ACDSpotlight 12_13

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Volume 6 Issue 3

2013 ACDCA National Specialty: First Place Excellent A Rally Judge Pauline Andrus Haven Design

Sherry L. Dodson DVM •

Establishing Tradition at the 2013 National Specialty!

Thank you Chris Ann Moore, for handling Mo to perfection in the conformation classes.

Haven Design

2013 ACDCA National Specialty: Best Opposite Sex Judge Robert Shreve First Place Veteran Dog 7-10 Judge Robert Shreve Finished his RAE title with a double Q Judge Pauline Andrus

Sherry L. Dodson DVM •

Establishing Tradition at the 2013 National Specialty!

Aggie has finish ed her CH, H T & PT!

Thank you Chris Ann Moore, for handling Aggie to perfection in the conformation classes. Thank you Judge Patti Salladay, for Aggie’s Grand Sweeps win!

2013 ACDCA National Specialty:

Haven Design

Grand Sweeps Winner! Judge Patti Salladay First Place Am Bred Bitches Judge Robert Shreve First HT Leg Judge Stacey Edwards

Sherry L. Dodson DVM •

Establishing Tradition at the 2013 National Specialty!

12 winners will be selected and featured in our first ACD Spotlight calendar for 2015. Each winner will receive a free calendar.

You may submit any number of photos you wish, but only one submission per email. Each submission must include your contact information, photo credit and permission to reproduce the photo if submitted from a professional photography. Name of owner and puppy will be reproduced with each winner.

Deadline is August 1st 2014. Please submit 1 email per photo: For more information, contact

Photo by: Gwen Shepperson


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Oh do I have a story, Barney was lost at a show in September 2013 Yes, Barney the number 2 Cattle Dog in the Country was lost at a show just 2 months ago! I had strained my calf muscle at a show just the weekend prior so I sent Barney to his only show ever without me. That Sunday morning I received a call saying Barney lost, that is what I thought I heard but really it was BARNEY IS LOST and you need to get her now! Needless to say I jumped in my car and drove 1 1/2 hours to the show. When I got there people were searching the area in golf carts and on foot with their dogs. No Barney anywhere. A heart sick feeling came over me and I was just devastated. With the help of many very special people we began the search that would encompass 4 long, long days. It began with someone who was leaving the show early calling saying she had seen a Cattle Dog crossing the highway and heading up the exit to town.

I searched the area of heavy woods and swampy areas around the exit close to the sighting in the pouring rain all day while my friends formed teams of people to help in so many ways. So the fast and furious search was underway. First we set up a Find Barney Facebook page which ended up having 43,000 friends, made hundreds of flyers and had very special people from the dog community standing in front of Walmart, Fred Meyers and any place that the people of the area shopped. We handed out hundreds of flyers and asked that anyone who is on Facebook to take a picture of the flyer and post it. We posted the big, bright LOST DOG posters that we have all seen hanging on telephone poles and major streets. It was a full fledge search. We went to all the schools the district offices, Metro busses, Fire stations, Police and Sherriff stations, animal control, and all the vets and shelters in the area and handed out Barney’s flyers. Barney’s picture was plastered all over the area. Oh my gosh day 1 was over and no Barney. The sadness was almost more that I could take, but I just kept saying I am going to find you, where are you. Again another day of pouring rain and day 2 of searching and calling for Barney, and talking to anyone we would see. We hired a dog tracker that only tracked dogs and cats; he came out and tracked Barney’s scent all over the area where Barney was first lost, but no Barney. I called my husband at home and had him load up our 8 dogs in our dog truck and bring them to where Barney was lost in hopes Barney would hear or smell them and find us. Friends sent me a Psychic to help me keep positive and communicate with Barney. The overwhelming concern from everyone who new Barney was so helpful, anything that needed to be done there was

always someone willing to help. We had people taking phone calls, searching the areas, posting on the web, posting flyers, and everything that you could think of. The day was over and darkness was here again. Such a feeling of being lost and such deep feeling sadness would come over me as I thought of Barney being out there somewhere. Each night we would sleep out in the last area he was spotted with the van opened just hoping he would find us and jump in. Day 3 began with calls of sightings of Barney in the area. It was a day of scrambling and searching. The callers would give us an area where they saw Barney and we would post it on Facebook and everyone would head there to do a search of the area. This was not just me; there were always so many people that just showed up to help. They would see that Barney was still missing from his Facebook page. Some I knew and some I did not! We just kept posting all the sightings and kept everyone in the area connected. We got a local map and started to mark the Barney sightings and started to notice a pattern. He was staying in a circular area. So we just started to focus on that area. Cattle dog people came and helped search, people that had just seen it on the Find Barney Facebook page just kept coming to help. It was amazing! If we needed anything someone was there. Another day came and went and it got dark again and that devastating feeling of where is he, is he ok came over me again, I cried tears of sadness, it seemed like my tears would not stop at times. Day 4 came with no sightings or calls for most of the day. I stayed in the area where we all met at the beginning of the day. I called for Barney, I searched for Barney, but that day I mostly cried. My best friend who I had watched be born, raised and trained was gone. I was just not going to accept that! I was going to find Barney!

Then a call….Someone that came home for lunch spotted him in her driveway. It was just behind us. We posted it on Facebook and took off for the address. So many people showed up. Trucks, dog vans, cars, people came that I didn’t even know, everyone show up in the neighborhood. There were dogs barking and people yelling BARNEY, BARNEY. Earlier we had called the dog tracker again, he also showed up in the neighborhood with his dog to search for Barney. His tracking dog confirmed Barney was in the area. The search was on again. Hope again! That is how it went, hope would come and then night would fall and I would get that total feeling of helplessness. I has been 4 days……. As my son got ready to go home, just about dark, he told me he was going to go slowly down to the end of the road where we were all standing and then head home. I told him thank you and he slowly drove away. As he got close to the end of the road I hear him start yelling IT’S BARNEY, IT’S BARNEY! Oh my gosh my heart stopped, I jumped up and told everyone to stop and be quiet and close off both ends of the road. I remembered the dog tracker tell me that if I saw Barney to knell down and stay calm. Well my heart was going about a hundred miles an hour and that was hard to do, but I did. They stopped the traffic and I could barely see Barney at the end of the road, I knelt down and called as calmly as I could BARNEY COME, he stopped and looked at me, but remember I was not here when he was lost 4 days ago, so he looked at me like is that really her? Then again I called BARNEY COME he walked forward about 3 steps and stopped. My heart stopped, he had to come. I called one last time BARNEY COME he came running down the middle of the road and jumped right in my lap so hard that he hit me in the face and made my lip bleed. There we were in the middle of the road I was crying; Barney was licking my face, IT’ BARNEY, I FOUND HIM! Finally my

husband called to me get out of the middle of the road these cars want to go. As the cars drove by they cheered. Oh my gosh I have found Barney it was the best feeling in the world that quickly became one of the best days of my life and a blessing I will remember forever.

home to World Champion Tennessee Walking Horses is excited to share news of their newest Champion of a different four-legged variety! HTCH WTCH HC


#1 Herding ACD!

