Crate and Barrel - Clean Slate Catalogue

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Clean Slate items are available only at the stores below and at Northbrook Court Outside the Mall 1775 Lake Cook Rd. Northbrook, IL 847.272.8920

The Grove 189 The Grove Drive Los Angeles, CA 323.297.0370

Massachusetts Boylston Street 777 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 617.262.8700

Santana Row 301 Santana Row San Jose, CA 408.247.0600 South Coast Plaza 3333 Bear St. Costa Mesa, CA 714.825.0060 Union Square 55 Stockton St. San Francisco, CA 415.982.5200 Illinois Oakbrook Center 35 Oakbrook Center Oak Brook, IL 630.572.1300

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SQUARE CANVAS BIN 18"sq. x 21"h CS055 $99.95

C Order 24 hours: 800.323.5461 Find a store: 800.967.6696 or Shop our entire collection 24 hours a day Let’s get together on Facebook. Follow us on Twitter. @CrateandBarrel

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Š 2013 Clean Slate. CrateandBarrel

California Beverly Hills 438 N. Beverly Drive Beverly Hills, CA 310.247.1700

Introducing a collection of utility products built to get the job done, but designed to look beautiful doing it. Refresh your home. Refresh your rituals. Refresh yourself at select Crate and Barrel stores and Free Shipping on Clean Slate items. Now through May 19, 2013.


fly swatter 4¾"w x½"d x 17¾"h CS010 $9.95

Ha ndc ra f ted i n G er ma ny si nce 1935 by t he renow ned Redecker fa m i ly of a r t isa n br u sh ma kers, t hese q ua l it y clea n i ng tool s a re t hought f u l ly desig ned w it h a l l -nat u ra l mater ia l s. T hey w i l l ca re for you r fi ne f u r n it u re a nd pos ses sion s for yea rs to come.

natural dustpan brush 3"w x 3¾"d x 11½"h CS019 $14.95

Scrub Brush 2¼"w x1¾"d x 8"h CS023 $4.95

clothes brush with handle 1¼"w x 1½"d x 10½"h CS034 $39.95

hedgehog crumb brush 4½"w x½"d x 7"h CS014 $12.95

goat hair hand brush 1¼"w x 2¾"d x10½"h CS011 $29.95

feather duster 18" CS007 $24.95 Lightweight ostrich feathers are ideal for dusting delicate items.

Felt bumper protects corners when dusting bookcases, mantles, frames and moldings.

rubber upholstery brush 5½"w x ¾"d x 3"h CS022 $29.95 round goat hair brush 5"dia. x13"h CS021 $34.95

compact lint brush 5¼" x 1¾" CS035 $7.95

Dusts fine furniture, and lacquered and glass surfaces without scratching.

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items 2 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

RINSE , REFRE SH AND REPE AT A more civ i l lau nd r y day awa it s you. At C lea n Slate, we’ve re - con sidered ever y ta sk from wa sh i ng to i ron i ng a nd s tea m i ng. T he res u lt s a re ou r exclu sive for mu lat ion s by T he Lau nd ress ® i n f u sed w it h a h i nt of lavender, a n eco -fr iend ly i ron i ng boa rd w it h ha ndy a men it ies, a compac t s tea mer t hat el i m i nates t r ips to t he d r y clea ners a nd a com mercia l- g rade sor t i ng bi n bea r i ng t he S teele fac tor y s tenci led logo dat i ng from 1921.

