Lesson Plan :The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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Lesson Plan Lesson Plan :The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn English Proficienc y Level : Name :



The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Lesson Length: 45 - 60 minutes

40 minutes

Information About The Class The classroom has 30 students and their English proficiency on the SOLOM scale is Level 5. At this level, the students have a good understanding of English, thus can have classroom discussions fluently and without difficulty. Classroom discussions at this level are lively and engaging because the students are able to express their opinions clearly and effortlessly. Teaching Objectives The teacher’s aim is to ensure that the students have a comprehensive understanding of the novel such that they can evaluate its core concepts. At this stage, the students’ understanding of the novel should be more enhanced; the objectives of the lesson should therefore be to have an in-depth analysis of the plot of the novel, its themes and how the characters are used to bring out these themes. The students will also list the plot points that are important to them from the novel, and explain in detail why these stand out the most. Overall Design and Guiding Principles The guiding principle is to ensure that the students have an indepth understanding of the novel through a thorough analysis of the characters and the role they play in the overall plot of the novel. I will begin the lesson by evaluating how the students performed in the assignment I gave them, and discuss what their problem areas were. The students will then take turns to discuss their understanding of the core concept of the novel. Teaching aids such as role playing will facilitate better comprehension, and make the lesson more interesting.

Analysis of the Students The participants of this class are students who are fluent in their ability to speak, listen and understand English, and understand the core concept of the novel. Their critical and analytical skills can be further improved through continuous team work. Teaching Aims Aims of Knowledge (1). The student should have an understanding of the core concept; which in turn facilitates their ability to perform an in-depth analysis. (2) The students have the ability to form a logical argument about the themes and stylistic devices used in the book Aims of Ability Students can synthesis the storyline, and provide a more in-depth analysis of its meaning to American literature and culture Aims of Emotion (i) The students have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of the novel hence will class discussions will be more lively and engaging. (ii) The students’ confidence will increase as their comprehension increases. Teaching Aids Role playing Debates Group discussions Power point presentations Textbook Teaching Procedure Step 1: Review (5 minutes) The lesson always begins by reviewing what was learned in the last lesson. This helps to create a connection between the previous lesson and the current lesson. This is done by asking the students questions to refresh their memory. The purpose of this step is to jog the student’s memory and get the lesson started. Step 2: Reading (10 minute) The students will then read the book from where we left off in the last class, each student reading a paragraph. In the process, I will help the students to learn how to pronounce the words that might be new or challenging to them.

Step 3: Listening (8 minutes) To improve the student’s listening skills, I will make a list of the new vocabulary contained in each chapter that the students should listen out for. The students or myself will then read the passages and then discuss how the new words I had asked them to pay attention to were used. Step 4: Writing (8 minutes) Their writing skills will be improved through writing assignments where they will construct sentences from the new words they have learned.

Lesson Plan : The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Name :

English Proficienc y Level :


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Lesson Length: 45 - 60 minutes

40 minutes

Information About The Class There are 25 students in the class. Their English proficiency on the SOLOM scale is Level 4. At this level, the students understand the contents of the lesson but may need it to be repeated occasionally. The students’ speech is fairly fluent in conversation and classroom discussions. However, they may at times lack sufficient vocabulary to express themselves. Teaching Objectives The objective of this lesson is to enhance the students’ reasoning and comprehension skills, as well as improve on their articulation. The students are now conversant with the books storyline hence a more indepth analysis of the novel can be performed. At this level, the teacher may explore different aspects of the novel such as the character traits of the characters, as well as an interpretation of the story. It is essential for the teacher to find out what themes and lessons stand out for the students.

