Exam Number/Code: MB7-700 Exam
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Guarantee Policy: 100% Money Back Guarantee The ExamPDF MB7-700 training materials we provide are in a format of PDF, including enough exam questions and answers. It is different from traditional study materials for not only just helping you summarize the main points, these dumps contains the majority of the real test questions which you will see in the MB7-700 exam. In order not to waste your valuable time, we removed all unrelated questions, the real questions are enough for you to prepare for your test, and we can promise to you that we have the coverage for at least 96%.
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1.Which element belongs to the core architecture of an installation of Microsof t Dynamics NAV? A. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool B. Microsoft Office Outlook Add-In C. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment D. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Service tier Answer: D 2.What are two advantages to using Microsoft Dynamic s NAV 2013 when deployed on SQL Server compared to using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 deployed on SQL Server? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.) A. ability to trace the run queries for each Microsoft Dynamics NAV user on SQL Se rver B. improved performance C. removes the requirement for FlowFields D. removes the requirement for delegation Answer: BD 3.What is the operating system requirement for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server? A. a 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit operating system B. a 16-bit operating system C. a 32-bit operating system D. a 64-bit operating system Answer: D 4.Which component transfers information between the Windows client and SQL Server? A. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server B. Database tier C. Microsoft Business Framework D. Client tier Answer: A 5.Which element can be published as a SOAP web service? A. report B. XMLport C. query D. page Answer: D 6.How can you run the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server? A. from the SharePoint client B. from the Development Environment C. as a Windows service D. from the Windows client Answer: C
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7.Which three elements are necessary to use the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose three.) A. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment B. SharePoint Server C. web browser D. SQL Server database E. Internet Information Server (IIS) Answer: CDE 8.Which prepackaged installation option does Microsoft Dynamics NAV support? A. Web Server B. SharePoint Server C. SQL Server D. Server Answer: D 9.An organization plans to install Microsoft Dynamics NAV on multiple computers by using a client.xml file with predefined options. You need to perform the installation without user intervention. Which command you should run? A. Setup.exe /load client.xml /quiet B. Setup.exe /load client.xml /silent C. Setup.exe /config client.xml /quiet D. Setup.exe /config client.xml /silent Answer: C 10.Which components can be preconfigured by custom parameters before they are installed? A. Automated Data Capture System (ADCS) and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint B. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web Server components and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for SharePoint C. Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Administration tool and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server D. NAS services and Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Answer: D
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