Should Prisons be Abolished?

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1 Prisons Should Be Abolished We think of prisons as cold, highly restricted, dinghy cells and gleaming iron bars. In this essay, I will argue for the abolition of prisons to address the intrinsic problems of the dehumanization of prisoners and the perpetuation of criminal mentality. Prisons violate human rights, hence dehumanizing (Shelby, 2022). Inmates' freedom of movement, association, and other liberties are hindered. A prisoner operates in a confined environment where rights and freedoms are highly restricted to the detriment of his humanness. Prisons also contribute to perpetuating criminal mentality by labeling former inmates as criminals or evil elements in society. With incarceration, inmates face challenges in securing employment and benefits such as housing, which end up condemning former prisoners to discrimination and hard life that push them back into crime (Shelby, 2022). Resolve Youth Cooperatives are the best alternative to detention. Young offenders need support to realize their full potential rather than condemnation through the prison system (Shelby, 2022). By imprisoning the young, a criminal mentality is cultivated to the detriment of their future and society at large.

2 From the experience of most ex-convicts, imprisonment results in economic hardship, furthering crime as they have to eke a living. Prisons do not address the economic needs of convicts when they complete serving their sentence (Shelby, 2022). Instead, they release them back into the community as condemned people. Mainstream society sees ex-convicts as bad elements, contributing to the furtherance of the employment problem. In this respect, abolishing prisons would help to resolve the economic challenges ex-convicts suffer.

3 Prisons Should Not Be Abolished Prisons should not be abolished because they are critical in managing crime in society. Prisons help to keep criminals away from society for the benefit of its general good. When criminals, especially hardcore, are left to roam freely, the community suffers high crime rates (Bartolo, 2020). Offenders such as serial killers, murderers, robbers, and rapists have no better place to hold them than prison. Abolishing prisons would mean the offenders being killed or set free, which is an irrational direction to take. In a nutshell, there is a need for prison services to keep criminals away from society. Moreover, prisons should not be abolished because they are useful in correcting the behavior of criminals. Persons found guilty of committing crimes are held in prisons for reformation. Reforming prisoners is important in avoiding recidivism for the benefit of society (Bartolo, 2020). Rehabilitation of offenders to make them useful members of society is one of the significant roles of prisons that adds value to society. Instead of condemning convicts, they are treated as people who need guidance to avoid crime and lead productive lives. Without prisons, the community would find it hard to rehabilitate criminals, especially the hardcore (Bartolo, 2020). It is also imperative to note that the community may not have the requisite financial and human resources to manage the rehabilitation of convicts. Prisons also impose on criminals some form of punishment that is enough to deter crime. There would be no reason for individuals to avoid crime if they realized they would not be punished. Moreover, prisons deny inmates many rights and freedoms, a punishment they have to serve for crimes committed (Bartolo, 2020). In a nutshell, the prison system should not be abolished to ensure that those convicted and punished serve as a deterrent to future crimes.

4 References Bartolo, K. (2020). Sentencing, penal policy, and management in a correctional facility. GRIN Verlag. Shelby, T. (2022). The idea of prison abolition. Princeton University Press.

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