6-PEG RACK 24"w x 3"d x 3"h CS057 $19.95 each Clean wSlate exclusive

CLOTHESLINE & PIN SET Includes 24 clothespins and 50' clothesline. 11¼" x 13½" (17"h with hanger) CS046 $29.95 Clean Slate exclusive

The Laundress®

WOOL WASH 16 oz. CS031 $19.95 SPRAY STARCH 16 oz. CS067 $14.95 FINE FABRIC WASH 16 oz. CS008 $19.95 FABRIC SOFTENER 32 oz. CS006 $19.95 DETERGENT 32 oz. CS003 $19.95 STAIN REMOVER 16 oz. CS027 $17.95 BLEACH ALTERNATIVE 32 oz. CS002 $16.95 LINEN SPRAY 16 oz. CS068 $14.95 Clean Slate exclusives

IRONING BOARD COVERS CS052 Stripe Grey. 18"x49" $19.95 Dot Grey. 14"x 54" $16.95 Clean Slate exclusive

COMPACT VALET STEAMER 11"w x14¼"d x40½–51"h CS047 Reg. $99.95 Sale, $89.95 Now through May 19, 2013

IRONING BOARDS WITH NATURAL COVERS CS052 18" Board. 18"w x49"d x 36½"h $89.95 14" Board. 14"w x 54"d x 39"h $49.95 WICKER LAUNDRY BASKET 24"w x18"d x16½"h CS056 $34.95

Clean Slate exclusive

Clean Slate exclusive

CANVAS TOTE 17"w x 7"d x 17"h CS058 $49.95 ISLAND GRID 4' x 6' RUG Graphite. More sizes, more Island available. CS072 $199. Not eligible for free shipping

large wood drying rack 30"w x41"d x41"h CS053 $79.95 SQUARE CANVAS BIN 18"sq. x 21"h CS055 $99.95 4 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

PROMASTER IRON 11½"w x 5"d x 6"h CS054 Reg. $99.95 Sale, $89.95 Now through May 19, 2013

DIVIDED CANVAS SORTER 31"w x 19"d x 27"h CS048 $134.95 Clean Slate exclusive

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at



C lut ter? It’s a w rap. F rom ou r ver y ow n w rappi ng ca r t out fit ted to keep a l l you r r i bbon s a nd bow s, a nd cra f ts a nd s uppl ies i n per fec t ly neat order. To ou r exclu sive Pegg y s ys tem of per forated , heav y- dut y i ron boa rd s w it h hooks a nd bi n s to keep t he l it t le t h i ngs i n l i fe at t he ready, at you r fi nger t ips.


This page: WRAPPING CART 19¾"w x15¼"d x 35½"h CS066 $189. Clean Slate exclusive Opposite page: [ 1 ] MAGNETIC WEEKLY BOARD White. 7¾" x 31½" CS062 $29.95 [ 2] PEGGY BOARDS White. CS065 18" x 24" $39.95 each 24" x 36" $59.95 each



Clean Slate exclusive

[ 3 ] PEGGY MESH BIN Grey or White. 12"w x 3"d x 2"h CS065 $12.95 Clean Slate exclusive

[ 4 ] PEGGY SIMPLE HOOK Set of four (all same color). White, Green or Grey. 1½" x 2" CS065 $6.95 Clean Slate exclusive


[ 5 ] PEGGY MAGNETIC HOOK White, Green, Grey or Stainless. 3"sq. CS065 $4.95 Clean Slate exclusive

[ 6 ] PEGGY DOUBLE HOOK White, Green or Grey. 2" x 2¼" CS065 $4.95 Clean Slate exclusive


GLINT PENDANT LAMP 13"dia. x18"h CS070 $329. jensen dining table 48"dia. x 30"h CS074 $1199. VIENNA SIDE CHAIR Black. More colors, more Vienna available. 16½"w x 21¼"d x 35½"h (18"h seat) CS076 $129. Above items not eligible for free shipping

6 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

MOON MOP 10" x 51" CS017 $24.95

EXTEND FILAMENT DUSTER Pole, 1"dia. x 57"–77"h; duster head, 5" x15". CS005 $19.95

Clean Slate exclusive


Clean Slate exclusive

A Bet ter L i fe™ i s at ha nd w it h ou r selec t ion of eco -fr iend ly clea n i ng produc t s t hat a re bet ter for people, pet s a nd t he pla net . Created by t wo concer ned pa rent s — one a n opt i m i s t , t he ot her a chem i s t — t hese pla nt -ba sed for mu la s a re made i n t he USA w it h a l l-nat u ra l i ng red ient s, a nd a re nontox ic, hy poa l lergen ic a nd 10 0% biodeg rada ble.

