Edgardo’s Case Study: Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)

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1 Edgardo’s Case Study Introduction Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD)affects the normal behaviors of most children and some adults in their life time. Most victims of this disorder find themselves taking part in malicious and annoying behaviors to those around them. Based on the studies, ODD is one of the most popular diagnoses in private and public educational institutions (Critchfield & Reed 2017). For this reason, experts are looking for the most appropriate procedures and innervations to help reduce or even cure ODD.Thus, this paper offers a chance to shed light and understanding on a disorder that teachers, class aides, and one-on-one assistants will encounter. Edgardo, who is a fifth-grade student, has been diagnosed with anoppositional defiance disorder (ODD)which is accompanied with frequent noncompliance and occasional physical disruption of the classroom. This seeks to examine the case study as well as provide essential procedures to employ as a way of controlling Edgardo’s behaviors, especially while at school.

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2 Assessment Based on the persons with Disabilities Education Act (Critchfield & Reed 2017),oppositional defiance disorder implies a disability in one or more of the general psychological procedures involved frequent noncompliance and occasional disruption of the classroom, which includes swiping materials from desks/tables, pushes furniture and dumps materials. An individual diagnosed with; ODD infection finds difficult to concentrate in class for longer period. ODD is a psychological challenge that affects an individual’s brain which occasionally causes them to exhibit defiance and outbursts of frustration. These persons demonstrate a continuous pattern of defiance, vindictiveness and anger against authority figures. It is normally believed that when individuals, especially children and adolescents, have ODD they show various patterns and symptoms (Kupferstein, 2018). These include episodes of anger or regular annoyance tantrums, excessive arguments with grownups, vindictiveness, misbehaviors and disregarding rules and regulations. Considering the symptoms in adults, most of them seem to be angry at the universe, feel disliked or misunderstood, and identify themselves as rebels. Based on the research ODD impacts between one and sixteen percent of school age students. It is more popular in male children compared to females (Critchfield & Reed 2017). Most children begin to portray symptoms of oppositional defiance disorder between the ages of six to eight years. ODD occurs in grownups, most of which were not diagnosed as kids. Despite the broad prevalence of ODD, its causes are still greatly unknown and its expression differs from an individual to another. But then, there are theories that might assist realize potential causes. Studies hypothesize various potential causes of ODD such as psychological, biological and environmental attributes but nothing has been convincing to date (Critchfield & Reed 2017). For instance, it is more common in relations with a history or

3 background of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). One of the theories proposes that ODD can start to emerge when children are kids, because adolescents and children with ODD demonstrates performances fairly characteristic of babies. Also, this theory suggests that the adolescent or child is stressed to transform into an independent from authority or parental figures they were previously emotionally attached to (Kupferstein, 2018).Moreover, it is also possible that oppositional defiance disorder grows from learned deeds, reflecting undesirable reinforcement methods some parents and authority figures utilize as well as lack of optimistic attachment to a guardian. This is especially fact if the individual employs poor actions to attract attentions. In other scenarios, the child could use negative behaviors from a guardian or parent. Pinpoint Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors is a special implementation of reinforcement planned to lower the happening of interfering performances such as self-injury, aggression and stereotypic actions (Kuntz, Santos & Kennedy, 2020). The rationale for the DRA is that by reinforcing deeds that are more practical than the interfering action or that are unharmonious performance, the functional deed will upsurge and the interfering actions will significantly drop. Target Behavior Under the target behaviors, use of self-monitoring strategies will be the first one. Selfmonitoring strategy will be essential considering the scenario in the case study, because Edgardo can avoid his evil performances by controlling his anger as well as his surroundings. The fact being that ODD is considered to be caused by psychological, biological and environmental attributes, it will be vital for him to change his mentality and stop behaving strangely, especially with the aid from his special education teacher (Kupferstein, 2018). This teacher can significantly assist Edgardo learn how to control his mental challenges given the