DOB: 2-7-09

2012 ACDCA Started Herding Dog of the Year recognized at 2013 ACDCA Specialty

In just one year…

2012-2013 ACDCA club year • earned the Herding Trifecta – HC HTCH WTCH • youngest ACD to earn HTCH • earned 34 herding titles trialing in 9 states • collected more than twice the required points for the AKC HC (from April – August) currently has 43 AKC Herding Championship points

• first ACD to earn HXAdM earned twice over from April - August • youngest and 2nd ACD to earn HXAcM • earned 4 HIT & 11 RHIT & 1 HIT COMBINED STOCK • earned a record club year herding trial points of 500+ • current High Point ACDCA Herding Trial Dog while trialing all stock at the Advanced level Outside the herding arenas and fields Tilly has also… • earned Agility titles in AKC, ASCA, USDAA & NADAC • earned Rally Title to become a VQW • passed the NACSW ORTs for all 3 scents – birch, anise, clove • earned Novice title in the new Barn Hunt Association

Owned, trained & handled by: Tamara Gavin Kasser Belle Meadow Farm Wartrace, Tennessee


Watch for Colette to bring to the show ring in 2014!

Sire: CH Hill St.’s Eli’s Coming HSAs CD RA BN Dam: AOM GCH Stock Options Razin A Ruckus HIAd HSAcds HSBd RN ATDd OTDcs QW

Bred by: Kim Broster, Stock Options ACDs Robin McCall-Hutson Owned by: Jan Lewis Kim Broster Robin McCall-Hutson Handled by: Colette Livingston-Keith

The ACD Xtreme Juniors Newsletter is a subscription pu Front cover is not for sale • Back cover $75 • All other

All Junior ads are FREE For more information, Contact • 918-256-2555

ublication. r ads $30


Sire: CH Uretopia’s Truth or Dare Dam: CH Kokopellis Scarlet Fever at Uretopia

Bred by: Vicki & Jeremy Brown Ontario Canada Owned & Loved by: Sherri Swanton Vinson DVM

Her first and only show so far in the U.S.: • Won the 6-9 Puppy Sweepstakes Class at the National Specialty • Won Puppy Sweepstakes at the National Specialty • Won her 6-9 puppy bitch class in regular classes at the National Specialty

We are very excited about this cute little girl!!

A big thank you to Judges Patti Salliday & Robert Shreve!

Haven Design •

Bred By: Gaye LynnTodd Owned By: Sherri Swanton Vinson DVM Presented by: Thomas L. Vinson & Sherri Swanton Vinson DVM

Thankyou to Judges Patricia Ann Ulloa, PattiA. Long Smith, & Christina Hubbell for “breaking the ice”

Sherri SwantonVinson DVM •StraightArrowACDs

n Finished just before 11 months with 4 majors out of the Bred By Exhibitor class n Winner of the 9-12 Sweepstakes class at the National n 2nd place in the Bred By Exhibitor class at the National Sire: GCH Littleflock The Peacemaker Dam: CH Straight Arrows Shot of Tequila

Bred Owned & Loved by Sherri Swanton Vinson DVM Straight Arrow ACDs

Thank you, Judges Peggy Beisel McIlwaine & Patty Salliday!

Haven Design •

For more information connect on Facebook: or email:

Get on board with the “Special” ACD Spotlight Design Rate: ■ ■


Eli & Razin WIN both Stud Dog Brood Bitch at the 2013 ACDCA National Specialty with pups Justice and Jammer!!! Thank you judge Robert Shreve!


“Eli” CH Hill St.’s Eli’s Coming HSAs CD RA BN QW with pups: “Jammer” Stock Options Bet Ya Didn’t See Me Comin’ & sister “Justice” GCH Stock Options What Goes Around Comes Around PT ~ Handled by Patrick Solano, Ruby Sisk and Robin Hutson Eli has proven himself to be an excellent addition to my breeding program and I thank his breeders, Wendy Grudin and Patrick Solano, for giving me the opportunity to own him! Eli also placed 2nd in Novice B Obedience and 1st in Beginner Novice B Obedience at the Specialty!


Competitive by nature, capable by design.

Kim & Darren Broster n n (270) 978-5599

AKC BREEDER of MERIT Both pups are co-owned by Kim Broster, Jan Lewis and Robin McCall Hutson.


“Razin” AOM GCH Stock Options Razin A Ruckus

HIAd HSAcsd HSBd RN ATDd OTDcs QW with pups: “Jammer” Stock Options Bet Ya Didn’t See Me Comin’ & sister “Justice” GCH Stock Options What Goes Around Comes Around PT ~ Handled by Kelly Rea, Ruby Sisk and Robin Hutson Haven Design

We think Mirk is a special boy w

Thank You

Sara Jo Gahm, with On The Lamb, for breeding this wonderfu l boy! Whelped: June 27th, 2012 Bilateral hearing prcd A

• Entered his first show Feb 15th… finished his Championship Feb 18th Undefeated from the classes. • Finished with 4 — 4 point majors. 1 dog short of being a 5 point major, and over several major pointed dogs.

ALL AS A 7 1⁄2 MONTH OLD PUPPY! • At 9 months Mirk was entered in his next show as a Champion and won BOB, over 4 other experienced Specials, and 2 professional handlers — Under Judge Dr Robert Smith. He was awarded Select the following day. Mirk has 11 points towards his Grand Champion.


Sire: HC On The Lamb Ride An Old Paint HSADSC HIADSC HXAd Dam: GCH Corral West Forever Entwined Safira HSASC

Corral West Cattle Dogs

with a lot to offer in the future!


DC WTCH Stock Options Cowculated Risk HXAsd HXBd HIAcsd HIBd HSAcsd HSBd RN HRD1s HTAD1s HTD1s QW (PRA prcd Clear, PLL Clear, PRA rcd4 Clear, OFA Good Hips, OFA Normal Elbows and Patellas, BAER Normal, Cardiac Normal and CERF Clear)

STOCK OPTIONS ACDS Competitive by nature, capable by design.

Kim & Darren Broster n (270) 978-5599


Reckon earned RHIT Cattle Trial at 2011 ACDCA National Specialty under judge Peggy Richter.

Reckon is pictured after winning the Herding Titled Dog Class at 2013 ACDCA National Specialty under judge Robert Shreve and handled by Robin Hutson.

