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NCR Quiz

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March/April 2022

By LeeAnn Corrao, CFC®

How does Chef Jim Perko suggest moistening grains without fat?

a. Ice b. Plants c. Skim milk d. A pple juice a. Dr. Michael Roizen b. Dr. Michael Crupain c. Chef Jim Perko d. A ll of the above a. 1833 b. 1862 c. 1871 d 1890 a. Tr ue b. Fa lse a. Ha ss b. Fu erte c. Wurtz d. Pinkerton a. The unofficial national dish of the Philippines b. A d ish traditionally cooked in clay pots c. A Spanish rub/marinade d. A ll of the above a. Atmosphere b. Dr inks c. Cleanliness d. L ocation a. 6 months b. 2 years c. 4 years d. 15 years a. Garlic b. Bay leaves c. Tarragon d. Black pepper a. A merican b. Chinese c. In dian d. Spanish a. A frican locust bean b. A semi-think starch patty c. Ground melon and squash seeds d. Ground nut paste a. Away from the heat b. Away from other foods with strong aromas c. In a dark space d. A ll of the abov

Who wrote “The What To Eat When Cookbook”?

When were avocados introduced to California?

Most avocados eaten in the U.S. are imported.

What is the most popular variety of avocado grown commercially in California?

What is adobo?

The National Restaurant Association’s top four reasons for clients to go out to dine, in order of importance, are: service, , food and price or value.

How long does it take for newly planted avocado trees to start bearing fruit?

Which ingredient would not be commonly found in adobo?

Which of the following cuisines did not influence traditional Filipino cuisine?

What is fufu?

How should tea be stored?

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