Publisher: David Sparks, dsparksacf@aol.com Contributing Writers: Judy Woodward Bates John Croyle Barbara Eubanks Darrel Holcombe Zack Hudson Terry Schrimscher Sara Nicole Sparks Tim St. John Ken Summerlin
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In association with The Christian Family Publication, Inc.
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Art Direction: Terry Schrimscher, Schrimscher Media & Marketing, LLC Cover Photo: Courtesy of Hobby Lobby Sales: Beth Gerhardt Distribution: David Sparks Atlanta Christian Family is published monthly by Atlanta Christian Family, Inc., 19079 US Hwy 231, Pell City, AL 35125. The phone number is 205-884-8187. The web site is www.atlantachristianfamily.com. Reproduction of any part of Atlanta Christian Family without permission of the publisher is prohibited. Distribution of this magazine does not constitute an endorsement of information, products or services. Views expressed in Atlanta Christian Family do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Atlanta Christian Family staff to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no respo sibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2010 by Atlanta Christian Family, Inc. Unless otherwise noted, scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. Circulation & Distribution: Atlanta Christian Family is free and available at targeted, high-traffic locations throughout the Atlanta area. Copies are also available by subscription, $29 for one year. POSTMASTER: POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Atlanta Christian Family, 19079 US Hwy 231, Pell City, AL 35125.
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May / June 2010 3
4 Atlanta Christian Family
Contents Volume 5, Number 6
May/June 2010 6 Bringing Out the Winner Who’s Listening? 6 Kid’s Korner Creative Ways to Help Your Child Grow in Their Faith This Summer 7 Best Books
Father Fiction
7 Family Flicks Courageous: A Film for Fathers 10 Money Matters Credit Management 101
Pam Tebow has a platform for life, page 8.
On The Cover 8
Pam Tebow: Tim’s Mom’s Message Saves Lives
Donald Miller
11 Credit Management 101
Features 8
Hobby Lobby’s David Green
13 Biblical Conflict Resolution
11 Bargainomics 13 Humor in Holy Places
Sing for Joy 14 Advertisers
14 Classifieds
11 May / June 2010 5
BRINGING OUT THE WINNER IN YOUR CHILD John Croyle Executive Director Big Oak Ranch, Author of Bringing Out the Winner in Your Child
Who’s Listening? Has your young child ever come home and used an inappropriate word? Did you ask yourself, “Where in the world did they hear that?” There are many “outside” verbal influences that attack our children every day: television, radio, friends, etc. You and I cannot control these auditory onslaughts to the spirit, mind, soul and heart of our children. What we can do is be sure that the negative influences DON’T happen at home. Guard your tongue! As you speak to your family as well as others remember Ephesians 4:29,“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. You are known by how you speak. Choose wisely who you will serve with your language. There are little ears that record everything. — See Resources on page 21.
