Crate&Barrel Spring 2013 Inspiration Book

Page 1

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15% off Spring Upholstery Event now through April 1, 2013 Save on four of our best-selling collections: Axis, Davis, Klyne and Lounge. Includes all fabrics and leathers. See pages 14–17 for details.

AxiS SLiPCovErED SofA Sand. More Axis available.


88√wx43√dx32√h mP287 Reg. $2199. Sale, $1869.95 LinDEn PiLLoW Orange. 23√sq. mP270 $32.95

order 24 hours: 800.323.5461 find a store: 800.967.6696 or Shop our entire collection 24 hours a day Let’s get together on facebook. follow us on twitter. @CrateandBarrel

kohimA PiLLoW 18√sq. mP102 $59.95

Please recycle this publication. Learn more about our ongoing eco initiatives from products to packaging at © 2013 March. CrateandBarrel

SUnSEt StriPE PiLLoW 20√sq. mP107 $59.95 LoDgE CoffEE tABLE More Lodge available. 56√wx36√dx17¬√ mP196 $699.

c Spring inspiration 2013

Celebrate&Spring 2 รง

4 Puppy&Love

14 15% off Spring Upholstery Event

18 Easter&Sunday

35 outdoor Preview

60 Shower&Shore

67 view from the Adirondacks



Opening your heart and home to adopt a dog means losing your favorite spot on the sofa and gaining a new best friend. See the entire story at

rUkUS SoLAr BLUEtooth PLAyEr

12√wx3¬√dx8 ¬√h mP271 $150.

PhoEnix 72√ Work tABLE More Phoenix

available. 72√wx30¬√dx30√h mP254 $1499. StEELCASE® think™ offiCE ChAir

27√wx25√dx41Œ√h (16√–21√h seat) mP255 $1064.


More Colfax available (see opposite page). 28√wx20√dx53√h mP200 $1799.

CoLfAx BEDroom CoLLECtion More Colfax available (see opposite page). mP200 Queen Bed. 64√wx86√dx49¬√h $1699. Nightstand. 24√wx20√dx21√h $549. moChA BED LinEnS More sizes available.

mP095 Full/Queen Coverlet. 90√x96√ $159.95 Standard Sham. 20√x26√ $44.95 BELo QUEEn ShEEt SEt Ivory. Flat, fitted, two standard pillowcases. More sizes and colors available. mP093 $109.95

4 ç Puppy&Love

ZiPPEr PiLLoW Orange. 18√ mP268 $34.95 horiZon AirE Print 47Œ√wx2√dx36¾√h

mP245 $499. ZAk tABLE LAmP 18√dia.x29¬√h mP086 $249. CoSmo 8∫x10∫ rUg More sizes available.

mP247 $899. gLEnnA BASkEt 18 ¬√dia.x17Œ√h

mP076 $69.95

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


AxiS SLiPCovErED SofA Sand. More Axis available. 88√wx43√dx32√h mP287 Reg. $2199. Sale, $1869.15 LoDgE CoffEE tABLE More Lodge available. 56√wx36√dx17¬√h mP196 $699. hUDSon roUnD nESting tABLES More Hudson available. Set of two: large (shown), 23¬√dia.x23¬√h; small, 15Œ√dia.x19¬√h. mP195 $399. AnkArA ChAir With LEAthEr CUShion 29Œ√wx28√dx30¬√h mP179 $799. iZZA PiLLoW 18√sq. mP300 $34.95 ASSortED kUBA CLoth Each is unique. 29√wx1√dx36√h mP089 $400. kitA 8∫x10∫ rUg More sizes available. mP248 $599.

hiDE LAmP 15√dia.x31√h mP081 $399.

kohimA PiLLoW 18√sq. mP102 $59.95 nAgA PiLLoW 18√sq. mP104 $59.95 SUnSEt StriPE PiLLoW 20√sq. mP107 $59.95

roLL-WEAvE LoW BASkEt 20√dia.x11√h mP077 $54.95

15% off Spring Upholstery Event now through April 1, 2013

AttiCUS StACking CABinEt SEt Five cabinets, base and crown. 42√wx14 ¾√dx69√h mP202 $1599.

6 ç Puppy&Love

EChELon ConSoLE tABLE More Echelon available.

48√wx8√dx30√h mP193 $499.

Save on four of our best-selling collections: Axis, Davis, Klyne and Lounge. Includes all fabrics and leathers. See pages 14–17 for details.


toBEn DinnEr PLAtE 10Œ√

rECtAngULAr rim SmALL PLAttEr

mP133 $12.95 each

11Œ√wx8œ√dx1√h mP272 $9.95

mojitos and fajitas

LAnAi PLACEmAt 19√x14√

mP137 $9.95 each Cotton nAPkin Steel Gray.

20√sq. mP136 $3.95

tonDo BoWLS mP150 10 ¬√ Bowl. 10 ¬√dia.x5√h $39.95 5 Œ√ Bowl. 5 Œ√dia.x3√h $6.95 tonDo ACACiA AnD mEtAL SErvErS Set of two: 13√ each.

mP130 $29.95

Pino DoUBLE oLD-fAShionED gLASS/PitChEr mP162

Double Old-Fashioned Glass. 10 oz.; 3œ√h $9.95 each Pitcher. 70 oz.; 8Œ√dia.x7¬√h $49.95

WiLLoUghBy trAyS mP151


toBEn DinnEr PLAtE 10 Œ√ mP133

jAy iCE BUCkEt 5 ¬√dia.x7 ¬√h

Small. 18√wx14√dx2√h $49.95 Large. 24√wx18√dx2√h $69.95

Four 5-piece place settings. mP273 Open stock, $99.80 Set price, $89.95


mP156 $39.95

LAnAi PLACEmAt 19√x14√ mP137 $9.95

WooDEn mUDDLEr With PoUCh

Cotton nAPkin Steel Gray. 20√sq.

(Pouch not shown.) 1 ¬√dia.x9œ√h mP160 $14.95

mP136 $3.95

8 ç Puppy&Love

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.



22Œ√wx12√dxŒ√h mP009 $19.95

EnD grAin BoArD 20Œ√wx14œ√dx3œ√h mP029 $129.95


WEBEr® ChimnEy StArtEr 10√wx5Œ√dx8√h

15√wx12√dx1√h mP006 $29.95

mP011 $10.95

WiffLE votivE/LAntErn mP243

Votive Holder. 4 ¾√dia.x4 ¾√h $9.95 Lantern. 7√dia.x10√h $19.95

rEvErSiBLE CArving BoArD

PEPPEr griLL rACk 13√wx5√dx2√h mP007 $14.95

22Œ√wx14√dx1¬√h mP033 $59.95

WEBEr® PErformEr griLL

40√wx29√dx44√h mP011 $228.95 rED hAnDLE griLLing UtEnSiLS mP025

Cleaning Brush. 18√ $16.95 Turner. 20√ $16.95 Oversize Turner. 21Œ√ $16.95 Tongs. 19√ $16.95 CAnyon StriPE APron 28¬√x35¬√

mP036 $19.95

Scooter the dog was rescued by his owner from the San Luis obispo Shelter in 2008. “Scooter is a great friend, a loving companion and spoiled rotten.”