Haven Design

Owned, Bred & Handled by: Eva Holderegger Walser Silverbarn ACDs

Haven Design

Full Dentition • BAER Normal • PRA Clear • OFA Hips Excellent • Elbows Normal •

AOE GCH Oakwood’s

Refried Beans

Eukanuba Award of Excellence Winner

Handled by: Chris Ann Moore

Matthew & Jacquelyn Johnson

OAKWOOD Cattle Dogs


WON A 5 POINT MAJOR & BEST OF BREED! Handled by Professional handler Perry Payson & his assistant Ashly, in Lexington KY! Son of US/Aust Ch Kombinalong OO Super & Gravan Silverpark’s Lil Sista

918.260.8343 • Haven Design


SilverDust Real Butter


Picks up another Award of Merit from the Over 10 Veterans class at 2013 ACDCA National Specialty, Norco, California.

A BIG Thank You to Sweeps Judge Patti Salladay!

Special thanks to John Livingston & Joe Dickson for keeping Butter in such super condition. Also thanks to Judge Walter Shreve, for recognizing our veterans & Sherry MacLennan, for the superb job in handling Butter.

Deb Casey • Fort Worth, TX

AKC BreeDer oF MeriT

Haven Design

New Champion! CH SilverDust

Ice Blue Secret

Nita-Nee Kennel Club 7/20/13 Judge Deborah Anthony

What a joy Lilly is… fun to show & a super family dog!

Handled by rebecca Gardner owned by: rebecca Gardner & Deb Casey

SilverDust Australian Cattle Dogs Deb Casey • Fort Worth, TX •

AKC BreeDer oF MeriT

Haven Design

Introducing The Top ACD 2013 in the UK

Ch Banana Bender Conte De Cavour Sire: Kurpas Bodacious (Ch Kurpas Born Again ex Kurpas It's All About Me) Dam: Ch Catlclan Barely Blue (Aust Ch Maryheather Winta Legend ex Aust Ch Fayrelyn Rubys Red Dress) He is PRA DNA Pattern B; has full dentition; elbows clear; hips A Standing at Stud

Jack and Norma Digby Shropshire, England

Haven Design

Puppies available NOW

Will export to USA

Email for more information

Available to the Right Home

“ Axle “

Axle is a 3 year old neutered male available to the right home. He is an active, energetic boy who seeks a home where he will get a lot of attention. Ideal performance or companion dog. No small children. Prefer ACD experienced home. For more information on Axel, please contact:, Arlington, Washington.

What a year! New events up for titling and our versatile Australian Cattle Dogs are already doing it here in Texas! Would you believe 5 Coursing titles and 4 Nosework titles were earned this year - in addition to all the titles from obedience, conformation, rally, herding and agility? Congratulations to all the dogs and owners listed here. Once again they’ve proved that this breed can do anything! Compiled by Mari Bailey

TEXAS ACD NEW TITLES EARNED Dec. 1, 2012 thru Nov. 30, 2013 MACH ADCH NATCH ATCH V-NATCH Baylor’s Junior Blue MXB MJS OEAC O-EJC O-TN-E ECC WV-E RS-E TG-E JS-E GS-O – Edie Atwell NEW TITLE: V-NATCH – Nov. 17 Rollthedice Designer Genes (UNW) PT1 – Mari Bailey-Villanueva NEW TITLE: (UNW) PT1 – Sept. 28 IntCH Rollthedice Timeless Design – Mari Bailey-Villanueva NEW TITLES: NatYO, IntYO – Feb. 3, IntCH – Aug. 11 Pepper NA OAJ – Tracy Cowin NEW TITLES: NA – Mar. 30, NAJ - , OAJ – GCH Moonfly's Ice Blue Flame PT BN CGC RAE Sherry Dodson NEW TITLE: GCH – Oct. 9 Ch Silverdust Start of A New Tradition HT PT - Sherry Dodson NEW TITLES: HT – Oct. 26 , CH – Nov. 10 , PT – Nov. 30

Darcie RE – Tammy Doherty NEW TITLE: RE – June 16 NATCH Gretl – Greyhm Furst NEW TITLE: NATCH – Mar. 23 VCH HTCH CH Bonza Hot to Trot Cheyenne CDX BN RE HXAsd MX MXJ OF NAC STDsd JHDs HTDs-I HTDd-III HRDs-III HTADds–III RLFs-III PD1 PS1 PK1 (NACSW) NW1 (UNW) PT2 (ACDCA) HICs TT CGC BPD+ – Lori Graham NEW TITLES: BN – Feb. 10, NW1 – June 9, PT2 – Sept. 28 U-CH Rollthedice N Runamok Betn The Limit CD BN RE OA OAJ NF CGC VQW (UNW) PT1 (ACDCA) HICs – Lori Graham NEW TITLES: BN – Jan. 12, (UNW) PT1 – Sept. 28 Runamok Crystal Pale Ale BN RA – Lori Graham & Patricia Taylor NEW TITLES: BN – Mar. 3, RA – Mar. 4 CH Crossfire’s Kept Under This Ol’ Hat – Kerry Hamilton, Stephen & Judy Ware NEW TITLE: CH – June 19 CH Lost Mule Little Plain N Simple – Kerry Hamilton NEW TITLE: CH – Nov. 30 U-CH/CH Merrigang Double Dragon NAC TN-N – Shana Haskins NEW TITLES: TN-N – May 3, NAC – May 4 CH Merrigang’s Southern Rose RN PT OAC NJC TN-N RV-N JV-N - Shana Haskins NEW TITLES: RV-N – Apr. 13, JV-N – Apr. 14 CAN CH/Gold GCH (Silver) Moonfly’s Maid for Show – Lorrie Hilt NEW TITLE: Silver GCH – , Gold GCH – Nov. 18 China Berry Blue RA AX AXJ NF NAP OJP OFP CAX - Wendy Hodges NEW TITLES: NAP, NJP – Apr. 14, CAA – May 24, NFP – June 7, OJP – Aug. 18, CAX – Oct. 27, OFP – Nov. 22 Cheyenne’s One Wing in the Fire RN NA NAJ NF CAX – Wendy Hodges & Gaye Warren NEW TITLES: CA – Apr. 20, NA – May 10, CAA – Sept. 7, NF – Oct. 18, NAJ – Nov. 22, CAX – Nov. 24 U-R02 U-CD U-CH CH Cheyenne’s Storming the West RN NAP NJP HCCs – Debbie Holmes NEW TITLES: U-R02 – Feb. 23 Sophie Nuveaux Archer RN MX MJB XF T2B CGC TDI (ACDCA) HICs – Carolyn Johnson NEW TITLES: MJB – Jan. 6, T2B – Nov.

