Practical "Who's Who" Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Section 1: CIDA Key Contacts – day-to day level engagement ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Aid Effectiveness .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Children and Youth .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Climate ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4 CSO Liaison ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Education ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Environmental Sustainability ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Food Security ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Gender ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Health ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Governance and Human Rights ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Humanitarian Issues........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Maternal Newborn and Child Health ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Multilateral Issues .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14 The New Deal and Peacebuilding and Development ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 ODA Accountability Act ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Sanitation and Water ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Sustainable Economic Growth ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Transparency (And IATI)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Section 2: Organizational Charts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 CIDA Secretariat ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Minister’s Office .....................................................................................................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. Geographic Programs Branch ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Version 1 – June 2012

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Strategic Policy and Performance Branch .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Multilateral and Global Programs Branch ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Partnerships With Canadians Branch................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Section 3: ‘Program Information’........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Funding through Partnerships With Canadians Branch ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Section 4: Index of Staff and Issues ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Version 1 – June 2012

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Section 1: CIDA Key Contacts – day-to day level engagement Staff entries are formatted as follows:

Firstname Lastname Position Title, Departmentname (Abbreviation) / hierarchy / within / CIDA 123 456 7890  Initiative: Role  Group: Role  etc

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Aid Effectiveness Caroline Leclerc Director General, Strategic Planning and Performance Reporting Directorate (YDG) / SPPB 819 994 6742  Working Party on Aid Effectiveness: Canadian Rep  Post-Busan Interim Group: Canadian Rep  ODA Accountability Act Report: Responsible  Performance Management: Responsible

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Susan Greene Director, Strategic Planning (YDP) / YDG / SPPB 819 997 6731  Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness: Responsible  Post-Busan Working Group: Responsible

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Jennifer Lalonde Senior Analyst, Strategic Planning (YDP) / YDG / SPPB 819 997 1597  Aid Effectiveness: Team Leader

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Children and Youth Christopher Maclennan (N.B. Christopher Maclennan is going on leave for a year and will be replaced in this position by Lilian Chatterjee, who will also remain in CSO Liaison) Director General, Thematic and Sectoral Policy Directorate (YTS) / SPPB View Org Chart 819 956 9105  Responsible for CIDA’s focus on a number of the cross cutting themes and the Growth Strategy: on Human Development and Gender

Equality, Economic Growth and environmental sustainability, Democratic Governance and Human Rights

Climate Laura Smallwood Policy Analyst, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB 819 997 0888  Responsible for liaising with C4D, CIDA’s lead on fast start financing package)  Environment and Climate Change  Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Investment

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Laverne Barretto Advisor, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB View Org Chart (819) 994-4113  Responsible for liaising with C4D, CIDA’s lead on integrating climate change in development programming (training, operations, etc.)) Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Dany Drouin Negotiations, Climate Change International, Environment Canada 819-953-4455  Lead on public relations related to climate change and Environment Canada

Laurence Blandford 819 953 9525 Acting Director, Partnerships Division, Climate Change International, Environment Canada.  Lead CDN negotiator on financing

CSO Liaison Lillian Chaterjee Director General, Consultations and Outreach Directorate (YCO) / SPPB 819 994 0517  Responsible for general public outreach to civil society

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Douglas Henderson Program Manager, Community Governance and Human Rights Section (CGHRS) / GD / PWCB 819 997 7907  Responsible for liaising with CCIC

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Diane Harper Director, Strategic Planning and Coordination Section (SPCS) / SPOD / PWCB 819 956 8266 (Director of R. Lavergne and J Wood) Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Réal Lavergne(Réal’s Unit is being shut down, and Réal will be retiring) Manager, Aid Effectiveness and Country Programs Unit (AECPU) / SPCS / SPOD / PWCB View Org Chart 819 994 2837  Responsible for PWCB unit that is civil society focal point for CIDA, and manager of senior analyst responsible for civil society and aid effectiveness file including HLF-4, Post-Busan Working Group etc in relation to civil society)

Jacqueline Wood Senior Policy Analyst, Aid Effectiveness and Country Programs Unit (AECPU) / SPCS / SPOD / PWCB 819 994 0732  Member of the Task Team on Enabling Environment

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François Montour Director General, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability Directorate, PWCB 819 997 1530  Responsible for PWCB Economic Growth  Environment Food Security  Climate programming Director General over Frank below)

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Frank Schneider Manager, Environmental Sustainability Section, Economic Grown and Environmental Sustainability Directorate, PWCB 819 994 5374  Responsible for PWCB partner programming in Environment