10 ç Puppy&Love

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


montAgUE Dining tABLE 86œ√wx42√dx29œ√h

mP214 $849. DArWin BEnCh/Dining ChAir mP210

Bench. 55√wx16√dx18√h $549. Dining Chair. 21√wx24√dx35√h (18√h seat) $399. each

SABio WirE StAtUAry mP175 Tall. 12√dia.x32√h $89.95 Short. 16√dia.x28√h $99.95

jACoBA PLAntErS mP169 Tall. 11Œ√dia.x10œ√h $29.95 Short. 11Œ√dia.x8Œ√h $29.95

grAtE WALL hAnging 32√dia.x2√h mP244 $99.95

CroSBy LAntErnS mP065

Tall. 10√sq.x24√h $99.95 Small. 7√sq.x15√h $59.95 oUtDoor CAnDLES With timErS

mP068 6√x12√ Candle. $29.95 3√x6√ Candle. $9.95

StonE StooLS mP172

Tall White Table. 20√wx14¬√dx18√h $99.95 Large Grey Table. 20√wx14¬√dx14√h $99.95

hEritAgE CUtting BoArD 28√wx16√dx1√h mP274 $99.95

12 ç Puppy&Love

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


15% off Spring Upholstery Event now through April 1, 2013.

Save on four of our best-selling collections: Axis, Davis, klyne and Lounge. includes all fabrics and leathers. Create the look you want from sectionals for great rooms to loveseats for smaller rooms. From slipcovered and casual to tailored and classic. View additional sizes and fabrics online now at

Stock Denali: Denim, Pebble (not shown)



Stock Denim: Sand

Stock Dansen: mocha (not shown)



It’s no small wonder that Axis is one of our most popular collections. It offers versatile seating solutions that sit luxuriously deep. Its simple lines work with any room—classic, modern or an eclectic mix.

Our space-saving Davis collection is classic in design with firm but plump support. Great for small spaces and apartments.

[1 ] fABriC mP286

[3] LEAthEr mP288

Axis Sofa/Queen Sleeper. Denim (shown), Pebble or Mocha. 88√wx43√dx32√h Sofa. Reg. $1899. Sale, $1614.15 Queen Sleeper. Reg. $2299. Sale, $1954.15

Axis Leather 3-Seat Sofa/Queen Sleeper. Espresso. 88√wx43√dx32√h Sofa. Reg. $2999. Sale, $2549.15 Queen Sleeper. Reg. $3399. Sale, $2889.15

Axis Chair. Denim (shown), Pebble or Mocha. 48√wx43√dx32√h Reg. $1099. Sale, $934.15

Axis Leather 2-Seat Sofa. Espresso. 88√wx43√dx32√h Reg. $2899. Sale, $2464.15

[2] SLiPCovEr mP287

Axis Leather Swivel Chair. Espresso. 40√wx41√dx32√h Reg. $1699. Sale, $1444.15

Axis Slipcovered 2-Seat Sofa/Queen Sleeper. Sand. 88√wx43√dx32√h Sofa. Reg. $2199. Sale, $1869.15 Queen Sleeper. Reg. $2499. Sale, $2124.15 Axis Slipcovered Twin Sleeper. Sand. 58√wx43√dx32√h Reg. $1699. Sale, $1444.15 3

Stock Libby: Espresso

Axis Leather Chair. Espresso. 48√wx43√dx32√h Reg. $1799. Sale, $1529.15


Davis Twin Sleeper. Mink (shown) or Graphite. 54√wx36√dx30√h Reg. $1299. Sale, $1104.15


14 ç

Stock Libby: Cashew

Davis Chair. Mink (shown) or Graphite. 35√wx35√dx30√h Reg. $799. Sale, $679.15

[2] LEAthEr mP291

Davis Leather Sofa. Cashew. 78√wx36√dx30√h Reg. $2599. Sale, $2209.15 Davis Leather Swivel Chair. Cashew. 35√wx35√dx30√h Reg. $1499. Sale, $1274.15 Davis Leather Chair. Cashew. 35√wx35√dx30√h Reg. $1499. Sale, $1274.15 [3] fABriC SECtionAL mP292

Davis 2-Piece Sectional. Graphite (shown) or Mink. Left Arm Apartment Sofa, Right Arm Chaise. 102√wx61√dx30√h Reg. $2199. Sale, $1869.15

[4] fABriC SECtionAL mP289

Axis 4-Piece Sectional. Coffee (shown) or Peat. Left Arm Apartment Sofa. Corner, Armless Loveseat, Right Arm Chaise. 142√wx113√dx32√h Reg. $4896. Sale, $4161.60 3


Stock Darius: mink (shown), graphite

[1 ] fABriC mP290 Davis Sofa/Queen Sleeper. Mink (shown) or Graphite. 78√wx36√dx30√h Sofa. Reg. $1299. Sale, $1104.15 Queen Sleeper. Reg. $1699. Sale, $1444.15

Stock Darius: graphite (shown), or mink

Stock Douglas: Coffee or Peat

request up to 5 free swatches. See an associate, visit or call 800.323.5461.

request up to 5 free swatches. See an associate, visit or call 800.323.5461 15

15% off Spring Upholstery Event now through April 1, 2013.

Save on four of our best-selling collections: Axis, Davis, klyne and Lounge. includes all fabrics and leathers. Create the look you want from sectionals for great rooms to loveseats for smaller rooms. From slipcovered and casual to tailored and classic. View additional sizes and fabrics online now at


Stock Delight: Dolphin



Apartments and small spaces love Klyne. Its sleek, tapered design is big on style while its compact scale opens up the room.

There’s a reason it’s called Lounge. This laid-back, family-style collection looks neat and put-together, but sinks in plush and roomy—perfect for curling up.

[1 ] fABriC mP293

[3] fABriC SECtionAL mP295

Klyne Sofa. Dolphin. 80√wx40√dx27√h Reg. $1199. Sale, $1019.15

Klyne 2-Piece Sectional. Left Arm Apartment Sofa, Right Arm Chaise. Dolphin. 102√wx65√dx27√h Reg. $1999. Sale, $1699.15

Klyne Chair and a Half. Dolphin. 48√wx40√dx27√h Reg. $799. Sale, $679.15


Stock talbot: Linen, Espresso

[2] SLiPCovEr mP294 2

Stock Deso: Snow

Klyne Slipcovered Apartment Sofa. Snow. 70√wx40√dx27√h Reg. $1299. Sale, $1104.15 Klyne Slipcovered Chair and a Half. Snow. 48√wx40√dx27√h Reg. $999. Sale, $849.15 2


Stock Denim: Charcoal, Dove (83√ sofa only)


request up to 5 free swatches. See an associate, visit or call 800.323.5461.

[2] SLiPCovEr mP297

Lounge 83√ Sofa. Linen (shown) or Espresso. 83√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $1599. Sale, $1359.15

Lounge 83√ Sofa. Dove (shown) or Charcoal. 83√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $1899. Sale, $1614.15

Lounge Chair and a Half. Espresso (shown) or Linen. 49√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $999. Sale, $849.15

Lounge Chair and a Half. Charcoal. 49√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $1299. Sale, $1104.15

Lounge 93√ Sofa. Charcoal. 93√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $1999. Sale, $1699.15

[3] SECtionAL mP298

Lounge 3-Piece Sectional. Espresso (shown) or Linen. Left Arm Sofa, Corner, Right Arm Sofa. 124√wx124√dx25√h Reg. $3997. Sale, $3397.45

Stock Delight: Dolphin

16 ç

[1 ] fABriC mP296 Lounge 93√ Sofa. Linen (shown) or Espresso. 93√wx46√dx25√h Reg. $1699. Sale, $1444.15

Stock talbot: Espresso (shown), Linen

request up to 5 free swatches. See an associate, visit or call 800.323.5461 17


All the little cousins hop to it—decorating, hiding and hunting eggs at this family’s annual Easter gathering. (This year, Easter is on March 31.)