GCH Oakwood’s Refried Beans – Jacquelyn & Matthew Johnson NEW TITLE: GCH: Apr. 27 VCH CH Sundowner Cast a Giant Shadow CDX RA HXCS CGC TDI - Teresa King NEW TITLE: CDX – Dec. 7 Dalaussie's Texas Nugget NAJ, RS-N JS-O STDs, NAC NJC TG-N TN-O Jay D. Kiper NEW TITLES: RS-N, JS-O, NAJ – Mar. 10, TG-N, TN-O – Mar. 5 Lost Mule Sunnie Side Up FM – Janet Meek NEW TITLE: FDChS – Dec. 2, FM – July 21 CH Lostmule Once in a Blue Moon RN – Janet Meek & Kerry & Barbara Hamilton NEW TITLE: RN – May 3 CH Hardtack Cowboy Blue – Mo Montserrat NEW TITLE: CH – July 13 MACH Fast and Furry-ous CDX MXS MJS XF – JoAnn Phillips NEW TITLES: MACH – Mar. 1, MXS MJS CDX- June 22 MACH Sky MXS MJS OF MAD sam jm gm RM ASA S-NJC EAC O-NCC OCC O-OJC EJC TN-E HP-E TG-O tg-e WV-E vers o – Theresa Reilly NEW TITLES : O-NCC, O-OJC – Dec.9 Zip-A-Dee-Doo BN RN – Ann Sanders NEW TITLES: BN RN – Nov. 9 GCH Littleflock Unquenchable – Sherri Swanton Vinson, DVM NEW TITLES: CH – April 23. GCH – July 5 CH Straight Arrows Just Can’t Get Enuf – Sherri Swanton Vinson, DVM NEW TITLE: CH – Apr. 23 Captain Jack Towers NAJ – Laura T NEW TITLE: NAJ – Oct. 27 Runamok Samuel Adams O Fellstar HT – Pat & Tim Taylor NEW TITLE: HT – Oct. 27 VCH SAC U-AGII U-R01 U-CH Am & Intl CH MACH3 PACH Millennium Falcon CD BN RE HT MXC MJC MXP4 MXPB MJP4 MJPB PAX OF NFP CGC (USDAA) PD2 PS2 (NADAC) OAC OJC O-NJC TG-N O-TN-N TN-O WV-O HPN NCC (AHBA) JHD (ACDCA) HICs TT (ASCA) RN, RNX JS-N (AACBRC) BPDX+ - David O Villanueva & Mari Bailey NEW TITLES: U-R01 – Feb. 24, RNX – Feb. 26, O-NJC – May 3 GCH Ch Cheyenne's Dally Up and Set back – Gaye Warren NEW TITLE: GCH – March 6

CH Hardtacks the Skys The Limit – Gaye Warren NEW TITLE: CH – July 7 GCH Stockhand Will Work for U – Gaye Warren NEW TITLE: GCH – July 7 CH Hardtacks Just Like You Like It – Allison Whittington NEW TITLE: CH – June 17 U-CH IntCH GCH Cheyenne’s Future So Bright – Jo Lynne York NEW TITLES: IntCH – Feb. 3, GCH – Apr. 27 This year’s ‘Most Titles Earned’ cattle dog is China Berry Blue, who added 7 titles to her name within just 6 months! And China’s owner Wendy Hodges certainly deserves accolades for handling her two girls – the other is Cheyenne’s One Wing in the Fire - to 13 titles during those same 6 months! She was sometimes spotted racing from venue to venue on the same day! TOTAL TITLES EARNED: 75, including the prestigious MACH, V-NATCH, NATCH and Gold GCH titles and the hard-earned RNX, NW1 and CAX titles! 29 Agility 19 Conformation 8 Rally 6 Obedience 5 Coursing 4 NoseWork 3 Herding 2 Flyball

Hawkeye Catalyst’s Red Tail Hawk d’Ark at 3.5 months old winning BBPIS under well-respected judge Eugene Blake Chuck Lamers - Catalyst Reg’d Kennel - Cavon, ON, Canada

CINDY COOK BlueHill Kennels How long have you been in Dogs? I’ve always had dogs, but I got my first show dog, a chow chow when I was 9 years old in 1982. How long have you had the ACD and what is your background.? I got my first ACD in 1991 for an obedience/agility dog. Never intending on breeding or confirmation showing of my ACD. I was still very involved in the Chow Chow but wanted a sounder dog to compete in obedience and agility. Why did you choose the ACD? It really was not my first choice, the man I was dating (who is now my husband Tim) always wanted and ACD for his horse farm and to travel with during the rodeo circuit. So I got my first ACD as a birthday gift for him.

How did you decide that this breed was for you? Chyenne (my first ACD) was so intelligent and so willing to please I just fell in love with her and the breed. This was quite a change coming from Chows. The Chows are more cat like, and if they didn’t want to do it they didn’t, and if they didn’t want to be bothered they went and laid in the corner, whereas the ACD “just did it” because you asked and was always under your feet regardless of the task at hand. How did you first get involved in the ACD? Since Tim was always on the road as a truck driver through the week, I had “custody” of Chyenne through the week and she traveled with him on the weekend to rodeo’s or worked the horse farm. She was a “way out of control” puppy so I decided at 10 weeks of age we had better get started on basic obedience; I couldn’t believe how quickly she picked up the commands and how much she made me think outside the box. From that point on I was hooked! So I began to research local breeders in the area to learn all I could about the breed. I was very lucky to run into Janet Long of Longacre’s Kennels. She was one of the few local breeders that took the time to get to know me and my background and teach me the good, the bad, and everything in between about the ACD. What do you do with your dogs (i.e. herding, performance, conformation)? Mostly now due to a bad knee I just do confirmation, but in past I’ve done obedience and agility and I am currently playing with herding. (Though it may not be going as well as expected, apparently the dogs are way better at herding than mom is) I have placed some older dogs in homes that currently are therapy dogs for cancer patients, as well as a few competitive Frisbee champions. What titles have your puppy buyers put on your dogs you have bred? Obedience titles, agility/rally titles, confirmation titles and a few Frisbee championship titles. What made your decision to start breeding? After having my ACD for two years and doing an ungodly amount of research I made the decision get out of chows, and start with a breed that wasn’t a genetic nightmare. I realized what an ACD was capable of and wanted to pursue a healthier, sounder breed.

What caused you to pick the particular dog/ bloodlines (S) that you did to start your breeding program? Having the background in pedigrees from years of being in the chow world, I started looking at local bloodlines. I did a few test breeding’s and decided that they were not working for me, they were healthy pups but not what I considered closest to the ACD standard. So I started over in 1998 with several different bloodlines. I found over the years that you may “love” a particular dog or bitch but you need to see what that dog or bitch produces over a few litters to see how the offspring grow up. What dog/bitch to date is your best dog/ bitch produced and why? It’s hard to pin point the best dog or bitch, as they all have qualities that I love but they all have their faults as well. So since I have not produced the “perfect” cattle dog I would have to say the closest I have come is GCh. Bluehill’s Night Light (AKA Star). She is a beautiful bitch with a dead on top line, beautiful feet, movement to die for (even at 9 years old) and a beautiful coat as well as many other wonderful qualities. When deciding on a breeding do you outcross, line breeding, inbreeding, or a combination of all? Over the years I have line bred, I do believe this is a dying art, but any good line breeder also knows that it is important to do an outcross from time to time. Do you breed to outside females and if so what is your criteria? No, I only breed for myself and to my own dogs. Who influenced your breeding choices the most & why? The late Dr. Joanne O’Brien influenced me the most. She was a very well know chow breeder GCh. Bluehill’s Night Light as well as a veterinarian, she taught me the correct structure of a dog, how to condition a dog from the inside out, and how to pick up structure flaws without ever touching a dog.