UPRIGHT SWEEP SET 11½"w x 9½"d x 38¾"h CS030 $14.95 Clean Slate exclusive

HAND DUSTER 6"dia. x14"h CS012 $7.95 Clean Slate exclusive

STAINLESS STEEL BUCKET WITH WOOD HANDLE 12½"dia. x11"h CS025 $19.95 Clean Slate exclusive

EINSHINE NATURAL STAINLESS STEEL POLISH 16 oz. CS028 $7.95 GO FORTH & CONQUER NATURAL HAND SOAP 12 oz. CS013 $7.95 WHAT-EVER! all-purpose CLEANER 32 oz. CS018 $9.95 SIMPLY FLOORED! NATURAL FLOOR CLEANER 32 oz. CS009 $9.95 automatic magicTM natural dishwasher gel 30 oz. CS001 $7.95 DISH IT OUT NATURAL DISH SOAP 22 oz. CS020 $7.95 EVEN THE KITCHEN SINK NATURAL CLEANSING SCRUBBER 16 oz. CS016 $7.95

DUSTPAN & BRUSH SET Dustpan, 8¾"w x 2½"d x13"h; brush, 2¼"w x 2½"d x11"h. CS069 $7.95 Clean Slate exclusive

8 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

ERGO FLOOR DUSTER 19" x 56" CS004 $24.95 Clean Slate exclusive

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

WASTE NOT, WANT NOT lucano 3-step ladder 18½"w x 29½"d x 52½"h (6¼"d when closed) CS060 $199.95

W hen you cou nt on somet h i ng day i n a nd day out , it shou ld be bu i lt to la s t . O u r foot -peda l wa s te bi n s a re made by Wes ter ma n n & Co., fou nded i n G er ma ny i n 1867. K now n for t hei r q ua l it y meta l household products, no deta i l is spa red i n t hese smoot h- operat i ng desig n s. We chose t hese awa rd-w i n n i ng Luca no ladders for t hei r s tep up i n desig n a nd sa fet y feat u res. L ight weight at ju s t 11 pou nd s, t hey ca n s uppor t up to 30 0 pou nd s. A nd t hei r br i l l ia nt eng i neer i ng a l lows t hem to free s ta nd when folded rat her t ha n hav i ng to lea n up aga i n s t t he wa l l.

Kickboy 41L Wastecan 15½"dia. x 29½"h CS015 $229.95

Trash Can with Bag Band 11"w x 13"d x 15¼"h CS029 $24.95 Clean Slate exclusive

Lucano 2-Step Stool 17½"w x 22½"d x 19½"h (8¼"d when closed) CS060 $149.95

Singleboy 13L Wastecan 11½"w x10½"d x16¼"h CS024 $129.95

Red DustPan 12"w x 3¼"d x 14"h CS032 $9.95 Clean Slate exclusive

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items 10 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

ROLLING CLOTHES RACK Extra-large. 37"w x 22"d x 70"h CS042 $89.95 each HANGING SWEATER BAG Grey. 14"sq. x 54"h CS038 $28.95 SWEATER DRAWER Grey. 13¼"sq. x 8½"h CS044 $9.95 each HANGING SHOE BAG Grey. 8½"w x12 ½"d x 54"h CS038 $21.95 SHOE DRAWER Grey. 7½"w x11¾"d x 5"h CS043 $6.95 each

PUT YOUR BE ST FOOT FORWARD T he closes t t h i ng to closet heaven . O u r ha ng i ng bags, s weater d rawers, totes a nd ha mper ex pa nd you r wa rd robe space when you need it a nd fold away when you don’t . Look i ng rat her sha r p i n a du ra ble cha rcoa l g rey fa br ic, t hey w ipe clea n w it h ju s t a da mp clot h .