AQUAtiC vASE 12¬√dia.x9¬√h mP047 $99.95 PAStEL Egg Taupe, Blue, Pink or Green. 5√dia.x6√h mP166

$7.95 each LUrik rECtAngULAr trAy 24√wx18√dx2œ√h mP145 $49.95

See the entire story at

Discover Free Invitations

Hop on over for an Easter gathering. Our friends at Paperless Post® have created these Easter email invites just for us (and you). Customize one of our exclusive designs, free at Or go to

LinEn tABLE LinEnS Yellow. mP138 ALDEn PEDEStAL mP140

8Œ√ Pedestal. 8Œ√dia.x4¬√h $24.95 11√ Pedestal. 11√dia.x4¬√h $29.95 13¬√ Pedestal. 13¬√dia.x4¬√h $34.95 Egg CAnDLE White, Aquatic or Grey.

60√x60√ Tablecloth. $69.95 60√x90√ Tablecloth (shown). $99.95 60√x108√ Tablecloth. $120.95 60√x120√ Tablecloth. $134.95 90√ Round Tablecloth. $146.95 Napkin. 20√sq. $10.95 each


22 oz.; 6 ½√wx5 ½√dx6√h mP262 $49.95 tALiA vASE mP063

QUinCE BrAnCh 10√wx5√dx48√h

mP178 $19.95 each LEmonCELLo CorDiAL 2 oz.; 6œ√h

mP157 $3.95 each

Green. 4√dia.x14√h $24.95 Blue. 3œ√dia.x11œ√h $19.95

2√dia.x2Œ√h mP066 $1.95 each 18 ç Easter&Sunday

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


SorAno BEDroom CoLLECtion More Sorano available. mP201 Queen Bed. More sizes available. 62¬√dx83√wx78œ√h $1599. Oval Nightstand. 24¬√wx18œ√dx28œ√h $599. AZUrE BED LinEnS mP092 Full/Queen Duvet Cover. More sizes available. 92√x96√ $189.95 Standard Sham. More sizes available. 20√x26√ $39.95 frAngiA StAnDArD ShAm 20√x26√ mP094 $39.95 x-BASE BEnCh-vAnity StooL 20√wx19√dx19¬√h mP253 $349. SiSAL 8∫x10∫ rUg Linen. More sizes available. mP120 $349.


11√dia.x23√h mP083 $169. miLA frAmES mP059

4√x6√ Frame. 6√x8√ $24.95 5√x7√ Frame. 8√x10√ $34.95

rAti vASE 6œ√dia.x7¬√h mP061 $24.95 ADrA vASE 7√dia.x14√h mP052 $39.95

vErAno SLiPCovEr ChAir Aqua. More Verano available. 32√wx40√dx33¬√h mP185 $1499. SADiE Drink tABLE 12√dia.x20¬√h mP197 $129. hAyWArD PiLLoW Lake. 18√sq. mP100 $39.95

SorAno BEDroom CoLLECtion

More Sorano available. mP201 Six-Drawer Dresser. 47√wx23œ√dx40œ√h $1399. Oval Mirror. 43√wx1√dx31¬√h $499. 20 ç Easter&Sunday

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


Easter Dinner menu

Discover Recipes

Get our recipes for this Easter dinner at

Egg PLAttEr 13¬√dia.

mP142 $19.95

frEnCh kitChEn iSLAnD More French Kitchen available. 54 ¬√wx28√dx36 ¬√h mP187 $999. nonStiCk roAStEr With rACk

16√wx12¬√dx3Œ√h mP005 $69.95 fSC tEAk CUtting BoArD With WELL

20√wx14√dxŒ√h mP031 $49.95

CrAtE AnD BArrEL StAinLESS StEEL jUmBo SAUté PAn With LiD 5 qt. mP002 $59.95

22 ç Easter&Sunday

mArkEt BoWLS Set of five: Aquatic,

Corsair, Estate, Harbour, Mist. 24–176 oz.; 5 Œ√–10 ¬√dia.x3 ¬√–6 ¬√h mP032 $49.95



Set of two. 20√x30√ mP039 $12.95

4 qt. mP002 $39.95

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


LAkE votivE 5œ√dia.x4√h mP049 $14.95 iSLA hUrriCAnE 10√dia.x7¬√h mP048 $109.95 BorDEAUx CoffEE tABLE

nALiA vASE 13¬√dia.

CrEEk CAnDLEhoLDEr 3√dia.x4√h mP064

63√wx35¬√dx16√h mP191 $899.

x16√h mP060 $119.

Reg. $5.95 Sale, $3.95

family time


BLAkE grEy WASh LoUngE ChAir With CUShion

Snow. More Blake available. 30√wx30√dx34√h mP181 $699.

24 ç Easter&Sunday


vErAno SLiPCovEr SofA Sulu. More Verano available. 90√wx46 ¬√dx33 ¬√h mP185 $2499.



17√dia.x28√h mP085 $269.

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


robin’s-Egg Blue and a Blush of rosé

LinEn tABLECLoth Yellow. mP138

60√x60√ Tablecloth. $69.95 60√x90√ Tablecloth (shown). $99.95 60√x108√ Tablecloth. $120.95 60√x120√ Tablecloth. $134.95 90√ Round Tablecloth. $146.95

ALDEn PLAtE 11œ√ mP140 $9.95 each mACk DoUBLE oLD-fAShionED gLASS

13 oz.; 5œ√h mP161 $5.95 each LEAning ShADoWS Print

30√wx1œ√dx58√h mP256 $400.

BohEmE SErvEWArE mP141

Platter. Cream. 14œ√ $19.95 Serving Bowl. Aqua. 10Œ√dia.x2Œ√h $19.95 Bowl. Orange. 7√dia.x2œ√h $7.95


LinEn tABLE LinEnS Yellow. More sizes

Belle. 3√dia.x5 ¬√h $9.95 Charm. 4√dia.x9√h $12.95 Lilas. 4√dia.x5œ√h $9.95

available (see opposite page). mP138 Napkin. 20√sq. $10.95 each 60√x90√ Tablecloth. $99.95

CAmEo WinE gLASSES mP153

Sparkling Wine Glass. 10 oz.; 10√h $14.95 Wine Glass. 24 oz.; 10√h $17.95


Four 5-piece place settings. mP124 Open stock, $99.80 Set price, $89.95

roSEttE nAPkin ring 5√dia. mP152 $3.95

26 ç Easter&Sunday 27

A Quick Class in glass

vinEyArD BUrgUnDy

25 oz.; 10œ√h mP155 $17.95

26 oz.; 9¬√h mP155 $17.95



vinEyArD BorDEAUx

vinEyArD ZinfAnDEL

22 oz.; 10√h mP155 $17.95

15 oz.; 9√h mP155 $14.95

Lets younger wines breathe, and the thin rim lets wine flow onto the tongue smoothly.

Tempers the alcohol while also enhancing the fruit and spices in the wine.

Pinot noir

Creates the perfect balance of highlighted sweetness, regulated acidity and alcohol suppression. vinEyArD Pinot noir

26 oz.; 10√h mP155 $17.95


vinEyArD CABErnEt

Enhances acidity and intensity of full-bodied wine.