I was very lucky to work with her through my teenager years and also work with some of the top chow kennels in the county. Dr. O’Brien was also the one that taught me about pedigrees and how to line breed. I just took that knowledge and applied it to the ACD world. What has made the biggest impact on your breeding program to date? The PRCD blood test, in my opinion since we have this test available Bluehill’s Stellar Performance there is no reason to produce another ACD with this horrible disease. What bitch has made the biggest impact on your breeding program to date? Ch. Bluehill’s Great Explosion (AKA Dyna). When I decided to start my breeding program over again, I kept one Stud dog and spayed and place the few bitches that I had. I drove all the way to Canada to pick up Ch. Daylynerun Blue Knoll, these two produced Ch. Bluehill’s Great Explosion, Dyna has produced the bitches and dogs that I am proud of today, whether it be her offspring or her grandbabies, and they all go back to her. Which Dog & Bitch in your breeding program was most successful or that you feel contributed the most to the breed? GCh. Bluehill’s Night Light (Star) is the one that I would have to say I am most proud of, she received an Award of Merit at Westminster, and multiple Breeds when bitches just didn’t win the breed, (always shown as owner/ handler) but most of all she is a wonderful ambassador for the breed. Always willing to show her personality off in and out of the ring, and always willing to give a stranger a nice soft wet kiss on the nose. If I could produce a whole kennel full of Star’s I would consider myself “successful”.

How do you raise your puppies? I will be the first to admit that I am NEUROTIC about my babies. I spent an entire year driving my husband crazy with changes to a whelping pen that I made him build from scratch.

All my babies are raised in the house with Samantha (my daughter) constantly hugging and kissing them. I am the type of person that knows every spec on each pup from the time they are born till the time they leave. I’m the type of person that can sit in a whelping box for hours on end just watching and observing the babies and their moms. What do you feed your puppies? My pups when they are ready to start on solid food around 3 to 3 ½ weeks start out with Pro Plan Performance ground up by a coffee grinder and goats milk (not the powdered, if I can’t get fresh then I used canned). Then when their teeth start to cut through the gums, they get soaked Pro Plan Performance and goats milk, and then of course by the time they are 6 weeks old they are on hard food with cottage cheese or plain yogurt and ready to be completely weaned off mom.

How do you socialize your pups ? Since we live in “Nowhere Ville” I usually have Samantha invite a few of her friends over when the pups are 6 weeks old to come and “have a play date” with the pups. Usually by 6 weeks old I am already scheduling new puppy people to come and pick their pups. So from 6 weeks on the house is very busy with people coming in and out.

How did you come up with your kennel name? Since my first dog was a blue and my husband’s property was nothing but rolling hills I decided that Bluehill would be the name for me. Do you have a distinguishable line? I would hope so, but I guess you would have to make that conclusion on your own. If you were going to rate type, temperament, & soundness in what order of importance what would be the order & why? Soundness will always be my first priority, then temperament as I believe that this is part of the soundness of the animal and then breed type is a “plus”. I believe that if you start with a sound dog body and mind, the rest will come with time and carful breeding.

What do you think are the most serious faults in the breed today? TOPELINES, yes I did put that in caps, I see the most horrible toplines, the ACD is not supposed to look like an old saddle horse nor should they look like a Bedlington Terrier (roach back). If you don’t have a good topline then there is no way that you have a truly sound animal. Size is another BIG issue, these dogs were not meant to be CONDO CATTLE DOGS. A 14-15 inch bitch/dog is unacceptable.

What would say are the biggest genetic faults in our breed today? Deafness, since we don’t have a genetic test for this, it can be heart wrenching. I have produced a few uni pups over the years and do my best to make sure that I don’t reproduce it. I have a dog that I just love to death, but I had a litter of 6 pups and 3 of them were uni’s. So needless to say he is not used in my breeding program any longer and all those pups were sold as pets. Do you consider yourself a mentor to others coming in the breed? I am more than willing to share my experience and thoughts, and not too old nor do I know everything, and I can always learn something new myself, so am I a mentor? I guess to some extent but I feel there are much wiser people in the breed that I would consider mentors. What advice would you give them in starting out on the right road?

Do your research, talk to many, many breeders and don’t buy the first puppy you see.

Describe an average day living with your dogs? With an ACD there is no average day! My day usually starts out with 7 screaming ACD’s wafting to go out, I don’t have runs, I have 3 large paddocks for the dogs, so they are split into groups, then the two house dogs go out and usually chase the cows and the goats, just to remind them they are still boss and this is their house. After that the day is wide open from there, it can consist of show ring training, or bathing a sticky dog that rolled in something, taking a dog down to move the chickens from the chicken house so it can be cleaned, or just a nice quiet day veg’ing out in front of the TV with my pals and doing nothing. The only thing that is consistent at my house is that I have 7 ACD’s that keep me entertained and there is never a dull moment.

What should people who are interested in this breed know before they bring one into their homes? That the dogs are usually smarter than their people. So they have to be smarter than the dog. Is there anything interesting that the breeding community (for your breed) is working on? Not that I am aware of, our National Club doesn’t seem to do anything other than hold a National Specialty every year. It’s a shame but it’s the truth. Do you feel the current AKC/UKC/ANC/FCI/ANKC standard is adequate? No, I believe we should have a height standard, as we seem to be breeding smaller and smaller, I also believe we should have some more clarification on coat color, I’m still running across judges that need education on color especially the reds, they feel that the color is “Not as acceptable” as the blues. A wise man once told me that “A cow doesn’t care what color the dogs is” (Jim Buzzard) so now I use his famous line on judges when they question the color. I also think that we should have a disqualification for missing teeth. I have seen some ACD’s have as many as 7 teeth missing. Any comments that you wish to add: As I get older and take on more responsibilities of Family I don’t do as much breeding/showing that I use too, I would love to see the breeders start taking more responsibility for breeding sounder dogs, in the past 10 years I have seen the breed decline, a responsible breeder not only does the testing, but is honest with their own breeding’s and isn’t ashamed to admit that their animals have faults. If more breeders would stop being kennel blind the breed would be all the more better than it is today in so many ways. If you don’t know, ASK, don’t be ashamed to broaden your knowledge of the breed you claim to love. You may not agree with everything someone says but you can at least come away with one thing you didn’t know or one thing you can use.