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Education Nora Fyles Education Team Leader, Human Development and Gender Equality (YGE) / YTS / SPPB 819 994 3774  Key point of liaison for CGCE for policy advice  sits on the Global Partnership for Education Financial Advisory Committee

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David Stevenson Director General, Global Initiatives Directorate (GID) / MULTI

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819 997 0919  Canadian representative to the Global Partnership for Education  Former Director of policy at World Food Program. GID has also played a leadership role on nutrition under the Food Security strategy

Christine Reissmann Director, Health and Education Programming and Institutions Division (HEPI) / GID / MULTI 819 934 1226  Canadian representative to the Global Fund for HIV Aids, TB and Malaria, Global Partnership for Education

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Sara Nicholls Manager, Global Fund, TB and Education Unit (GLO-UNI) / HEPI / GID / MULTI 819 934 8494  Reports to Christine Reissmann

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Ryan Legault-McGill Analyst, Global Fund, TB and Education Unit (GLO-UNI) / HEPI / GID / MULTI 819 934 8495  Reports to Christine Reissmann Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Hélène Giroux Director General, Human Development Directorate (HDD) / PWCB 819 997 5043  Responsible for PWCB Health and Education programming, Director of Kate below

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Kate Reekie Manager, Education Section (ES) / HDD / PWCB 819 997 0570  Responsible for PWCB partnership programming in Education

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Environmental Sustainability Carla Hogan Rufelds Director, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB 819 997 1531  Responsible for leading on CIDA’s Environmental Sustainability Framework

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François Montour Director General, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability Directorate, PWCB 819 997 1530  Responsible for PWCB Economic Growth  Environment Food Security  Climate programming  Director General over Frank (below)

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Frank Schneider Manager, Environmental Sustainability Section, Economic Grown and Environmental Sustainability Directorate, PWCB 819 994 5374  Responsible for PWCB partner programming in Environment

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Food Security Anar Mamdani Acting Team Leader (Food Security), Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB 819 934 8374

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(Responsible for following the Food Security Strategy and key contact for the Food Security Policy Group; see also David Stevenson under Education)

Nikita Eriksen-Hamel Development Officer, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB

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819 953 9199  Expert on agriculture, key person on agriculture and research pillar liaison with FSPG

Milica Nauman Manager, Food Aid Unit / IHA / MULTI 819 994 3933  see also Humanitarian issues

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Bon E. Cummings Director, Business Operations Group (BOG) / PANGEO / GPB 819 997 0950  Was Bilateral’s rep on the inter-departmental WG on food security strategy Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Erin McLean Senior Nutrition Advisor, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Division (MCHN) / GID / MULTI 819 953 4446  Jennifer Goosen is her Director.

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Umesha De Silva Acting Policy Analyst, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability (YES) / YTS / SPPB 819 934 2423  Key organizer for the May 2011 workshop with CIDA and FSPG  Member of the FS Policy Team

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See also Frank Schneider, PWCB (under CSO Liaison) See also François Montour, PWCB (under CSO Liaison)

Gender Heather Cameron Director, Human Development and Gender Equality (YGE) / YTS / SPPB 819 997 0893

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Health Jennifer Goosen Director, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Division (MCHN) / GID / MULTI 819 956 0476  Responsible for CIDA’s relationships with GFATM, GAVI, PMNCH, etc.) Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Micheline Gilbert Acting Senior Analyst, Nutrition and Immunization Unit, / MCHN / GID / MULTI 819 953 6536

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Erin McLean Senior Nutrition Advisor, Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Division (MCHN) / GID / MULTI 819 953 6536  Main contact on nutrition issues.  Implementing nutrition strategy across CIDA  Responsible for nutrition policy development (2011)

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see also David Stevenson under Education)

Natalie St. Lawrence Special Advisor, Human Development and Gender Equality Division (YGE) / YTS / SPPB 819 956 2483  Key contact on issues relating to gender and health, in particular MNCH

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Hélène Giroux Director General, Human Development Directorate (HDD) / PWCB 819 997 5043  Responsible for PWCB programming in Health and Education, Director General of Marise below)

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Marise Grenier Program Manager, Health Section (HS) / HDD / PWCB 819 997 0560  Responsible for PWCB partner programming in Health) Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Governance and Human Rights Patricia Pena Director, Democratic Governance and Human Rights (YGH) / YTS / SPPB 819 956 9111  Responsible for policy directions on Democratic Governance and Human Rights

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Marie Nyiramana Director, Governance Directorate(GD) / PWCB 819 953 6895  Responsible for PWCB programming in Governance and Human Rights, Director of Douglas and Steve below

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Douglas Henderson Program Manager, Community Governance and Human Rights Section (CGHRS) / GD / PWCB 819 997 7907  Responsible for PWCB partner programming in Community Governance and Human Rights