Clean Slate exclusives

TOTES WITH GROMMETS Grey. CS040 Low. 13¾"w x14¾"d x 6¼"h $9.95 Medium. 15"w x15½"d x10"h $13.95

GREY-WHITE STRIPED LAUNDRY BASKET 22"w x14"d x15"h CS050 $39.95 Clean Slate exclusive

FOLDING HAMPER WITH GROMMETS Grey. 14"sq. x 24"h CS037 $19.95

Clean Slate exclusive

Clean Slate exclusive

SHOE BOX WITH ICON 9”w x14"d x 5½"h CS061 $12.95 each GREY SQUARE BOXES CS033 Small. 11"sq. x 7½"h $8.95 Large. 11¾"sq. x 8½"h $10.95 Clean Slate exclusive

flocked hangers Grey or Natural. Set of 12. 17½" x 9½" CS036 $9.95 Clean Slate exclusive

tanner storage boxes CS039 Small. 13"w x 9½"d x 6"h $22.95 Large. 15"w x11"d x 7½"h $26.95 Clean Slate exclusive

SILVIA BELL PENDANT LAMP More Silvia available. 10"dia. x12"h CS071 $199. each OLIN 4' x 6' RUG Grey. More colors, sizes available. CS073 $89.95 Above items not eligible for free shipping

12 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

over the door shoe bag Grey. 21¾" x 61" CS041 $22.95 each woven felt bins CS045 Small. 15¼"w x10¼"d x 9"h $29.95 Large. 17½"w x12"d x10¼"h $34.95 Clean Slate exclusive

divided tote 24"w x16"d x18"h CS049 $24.95 Clean Slate exclusive

Clean Slate exclusive

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

STOR AGE TOO BE AUTIFUL TO HIDE O u r exclu sive M A X modu la r ch rome shelv i ng s ys tem t ra n sfor m s you r mud room, lau nd r y room, play room a nd closet s i nto room s of env y. 6 - shel f a nd 3 - shel f u n it s con nec t toget her to fit you r need s a nd you r space w it h a choice of ch rome -plated i ron or oa k veneer shelves.


[ 1 ] large peggy boards White. 24" x 36" CS065 $59.95 each Clean Slate exclusive [ 2] Max 4-Drawer Cart with White Top 22"w x15¾"d x 34¼"h CS063 $109.95 Clean Slate exclusive [ 3 ] Max 6-Shelf Unit Chrome (shown) or Wood. CS063 Chrome. 33"w x16"d x 76¾"h $199.95 Wood. 33"w x16"d x 76¾"h $299.95


Clean Slate exclusive

[ 4 ] max individual shelves CS063 Chrome. 32"w x15½"d x ¾"h $29.95 Wood. 32"w x15½"d x ¾"h $39.95 Clean Slate exclusive

[ 5 ] Individual Chrome Basket with Liner 31"w x16¼"d x 5½"h CS063 $39.95 Clean Slate exclusive [ 6 ] stacking recycling Bins CS026 18-qt. Bin. 12½"w x17½"d x12"h $9.95 41-qt. Bin. 18¼"w x19¾"d x14"h $14.95 [ 7 ] max 3-shelf unit Wood (shown) or Chrome. CS063 Wood. 33"w x16"d x 32½"h $149.95 Chrome. 33"w x16"d x 32½"h $99.95


Clean Slate exclusive

2 4 7



TURNER 18"–24" COUNTER STOOL Gunmetal. More Turner available. 13"dia. x 18"–24"h CS075 $199. Not eligible for free shipping

14 Now at and select stores (see back cover)

Free Shipping on Clean Slate items Now through May 19, 2013 Exclusions apply. See details at

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