Bluehill Australian Cattle Dogs Cindy Cook Brandywine, MD Phone: 301-888-9650 Email:

Photo by Dave Campbell


2x CAN BISS CAN/AM/MEX CH. Silver Hills Goin Up N’ Smoke, JH

Sire: Ch. Bushrangerís Crossfire Dam: Silver Hills Red Pepper Born 6/28/1987

Frozen Semen available to approved bitches. Contact Deb Casey SilverDust ACDís

Titan STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

CH Defisja's Magic Titan Legacy CD, RE, HSAdsc, HXAd, STDdsc, OTDsc, CHIC

Ranked #7 in Breed Points for the year he was specialing Frozen semen only CHIC OFA-Elbows-PRCD-BAER-CERF


Kyle STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires


Born 01/11/07 7 out of 10 points for AHBA HTCH Live cover or fresh chilled semen



Ryan STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

GCH Defisja's RR Father Ryan CD, RA, NAJ, STDs, JHD, CHIC

Live cover or fresh chilled semen



Shiner STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

CH Defisja's RR Cuttin' A Shine CDX RAE, NF, AX, AXJ, CHIC Live cover or fresh chilled semen



Shooter STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

WTCH CH Defisja's Double Shot Legacy CD, RE, HSAdsc, HXAc, HRDIIs, CHIC Frozen semen



Red STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

WTCH CH Defisja's Jazzy Red Legacy CDX, RAE, HSAdsc, HXAc, HRDIIIs, HTD'd, ROM , CHIC

Ranked #13 in Breed Points for the year he was specialing and needs HX on only one more progeny to earn ROMX Frozen semen



Reno STUD AGREEMENTS: No stud fee requested, just want a puppy back agreement. Working on ROM or ROMX qualification for multiple males and only interested in having progeny. ALSO INTERESTED IN: Approved female for lease, co-ownership, etc. For us to breed to one of our males who are working on ROM or ROMX qualifications. Willing to let bitch owner have/ sell all puppies other than our pick (again, the goal for us is ROM qualifications for these males). Would be willing to train and show the bitch with a goal of ROM for her also, if bitch owner desires

CH HGF Speckled Legacy of Vegas CDX, RAE, HSAdsc, HXAc, HRDIIIs, HTD'd, HTADIId, OTDdsc, ATDd, ROM

Multiple HIT and RHIT in herding trials across AKC, ASCA, and AHBA venues Frozen semen CHIC OFA-Elbows-PRCD-BAER-CERF


Ches Ches finished his CH by going breed over ranked specials for all but his first two points. He is a very thoughtful working dog who is comfortable at both heads and heels. His first two litters have produced some promising young dogs. He has two legs on his HSAc with two first places and a RHIT.

Ch. WayOut's Grin Without A Cat (AOM, Ch. Kuawarri N CWest Spectacular x Kuawarri Go To Ground, HXAs,c)

CHIC 63891 OFA Good, OFA Elbows Normal BAER Normal prcd carrier PennHIP 0.35/0.26 (90th percentile)

Rebecca Elder Mt. Sterling, Ky Breeder, Owner, Handler

Eli Eli is a proven performer and producer and is available to approved bitches. He came to me a 5 years of age from his breeders Wendy Grudin and Patrick Solano as a finished conformation Champion. He earned his performance titles with me after coming to KY. He was High Scoring ACD in Obedience at the Kalamazoo, MI ACD Specialty plus one of his sons won Grand Puppy in Sweepstakes. Eli won the Beginners Novice B class and took 2nd in Novice B Obedience at the 2013 ACDCA National Specialty in Norco, CA plus won a large and very nice Stud Dog Class with 2 of the pups he has sired with one of my bitches. With limited breeding his pups have made their presence known in the show and trial arenas, earning conformation CHs and Grand CHs, herding titles, obedience and rally titles, agility titles as well as competing in dock diving.

CH Hill St.’s Eli’s Coming HSAs CD RA BN VQW

Health Clearances: Hips: Good (ACD-2398G62M-VPI) Elbows: Normal (ACD-EL539M24-NOPI) Patellas: Normal (ACD-PA97/64M/P-VPI) Cardiac: Normal (ACD-CA120/64M/P-VPI) Eyes: (ACD-373074/2012) PRA prcd: Clear (ACDPRA1260/8M-NOPI) PLL: Clear (ACD-PLL76/71M-VPI) PRA rcd4: Clear (ACD-P4-2/72M-VPI) BAER: Normal (ACD-BR682/8M-VPI) CHIC# 84771

Owned by Kim Broster Stock Options ACDs 270-978-5599

Reckon Reckon is a proven performer and producer and is available to approved bitches. He has many HIT and RHIT at all levels on all stock in herding, was RHIT on cattle at 2011 ACDCA National Specialty in NC and won the Herding Titled Dog class at the 2013 ACDCA National Specialty in CA. He has been consistently ranked in the top 10 Herding Stats and finished his WTCH at 4 years of age and his AKC Herding Championship/Dual Championship at 4 1/2 years of age. He is currently working towards his AHBA Herding CH. He finished his conformation Championship in 3 weekends. His pups are proving themselves in the show ring and herding trials as well.

DC WTCH Stock Options Cowculated Risk HXAsd HXBd HIAcsd HIBd HSAcsd HSBd RN QW HRD1sn,HTAD1sd, HTD1d

Health Clearances: Hips: Good (ACD-2585G28M-VPI) Elbows: Normal (ACD-EL681M28-VPI) Patellas: Normal (ACD-PA67/19M/P-VPI) Cardiac: Normal (ACD-CA96/19M/P-VPI) Eyes: (ACD-363361) PRA prcd: Clear (ACD-PRA1854/1M-VPI) PLL: (ACD-PLL87/60M-VPI) PRA rcd4: Clear (ACD-P4-13/61M-VPI) BAER: Normal (ACD-BR294/7M-VPI) CHIC# 82307

Owned by Kim Broster Stock Options ACDs 270-978-559

Goose Goose's 2013 credits include: Best in Show under respected International judge Paula HeikkinenLehkonen of Finland, 46 group placements (with 11 Grp 1st!), Select Dog at the ACD Club of Canada National Specialty and obtaining his Canadian Grand Championship. With more than 1200 all breed points, Goose is the #1 ACD and #11 Herding Dog in Canada for 2013. He also sired his first two litters this year, giving us an outstanding young boy, Catalyst's Red Tail Hawk d'ARK (aka Hawkeye).