4 fact that he has some basic knowledge and skills concerning ABA. DRA enforcement procedure will play vital role in the scenario presented. Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors offers two basic factors before its implementation, which are the basic understanding of the function of the performance and reinforcement of the alternative deeds (Kuntz, Santos & Kennedy, 2020). The defined target behaviors relate to the performance outcome. Based on the case study, Edgardo seems to be mentally disturbed which might be the possible causes of his acts. There are high chances that Edgardo might have been greatly impacted by the potential causes of ODD, which includes psychological, biological and environmental influencers leading to his annoyance behaviors in classroom (Kupferstein, 2018). This is because he is seen to exhibit regular noncompliance and irregular physique disruption of the classroom, which can be regarded as beings easily annoyed, fast to anger and misbehavers influencers. Additionally, Edgardo fails to finish most of his academic work during the day because his performances hinder his assignment completion. Edgardo’s behaviors actions are alarming since they are a threat to his two paraprofessionals, who are not well equipped with the applied behavior analysis (ABA), and also his academic performances. Therefore, with proper implementation of the target behaviors, Edgardo’s behaviors will significantly transform to an extent of even being a topic of example to others. Training There are four vital content items that have to be contained within the training program. First, the training coordinator should inform the participants of the training’s major objectives. Informing them about the targeted outcomes or objectives of the training program assist members to know what they are expected to gain and perform and this should be done before the start of the program (Kuntz, Santos & Kennedy, 2020). The coordinator has to elaborate clearly criteria for typical performance and the required act in understanding

5 individuals diagnosed with ODD. Secondly, he, the coordinator, should stimulate memory of participants who are the paraprofessionals before learning in that he assists members present make sense of novel info by relating it the deeds, behaviors and experiences of Edgardo. The stimulation process can be done through questioning participants concerning past experiences of the student, relating earlier training knowledge to the present subject and also have teachers incorporate earlier skills to the current actions. Thirdly, the coordinator should employ strategies to deliver and cue training content to offer more competent directives. He needs to arrange and set content, in meaningful manners, and offer deliberate clarifications after demonstrations. This can be done through presentation of several versions of similar content for instance demonstration, video, team work and podcast. Incorporation of active learning policies to sustain members present can also be used to deliver content (Bayless et al., 2020). Additionally, it is essential for a coordinator to offer training guidance where he advises member of strategies to help them in understanding content being passed. Model varied training methods such as concept mapping, visualizing and role-playing helps deliver the information to members and also improve their mentality and the way they consider student’s suffering from ODD (Bayless et al., 2020). Visual pictures help in making visual relations and assist member link with novel ideas concerning other student from different institutions behave and how their tutors handle them. Performance Monitoring The members, the teacher, a classroom aide and Edgardo’s one-on-one aide presence in the meeting is essential since they will be required to take an exercise in which they must score over eighty percent to be awarded recognition for the course (Bayless et al., 2020). In the evaluation, participants will have to answer giving their diverse views and ideas on the

6 essential areas that the tutors have to fix to achieve general understanding of individuals with such disorders in addition to their current familiarity with the student, Edgardo. Moreover, regularly the experts will have to review the electronic-learning sequence comprising what a novel section is. Lecturers teaching different level of educations in the country can also be liaised to ensure an excellent understanding of students suffering fromoppositional defiance disorder (Bayless et al., 2020). These team of individuals will educate the members present in the training program about the important actions to take whenever they spot a sick person, such as immediately capturing himand prevent him from destroying other things. As well as understand also how teachers and class assistance should respond to an attack from a oppositional defiance disorder student such as holding them tightly and giving them guidance on how to control their anger (O'Connor& Daly 2018). At the end of the training, stakeholders and participants should provide qualitative and quantitative prescribed evaluations as a way of proving that the training program has positively impacted individual members and the company as a whole. When collecting information for DRA, it is essential to embark on the frequency, severity/intensity and topography, of the behavior (Kunnavatana, Wolfe & Aguilar, 2018). The information collections used is practitioner’s or teachers collect baseline info on the interfering deeds. This method determines the condition of the interfering performance before the intervention. During the baseline stage, it is essential to gather info for a long enough time to realize whether there is some consistency in the performance (O'Connor & Daly 2018). Practitioners or teachers should choose how long information will be gathered, such as one or three weeks, and what will occur if not adequate data originates to effectively inform intervention. Effective Procedures and Accommodations

7 According to the research, there are several effective educational and behavior procedures and accommodations that might be utilized when dealing with kids with ODD. However, in the Edgardo’s case, the most competent strategy and accommodation will be Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors (DRA) interventions (Kunnavatana, Wolfe & Aguilar, 2018). The main reason is that it is the best technique for intervention activities to reduce tantrums or self-stimulatory behaviors and aggression which are the main challenges affecting Edgardo. The DRA implies that reinforcement is offered for desired actions, while unsuitable performances are ignored. It is an appropriate strategy designed to minimize the incidence of undesirable or interfering Feedback and Reinforcement `

