Epistemological Priorities

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2 Epistemological Priorities David Powlison (2007) argues that there is a need for the church to note the epistemological priorities found in the Bible. In doing this, the church will be able to devise strategies for applying the said priorities in various disciplines. The first of these priorities concerns being able to articulate positive biblical truth. The second priority is about having the ability to interpret alternative models available in a particular environment, regardless of whether they are secular or religious. The third priority concerns the ability to have people learn from the defective models that already exist. The three priorities as espoused by Powlison (2007) can not only be applied in Christian educational institutions, but they can also function as a paradigm for the said education. Under the first priority, both the church and Christian educational institutions are tasked with ensuring that people understand the elements that constitute biblical truth. Therefore, in the context of Christian education, there should always be an emphasis on the fact that only biblical truth can guide action that is ultimately pleasing to God. Furthermore, this priority clarifies that students who attend Christian educational institutions should be equipped with the specific tools that will help them decipher the truth for themselves. In applying this priority, it will be necessary for educational institutions to avoid placing too much focus on biblical truths at the expense of other sources of knowledge. At the same time, this truth should not come at the cost of gaining the proper understanding of the Bible. The second priority involves developing a practice where Christian institutions debunk and reinterpret alternative models within their communities. The most crucial element of this priority is the fact that Powlison (2007) maintains that the primary responsibility of Christian educational institutions is to shed light on biblical truth. Only after this truth has been established can institutions expose students to alternative knowledge models. In a Christian educational setting, students have to be shown how to analyze different models of

3 knowledge so that they can be better positioned to investigate the veracity of particular claims. As proposed by Powlison, the third priority may be the most critical when it comes to Christian educational institutions. Powlison (2007) insists that there are lessons that one can learn from defective modes. Christian education institutions have to work in the understanding that learning is not one-dimensional. Instead, one can learn not just from people who have a different background but also from incorporating the positive aspects of that background into Christian education. Indeed, as the work of authors like Anthony and Benson (2011) also suggests, it is the application of various knowledge systems that will equip students with the necessary skills to navigate a secular world. In principle, therefore, the priorities that are emphasized by Powlison (2007) are extremely efficient. In applying them to Christian education, two critical elements become apparent. On the one hand, the application of the principles will need one to acknowledge that Christian education always has to model itself against biblical truths. This means that no matter the model of education used, ultimately, the final authority must be the Bible. On the other hand, Christian educational institutions will have to understand that they have a responsibility to equip students with skills that will allow them to navigate the secular world. A Christian educational institution that offers quality education will always work to maintain a balance between these two aspects.

4 References Anthony, M. J., & Benson, W. S. (2011). Exploring the history and philosophy of Christian education: Principles for the 21st century. Eugene: Wipf & Stock. Powlison, D. (2007). Cure of souls (and the modern psychotherapies). The Journal of Biblical Counseling, 25(2), 269-302.

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