Overall Design and Guiding Principles

Level 4

In this classroom, students have varying needs and abilities. Some have become proficient in English, while others are still building their knowledge and comprehension of the language. It is therefore important to develop teaching strategies that ensure that each of the students develops the appropriate critical and analytical skills. As the teacher, I will achieve this through class discussions where students will discuss the plot, characters and themes. In addition to improving their ability to analyze and criticize a literary work, they will also learn how to present arguments that are supported by the literature. Analysis of the Students The participants of this class are students who are relatively fluent in their ability to speak, listen and understand English, and are now at a level where they can analyze other aspects of the book. Their critical and analytical skills can be further improved by giving them challenging assignments. The students at this level should be able to read passages faster than they did at the earlier levels of learning. Teaching Aims Aims of Knowledge 1.) The students’ ability to analyze and criticize a literary work should improve as a result of continuous practice and enhanced comprehension skills. (2) The students will also develop their teamwork and discussion skills through individual nd group assignments.

Aims of Ability Students can present an eloquent argument regarding various themes of the book Aims of Emotion (i) The students will happily engage in discussions and teamwork as their skills advance (ii) As the students’ comprehension increases, they will be more participative in class Teaching Aids Textbook Role playing Questions at the end of each chapter Group discussion assignments Power point Diagrams Teaching Procedure Step 1: Review The lesson begins by collecting the students’ assignments and reviewing what they learned in the previous class. Step 2: Group Discussions The students will already have read before the lesson, therefore are expected to be fully conversant with the chapter they are supposed to discuss. I will put them in groups of three to four, where they will discuss the styles, themes and character traits that stand out for them. They will answer questions such as; ‘Why is this chapter important?’’What was the role of the character in this chapter?’ This will help to test their critical and analytical skills. Step 3: Role Playing

To better understand the book, the students will act out certain scenes in the book. I will provide the props that they need for these roles.

Lesson Plan :The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Name :

English Proficienc y Level :


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Lesson Length: 45 - 60 minutes

40 minutes

Information About The Class The classroom has 30 students and their English proficiency on the SOLOM scale is Level 5. At this level, the students have a good understanding of English, thus can have classroom discussions fluently and without difficulty. Classroom discussions at this level are lively and engaging because the students are able to express their opinions clearly and effortlessly. Teaching Objectives


The teacher’s aim is to ensure that the students have a comprehensive understanding of the novel such that they can evaluate its core concepts. At this stage, the students’ understanding of the novel should be more enhanced; the objectives of the lesson should therefore be to have an in-depth analysis of the plot of the novel, its themes and how the characters are used to bring out these themes. The students will also list the plot points that are important to them from the novel, and explain in detail why these stand out the most. Overall Design and Guiding Principles The guiding principle is to ensure that the students have an in-depth understanding of the novel through a thorough analysis of the characters and the role they play in the overall plot of the novel. I will begin the lesson by evaluating how the students performed in the assignment I gave them, and discuss what their problem areas were. The students will then take turns to discuss their understanding of the core concept of the novel. Teaching aids such as role playing will facilitate better comprehension, and make the lesson more interesting. Analysis of the Students The participants of this class are students who are fluent in their ability to speak, listen and understand English, and understand the core concept of

the novel. Their critical and analytical skills can be further improved through continuous team work. Teaching Aims Aims of Knowledge (1). The student should have an understanding of the core concept; which in turn facilitates their ability to perform an indepth analysis. (2) The students have the ability to form a logical argument about the themes and stylistic devices used in the book Aims of Ability Students can synthesis the storyline, and provide a more indepth analysis of its meaning to American literature and culture Aims of Emotion (i) The students have a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts of the novel hence will class discussions will be more lively and engaging. (ii) The students’ confidence will increase as their comprehension increases. Teaching Aids Role playing Debates Group discussions Power point presentations Textbook Teaching Procedure Step 1: Review

The lesson begins by collecting the students' assignments and discussing any difficulties they had in comleting it. We will also review the previous class' lesson to ensure that the students are able to connect the current to the previous lesson. Step 2: Teamwork In teams, the students will discuss the core concepts of the novel and analyze th role that each character plays in developing the theme and plot. Based on this discussion, they will prepare a brief power point presentation which they will present to the class. This is to further ensure that they have a good understanding of the novel. Step 3: Role Playing The students will also act out certain scenes in the book. I will provide the props that they need for these roles. Step 4: Debate I will divide the students into groups of four each, and each group will discuss who they consider to be the most important character in the book, and what the central theme of the novel is.

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