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NURSING DIABETES MANAGEMENT Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 is a condition where the body is unable to produce enough insulin due to the destruction of beta cells in the pancreas, resulting in high blood sugar levels in the body. Patients manage diabetes through monitoring their sugar levels, healthy diet, insulin injections and glycemic control. Non-compliance to proper diabetes management may result in diabetes-related complications such as kidney disease, limb amputation, and blindness.

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As an RN, I would help a noncompliant patient to adhere to a diabetes management regimen by educating them in-depth about the disease, its causes, management, implications of nonmanagement and how to adapt their lifestyles to the condition. The patient, in this case, is a violinist whose job is hectic and involves frequent travel, performing and perhaps working odd hours. As an RN, my approach to this patient would be to address their conviction as to why they feel that they cannot manage their illness. I would change their attitude towards the condition by, first of all, helping them understand that diabetes management is not complex, and despite their schedule, it can be easily done. Secondly, I would also help them accept the fact that they do have a chronic illness, but it is not a death-sentence as many people have successfully managed to live with it for years. I would encourage the patient by providing examples of patients who have been able to continue living a normal life despite their diabetes diagnosis. The patient also needs detailed advice on how to incorporate diabetes management into his busy schedule, to accomplish this I would give him a target of the amount of water he should drink in a day and a plan of how to achieve it, I would also advise him to keep lots of healthy snacks while on the go to avoid the urge to eat unhealthy food, and prepare a simple workout plan with him that he can do for a few minutes every day. I would also advise the patient to join an online support group where he would be able to share his challenges and experiences with other diabetics, who would help to keep him accountable.




Reference Felner, K. (2008). COPD for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub.

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