Light Whites


Moderates acidity by directing the wine to the center of the tongue.

Big White

Light reds

Big reds Cabernet





Sweet Wine

vinEyArD roSé WinE

vinEyArD ChArDonnAy

vinEyArD viogniEr

vinEyArD SPArkLing WinE 9 oz.; 9œ√h

vinEyArD iCE WinE

Directs the wine to the tip of the tongue, showcasing the tart, dry taste of rosé wines. 11 oz.; 8√h mP155 $14.95

Keeps young chardonnays tasting fresh, while enhancing a mature wine’s spicy, nutty taste. 15 oz.; 8œ√h mP155 $14.95

Goes with everything but is especially perfect with light, crisp white wines. 12 oz.; 8 Œ√h mP155 $14.95

Enhances the bouquet of sparkling wine. Plus, it’s fun to watch the bubbles rise to the top.

mP155 $14.95

Features an elegant shape and narrow bowl to elevate the sweetness of dessert wines. 12 oz.; 9√h mP155 $14.95

Discover Boutique Wines Our private wine tasting with gave a high-five to these seven little-known finds from some of the biggest names in wine. In partnership with, we have the inside scoop on these labels, plus a special offer waiting for you now at

28 ç Easter&Sunday

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


CArmonA vASE 8√dia.x8 ¬√h mP241 $34.95

SAmAr vASE Corsair. 12√w x4√dx11 ¬√h mP238 $89.95 BrEn vASE 9√dia.x14√h mP237 $54.95

CAStELLo CEntErPiECE 11 ¬√dia.x5¬√h mP283 $69.95

CoCoS BoWL 14√dia.x5√h mP239 $89.95

AQUAtiC BoWL 19√dia.x4√h mP240 $109.95

Color and Light

Handcrafted exclusively for us by the master glassblowers of Italy, Poland and India, these glass objects are a brilliant way to add beauty to your every day. 30 ç

LinDS vASE 7√dia.x12√h mP050 $44.95

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


This page:

[4] SADiE rUg mP118

tAiLor SofA Peacock. More Tailor

4∫x6∫ $299. 6∫x9∫ $599.

available. 86√wx36¬√dx31¬√h mP184 $1699. SAmAr ottomAn 16œ√dia.x19œ√h

mP183 $119.

8∫x10∫ $899. 9∫x12∫ $1199.

[5] oLin rUg Gold. mP115

2∫x3∫ $19.95 30√x50√ $39.95 2∫x6∫ $49.95

4∫x6∫ $89.95 5∫x8∫ $149. 8∫x10∫ $299.

jASPEr 8∫x10∫ rUg Grey. More sizes available. mP114 $599.

[6] ZAmAr rUg mP121

Opposite page:

4∫x6∫ $299. 6∫x9∫ $599.

[1 ] SAvoy CrEAm rUg mP119

4∫x6∫ $399. 6∫x9∫ $899. 8∫x10∫ $1299.

9∫x12∫ $1699. 10∫x14∫ $1999.

[2] PortEr rUg mP117

4∫x6∫ $299. 6∫x9∫ $699.

8∫x10∫ $999. 9∫x12∫ $1199.

[3] PAoLo mULti ShAg rUg mP116

4∫x6∫ $499. 6∫x9∫ $999.

8∫x10∫ $1399. 6∫ Round $699.

8∫x10∫ $899. 9∫x12∫ $1099.

[7] giAnni rUg mP112

4∫x6∫ $499. 6∫x9∫ $999. 8∫x10∫ $1399.

9∫x12∫ $1899. 10∫x14∫ $2399.

[8] ZoEy rUg mP122

4∫x6∫ $249. 5∫x8∫ $399.

8∫x10∫ $799. 9∫x12∫ $999.

[9] DAnitA rUg mP110

4∫x6∫ $249. 6∫x9∫ $499.

need a swatch to decide? rug samples are now just $10 in our stores and online.

8∫x10∫ $799. 9∫x12∫ $999.










9 new rugs to Catch your Eye

We designed this new rug collection with bold patterns in fresh neutrals that are easy to live with and easy to afford. View our entire rug collection at

32 ç

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


order at or call 800.323.5461.

15% off Spring Upholstery Event now through April 1, 2013

Save on four of our best selling collections—Axis, Davis, Klyne and Lounge—in any fabric or leather of your choice. See pages 14–17. View additional sizes and fabrics at

Wedding and gift registry the Wedding Parties Events Sunday, April 7 A party just for the two of you. Get advice from our design and registry experts, meet other couples, enjoy food, drink and fun. For locations, times and to RSVP, visit ®

get the Download Free App Edit your registry on the go, find products by voice search and scan new items into your registry right from your iPhone® or AndroidΩ phone. Get our free Gift Registry App at

Apple, the Apple logo, iTunes®, iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch® are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

Ship it for just $4.95 Select Standard Delivery purchases ship for one low flat fee of $4.95 per shipping address and arrive in just 3–5 business days; for orders shipping within the contiguous U.S. only. 2-Day Express, Next Day Air, and deliveries to Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. Territories will incur extra fees and charges. See details at

Unlimited furniture Delivery from just $99


outdoor Preview

A first look at five of this season’s 11 outdoor collections. Discover new textures, materials and styles that mix, match and layer to create outdoor rooms as unique as those inside your home. View our entire collection (including sunny umbrellas and an amazing array of pillows) at stores and

With 36 shipping points across the country, you can ship unlimited furniture to Local addresses within 50 miles for one flat rate of $99…and you can be enjoying in-stock items in your home in just 5–7 business days. For more details, including Long Distance rates, terms and shipping map, go to or call 800.323.5461.

Crate and Barrel Credit Card one card. three brands. more rewards. Earn $10 in rewards for every $200 you spend†† at all three of our brands: Crate and Barrel, CB2 and The Land of Nod. Reward program is provided by Crate and Barrel; terms may change at any time. Applications are subject to approval. View Terms and Conditions at


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The short story is you have 90 days within receipt of your purchase to make a return on most non-furniture items. For furniture returns or exchanges, please call us within 7 days of receipt at 800.606.6462 so we can advise you on how to make your return within 90 days of receipt. Get complete policy details at

the gift Card of Choice

3D room Designer

Our Gift Card can be redeemed at all three of our brands: Crate and Barrel, CB2 and The Land of Nod. Gift Cards ship free, but if you’re in a hurry, order an eGift Card online and it’ll pop up in their inbox in just minutes. Learn more at

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returns and Exchanges

room photo 3D room design

Powered by NedSense LOFT™

oUtDoor PiLLoWS From left to right:

Balboa. 20√sq. mP226 $39.95 La mer. White. 20√sq. mP226 $39.95 Sulfur. 22√sq. mP228 $54.95 titan. 20√x13√ mP227 $34.95

finished room

34 ç 35

vinCA vinE hUrriCAnE/CAnDLE Pot mP074

CyPrESS PiLLoW 20√wx13√h mP227 $34.95

Hurricane. 6¬√dia.x11 ¬√h $19.95 Candle Pot. 4√dia.x3Œ√h $9.95 3√x4√ PiLLAr CAnDLE White. mP263 $5.95

Cart Faux wood trays on top and bottom remove for serving. Openings on bottom shelf store four bottles (see detail below).

CroChEtED PoUf 21 ¬√dia.x14¬√h mP222 $199.