Most evaluation needs the utilization of a info gathering tool, a survey or other

gathering instrument. Evaluators either require adapting or adopting tools, off the shelf, or develop novel ones. Either strategy might pose difficulties at the same time, developing novel tool needs professional in evaluation and instrument formation (Kupferstein, 2018). In the provision of essential feedback, the necessary step would be gathering baseline information through a practitioner or teacher involvement survey. Assess the vital drivers of the student engagement in the institution, and observe how you compare to other educational institution general via relevant benchmarks. The plan for implementing specific optimistic reinforcement procedures is that it should be sensitive to the person requirements of the student. It is essential to take into consideration each and every participant personally when providing feedback. This is because some participants need to be nudged to acquire at an advanced level and others should be held very gently so as to prevent learning discouragement and impact self-esteem. Evaluating Outcomes

8 To determine the efficiency of the DRA procedure and whether adjustments are mandatory, for instance a novel interfering performance is presenting, teachers and professionals must examine the frequently gather outcome information (Kupferstein, 2018). For instance, if the regularity of the innovative performance was examined during baseline, examine the frequency of the anticipated behavior to motor progress. DRA intervention offers reliable data on performance. Barriers The prevalence of ODD with the containment measures-imposed fears and panic among teachers, especially who lack appropriate knowledge concerning the disease. The educational centres imposition mostly is visited by people who are required to gain skills and knowledge concerning how they should treat diagnosed patients as a result of ODD (Bailey & Burch, 2017). Directly, confronting these persons might be dangerous considering the fact, for instance in the case study where Edgardo behaves in an awkward manner, throwing materials and desks all over the classroom. Trying to stop such a person might instead cause a significant catastrophic. Notably, the fear when teaching or calming patients suffering from ODD may result in adherence to compulsory and voluntary preventive strategies. It is broadly established that low knowledge and skills results in insufficient skills of about handling such patients. This scenario describes the low levels of fears with persons of inadequate knowledge and skills concerning certain disorders. Studies depict that boys record escalated concern of ODD, while girls experience the terminal effects of the disorder. Therefore, the worries and fears lead to increased strict adherence to the containment measures. However, a small number of the persons record the fear of contracting the ODD infection when in contact with the poor environment or surrounding (Bailey & Burch, 2017). There is no connection in this aspect

9 with sex, education, residence, and occupation. Hence, the fear emanated from the concerns that the non-transmittable disorder could be on food surfaces. Performance Management Overview During the training sessions, prioritizing and checking content materials ensures that it is relevant and clutter-free. ODD is a vital disorder or a severe challenge that threatens various children adolescents and even adults (Bailey & Burch, 2017). Therefore, it requires a strategic approach, including effective content transfer to the training participants. Most teachers who teach in both private and public schools have daily duties to accomplish in addition to equipping themselves with enough measures of avoiding injuries from diagnosed students. This, therefore, implies that the training program should consider proper time management, prioritizing the actual content so that every member gains the intended knowledge and skills (Bailey & Burch, 2017). They have to ensure that the training goals and objectives are reviewed while chunking skills and content to the staff present. This involves exclusively, have to understand the scope and remove the entire thing that no longer aims the training goals directly, for instance, nice to know information. Moreover, as the leader he or should employ effective strategies to deliver and cue training content and offer more competent directives. The head will need to arrange and set content range in meaningful ways and provide deliberate clarifications after demonstrations. This can be done by presenting several versions of similar content, for instance, rally, video, teamwork, and podcast. Incorporation of active learning policies to sustain members present can also be used to deliver content. Additionally, the teachers would need to offer training guidance whenever advising staff of strategies to understand the content being passed (Bailey & Burch, 2017). Model varied training methods such as concept mapping, visualizing, and role-playing help deliver the information to members and equip themselves with essential

10 skills on dealing with an oppositional defiance disorder student. Visual pictures help in making visual relations and assist member links with novel ideas. Conclusion In conclusion, assessment performance is a vital step to be accomplished during the training. It is crucial to implement programs to enhance the prospect of training transfer to the participants. Therefore, after the training session, the manager should assess whether the targeted training objectives have been achieved through various methods. For instance, through the use of different assessment strategies to provide members with several choices to demonstrate proficiency and pre-and post-examination administration, check for development and efficiency in skills and content. Follow-up measures will ensure that the main objectives are utilized and also the worker's and customer's safety is guaranteed.

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