1 Use of Theophanies Question One In the Old Testament, God revealed himself to people through theophanies, which refer to visible manifestations of the invisible God. People such as the Israelites and Abraham experienced God’s presence through theophanies such as a pillar of cloud, an earthquake, an angel, a firepot, and a pillar of fire (Genesis, Part II). God cannot be wholly equated with these manifestations, but he attaches his presence to them so that people can experience him. What I find most fascinating about the use of theophanies in the Old Testament is the fact God has never revealed his face to any human being.
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Therefore, no one knows how God actually looks like. It is also fascinating that God used different kinds of appearances depending on the situation or the person to whom he was revealing himself. It is unclear why he did not reveal himself in one form to all the people he appeared to in the old testament. Today, God does not use theophanies but reveals himself through various ways, including the scripture, baptism water, and the sacraments. God had to use theophanies to communicate with people in the old testament because there were no scriptures yet. Today, God’s word shows people who he is and his nature. I have felt like God was revealing something to me on several occasions. These incidents normally happen when I am reading the scripture. For example, at one time, as I was reading the Bible, a particular verse stood out. I was not sure why but I felt that the verse was speaking to me. I realized that God was trying to tell me something through that verse. I have had such experiences several times, and whatever was being communicated through the bible verses is revealed later when certain events occur. Therefore, we can still experience God in the present through his word.
3 Reference
Genesis, Part II.