Affordable, modern Alfresco collection fools the eye with the look of real wood and fools the elements with UV-, fade- and weather-resistant qualities. Warm grey slats of innovative polystyrene “faux wood” are treated with UV and anti-oxidant protection and framed in sturdy but lightweight, weather-resistant aluminum frames powdercoated black. Dining mP205

Lounge mP206

[1 ] rECtAngULAr Dining tABLE Grey. Seats eight. Opening

[7] SofA Grey. 62¬√wx26¬√dx30√h $649. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page).

accommodates umbrella. 75¬√wx35¬√dx29¬√h $599. [2] CAfé tABLE Grey. Seats four. Opening accommodates

umbrella. 35 ¬√sq.x29 ¬√h $349. [3] Dining ChAir Grey. 22 Œ√wx22¬√dx36√h (17¬√h seat) $179. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page).

16 ¬√wx17 ¬√dx1 ¬√h $45. [4] Dining BEnCh Grey. 73 ¬√wx16¬√dx17 œ√h $399. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page).

73√wx16 ¬√dx1 ¬√h $110. [5] high Dining tABLE Grey. Seats four. Opening accommodates

umbrella. 35 ¬√sq.x36√h $399.





57√wx23 ¬√dx2√h $120. [8] LoUngE ChAir Grey. 26¬√sq.x30√h $279. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page).

21√wx20¬√dx2√h $50. [9] CArt Grey. 33√wx24√dx28¬√h $499. [10] ChAiSE LoUngE Grey. Adjusts to any position with gas-lift.





32Œ√wx78¬√dx14√–38√h $599. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page). 24¬√wx76√dx2√h $150. [11] SiDE tABLE Grey. 17Œ√wx25¬√dx17Œ√h $169.

Alfresco cushions Optional cushions in three new colors are fade- and mildew-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic.

[6] BArStooL Grey. 22 ¬√wx19¬√dx41 Œ√h (24√h seat) $199. CUShion Charcoal, Apple or White Sand (see opposite page).

16 ¬√wx17 Œ√dx1 ¬√h $45. 10


Side Table in C-table position.

36 ç Outdoor Resource Guide


Side Table in bench position.



White Sand

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


CArEEn LAntErn

ChEvron 5∫x8∫ oUtDoor rUg More sizes available.

Large. 15 ¬√dia.x14 ¬√h mP242 $59.95

mP109 $199.

new: Double Sun Lounger This clever two-in-one design can be a double chaise with adjustable backs for side-by-side reclining. Or flip up one entire side, and it converts into a three-seat sofa (see detail below).


Our urban style Dune collection is truly a modern “indoor room” that lives outdoors. Sleek, outdoor-grade stainless-steel frames are upholstered in taupe Batyline® synthetic mesh that is UV-, fade-, mold-, tearand stain-resistant. All seating includes cushions covered with taupe weather-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic. Carefree stainless-steel table bases are topped with pebbled glass that has the look of stone. 1

Dining mP211

Lounge mP212

[1 ] Dining tABLE With PEBBLED gLASS toP Seats six. Opening

[5] SofA With CUShion Taupe. 70√wx34√dx25œ√h $1399.

accommodates umbrella. 77√wx36√dx29¬√h $1199. [2] Dining ChAir With CUShion Taupe. 22Œ√wx26œ√dx34¬√h (18¬√h

seat) $399. [3] high Dining tABLE With PEBBLED gLASS toP Seats four.

56√wx28√dx36√h $899. [4] BArStooLS With CUShionS Taupe.

24√ Counter Stool. 22√wx22¬√dx39¬√h (24√h seat) $499. 30√ Barstool. 23 ¬√wx22√dx45Œ√h (30√h seat) $549.




[6] LoUngE ChAir With CUShion Taupe. 31 ¬√wx32√dx25œ√h

$749. [7] ottomAn With CUShion Taupe. 31œ√wx18¬√dx17¬√h $299. [8] CoffEE tABLE With PEBBLED gLASS toP

47 œ√wx23 ¬√dx17√h $449.






Small, 17¬√sq.x17¬√h; large 19√sq.x19√h $449.

Dune cushions Includes cushions in fade- and mildew-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic.

[10] DoUBLE SUn LoUngEr Chaise adjusts to four positions, including flat.

47 œ√wx78Œ√dx16√–37Œ√h $1999.



Double Sun Lounger in chaise position.

38 ç Outdoor Resource Guide


Double Sun Lounger in sofa position.

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.



hErmionE grEEn WALL PLAntErS mP264

Small. 5√wx6 ½√dx5 ½√h $19.95 Medium. 7√wx9√dx7 ½√h $29.95 Large. 9√wx11 ½√dx9 ½√h $49.95

New Pronto is that fun friend who’s ready to party on a moment’s notice. Handcrafted in Italy, Pronto’s folding bistro tables are lightweight steel with a weather-resistant white powdercoat. Charming park-style metal slat chairs that fold for storage are powdercoated in a choice of summery bright green, blue or white. A compact solution for small balconies and terraces… or set up two, three or more on the lawn for a long table of friends.

Pronto mP216 [1 ] LArgE WhitE foLDing tABLE Seats four.

43√wx28√dx29√h $299. [2] SmALL WhitE foLDing tABLE Seats two.

28√wx20√dx29√h $199. [3] foLDing ChAir Blue, Green or White.

17√wx17√dx32√h (17√h seat) $99.95 1

40 ç Outdoor Resource Guide



Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.



Everyone does a double take when they first see our new Rocha collection for dining and lounge. What appears to be beautiful Brazilian ipe wood is actually a fool-the-eye interpretation in weather-resistant polystyrene. Aligned in alternating wide-and-thin slats of faux wood, Rocha’s rich, realistic grain and warm natural tones are framed in weather-resistant aluminum with a smart charcoal powdercoat finish. Seats and table ends have curved slats at the edge to give this linear collection a subtle, graceful note.


Bowl, 17¬√dia.x2Œ√h; stand, 8Œ√dia.x19Œ√h. mP170 $159.

Arroyo PiLLoW 20√x13√ mP227 $34.95

Dining mP219

Lounge mP220

[1 ] Dining tABLE Seats eight.

[7] ChAiSE LoUngE Adjusts to any position with

Opening accommodates umbrella. 82√wx35¬√dx29¬√h $649. [2] CAfé tABLE Seats four.

Opening accommodates umbrella. 38√wx35¬√dx29¬√h $399. [3] Dining Arm ChAir 22Œ√wx22√dx34√h

(18œ√h seat) $189. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White

Sand (see opposite page). 17¬√sq.x1 ¬√h $45. [4] Dining BEnCh 74√wx16Œ√dx17Œ√h $399. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White Sand

(see opposite page). 74√wx16¬√dx1 ¬√h $120. [5] high Dining tABLE Seats four.

