Type, you can even use them with other Machine monsters from other Decks to perform some explosive combos. Things only get better for Geargia strategies with the introduction of three new monster cards including a brand new Geargia Xyz Monster that can shut down your opponent's cards during battle. New Duelists can now get their hands on these popular cards while advanced Duelists can support their existing Geargia Decks or other Machine-Type Decks to bolster their strategies.


Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck

Box: Box: Box: Box: Box:

PELGT37 Elder Elder Elder Elder Elder

Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon

Hoard Hoard Hoard Hoard Hoard

Black Blue Green Red White

√ √ √ √ √


Firefly RPG: Things Don’t Go Smooth



Life's not easy. Don't matter whether you're flying a leaky boat along the Rim or dodging Alliance cruisers in the Core, there's always something or somebody getting in the way of an honest day's work. And let's face it; you're probably less than honest. This supplement for Firefly presents a baker's dozen of shady organizations, crime bosses, Alliance Operatives, and rival crews designed to get in the way of your crew. Each includes a wealth of story hooks, supporting characters, locations, and background material to flesh out any game in the 'Verse.


13th Age: The Book of Loot



A paranormal investigation television show is building up to the end of its current season and has been presented with the opportunity to record an investigation on the remote Scottish island of Eilean Mòr. The island has a history of strange disappearances that stretches back over the last hundred years, but more recently a house was built there by a famous architect who went missing immediately after its completion. Even though no-one has entered the building in the last seven years, it is far from empty.The Seventh Circle is a Fear Itself adventure for 4-6 players by Matthew Sanderson, author of The Love of Money. It is designed as a stand-alone adventure with pre-generated characters provided, but it can be tweaked to accommodate characters in a pre-existing group. PELT36

Trail of Cthulhu: Soldiers of Pen and Ink

Kingsport Festival



Provincia Romana


Success will reward you with PGS109 prestige and glory. Become the most prestigious governor and you will be chosen as the new Proconsul of a mighty Provincia Romana! As the leader of a Roman city in Gaul, you are responsible for its growth. You must manage your city's economy and resources, starting from its very first building. You must also see to your city's defenses, preparing for Gallic raids and forging dubious agreements with the powerful Roman Senate. You must always keep in mind the morale of your people and the wear and tear on your military defenses. If you do not want to face destruction, you must maintain everything to the high standards of Roman greatness.


Madrid, 1936. The Investigators have come to Spain to shoot a documentary on the war sympathetic to the Republican cause, but find themselves trapped in the Siege of Madrid. One of their team goes missing, and their literary colleagues say it's pointless even dangerous - to ask what happened to him. In a war of competing ideologies, unorthodoxy can merit the death penalty, even amongst those opposing Fascism, but is this Communist oppression or something more sinister? Soldiers of Pen and Ink is a stand-alone campaign for Trail of Cthulhu set during the Spanish Civil War, which can be played with the pre-generated characters provided or integrated into an existing campaign.


In the unimaginable darkness of PGS108 Kingsport, silent wanderers are called to a profane celebration. Their goal: to invoke unthinkable horrors! A dread terror that is not of this world or any other - but rather from the spaces between the stars - demands your submission. Meanwhile, unwary investigators vainly attempt to halt this appalling chapter in the dark history of Arkham. As the high priest of one of these shadowy cults, you must dominate the city. You will invoke cosmic creatures and unholy gods to receive their "gifts", but you must take care to preserve your sanity and thwart the investigators who seek to stop you.






Fear Itself: The Seventh Circle

The Gaean Reach Gazeteer

An impossibly distant future. A vast sprawl of planets, each without parallel, with its own bizarre customs, bedeviling procedures, and wily inhabitants. As one of the implacable revenge-seekers populating The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game, you know that correct intelligence on these worlds makes all the difference between grim success and howling failure. As a GM running The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game, this exhaustive cataloging of the planets and places of Jack Vance's classic science fiction cycle into one handy reference will keep your players hopping. The Gaean Reach Gazetteer is a companion book to The Gaean Reach Roleplaying Game which provides a GM with a number of locations, weapons and technology plot hooks for The Gaean Reach setting.

Yes, the 13th Age Roleplaying Game is all about the story and the awesome action, but we've all got a treasure-hungry munchkin inside of us, and it's time to let that grubby-fingered kid out to play. The Book of Loot for 13th Age is full of more magic items to be found, stolen, given as rewards or otherwise looted by the player characters. We've also thrown in a short chapter on ways to make mundane treasure more interesting, and a selection of new one-use magic items.



Hurry on board - the gangplank is going up! You are about to depart on ten journeys into the unknown, following the trail of Cthulhu to isolated Pacific islands, into the icy wastes of the Arctic, through jungles and war zones and even off the Earth itself. In the blank spaces of the map, dark deities flourish and evil festers... but the truth waits to be discovered, secret knowledge that man may not be meant to know but that Miskatonic University covets. Mythos Expeditions is a massive collection of adventures designed to be run as stand alone games, or integrated into an existing campaign. Mythos Expeditions is written by Kenneth Hite and features new rules for Trail of Cthulhu expeditions as well as ten individual adventures from an eclectic mix of mythos experts, including Robin D. Laws, Jeff Tidball and Bill White. The hardback book also features extensive illustrations, 1930s-style expedition maps for each adventure and player handouts.

The Elder Dragon Hoard is the newest addition to the Elder Dragon line of products. It has the same textured vinyl material on the outside as our Elder Dragon Vault, but also has a smooth vinyl inside make storing and removing your decks easier!


