Example Behavioural Job Interview Questions for Management Consulting

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Example Behavioural Job Interview Questions for Management Consulting While case interviews are considered one of the most challenging aspects in management consulting job interviews, it is essential to also be aware of other kinds of interview questions that you might face. While interviewing with top tier management consulting firms like Bain, Booz, Mckinsey, Boston Consulting Group and others, you need to have an edge over your peers to ensure your selection. A case interview may only take up half-an-hour of a one-hour interview. The other 30 minutes will therefore likely be an exploration into who you are, your interests, what makes you tick and any work experience to date. This is best explored through ‘behavioural interview questions’. Below you will find some example behavioral and generic management consulting job interview questions that you are likely to be asked in an interview. You may add these additional consulting specific interview questions to your list for preparation. Spend some time reflecting on how you would answer these frequently asked interview questions. Behavioral Interview Questions  Can you describe a specific stressful scenario where you had to demonstrate your coping skills.  Please specify a certain situation where you used relevant logic and judging skill to judge a situation.  Could you explain me about a time when you had to implement your verbal and presentation skills to influence an individual/group opinion.  Can you recall any situation,when you had to go beyond and more of the call of duty in order to get a job completed.  Have you ever came across many things lined up to do and you were required to prioritize and multitask to finish up.  Give an example for a time when you had to take help of a split second decision. Can you explain the typical way you deal with conflicts?Give an example for it. Ever tried hands on motivating others?Please tell about such an experience. Give me an example when you had to use your fact-finding skills to solve a problem. Mention your top achievements and accomplishments? What is the most important thing that past year has taught you? What was your new year resolution.  Can you mention your bigger setbacks?     

Common Interview Questions  Why did you choose consulting as a career? And why did you choose this firm?

 Please explain the job responsibilities of a consultant? What and how would you consider to be the three most essential traits of a successful consultant?  What makes our firm different from other consulting firms?  If I was to review your interview performance after seven months from now, what do you feel my evaluation results of you would be?  Which firms are you choosing to interview with lately? How far have you gone?  Suppose you are given an offer, state the factors you would consider to make a decision?  Can you explain me four good reasons that why this firm is better than your current firm you are working with?  Why should you be chosen, and how will contribute to the firm ? These consulting interview questions will serve as useful practice material for consulting interviews. About Author: AceTheCase.com is your one stop internet resource for management consulting case interview questions and worked solutions.

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