Can BIS GCh/Am GCh Rickís Smokin' Thunder Son of Smoke; Int. Ch. Reddenbluís Let's Smoke Em Out

Hips Good, Elbows Normal BAER Bilateral Rcd4-PRA Clear PRCD PRA Clear, PLL Clear

Goose is available at stud to approved bitches. Breeder/Co-Owner: Rick Cross, Northport, Michigan, USA Co-Owner/Handler: Chuck Lamers, Catalyst Regís Kennel, Cavon, Ontario, Canada

Contact Chuck at 705-944-8829 or


Woylie's Freddy IPO 3;Selectif (Red Manor Barak vom Landhof Rothaus X Danbar's River of Dream)

Herding tested on sheep and cattle

PRA A (tested by Laboklin); Full hearing, Full dentition

Good behaviour tested

Hips B/B- Elbows 0/0

Activities - IPO and Herding

Height - 50 cm

Proven sire (four litters) Available for stud services

Mathieu Nicourt. +33(0)

Inti Show: Swiss Juniior Champion, French Champion, International Champion ( many BOB an d CACIB ) Sports: Herding ( HWT, ITH2), CACCBT; (interbreed competitions in herding ) Man trailing, obedience, ( BH1), Agility

CH. Wild Willow's Inti Igloo Sire: Austlyn Brady of Rullroarer Dam: Ch. Wild Willow's Blue Dusty Dunya

PRA : Carrier - PLL Carrier BAER Normal Full dentition; scissor bite Hips A/A- Elbows 0/0 Height - 48 cm Available for stud services

Gabrielle Tenud France

/ sherkandco Inti on FB


U-CD AE's Road Warrior, HSAsd, STDs, HTAD-Is, CD, QW, RA, CGC, CHIC

OFA Hips Excellent, Elbows Normal, PRCD B, BAER full hearing, CERF normal, PennHip .30/.29 90th percentile, missing bottom P1s.

Ellen Schwab Junction City, Ohio

Frijoles Eukanuba Award of Excellence Winner

BOSS AOE GCH Oakwood's Refried Beans

Full Dentition BAER Normal PRA Clear OFA Hips Excellent

Oakwood Cattle Dogs Matthew & Jacquelyn Johnson


GCH Moonfly's Ice Blue Flame RAE, CGC, PT, BN


Frozen and fresh chilled semen, proven producer Sherry Dodson DVM Tradition Kennels Angleton, Texas



Ch Timber Blue Deuce

PRCD clear BAER normal OFA hips pre-lim fair OFA elbows good Full dentition Proven producer

Live cover and frozen shipped semen

Lisa Bowman Hwy 242, Sandersville, Georgia 31082 404-617-1218

Rowdy "Rowdy" is an exceptional all-around working dog sire for our breeding program. He consistently stamps his pups with correct movement, eye appeal, and a strong working drive. On cattle he is balanced and strong at both ends, and is producing the same with several progeny working on ranches across the U.S. and beyond. He has a great disposition that he passes on to his pups.

Kylie's Good Onya Rowdy Sire : CH Kylie's Speaking In Tongues HXAsc ATDs STDcd HRDIIs Dam : Kylie's Question Authority HSAsc

PRCD clear BAER normal PennHip Proven producer

Frozen shipped semen

Brett Spader Oklahoma

Vin "Vin" is a powerful cattle dog with a solid nose bite and low heel bite. He's developed plenty of distance on his outrun when asked, and rates his stock very well-all while showing lots of presence on stock. "Vin" is a very biddable, happy dog, and his pups exhibit his trainability and good nature. He has very balanced conformation and is extremely athletic. He is a multiple herding High In Trial and Reserve High In Trial Winner, including Reserve High In Trial Day 1-Cattle at the 2013 Specialty

Spader Vintage Vaquero Sire: Kuawarri Vaquero Dam: Mollies Express

PRCD clear BAER normal PennHip Proven producer

Frozen shipped semen

Brett Spader Oklahoma

Jack Tanc approved (European herding instinct test) Trained in disc dog

Italy Ch. Clark Gable Sire: Ethan Dam: Multi Ch Ashleyjudd

Bilateral hearing PRA: N (clear) Dentition: full and correct scissor bite HD A (excellent); ED 1 Back: spondylosis free; Height: 50,5 cm Weight: 22 kg, C.O.I. 5,267% (based on ten generations)

Owner Jessica Scremin Breeder: Gianmarco Pretto

Italy email:


Shelburne Sports: obedience, agility

Sire: C.I.B. Firefly Mystic Blue Ace HIC Dam: Jamaine Red Cidabro (GB Ch. Austmans Real Riot x C.I.B. Freya짜s Charm Cidabro)

Dentition: Scissors bite, - both P4 Height: 52 cm BAER test: bilateral hearing Hips: B/B Elbows: 0/0 Eyes: free 2013 DNA PRA: N/N

Breeder: Andrea Dankova Owner: MVDr. Dana Krejcova Contact:

Lantu Sports: obedience, herding. Working test: ZVOP (HIC)

CH. WINDWARRIOR''S BLUE CIDABRO Sire: Windwarriors The Executer Dam: Pavesi Blue Wind

Dentition: Full Scissors bite, Height: 48 cm BAER test: bilateral hearing Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 Eyes: free DNA PRA: Normal (Optigen)

Breeder: Tuulia Heikkinen Owner: Andrea Dankova & Sarka Tylova Contact:

Jim Sports: tracking, obedience, protection training (IPO), herding Working test: ZZO


Sire: Turrella Blue Ben Hur Dam: C.I.B. Zeecidabro des Poenjaap

Dentition: Full Scissors bite, Height: 50 cm BAER test: bilateral hearing Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 Eyes: free DNA PRA: Normal (Optigen)

Breeder & owner: Andrea Dankova Contact:

Nick Sports: tracking, obedience, protection training (IPO), Working test: ZZO

UNIQUE BLUE CIDABRO Sire: 3xWW Ch. Heelersridge Emublu King Dam: C.I.B. Miss Aussie Cidabro

Dentition: Full Scissors bite, Height: 50 cm BAER test: bilateral hearing Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 Eyes: free 4/20/2013 DNA PRA: N/N DNA PLL: N/N

Breeder & owner: Andrea Dankova Contact:

Selwyn Sports: obedience, agility

SELWYN RED CIDABRO Sire: C.I.B. Firefly Mystic Blue Ace HIC Dam: Jamaine Red Cidabro (GB Ch. Austmans Real Riot x C.I.B. Freyas Charm Cidabro) Dentition: Full Scissors bite, Height: 52 cm BAER test: bilateral hearing Hips: A/A Elbows: 0/0 Eyes: free 2013 DNA PRA: N/N DNA PLL: N/N

Breeder: Andrea Dankova Owner: MVDr. Dana Krejcova Contact:

Junior Junior is a Beautiful male with great herding instinct and he' s also extremely good at any kind of nose work! At 2 years of age he became a Patrol dog for the armed forces in Sweden just like his father and also Nordic Show Champion. His litter sister became a search & rescue dog in Finland also 2 years of age! MH: Character tested - not gun shot shy. H.I.T: Herding instinct testexcellent

TJH (ptrh) SE UCH DK UCH FI UCH NORD UCH NORD V- 10 RLDN Working Mates Another Dewil D.O.B: 2011-07-12 PRA: B HD: A/B ED: 0/0 BAER: Bilateral Hearing Dentition/Bite: Full dentition, Scissor bite Eyes/CERF: Clear