Creative Ways to Help Your Child Grow in Their Faith This Summer Wondering how to keep your child growing in their faith during these lazy summer months? Take advantage of their free time and look for opportunities to experience God firsthand! Many authors, including John Westerhoff in his book Will Our Children Have Faith? agree that children learn best from what they experience and the people they are with. This summer, look for meaningful ways to surround your child with experiences and people that open their eyes to God’s wonderful creation and His love for them. Plant a garden and discover the miracle of a tiny seed turning into a beautiful flower. Go camping or lay out a blanket in the backyard to watch the night sky. This is a great opportunity to talk about how special we are to God since He created all the beautiful stars and made us beautiful as well. If you are traveling this summer, play a game of “who can see something new in God’s world?” Turn your trip to the mountains, beach or out west into a fun time of viewing God’s majesty in His wonderful creation. The summer months also provide great opportunities to teach your child the value of serving others. Look for ways to care for God’s creation by cleaning up around the park or campground. Use this as a chance to emphasize that we are
6 Atlanta Christian Family
all responsible for caring for God’s earth. Pick up limbs in a neighbor’s yard or have the family make cookies to deliver to a sick friend. Wherever you go this summer, look for ways to teach your child that being loving and respectful is how we are called to treat all of God’s children. Above all, give your child’s faith the chance to grow by praying together for people in need and thanking God for His blessings. Help him or her understand that we have an abundant world that we often take for granted. Don’t let the lazy summer days go by without creating opportunities for your child’s faith to grow. After all, a child’s faith is very important to Jesus as He said in Mark 10:14, “…Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” — Sally Granberry, Director of Children’s Ministry
BEST Books Father Fiction Donald Miller is known for the candid and humorous way in which he writes all of his books, including the best-selling Blue Like Jazz, and Miller’s signature voice is more apparent than ever in his latest release. Father Fiction is a book written for a fatherless generation, for men and women who grew up with no father figure to teach them many of life’s important lessons. Miller calls it “a laundry list of character traits kids who grew up without dads need to develop.” Despite the possible implications associated with this description, Father Fiction is not a self-help book in the traditional sense. Using an autobiographical storyline, Miller shares with the reader how growing up fatherless had a direct impact on the lack of confidence and unbalanced emotional health he experienced for most of his life. He then takes us along as he recounts the journey that took him from an awkward, unsure boy to a healthy adult who has taken responsibility for his life. A child needs to be taught that he or she is capable of bringing life and service to the people he/she interacts with, says Miller. If a child grows up feeling like a burden, the child will learn to operate as though the world doesn’t want him or her. There are several mental obstacles many people raised in a fatherless home have to overcome, and some common issues include lack of discipline and distrust of authority. Miller was gradually able to learn the lessons he wasn’t taught as a child with the help of mentors he said he was blessed to have in his life. One such mentor was nature photographer John MacMurray, whose family Miller lived with for several years. During this time, Miller was able to see what a healthy family looks like when the father is actively involved. Miller stresses the importance of relationships for proper development continually throughout the book, citing a relationship with God as being the most important. He said at a certain point he realized God was fathering him in a tangible way rather than a generic one, and that impacted him greatly.
Courageous: A Film for Fathers Ever notice the “father” theme in Sherwood films? Once you look, you’ll see a wise, guiding father show up in every one: in Flywheel, Facing the Giants, and Fireproof. Courageous, the new Sherwood movie coming to theaters in 2011, is an entire movie about fathers. Why the emphasis on dads? For one thing, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, co-writers and director and producer respectively, had a good one. Naturally, Kendrick senior’s role in their lives shows up in the fathers in their films. Sometimes he shows up quite literally. “In Facing the Giants, Jonathan’s dad is a wheelchair-bound Dad who’s had multiple sclerosis for decades,” Stephen explains. “When Jonathan’s dad lifts out of the chair and manually locks his knees to briefly stand . . . that’s Dad.” Alex and Stephen comprise half of the Sherwood Pictures four-man executive team—along with Senior Pastor Michael Catt and Executive Pastor Jim McBride. And this team takes a fearless stand for fathers and their kids. “God calls fathers to rise up strongly and lead their families,” Alex said. “Through the lives of four policemen—four men of different cultures and with different personal stories—we explore the father’s role to serve and protect.” The timing is particularly good because the stats (AllProDads.com) on dads are so bad: • Some 25 million American children live apart from their fathers • Nearly 15 million kids haven’t seen their dads in a year • Fatherless homes account for 85 percent of all youths in prison • 0 percent of runaways and homeless children are from fatherless homes Courageous mixes action, drama, and humor to illustrate father-related problems and to show where to start to address them. The four policemen, all close friends, all under-perform as dads. After tragedy strikes, they begin to challenge one another to fill God’s intention for them as fathers. Courageous shows how real people drift (or leap, or fall) into real mistakes, the changes faith can bring and why we need each other to keep going. “The focus is the father’s critical role,” Alex said. “It’s not enough to love our kids. We dads are to be engaged with a purpose…to be fathers on purpose.”“For more than a year we’ve prayed to be sure that we’re pursuing God’s idea and not our own,” said Michael Catt, the film’s executive producer. “More than a good idea, we wanted a God idea.”
