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NCR Quiz

November/December 2019

By LeeAnn Corrao

What is Tock?

a. A new timer system for ovens b. A reservation management system c. A social media platform d. A cookbook about culinary technology a. Syllabub b. Cider c. Sangaree d. G rog a. To decide on the base and focus on balancing sweetness b. Using farm fresh fruits and herbs c. Selecting the right vessel to contain it d. Paying attention to dilution when serving a. The cold food displays will be tasted b. The cold food display will be five courses c. The point system has changed d. The format has not changed e. 1984 f. 1990 g. 1994 h. 2002 a. 10% b. 22% c. 38% d . 44% a. 18th century b. 19th century c. 20th century d. 21st century a. Tr ue b. Fa lse

What was the historical antecedent for punch?

What does Patrick Williams say is the key to creating shareable cocktails?

How has the format for the 2020 Culinary Olympics changed?

In what year did ACF Culinary Team USA becomes the first nation to win the World Cup three consecutive times?

What percent of surveyed consumers said they prefer foods cooked with lots of spices?

When did punch bowls start to become a party staple?

There can be multiple gold-medal winners for a single IKA competition.

The main ingredient of coquilles St. Jacques is a. Clams b. Scallops c. Crab d. O ysters a. Fewer garnishes b. Hispanic flavors c. Vibrant colors d. Frozen treats a. 1,000 b. 1,500 c. 2,000 d. 2,500

Which of the following was not cited as an upcoming dessert trend?

Roughly how many chefs compete in the Culinary Olympics?

See the rest of the questions, finish the quiz and earn 4 CEHs toward your certification on ACF’s new


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