Trail of Cthulhu: Mythos Expeditions (Hardback)





Samurai Spirit




Samurai Spirit is a co-operative game in which each player is a fierce samurai defending a village surrounded by a horde of bandits. The game plays out over three turns during which each player takes turns drawing bandit cards, then choosing whether they want to fight the bandit, defend the village, or let the bandit pass in order to help the other samurai. The PGSFNFSAMU501 challenge of the game consists of balancing your choices: Should you fight each enemy to quickly reach your beast capacities, while also coming closer to the death and risking further loss by not defending the village sufficiently? Should you mainly defend or help the other samurai, taking the risk of remaining human too long and therefore weaker, when you know that weakness will be a major problem when facing the lieutenant and the villain bosses? Each enemy presents a tough choice to you, your team, and ultimately the whole village! Each turn ends with farms and fences being destroyed, and since those aren't unlimited, you must do what's necessary to end the game with at least one undamaged farm and enough farmers to tend it. Do you have what it takes to stand against evil and become a true hero?


Pokémon TCG: Battle Arena Decks: Xerneas vs. Yveltal




Bizantium and the Northern Islands




Dead of Winter

Spielbox Magazine Issue #4 2014 Eng Ed


This issue includes an exclusive new card to Category 5 (6 nimmt! In Germany). This is a very famous game in Germany and has been translated into multiple languages over the decades. Reviews include Splendor, Enigma, Corto, L’Aéropostale, Promised Land, Cuba Libre, and more. An article about the “Spiele des Jahres 2014” (Games of the Year 2014), a portrait about Stefan Feld and Asmodee, a report about the new Carrera tabletop games from Stadlbauer and more.






Journey to the Island Kingdom of Bizantium, situated at the far northern peak of the Palladium World. Its vast fleets of merchant vessels and warships travel the high seas and bring untold wealth back to the kingdom, as well as exotic goods, people, customs, weapons and foreign magic. With rich, ambitious MerchantPrinces all around him, Bizantium's colonies on the Shadow Coast in a state of near-revolt, and powers from the Western Empire to the Eastern Territory trying to exert their influence on the throne, the oblivious King Raedaen IV is in troubled waters and the sharks are starting to gather.



Roll for the Galaxy is a dice game of building space empires for 2-5 players. Your dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. The player who best manages his workers and builds the most prosperous empire wins! This dice version of Race for the Galaxy takes players on a new journey through the Galaxy, but with the the feel of the original game.


Pokémon TCG Battle Arena Decks bring you two ready-to-play decks with cards worthy of a champion: new foil promo versions of Xerneas and Yveltal, plus powerful attack-boosting cards to fuel Yveltal's all-out assaults and sharp defensive cards that will keep Xerneas one leap ahead. The premium Battle Arena cards will get players and collectors hungry for these special decks!


Roll for the Galaxy


SPM147003 SPM147004

Relic Knight: Prismatic: Harbonath the Void Reaper

Relic Knights: Prismatic; Candy & Cola

Relic Knights: Prismatic: Amelial Herald of the Void

Relic Knights: Prismatic: Cordelia Clean



Survivor Odyssey: Dead of Winter is an experience that can only be accomplished through the medium of tabletop games. It is a story-centric game about surviving through a harsh winter in an apocalyptic world. The survivors are all dealing with their own psychological imperatives but must still find a way to work together to fight off outside threats, resolve crises, find food and supplies, and keep the colony's morale up. Dead of Winter has players making frequent, difficult, heavily-thematic, wildlyvarying decisions, that often have them deciding between what is best for the colony and what is best for themselves.





$49.95 $14.95



The three players represent the Tunit (green), Norse (red), and Thule (yellow) tribes fighting to survive in Greenland in the 11th 15th centuries. Each tribe sends hunters to gather food and fuel to support their children, elders, and livestock while collecting victory points by wiping out competing species or gathering resources. Historically, the climate turned frigid and all but the Thule (Inuit) died out.

Dungeon Roll Hero Booster 2


Hero Booster #2 expands the Dungeon Roll universe, providing 8 new characters to use. These new characters have new and powerful abilities to explore which adds to the fun of the game! 43






Deck Protector: Magic the Commander V1 (120) Deck Protector: Magic the Commander V2 (120) Deck Protector: Magic the Commander V3 (120) Deck Protector: Magic the Commander Teferi (120) Deck Protector: Magic the Commander V5 (120)







USOOU010361 Supernatural Ouija

Supernatural Ouija puts a twist on the classic game!

Deck Protectors with Ultra PRO's hologram quality seal. Sized 66mm X 91mm to store and protect standard sized cards. All Ultra PRO Deck Protectors are archival-safe and acidfree. 120-count pack.





Legendary: Guardians of the Galaxy Small Box Expansion

Over the course of the game, recruit increasingly powerful Hero cards to add to your deck, building a stronger and stronger deck of the ultimate Marvel superhero combinations. Players can create their own powerful combos on the fly, combining their heroes' awesome abilities to take down nasty Marvel Masterminds like the Kree Supreme Intelligence!

WOCA68800000 Forgotten Realms: Fire in the Blood (HC novel)


WOCA96070000 Dungeons & Dragons: The Rise of Tiama




In a direct follow-up to her third book in the Sundering series, The Adversary, Erin M. Evans throws her signature character Farideh into the midst of a battle for the throne of Cormyr. As the war brought on by the Sundering rages across Faerun, princes and princesses, wizards and rogues scheme to capture the seat of power of the Land of the Purple Dragon—with Farideh and her allies caught squarely in the middle.

The Tyranny of Dragons storyline continues in this second 96-page adventure, designed and developed by renowned publisher Kobold Press. Inside these pages lurks everything a Dungeon Master needs to craft a thrilling odyssey of good versus evil.

ACD Distribution, LLC 3129 Deming Way Middleton, WI 53562

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