AMTOI holds its 19th AGM, Shantanu
Xerrxes Master elect
INSTC Session in flow
Managing Committee members alongwith
Lafreightlift Pvt Ltd from Chennai receiving Citation from Preisdent Mr. Nailesh Gandhi
Allcargo Logistics Ltd. receiving Citation from Past President Mr. Shashi Tanna
Freight Systems Pvt Ltd receiving Citation from Vice President Mr. R. K. Rubin
Star Freight Pvt Ltd receiving Citation from Immediate Past President Mr. Vivek Kele
Cont’d. from Pg. 3 The outgoing President Mr. Nailesh Gandhi gave a ver y detailed narrative about the achievements of AMTOI during his tenure as President and thanked the Managing committee for their unstinted support. Mr. Ravi Gandhi, Honorary treasurer then presented the audited balance sheet, audited report, Profit and Loss Account for the yr. 17- 18. Mr. R. K. Rubin the outgoing Vice President gave the vote of thanks. During the AGM citations were presented to AMTOI members who had completed 25 years of service to the Maritime Trade. The following five members were felicitated. 1. All-Cargo Logistics Ltd, Mumbai 2. La Freight lift Pvt. Ltd, Chennai 3. Star Freight Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai 4. Freight Systems India Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai 5. Safe Clearing & For warding Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai After a short tea break post the AGM, Mr. Xer r xes Master, Honorar y Secretary introduced the speakers for the next session. Mr. Rahul Agarwal & Ms. Prerna Soni, AVP’s from INVEST INDIA , National Investment Promotion & Facilitation Agency, New Delhi who enthralled the audience with their insightful and lucid talk about the winds of change sweeping the country in terms of ease of doing business, steady development in Government’s push for Make in India and making it a reality with a positive change in attitude of bureaucrats in the corridors of power at the Centre. Thereafter the next session was on INSTC ( International North South
In the subsequ following membe AMTOI for the term 1. Mr. Shantanu
2. Mr. Xerrxes Ma
3. Mr. George Ab
4. Mr. Ravindra J
Transport Corrido Mr. Xerrxes Maste audience abou introduced the s evening Mr. Venka Goodrich Mariti Kazani, CEO of In Ltd. who have exten this sector. Both Mr. Mr. Sohel made a and briefed the au opportunities avail players from Indi urged them to grab late. With India heavily in developin in Iran, doors are business to play a k the opportunities in Afghanistan and CIS The presentation w panel discussio Mr. Venkataraman and Mr. Shankar Sh Express Multilog moderated by Mr. X Post the INSTC was played for th audience which ha the Hon. Minister Commerce, Govt of Prabhu, complime their initiatives an Logistics Industry. The high light of th arrival of Mr. Ra
u Bhadkamkar elected as President
ted as Vice President Launcing of eKYC by Mr. Nailesh Gandhi, President alongwith Ms. Liji Nowal from Odex India
h Honarable Minister Mr. Ravindra Chavan
quent Managing Committee meeting after the event the ers were elected to the post of the Managing Committee of m 2018 -19
u Bhadkamkar
Vice President
Hon. Secretary
J Gandhi
Hon. Treasurer
dor) conducted by er who briefed the ut INSTC and speakers for the kataraman, MD of ime& Mr. Sohel nterportImpex Pvt. ensive knowledge in r. Venkatraman and crisp presentation udience about the lable for Logistics dia in INSTC and ab it before it is too having invested ng Chabhahar Port re open to Indian key role in availing n the hinterlands of IS Countries. was followed by a on consisting of n, Mr. SohelKazani hinde, MD of Global gistics Pvt. Ltd. Xerrxes Master. C a small video Clip he benefit of the had an address by er for Industry & of India Shri Suresh enting AMTOI for and service to the . he evening was the Ravindra Chavan,
Maharashtra State Minister for Ports, Information & Technology, Medical supplies and Civil supplies who kindly consented to attend the Seminar and address to the audience. M r. S h a n t a n u B h a d k a m k a r welcomed the Honorable Minister and requested him to speak address the audience for the benefit of the members. Mr. Chavan thanked the audience and assured them that the Govt of Maharashtra shall address the concerns of the trade to the best extent possible. The Honorable Minister was duly felicitated by AMTOI for gracing the occasion with his presence. Subsequent to the departure of the Hon. Minister, Mr. Nailesh Gandhi, introduced EKYC and explained the objective behind the initiative and invited Ms. Liji Nowal, Director ODEX India, to address the audience. She gave a very detailed presentation about the need for eKYC which is a segment of the Block Chain initiative and how ODEX will work closely with AMTOI members to felicitate and implement the same. The same was followed by a brief Question and answer session. Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar, gave the Vote of thanks on behalf of the Association which was followed by High Tea and Snacks for the guest present.
Mr. Ravindra Chavan, Honrable Minister receiving a token of appreciation from President Mr. Nailesh Gandhi alongwith Mr. Shantanu Bhadkamkar
Honarable Minister for Ports Mr. Rajendra Chavan addressing the gathering at the AGM
Mr. Rahul Agarawal & Ms. Prerna Soni from Invest India addressing the Audience
Panaroma view of the gathering