The book was previously published as To Own a Dragon because Miller uses the analogy that while growing up, to him the idea of having a father was as outlandish In a day when four of 10 marriages end in divorce, Stephen says, Sherwood is using as owning a dragon in a fairy tale. Miller chose the book’s new title in hopes that film—the power of story—to call men to their highest selves: to know God, know fathers won’t be fiction much longer. This relatable story is overwhelming in its their kids and families—and to change their worlds. message of hope. — Lydia Hignite Happy Father’s Day. — Paul Cozby
May / June 2010 7
“It’s just a God story. It’s really not my story. I’m just a vessel He is using – just a tiny piece of the puzzle.” These are the words of Pam Tebow, mother of famed Florida Gators quarterback and Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow. Pam is traveling the country this year with a message of faith and hope for families.
A Platform for Life It was during the weeks preceding the 2007 Heisman Trophy Dinner, held in New York City, that the Tebows were inundated with interview requests by national media outlets. “It wasn’t until they aired a clip of us on the Heisman ceremony that God began to give us a special platform for the pro-life movement,” explains Pam. “It’s really been exciting that God spared Timmy’s life and then allows us to use that to encourage these ministries [pregnancy crisis centers] all over the country. God really has His hand on this ministry.” In one of those Heisman interviews, Pam Tebow candidly shared the details of when she was preg-
nant with Tim. Just before her pregnancy, Pam fell into a coma after contracting amoebic dysentery, a bacteria transmitted through contaminated drinking water. She was treated with strong medications, and though she discontinued the regimen when she discovered the pregnancy, her physicians told Pam the fetus had been damaged and that the medications would cause serious disabilities in her baby. Later they said that her placenta had detached from the uterine wall, which could be depriving the fetus of oxygen and nutrients. Doctors expected a stillbirth, Pam says, and they encouraged her to terminate the pregnancy. “We knew we could not do that,” she says of the suggested abortion. Instead, Pam held tightly to her faith, even when she nearly lost the baby four times. She remained on bed rest for the last two months of her pregnancy, praying for a healthy baby. “And God answered our prayers when Timmy was born,” says Pam. On Aug. 14, 1987, her due date, Pam gave birth to Timothy Richard Tebow, a “skinny, but rather long” little guy. “We were concerned at first because he was so malnourished, but he definitely made up for it,” she says laughingly.
A Call to Action
events to support efforts of the pro-life movement. “I don’t know that I will do this always, but for now I really feel like this is what God has for me. I feel like He has orchestrated a series of events in order to allow me to do this and I love it. I am really happy to be able to come alongside the pregnancy crisis centers and add my encouragement and support…The work they are doing is an incredible mission and I want to encourage them not to give up.” As she travels, Pam shares how she has seen lives saved firsthand. “We’ve seen a lot of babies saved. Just in my experience, a waitress was serving tables who was scheduled to have an abortion. She changed her mind as she served dessert and heard our message.”
Home Base North Florida is the home base for Pam Tebow’s national ministry efforts and her husband Bob’s international ministry efforts. All of the Tebow children grew up just outside of Jacksonville, Fla., and Pam says the area will always be home. “It’s a wonderful place to raise a family, and home is just home. The kids all want to come home to the same home they grew up in.” Even with their ministry obligations in the U.S. and abroad, the Tebows remain active in their home church, First Baptist in
In 2010, Pam Tebow will speak at more than 50 Pam Tebow has more than 50 speaking engagements this year to support organizations like SavA-Life who help young women make life-affirming decisions concerning pregnancy.