Frozen Semen

Owner: Christina Nashund Email: 46-707575311 or


GCH AE's Midnight Desert Outrider, CD, Re, PT, CGC, VQW, CHIC

PRCD B - PRA RCD4-Clear - PLL Clear Cardiac; Normal; BAER normal Hips Good, Elbows Normal Chic # 54529 Proven producer Breeder: Ellen Schwab and Mark Cooper Frozen shipped semen Sandra Ball Phoenix, AZ Email:

Conte Best Puppy World Dog Show 2011. Import from Italy

UK Ch. Banana Bender Conte De Cavour Sire: Kurpas' Bodacious Dam: Aust. Ch. Catlclan Barely Blue

- Hips = FCI/HD A - Elbows = FCI/ED 0:0 - Dentition = Complete & correct scissor bite - Baer test = Bilateral normal hearing - DNA prcd - PRA: Carrier Frozen shipped semen

Jack & Norma Digby Shropshire, England Email:

Dex KORAD means: Approved mental test & HD ok, and true to the standard of the breed. Working merits; RLD N, Advanced to obedience class III, higher class tracking, higher class duty dog, and rally obedience cl.2

C.I.B, KORAD, NORD UCH, SE UCH, NORD V-11,NoV-11, RLD N, SE V-13 Snjos Blue Fire Stick "Dexter"

HD: A / ED:0 Prcd: PRA; Pattern B Eyecheck: Clean 2012 BAER - Bilateral earing Full Dentition, correct bite Proven as a stud & is available for health tested females. Fresh/frozen semen is also available

Owner: Sandra Siverman, Sweden Breeder: Snjos Kennel, Elisabeth Thorstensson, Borlange, Sweden


Archie Brave Drover Sire: Doc Bar Cidabro Dam: Jackaroo Bullit Star


ZOP exam. Dog show: CAC, BOJ, 2x CAC, Winner Club show and winner of special show. Lenka Jourova Czech Republic

Checkers Extremely sweet and easy going temperament, lovely mover, clear red coat, beautiful head with dark eyes, lots of type, and correct structure. Sire of lovely pups, and major pointed get.

Checkers was amateur owner handled, to several 5 pt majors, all majors over multiple specials, including nationally ranked GRCHs.

GRCH CH Shalimar's Spell Check Sire: CH Stockhand's Red Beans and Rice, HAs, RN, CGC Dam: Ch. Shalimar I Always Get My Way. PT

OFA Good hips/normal elbows, Annual perfect CERF, Baer bilat. normal, Optigen tested PRA normal/clear, PLL normal/ Clear, Cardiologist clearance, Full dentition. Frozen semen available also in addition to live cover Cecllie Drege 360-435-0456 Arlington, WA


GCH Straight Arrow Loaded Grenade Sire: GCH Littleflock the Peacemaker Dam: Straight Arrows Sweet N Sassy

OFA Good Hips; Elbows Normal PRA Clear Pattern A BAER normal CERF clear Full dentition

Owned by Sherry Swanton-Vinson DVM Sanger, Texas

Straight Arrow ACDS Email:

James James has strong herding instinct and drive. Natural and effortless movement.

GCH Littleflock the Peacemaker

Sire: Am Nordic Ch. Kurpas' Promise Land Dam Ch. Littleflock Still Waters RAE

OFA Fair Hips; Elbows Normal PRA Clear Pattern A BAER normal CERF clear Full dentition Live cover and cooled or frozen semen

Owned by Sherry Swanton-Vinson DVM Sanger, Texas

Straight Arrow ACDS Email:


GCH Bosworth's Flashing The Leather

Sire: Ch. Katwala's Orange & Blue Dam: Ch. Tanglewood N Katwala's Fast Break

BAER test: bilateral hearing Penn Hips: .52/.61 PRA: A

Lee Kephart Bosworth ACD's Massachusetts


CH Bosworth's Unnecessary Roughness Sire: Ch. Katwala's Orange & Blue Dam: Ch. Kuawarri Gerti PT, QW

BAER test: bilateral hearing Penn Hips: .33/.29 PRA: B

Lee Kephart Bosworth ACD's Massachusetts

Dargo Herding instinct tested.

DKCH, SEUCH,KLUBCH,KBHV-10, KBHV11,KLUBV-10, KLUBV-11, KLUBV-12,Korad (SE (ak)),BPB,FP,IPO1 Ayers Danish Blue Dargo

51 cm high / 25 kg weight HD A/B-B, AA0/0-0, PRA FREE/CLEAR, EYE test 2011. Frozen semen available

Owner: Tina Themstrup Toerstemoseve Denmark Contact:


MBIS Can GChEx and Am GCh Agassiz's Whiskey on the Rocks, HIC, CGN. Sire: BISS Ch. UretopiaĂ­s Truth or Dare Dam: Ch. AgassizĂ­s Krystal Blu Persuasion, CGN, HC Bilateral hearing - June 3, 2010; Patella - Normal (ACD-PA 134/38M/P-VPI) Cardiac - Normal (ACD-CA163/38M/P-VPI) PRA prcd - Obligate clear PRA rcd4 - Clear (ACD-P4-29/37M-VPI) PLL - Clear (ACD-PLL116/36M-VPI) Hips - Good (ACD-2801G24M-VPI) Elbows - Normal (ACD-EL843M24-VPI) Dentition - Full, good scissor bite Canada's Top ACD in 2011 and 2012. The show circuit in 2012 was Whiskey's stellar year bringing home 58 group placements (18 Group 1st) and two all breed Best in Shows! Expertly handled by Chuck Lamers.

Whiskey is a vibrant dog who loves to show and put a real effort into all that he tries. He has been herding instinct tested and shows great promise. He enjoys his fun agility and is an excellent retriever and water dog which may also lead him to some dock diving events! Whiskey is a proven producer, with multiple puppies lined up for the show ring, performance and herding.

Lorraine Norris, Agassiz Reg'd Kennels Lindsay, Ontario, Canada 705-374-3989


Austlyn's Country Star, HIas, HSas, CKC HI HTD II, HRD II, ASCA OSDs

PRCD A Penn Hip 45 / 32 BAER Normal Full dentition

Frozen semen available

Lynda Rocksvold Austlyn ACD's / California

Edi Sire: Bear

Ch. Turrela Blue Panda

Dam: Brass

Ch. AustlynĂ­s Bold As

UKC Ch. Austlyn's High Roller CGC RA

PRCD A Hips Good; elbows normal BAER Normal Full dentition

Frozen semen available

Lynda Rocksvold Austlyn ACD's / California

Colby Sire: Ch. Kuawarri ButtĂ­n Fly Blues HSAs, HTDs Dam: Apache Dancen Blue Fox

Ch. DuWest I'm a Cowboy at Austlyn, CGC, HSAs, VQW, TDI

PRCD B Hips Good; elbows normal BAER Normal Full dentition

Frozen semen available

Lynda Rocksvold Austlyn ACD's / California

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