Opening accommodates umbrella. 38√wx35¬√dx36œ√h $449. [6] 24√ BArStooL 21 ¬√wx22œ√dx36¬√h

(24√h seat) $229. 30√ BArStooL 21 ¬√wx22œ√dx42¬√h (30√h seat) $249. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White Sand (see opposite page). 17¬√sq.x1 ¬√h $45.

gas-lift. 28Œ√wx80√dx13 ¬√–38¬√h $599. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White Sand (see opposite page). 25¬√wx75¬√dx2√h $170. [8] SiDE tABLE 17Œ√wx26¬√dx17Œ√h $179. 1

[9] LoUngE ChAir 28œ√wx26¬√dx30œ√h $299. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White Sand




(see opposite page). 21 ¬√wx23 ¬√dx2√h $55. [10] SofA 62œ√wx28¬√dx30¬√h $699. CUShion Charcoal, Harbor Blue or White Sand

(see opposite page). 57√wx23 ¬√dx2√h $120. Coordinating items [11] krUgEr Dining ChAir With CUShion

Harbor Blue. 24Œ√wx20œ√dx33Œ√h (17 œ√h seat) mP213 $179. each [12] CALyPSo moChA SWivEL LoUngE ChAir

37√wx32Œ√dx31œ√h (15¬√h seat) mP207 $549. CUShion Stone. 23 ¬√dia.x1 ¬√h mP207 $60.






rocha cushions Optional cushions are fade- and mildew-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic.

CAriLo gArDEn StooL Blue.

13¬√sq.x15Œ√h mP168 $129. 10


harbor Blue

White Sand



Coordinating items

42 ç Outdoor Resource Guide 43

vALLEjo CAnDLE StAkE Large. 5 ¬√dia.x44 ¬√h

mP073 $34.95 each

kEnZi WinDChimES 11√dia.x27√h mP171 $59.95

tUiLEriE PiLLoW 20√sq. mP226 $39.95

LA mEr PiLLoW Dark. 20√x13√

mP227 $34.95 each

iBArrA PLAntErS mP285 Tall. 21√dia.x13√h $89.95 Short. 17Œ√dia.x11œ√h $59.95


Graceful curves reminiscent of summers in Provence bold up in clean lines by designer Blake Tovin, exclusively for Crate and Barrel. Crafted of sapele wood, a dense African hardwood resembling mahogany, Toulon’s inviting slatted profiles warm up in a dark shadow grey stain. For a breezy feel, mix in the look of wicker—our Summerlin dining chair and swivel Calypso chair accent Toulon’s curves in all-weather resin wicker handwoven over weather-resistant powdercoated aluminum frames. Dining mP223

Lounge mP224

[1 ] rECtAngULAr Dining tABLE Seats eight. Opening

[4] ChAiSE LoUngE Adjusts to four positions, including flat.

accommodates umbrella. 84√wx36√dx29¬√h $899. [2] Dining ChAir 23œ√wx26œ√dx34√h (16¬√h seat) $349. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 20√wx18√dx1 Œ√h $50. [3] Dining BEnCh 78√wx17Œ√dx15¬√h $549. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 78Œ√wx17Œ√dx1 Œ√h $150.




28¬√wx80Œ√dx12√–38√h $799. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 24Œ√wx78√dx3 ¬√h $200. [5] LoUngE ChAir 27√wx35œ√dx32¬√h (12œ√h seat) $499. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 23√wx28œ√dx3œ√h $100. [6] ottomAn 27√wx23œ√dx12œ√h $229. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 24√wx22Œ√dx3œ√h $80.



Coordinating items [7] SUmmErLin Dining Arm ChAir 24œ√wx27Œ√dx36√h




Coordinating items

(17 œ√h seat) mP221 $399. CUShion White Sand or Charcoal. 17¬√wx19√dx2√h $50. [8] CALyPSo WhitE SWivEL ChAir 37√wx32Œ√dx31œ√h mP207 $549. CUShion Stone. 23 ¬√dia.x1 ¬√h mP207 $60.

44 ç Outdoor Resource Guide

White Sand


toulon cushions Optional cushions are fade- and mildew-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic.

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.



You’ll have it made in the shade with this season’s outdoor umbrellas, featuring versatile solids and stripes designed to mix and match with all of our outdoor collections. Choose from a total of 24 style and color combinations in weatherand UV-resistant Sunbrella® acrylic or spun polyester.

Color (fabric)

6∫ roUnD mP229

9∫ roUnD mP230

10∫ roUnD mP231

rECtAngULAr 10∫x6∫ mP232

Charcoal (Sunbrella®)













Stone (Sunbrella®)

White Sand (Sunbrella®)

red tonal Stripe (Sunbrella®)





Arroyo (spun polyester)

juniper (spun polyester)

$239. Sulfur (Sunbrella®)



frames mP233 6∫ roUnD ALUminUm tiLt UmBrELLA frAmE Black. 6∫dia.x7 ¬∫h $120. 6∫ roUnD high Dining ALUminUm tiLt UmBrELLA frAmE Black.


6∫dia.x8∫h $130. 9∫ roUnD ALUminUm tiLt UmBrELLA frAmE Silver or Black.

9∫dia.x8 ¬∫h $160.

harbor Blue (Sunbrella®)

9∫ roUnD EUCALyPtUS UmBrELLA frAmE 9∫dia.x8 ¬∫h $130. 10∫ frEE-Arm UmBrELLA frAmE AnD BASE Black. 10∫dia.x9∫h $600. rECtAngULAr UmBrELLA frAmE Black or Eucalyptus.

$229. Chili Pepper (Sunbrella®)

119√wx77√dx109√h $160.

Umbrella Stand mP234

$229. Apple (Sunbrella®)


46 ç Outdoor Resource Guide



19√dia.x13 ¬√h $129.

22√dia.x14√h $159.

$229. 47


the genuine hasty-Bake 2 3 7

4 9


Introduced in 1948 by Grant Hastings, the Hasty-Bake charcoal oven is the most precise and versatile outdoor cooker—it can grill steaks, smoke a turkey, even bake pies and lasagna. Each Hasty-Bake is constructed by hand in the USA of cold-rolled steel with a black powdercoated finish, and with proper care, it will last a good 15 to 25 years or longer. The Hasty-Bake design— still revolutionary after 65 years—has received accolades from World Fairs to museums and is a blue-ribbon winner in barbecue competitions across the country. Now we’re excited to bring it to your backyard for year-round enjoyment. [1 ] thErmomEtEr Stainless steel thermometer is accurate within 1% of a degree. Whether you’re smoking at the perfect 225° or baking a lasagna at 375°, Hasty-Bake provides the most precise control. [2] vEntLESS hooD With no top exhaust,

the ventless hood traps all the smoke and heat around food for juicier meats and great smoke flavor. And it eliminates any need to flip or turn meats.


[3] grEASE DrAin SyStEm A brilliant


design that eliminates flare-ups and provides easy cleanup. Cooking grates form a slight “V” to direct grease off food and into an angled drain rod that funnels into a disposable grease cup.

[4] hEAt DEfLECtor The heat deflector

creates a natural convection system of indirect heat to prevent the bottom of food from getting scorched.

[5] firEBox Fully removable firebox

is extremely easy to access for adding wood chunks or charcoal to start or maintain the fire.

[6] ASh PAn Fully removable pan

catches seasoning, sauce and ash to make cleanup quick and easy.

[8] vEntS With an intake vent at the lowest part of the firebox and an exhaust vent just below the cooking grates, your cooking temperature is easily controlled and maintained. [9] Lift mEChAniSm The #1 feature on a Hasty-Bake. With a 14√ range of adjustability, you can position the firebox within inches to get a very intense sear on a steak. Or quickly drop it down to adjust the temperature drastically with a 150° difference at its lowest point.

[7] firE Door A fully accessible firedoor

lets you add wood chunks or charcoal in seconds without opening the hood to interrupt cooking.

hASty-BAkE LEgACy griLL 42√wx31√dx42√h mP004 $999.95

48 ç 800.323.5461 49

Caesna 1 3



À la carte serving pieces in a classic design that goes with any flatware pattern. from serving forks and soup ladles to sugar tongs, grapefruit spoons, lobster picks, even a spork.



