Database Architecture and Design

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Database Architecture and Design Part 1 The usefulness of databases in electronic health systems Databases in electronic health systems are significantly useful in standardizing and automating clinical processes leading to operational efficiency. Healthcare databases allow external data storage and are backed up more safely to mitigate data loss. Electronic records will enable the use of front-end software that enforces data integrity. Databases allow the accuracy of back-end data. It also facilitates quick processing of healthcare transactions such as payments, lab results, and pharmacy services, among others.

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A significant benefit of electronic healthcare databases is the magnitude of data the institution can capture and store. The vast storage capabilities are essential in making informed decisions on cost-effective and reliable healthcare. The routinely collected data can be used to assess risks and benefits delivered by various medical treatments and a comparison of medicines' effectiveness in the global arena. Electronic data availability is an impetus to carrying quicker studies in real-world data compared to randomized controlled trials (Hemingway et al., 2020). Limitations Despite huge data collection, the data are not tailored towards analysis purposes. Healthcare providers are not skilled data collectors, and thus the process may lack clarity emanating from partial data entry. However, the mitigation mechanism can be enacted through training staff on data collection. Cases of interference of patients care provided to patients as guided by treatment decisions may interfere with the generalizability of findings. Data collected may be less structured and lack detailed information regarding existing circumstances like patient and treatment characteristics. The data collection may also be irregular, mostly during clinical visits (Hemingway et al., 2020). Though there are usefulness of databases in electronic health systems, the assessment of this data raises privacy concerns due to patients' data beyond what the study needs. Part 2: Create a small health organization database in ACCESS or use Excel

3 ways the database query tool could be used Database query tool has multiple usages. Apart from retrieving data, its usage includes updating, inserting, deleting, and creating data and tables.

References Cohen, A., Trojano, M., Mowry, M., Uitdehaag, B., Reingold, C., & Marrie, R. A. (2020). Leveraging real-world data to investigate multiple sclerosis disease behavior, prognosis, and treatment. Mult Scler. 2020, 26(1), 23-37. Hemingway, H., Lyons, R., Li, Q., Buchan, I., Ainsworth, J., Pell, J., & Morris, A. (2020). A national initiative in data science for health: an evaluation of the UK Farr Institute. Int J Popul Data Sci., 5(1), 11-28.

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