Photo: Deanna Clement
The mother of the football superstar Tim Tebow has a passion to reach young women for the Lord and help them make life-affirming decisions concerning pregnancy. To learn more visit www.focusonthefamily.com.
Pam Tebow Tim’s Mom’s Message Saves Lives 8 Atlanta Christian Family
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Because of Tim’s gridiron successes, football fans have come up with a variety of “Tebowisms” that include Superman references. To his mom Pam Tebow, what makes Tim so super is his consistent walk with the Lord. Ironically, as a child, Tim played the “Man of Steel” in a church musical.
Jacksonville. But for now, Pam is committed to spending more time on the road, sharing the message of life. Just as her son Tim is, Pam is passionate about encouraging others to make a decision to trust the Lord with all their hearts. — Laurie Stroud, Jenni Perkins
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May / June 2010 9
MONEY Matters Credit Management 101 Occasionally I have the opportunity to speak with students regarding the perils of credit cards and other basic principles of banking and credit management. So, on the heels of “graduation season” I thought I would share some of that material over the next few issues because the principles of sound money management are timeless – whether you are a student, a recent graduate, or a family working to make ends meet. The unbridled availability of credit cards has diminished recently to a certain degree, given the current economic cycle and the more restrictive regulatory guidelines that now govern such types of credit. However, it is still relatively easy for an individual or family to fall prey to overfunding on credit cards. Unlike some nationally known debt management gurus, I am a proponent of a family retaining a “rainy day” credit card with a reasonable credit limit. As the label implies, I believe that a credit card should be used only for a purchase financed over a very short term or for an emergency purpose. I do believe that every household should maintain a cash reserve that has a balance of anywhere from three months to one year’s worth of the household’s ongoing monthly expenses. This account can be in the form of a bank money market account, which earns interest and has limited check writing capabilities, or even in certificates of deposit, provided that the CDs have an early-out feature. You might ask, with such an account, why would one want a credit card? Simply put, most people feel compelled to pay someone else back before they pay themselves back. In other words, my personal experience has been that I put money back into savings a lot slower than I pay off an obligation to a lender. So, if your washer goes out and you find yourself needing to spend $800 on a replacement, it may make sense to charge that purchase on a credit card and pay the charged amount off in one to three months time and not touch your emergency fund. If a purchase requires financing for more than three months, then it needs to be paid for out of the fund, or deferred until the money is saved to allow for shorter term financing. How does someone develop the discipline to defer purchases or to overcome current debt problems that they may already find themselves in? I will explore those questions in the next issue by introducing you to the 24 Hour Rule and the escape from the credit card trap.
— Mark Sullivan, Bank of Tuscaloosa President
10 Atlanta Christian Family
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Goal Mind “Success begins the moment that You set your goal in place; Take time to savor every step For life is not a race.” —Charles Ghigna© Award-Winning Children’s Author & Poet Learn more at www.FatherGoose.com
Experts in Training! A great way to save money is to take advantage of the skills of students in training at vocational and other educational facilities around your area. For example, the cosmetology school at a college near my home offers haircuts for $3 fall through spring; during summers, there’s no charge. Massage therapy schools are always in need of clients to practice on, and the rates at the schools are less than half of typical massage therapy fees. Vocational schools teach auto mechanics, auto body repair and painting, small engine repair, air conditioning, furniture refinishing and dozens of other skills. Call around your area and see what classes are being taught and which ones are willing to tackle your projects for a reasonable charge. Naturally, all work is supervised by instructors, so there's little concern that the work won't be up to par. Hey, if a doctor can be “in practice,” why not these students?
Impede the Weeds Sick of pulling weeds around your shrubs and flowers? If you have any old flannel-backed vinyl tablecloths, put these to use as landscaping fabric. Use an ice pick or other pointed tool to stab plenty of tiny holes in the fabric so it will allow water to reach the shrub or flower root system. Cut to fit the area you need and place it flannel side down (the flannel will help retain moisture) and cover with pine straw or mulch.