CAESnA fLAtWArE mP126 [1 ] Serving Tongs. 9√ $18.95

Scoop. 8 ¬√ $24.95 Pastry Server. 9 ¾√ $18.95 Sauce Spoon. 7√ $6.95 [2] Ice Tongs. 6¬√ $14.95 Serve Fork. 10œ√ $18.95 Fruit Knife. 7œ√ $4.95 Wide Serve Spoon. 10√ $18.95 Serve Spoon. 10¬√ $18.95 Soup Ladle. 12¬√ $49.95 [3] 2-Piece Carve Set. Fork, 11 ¬√; Knife, 13√. $129.95 Cake Knife. 12¬√ $14.95 [4] Sugar Tongs. 4œ√ $7.95

Coffee Spoon. 4¬√ $3.95 Spork. 7√ $5.95 Mustard Spoon. 3√ $2.95 [5] Lobster Pick. 8 ¬√ $3.95 Iced Tea Spoon. 8œ√ $4.95 All Purpose Cheese Knife. 8 ¾√ $14.95 [6] Sauce Ladle. 6¬√ $18.95

Canapé Fork. 5¬√ $3.95 Grapefruit Spoon. 5 ¾√ $4.95 ExPAnDABLE BAmBoo gADgEt trAy

12¬√–20Œ√wx18√dx2œ√h mP014 $29.95

50 ç 800.323.5461 51

oLivEWooD niBBLE BoWL 4Œ√wx3¬√dx1Œ√h

mP146 $9.95

mErCi CAnDLEhoLDErS mP067 Small. 4œ√dia.x3œ√h $29.95 each Large. 4œ√dia.x6œ√h $39.95 each ArAShi vASE 5√dia.x7√h mP267 $12.95

fLynn Dining tABLE 84œ√wx36√dx29¬√h mP260 $1799. CUrrAn SiDE ChAir 25¬√wx23Œ√dx32œ√h (19√h seat)

mP261 $279. each

mP129 Open stock, $159.80 Set price, $149.95

finn BoWL 6√dia. mP249 $19.95 each

mP084 $199. each

BEtty nAPkin 20√sq. mP134 $5.95

finn SALAD PLAtE 8œ√ mP249 $19.95 each

BECkEtt ShELving 80œ√wx13Œ√dx79¬√h mP203 $1499.

rAttAn grEy PLACEmAt 14√dia. mP139 $10.95 each

mArin DinnEr PLAtE White. 10¬√ mP259 $9.95 each

morELA gLASS PEnDAnt LAmP 8¬√dia.x11√h

52 ç 800.323.5461

royCE 20-PiECE fLAtWArE SEt Four 5-piece place settings.

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


Perk Alert: how to Brew for the Late riser


The longer you snooze, the faster you need your coffee. Brew a cup at a time in a variety of cup sizes, even all travel mugs. Works with pods or ground coffee.


1 min


Brew coffee or get hot water on demand for tea and cocoa. The built-in charcoal filter ensures your beverage of choice tastes perfect.


2 mins

Cuisinart® Single Serve Coffee maker

Cuisinart® Programmable 12 Cup Coffee maker with hot Water System

13√wx14Œ√dx16¬√h mP021 $199.95

9¬√wx10œ√dx14œ√h mP021 Sugg. $185. Special, $99.95

the Classic Drip

Press on

Invented by a coffee-loving chemist, the design and thicker filter produce a less bitter, pure cup of coffee.


6 mins

Chemex 8 Cup Coffee maker 6œ√wx6¬√dx9Œ√h mP020 $38.95

Let coffee steep to a strength of your liking, then press the metal filter to separate the coffee from the grounds. It’s fresh, it’s simple, and it’s delicious.


4 mins

Bodum® Chambord 32 ounce french Press 6¬√dia.x9¬√h mP019 $39.95

the Barista


multitask master

For the part-time barista, this machine treats espresso as an art form, complete with traditional pressure gauge, tamping and professional accessories.


30 secs

Breville® Barista Express Espresso machine 12¬√sq.x14¬√h mP018 Sugg. $799.99 Special, $599.95

Express Line

The fastest machine on the market, thanks to the single-serve coffee pods and pressurizing pump. Enjoy a bolder espresso with a perfect layer of crema before you can yawn.


30 secs

nespresso® Citiz Espresso machine 5œ√wx14¬√dx11√h mP022 $249.95 finn ESPrESSo CUP/SAUCEr mP249 Espresso Cup. 4 oz.; 2√h $19.95 Saucer. 5√ $5.95

54 ç 800.323.5461 55

oASiS SofA Antique White. More Oasis available. 85√wx42√dx31√h

mP182 $2199. yUkon CoffEE tABLE-BEnCh 75œ√wx17√dx18¬√h mP199 $699. roLL WEAvE StorAgE BASkEt-ottomAn 16√dia.x14√h mP077 $79.95 fErnAnDo ACCEnt tABLE 16√dia.x21¬√h mP194 $199. DEnLEy fLoor LAmP 18 ¬√dia.x40¬√–66¬√h mP080 $249. SiSAL 8∫x10∫ rUg Linen. More sizes available. mP120 $349.

CErrADo vASE/Box mP054 Vase. 6√dia.x12√h $24.95 Box. 7√dia.x4¬√h $24.95

vErAno SLiPCovEr ChAir Mani Chambray. More Verano available. 32√wx40√dx33¬√h mP185 $1499. BEL-Air PEDEStAL tABLE More Bel-Air available. 18 ¬√dia.x22√h mP189 $329.

natural Living 56 ç 800.323.5461

LinEn knit PiLLoW Natural, Gold or White.

tESLA tALL room DiviDEr More Tesla available.

18√sq. mP103 $49.95 each

40√wx12√dx72√h mP269 $899.

yUkon CoffEE tABLE-BEnCh

75œ√wx17√dx18 ¬√h mP199 $699.

root mirror 36√dia.x2√d

mP090 $499.

Standard shipping for just $4.95 See page 34 for details.


vitAmix® 750 BLEnDEr Includes Create cookbook.

7Œ√wx9¬√dx17¬√h mP275 Sugg. $749. Special, $649. EPiCUrEAn® nAtUrAL DiShWAShEr-SAfE BoArD

19¬√x15√ mP276 $74.95

tWo-tiEr frUit BASkEt

13Œ√dia.x18¬√h mP277 $19.95

CrESCEnt DoUBLE oLD-fAShionED 10 oz.; 3œ√h

mP278 $6.95

BrEviLLE® ComPACt jUiCE ExtrACtor

1 ¬ qt.; 9 ¬√wx8 Œ√dx16√h mP279 Sugg. $150. Special, $99.95

juice Bar

We’ve chosen our favorite machines, from a quick squeeze of citrus to the slow pro juicers for whole produce. Here’s to your health and delicious experimentation.

hUrom SLoW jUiCEr

10√wx7√dx16√h mP280 $358.95

58 ç 800.323.5461

BrEviLLE® ikon jUiCE foUntAin 16√wx9√dx16√h

mP279 Sugg. $249.99 Special, $199.95


7 œ√dia.x13œ√h mP281 Sugg. $75. Special, $59.95

vitAmix® 300 BLEnDEr

Includes Create cookbook. 7 Œ√wx9 ¬√dx17 ¬√h mP275 Sugg. $629. Special, $529. 59

Shower&Shore A group of friends showers the bride-to-be with a weekend getaway at a cottage by the ocean. See the entire story at

mASSAi BASkEt 24√dia.x10√h mP265 Reg. $59.95 Sale, $49.95

nEWPort moDULAr LoUngE CoLLECtion More Newport available.

