The Role of Age on Second Language Acquisition

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1 The Role of Age on Second Language Acquisition The role of age on second language acquisition has been the subject of much debate. The mastery of a second language is often dependent on several factors. These include; the conduciveness of the learning environment, motivation, the learner’s intelligence, mother-tongue and age. Given these factors, age is one of the most significant factors, and perhaps even a predictor, of the learning outcomes. Numerous studies point to the fact that people who begin to learn a second language in childhood have the potential to become as fluent as the native speaker of the language. However, this ease of learning and language acquisition changes once puberty begins; making second language acquisition (SLA) more challenging in adolescence and adulthood. This paper explores whether, indeed, language plays a major role in SLA. It also outlines the reasons why advancement in age complicates the process.

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2 Several theories have been advanced to explain why learning a second language is more efficient among children. The critical period hypothesis (CPH) states that when the learning process begins during the critical period of ages of 2 and 13, it is much easier to attain full comprehension and fluency than when the process begins later (Cook, 2016). During this period, the neuromuscular mechanisms, which control language learning, are functioning at their peak, thus it takes less time and effort to acquire the second language. An adult cannot learn a language the same way a child does because their mind has a lower level of flexibility than a child’s. The theory asserts that beyond the age of 13, learning becomes more difficult and chances are higher that the process will be incomplete. Pronunciation and intonation come more naturally at this age, thus making it possible to be speak the second language articulately and accent-free. Children are more willing to learn new things due to their innate curiosity. Children are curious, spontaneous and adventurous even when learning a new language; therefore, they are not discouraged when they make mistakes, they simply learn from their errors and keep going. Learning a second language later in life is more challenging because people develop a fear of pronouncing words wrongly and other mistakes. At this age, children are also much better at imitating the pronunciation and intonation of the language’s native speakers than adolescents and adults. As a result, they develop the capacity to speak the language with the same mastery early on. In the process of learning a new language, adults might take a shorter time, but children eventually learn the language more completely and are thus more fluent. Adults’ SLA requires deliberate effort while children’s SLA only requires the child consistent teaching for a certain period and to be exposed to the language on a regular basis (Long, 2017).

3 Acquiring a second language in childhood comes more naturally because children are yet to fully comprehend the idea of issues such as language, culture and race differences, therefore, they are less likely to perceive the second language as being inferior to their mother tongue. Second language acquisition researchers hold four main positions on the role of age in learning a second language. These are; firstly, learning happens more effectively at young age. Secondly, that language acquisition is more effective in some aspects at young age. Thirdly, that language acquisition is more effective at older age, and fourthly, younger people learn a second language slower at first, but better in the long run than older people (Larsen-Freeman, & Long, 2014). There is a compelling evidence to support the fact that human beings are more capable of learning language between the periods of early childhood and pre-adolescence. For instance, in cases of extreme abuse where the child is isolated until after puberty, the capacity to acquire complete language skills is severely affected. Therefore, they might learn to speak but there is a very low likelihood that they will be able to speak as articulately as they would have if they had been exposed to language learning earlier. Conclusion While factors such as motivation, intelligence and the intensity of exposure play a significant role in second language acquisition, age is also a major predictor of whether the individual will attain full comprehension and fluency in the language. Childhood is considered the best period in life to learn a new language. The ages of two to thirteen are sensitive and crucial to brain development and this is the best time to acquire a foreign language. Research into second language acquisition shows that when exposed to a second language earlier, individuals have the potential to understand it more comprehensively, thus become fully

4 proficient (VanPatten, Smith, & Benati, 2019). Additionally, second language teaching should be introduced in childhood to take advantage of the flexibility of their neuromuscular mechanisms. The curiosity, tenacity and eagerness to learn that is characteristic of childhood behavior also makes language acquisition an easier, faster and more fun experience. There is sufficient evidence, therefore, to support the fact that age plays a role in the effectiveness of second language acquisition. Thus, the younger the age of learning, the better the second language acquisition outcome.

References Cook, V. (2016). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching: Fifth Edition. Routledge Larsen-Freeman, D. & Long, M.H. (2014). An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research Applied Linguistics and Language Study. Routledge Long, M.H. (2017). Problems in Second Language Acquisition. Taylor & Francis VanPatten, B., Smith, M., & Benati, A.G.(2019). Key Questions in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press

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