Budget-minded Body Scrub Body scrubs are like exercise for your skin – they invigorate the cells, slough off dull dead skin and refresh your senses with their tantalizing fragrances. Save a bundle by making your own and use this recipe for gift-giving, too. Here's what you'll need: 1/2 cup of brown sugar; 1/2 cup table salt; 1 tbsp. of lemon juice; 1 tbsp. of honey and 1 tbsp. of virgin coconut oil (found at grocers and health food stores). Combine these ingredients, mixing well; store in an airtight container. As you finish your shower, rub your skin with this mixture, especially on elbows, hands and feet. Rinse and towel dry.
Closing Thought “Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (Romans 13:1, NASB). The leader who fears God understands He is the ultimate authority and power. Even those who oppose the Lord Jesus have no authority except that which is temporarily allowed them by the sovereign God Almighty. Are you showing proper respect for those whom the Lord has placed in authority over you? If you're unhappy with your governing officials, instead of criticizing them, start praying for them. Judy Woodward Bates is a speaker, TV personality and author of Bargainomics: Money Management by the Book. Order her latest book at www.Bargainomics.com.
May / June 2010 11
We Welcome Your Submissions! Faith At Work
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Music Notes
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Behind the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce in the Shops of Dunwoody
To celebrate our collaborationChildren's Special Services, LLC and Dunwoody Academy, serving children infant through preschool has 3 special limited time offers: 1. ONE MONTH FREE for all new pre-K students ages 3-5* 2. Brand NEW ½ day pre-K sensory based program with on-site aftercare available if needed** 3. FREE OT Developmental Screening for the 1st 10 families to enroll * free month at the end of the 12-month signed contract **open enrollment call today for your tour
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Dunwoody Academy 770-396-1268 or visit us on the web at www.dunwoodyacademy.com
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Cool Stuff With a Mighty Message
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Eating Out Do you have a favorite local restaurant you would like to see featured? What about a restaurant owner who actively lives out his/her faith?
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Humor in HOLY Places Sing for Joy Have you ever been so full of joy in the Lord that you couldn’t help but sing? Has your heart ever exploded with praises to the Master? That was the condition I found myself in one morning in Branson, Missouri. Steve and I, along with another couple, were attending a Phil Waldrep Senior Adult Celebrators’ Conference. We had already experienced two days of great preaching and singing. The third morning I awoke to a most gorgeous fall day. The air was brisk, the leaves had begun turning, and all seemed right in God’s world. I was truly on a spiritual high. We arrived to the conference center just before 9:00 a.m., in time for me to make a trip to the restroom before I was seated.
May your priests be clothed with righteousness; may your saints sing for joy (Psalm 132:9). And then in Jeremiah 31:7: This is what the LORD says: “Sing with joy for Jacob; shout for the foremost of the nations.” For today’s further reading, look in the concordance in the back of your Bible. Look under the word joy and find at least five other verses to read. Pray that God will make your joy so full it will spill over to others.
As I do often, I began singing without realizing it. I sat in the privacy of my stall singing to myself and to God, “This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Soon I realized I was not alone. In the cubicle next to me came the sweet, soft voice of another lady. She had joined my chorus. After a few lines of the song, others down the line of potties sang it also, creating a restroom choir. This reminded me that joy shared is joy doubled (in this case, tripled and quadrupled many times over).
Note: This is an excerpt from Eubanks’ book – Laughing with the Lord – which is now in production. (Barbara’s interview with Phil Waldrep for his Living with Joy radio program will air in June. Exact date will be announced later on her web site – www.barbaraeubanks.com. — Barbara Eubanks
The Bible instructs if we don’t praise God, the rocks will cry out and do it. Psalms is replete with accounts of joy and singing: Sing to the LORD, you saints of his; praise his holy name (Psalm 30:4). The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing (Psalm 65:13). Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days (Psalm 90:14).