mP215 Left Arm Loveseat. 66 ¬√wx35 ¬√dx27 œ√h $999. Left Arm Loveseat Cushions. White Sand. 56œ√wx27 œ√dx4 Œ√h $550. Corner Chair. 35 ¬√sq.x27 œ√h $699. Corner Chair Cushions. White Sand. 25 Œ√sq.x4 ¬√h $400. Right-Arm Loveseat. 66 ¬√wx35 ¬√dx27 œ√h $999. Right Arm Loveseat Cushions. White Sand. 56œ√wx27 œ√dx4 Œ√h $550. nEWPort ArmED LoUngE ChAir/ CUShion More Newport available. mP215

Chair. 43œ√wx35 ¬√dx27 œ√h $749. Cushion. White Sand. 26√wx27 œ√dx4 ¾√h $300. 22√ oUtDoor PiLLoW White Sand, Sulfur or Chili Pepper. mP228 $54.95 each

get the Download

It’s on us. We’ve curated this playlist in the lighthearted spirit of spring. Download it on iTunes, free with Download Code available at

01 02 03 04

Benjamin Del Shreve the Diamond Diamond Rings runaway Love Gideon Grove Beside Still Waters Lasorda Echo in the night

05 06 07 08

Metric Breathing Underwater Scars on 45 Warning Sign The Spinto Band What i Love Wild Nothing Paradise

20√ oUtDoor PiLLoW Laurel (bold print) or Juniper. mP226 $39.95 each ACArA CoffEE/SiDE tABLES mP204

Coffee Table. 36√dia.x16√h $499. Side Table. 19 Œ√dia.x18√h $249. PEtALUmA LAntErnS mP069 Small. 8√sq.x15√h $39.95 Medium. 10√sq.x24√h $89.95 oUtDoor CAnDLES With timErS

White. mP068 3√x6√ $9.95 6√x12√ $29.95 gEorgiA 8∫x10∫ rUg More sizes available.

mP111 $299.

Limited time only. Content subject to availability. Terms apply. © Apple Inc.

60 ç Shower&Shore 61

tiDorE rECtAngULAr rAiL PLAntEr/hook mP177

Planter. 23¬√wx9Œ√dx8√h $49.95 Hook. 23¬√wx13√dx8√h $16.95

ACryLiC BLoCk frAmES mP051 4√x6√ Frame. 4Œ√wx1√dx6Œ√h $15.95 5√x7√ Frame. 5Œ√wx1√dx7Œ√h $18.95 ELiZA 8√x10√ frAmE 8 ¬√wxŒ√dx10Œ√h mP056 $19.95

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Tall. 15√dia.x15œ√h $69.95 Short. 16√dia.x11¬√h $49.95

ivory mArBLE ChEESE BoArD 9√x15Œ√ mP143


kick Back and relax 4 1 20√ oUtDoor PiLLoWS

nALAni PLAntErS mP173 Small. 6 ¬√dia.x7√h $19.95 Tall. 11 Œ√dia.x10 ¬√h $24.95

Juniper (left) or Laurel. mP226 $39.95 each

2 nEWPort LoUngE CoLLECtion More Newport available. mP215

Left Arm Chair. 36 ¬√wx35¬√dx27 œ√h $649. Left Arm/Right Arm Chair Cushions. White Sand. 25 Œ√wx27 œ√dx4 Œ√h $300. Armless Chair. 28 ¬√wx35¬√dx27 œ√h $499. Armless Chair Cushions. White Sand. 28¬√wx27 œ√dx4Œ√h $300. Right Arm Chair. 36 ¬√wx35¬√dx27 œ√h $649. Arroyo PiLLoW 20√x13√ mP227 $34.95 CEiBo PiLLoW 20√sq. mP226 $39.95

3 ACArA SiDE tABLE More Acara

available. 19 Œ√dia.x18√h mP204 $249.

PEtALUmA LAntErnS mP069 Medium. 10√sq.x24√h $89.95 Small. 8√sq.x15√h $39.95 oUtDoor CAnDLES With timErS White. mP068


6√x12√ $29.95 3√x6√ $9.95

62 ç Shower&Shore 63

BLUE tExtUrED tErry DiShtoWEL 20√x30√ mP035 $5.95 each tAvirA mELAminE PLAtE 10¬√ mP149 $5.95 each ShinDig ChArgEr 14√ mP159 $9.95 each LoBStEr CLAW CrACkEr 2¬√x5¬√ mP024 $6.95 each

inDiviDUAL BUttEr WArmEr 3¬√dia.x4œ√h mP012 $6.95

LUAU PArty PLAttEr 8œ√x23¬√ mP144 $29.95

EnAmEL StoCkPot 21.5 qt.; 14¬√dia.x12œ√h

mP003 $29.95

rEgAttA Dining CoLLECtion More Regatta available. mP217

Extension Dining Table. 84√–131¬√wx36¾√dx30¬√h $2399. Mesh Dining Chair. 24√wx24œ√dx33Œ√h (17¬√h seat) $379. each Dining Bench. 72√wx16√dx17¬√h $649. Dining Bench Cushion. White Sand. 72√wx16√dx1¬√h $120. SWirL ACryLiC Drink gLASS 22 oz.; 6œ√h mP164 $4.95 each

tAvirA CErAmiC PLAttEr 19œ√ mP149 $39.95

CAtALinA Dining ChAir More Catalina available. 26√wx25√dx33√h (19√h seat) mP208 $799.

rEgAttA UtiLity/ConSoLE tABLE More Regatta available.

48√–69œ√ wx21√dx30√h mP218 $999. kitChEnEttE DiShtoWELS Indigo (stripe). Set of two.

20√x30√ mP236 $12.95 ShinDig iCE BUCkEt/BAr SCooP mP159

Ice Bucket. 8 ¬√dia.x10√h $39.95 Bar Scoop. 3√wx9¬√dx3√h $9.95 ShinDig roUnD trAy 23√dia.x2¬√h mP159 $39.95

64 ç Shower&Shore 65

view from the Adirondacks On the occasion of its 110th anniversary, our interpretation of the Adirondack chair is a respectful nod to this iconic form synonymous with summer from East Coast resorts to backyards across America. Designed exclusively for Crate and Barrel by Blake Tovin, Vista’s new slant in solid, FSC-certified plantation-grown teak is made to relax. The angled wide-and-thin slat back fans out to hug you in comfort, and extra-wide paddle armrests are at the ready to hold your drink. Pull up the sloped ottoman, put your feet up and watch the days go by without a care as Vista’s natural oil finish and teak properties will weather the elements, rain or shine.

viStA ADironDACk ChAir/ottomAn mP225 Chair. 31√wx37√dx35√h $699. each Ottoman (left). 22√wx22 Œ√dx14 Œ√h $299. each LimA ALPACA throW Ivory. 50√x70√ mP246 $169. S’morES BASkEt With BLACk hAnDLE 4 ¬√wx20√dx1 ¬√h

mP026 $6.95 each tELESCoPing fork 14√–35√ mP027 $8.95 each

66 ç Shower&Shore 67 67

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