Speech Evaluation

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1 Speech Evaluation 1. Tell me about the attention-getter the speaker used. a. Rate it on a scale from 1 to 5. 1 being ineffective. Five being very effective. Justify your answer. The attention-getter used by the speaker is a rhetorical question. I rate this attention-seeking approach a five on a scale of 1-5. This type of question helps the speaker create a dramatic effect or make a point to the audience. It draws the audience's attention and willingness to engage. A rhetorical question does not need an answer. Therefore, the speaker does not pause for reactions from the audience.

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2. Did the speaker tell you the goal of the speech? What was the goal (what did the speaker hope to accomplish in the speech?) The speaker highlighted the purpose of the speech, noting that he intended to educate the audience on how to prevent injured persons from excessive bleeding. The speaker intended to teach the audience valuable knowledge on saving lives during events that cause bodily injuries (Comm Studies, 2022). 3. What were the main points the speaker intended to speak about? The speaker’s main points included the application of a tourniquet in an emergency. He highlighted when a tourniquet should be used and demonstrated how to apply this tool. Also, the speaker noted how people can improvise if they do not have a tourniquet. 4. How did the speaker establish his credibility? Was it effective? Do you trust him to teach you this information? The speaker established his credibility by clarifying his experience and training with the Marine Corps. Also, the speaker cited authentic sources to authenticate the information. I trust the speaker to teach this information since it is supported by credible evidence. 5. What sources did the speaker cite? Make sure you listen carefully and list them all! The speaker cited the Journal of Emergency Medical Services, which contains information about equipment and procedures used during emergency responses. Also, the speaker cited the National Institute of Health, the University of Texas University Health Sciences, and the Marine Corps, where individuals are trained to use various emergency tools, including the tourniquet (Comm Studies, 2022).

3 Reference Comm Studies (2022). Demonstration speech example. https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=lX_9ME53sNg

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