How the church engages with culture

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The question of how the church engages with culture is dynamic and subjective. The church is a social unit that complements the larger society. It represents a religious institution with deeprooted traditions, doctrines, and beliefs, while culture encompasses a particular society's shared values, norms, and practices (). The interaction between church and culture is essential for the effective functioning of the larger community. My experiences attending different churches illuminate the complex relationship between church and culture. I have attended different churches that had different approaches to engaging with culture. For instance, some would actively be involved in culture while others would choose to focus on spirituality alone; for example, growing up, my family and I attended a local church that entirely focused on spiritual communities within the community. This was different from the church I attended, which was in an urban setting and open to cultural changes. In the latter, youths were allowed to wear trading fashions, embrace trending dance, and embrace digital practices such as online church services and using laptops and telephones to take notes while in church. The latter church was diverse and bereaved that the church is an aspect of the larger society that cannot be segregated for cultural hangs. The leaders emphasized that trademarking change was necessary for progressions and to widen the congregation by creating inclusive environments that accommodate the young generation. This was different from the perspective of the local church I attended while growing up, which perceived spirituality as the sole component of the church. Arguably, the relationship between church and culture cannot be ignored, considering that religious institutions are social units that serve as the basis of socialization and cultural progression. This implies that a church cannot exist in exclusion of culture. For example, throughout history, the church has played a pivotal role in influencing art, literature, ethics, and

societal norms. It has served as a moral compass, guiding matters of ethics and morality, and has often acted as a promoter of social justice. On the other hand, culture also significantly influences the church as it adapts to changing social dynamics and contexts. This interaction between church and culture promotes the integration of diverse cultural elements into religious practices and challenges, including clashes over conflicting values or practices. Besides, culture is dynamic and continuously evolving, hence the need to adapt church practices to culture for relevance in guiding and serving the contemporary generation.

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