Our US TRADEMARKED social skills groups starts in Jan!! THE SCHOOL YEAR IS HALF OVER AND..... • Is your child feeling left out? • Having problems staying still in group? • Cannot follow directions easily? • Having issues with personal space? • Cannot easily express their thoughts, ideas or feelings ?
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Goal Mind Good Measure “Success is often measured best Not by how high or far, But what you had to sacrifice To get to where you are.” —Charles Ghigna© Award-Winning Children’s Author & Poet Learn more at www.FatherGoose.com
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About our advertisers Support us by supporting them. Please support the local businesses who support Atlanta Christian Family with their advertising Atlanta Christian College Atlanta Fest Camp All American Camp Indian Springs Children's Special Services Christian Archives Life Grocery & Cafe Rocky McElvene Schrimscher Media
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14 Atlanta Christian Family
The schedule for our 2010 sessions is as follows: Write Incredibly Now™ at Pace Academy $595 Maximum number of students is 6 June 14,15,16,17 (Session I Grades: K-2nd) 9am-12pm MANUSCRIPT June 21,22,23,24 (Session II Grades: 3rd-5th) 9am-12pm CURSIVE July 12,13,14,15 (Session III Grades: K-5th) 9am-12pm MANUSCRIPT & CURSIVE July 26,27,28,29 (Session IV Grades: K-5th) 1pm-4pm MANUSCRIPT & CURSIVE **Please contact the school for availability 404.240.9130 www.paceacademy.org
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Mission to serve children ages 3-5 in a sensory based preschool environment that integrates them into the mainstream preschool activities while preparing them to transition into elementary school situations. Curriculum Is age-based and criterion referenced for each age level. It is a based on , Creative Curriculum for Preschool and The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum for Ages 3-5 with the Head Start Outcomes Framework, the NAEYC Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria, and many State and national early learning standards and The Southern California Sensory Integration Observations. . Class Size 4-6 children Hours Preschool Hours ~drop off is available at 7:30 am with pick up at 5:30 pm Instructional Therapeutic Classroom time 9-12
Write Incredibly Now™ at Children’s Special Services: $595 Maximum number of students is 6 July 5,6,7,8 (Session I Grades: K-2nd) 9am-12pm* MANIUSCRIPT July 5,6,7,8 (Session II Grades: 3rd-5th) 1pm-4 pm* CURSIVE Please contact Children's Special Services, LLC for more info 770 394 9791
Write Incredibly Now™ at St. Martin’s: $595 Maximum number of students is 6 July 19,20,21,22 (Session I Grades: K-2nd) 9am-12pm MANUSCRIPT July 26,27,28,29 (Session II Grades: 3rd-5th) 9am-12pm CURSIVE Please contact the school for availability 404.237.4260 www.stmartinschool.org
Personal Options and Preferences™ at Children's Special Services, LLC $395 Maximum number of students is 8 July 19,20,21,22 (Grades: 1st-4th) 4-5:30 pm Please contact Children's Special Services, LLC for more info 770 394 9791
S.H.I.N.E (Sensory, Hiking, Independence, Novel Experiences) $350/day Maximum number of students is 10 Choose 1,2,3 or 4 days: June 11 June 25 July 9 July 23 ages: 5-12 9am-2pm Camp Twin Lakes Please contact Children's Special Services, LLC for more info 770.394.9791
Play Your Way to Sensory-Motor Success at Children’s Special Services $295 Sensory Preschool Program Maximum number of students is 12 ages 3-6 June 7,8,9,10 Dunwoody Clinic 1-3 pm Please contact Children's Special Services for more info 770.394.9791
Play Your Way to Sensory-Motor Success at St Martin’s $295 Sensory Preschool Program Maximum number of students is 12 ages: 3-6 years July 19,20,21,22 St. Martin’s Preschool 9am-11:30am Please contact the school for availability 404.237.4260 www.stmartinschool.org