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Steve Jaltema Acting Program Manager, Public Institutions and Elections Section (PIES) / GD / PWCB 819 953 8262  Responsible for PWCB partner programming in Public Institutions and Elections

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Humanitarian Issues Leslie Norton Director General, International Humanitarian Assistance Directorate (IHA) / MULTI 819 997 2750 Head of humanitarian issues at CIDA

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Milica Naumann Manager, Food Aid Unit, /IHA / MULTI 819 994 3933 Head of food aid unit; Canadian negotiator for Food Aid Convention

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Serge Koskinen Manager, Natural Disaster Response Unit, Humanitarian Assistance Division / IHA / MULTI 819 953 5649  CIDA representative to PAGER

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Jessica Birks Senior Policy Advisor, Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Response Division, DFAIT 613 992 3964  DFAIT representative to PAGER

Chris Demerse Senior Program Officer, Food Aid Unit / IHA / MULTI 819 934 8499  Main liaison for Foodgrains Bank for our contract with CIDA for food aid funding Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Maternal Newborn and Child Health Heather Cameron Director, Human Development and Gender Equality (YGE) / YTS / SPPB 819 997 0893  Main contact for Muskoka Initiative design and implementation

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Benjamen Yung Senior Policy Analyst, Human Development and Gender Equality (YGE) / YTS / SPPB View Org Chart 819 997 4871  (Formerly? Key contact and ‘pen’ for WHO Accountability Commission and CIDA positions on accountability in MNCH  (Formerly of?) Strategic Integration Directorate (YSA)

Multilateral Issues Iain MacGillivray Senior Agricultural Specialist, UN, Commonwealth and Francophonie Division 819 997 7690  Canada’s rep on steering committee of Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

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Nick Leswick Director, International Finance and Development Division, Finance Canada 613 943 0279  Canada’s IDA Deputy/ liaison with the World Bank

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Rebecah Young Chief, Development Institutions, Development Policy, Finance Canada 613 943 0279  Formerly? Senior Economist, Development Policy, International Finance and Development Division  She deals with the portion of ODA that goes through Finance Canada, such as loans for climate change work in developing countries, and the Private Sector Window of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program

Ioanna Sahas Martin Director, International Strategy and Donor Relations (YDC) / YAD / SPPB View Org Chart 819 953 4683  This shop is responsible for engagement with OECD, prep for DAC meetings, lead on the periodic OECD Peer Review, etc. They coordinate various policy shops for responses on DAC agenda items.

Jean Touchette Senior Policy Analyst, International Strategy and Donor Relations (YDC) / YAD / SPPB 819 994 7039  CIDA lead on G20 strategy/organization

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Johanne Dupont Senior Policy Analyst, International Strategy and Donor Relations (YDC) / YAD / SPPB 819 997 0916  CIDA lead on G8 strategy/organization

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The New Deal and Peacebuilding and Development Tobias Nussbaum Director General, Strategic Policy Directorate (YAD) / SPPB Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency 819 953 3139  Oversees Policy Research, Development, International Strategy and Donor Relations, Strategic Initiatives, Economic Analysis and Environment, and co-chair of the International Network on Conflict and Fragility  Will likely be the point person on the New Deal

Michael Koros Team Leader, Policy Development (YSP) / YAD / SPPB  Formerly? Team Leader, Conflict and Fragility, Policy Development, Strategic Policy Directorate, SPPB

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ODA Accountability Act Caroline Leclerc Director General, Strategic Planning and Performance Reporting Directorate (YDG) / SPPB   

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Working Party on Aid Effectiveness: Canadian Rep Post-Busan Interim Group: Canadian Rep ODA Accountability Act Report: Responsible

Sanitation and Water Minh Tien Nguyen International Development Project Advisor, Environmental Sustainability Section (ESS) / EGESD / PWCB 819 953 9024  Key liaison to SWAN and WASH-Canada on issues related to water and sanitation

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See also Frank Schneider, PWCB (under CSO Liaison) Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency See also François Montour, PWCB (under CSO Liaison)

Sustainable Economic Growth Christopher Maclennan Director General, Thematic and Sectoral Policy Directorate (YTS) / SPPB 819 956 9105 

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Responsible for CIDA’s focus on a number of the cross cutting themes and the Growth Strategy: on Human Development and Gender

Equality, Economic Growth and environmental sustainability, Democratic Governance and Human Rights

Patricia Pena Director, Democratic Governance and Human Rights (YGH) / YTS / SPPB 819 956 9111  Responsible for policy directions on Democratic Governance and Human Rights

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Mark Banzet Team Leader, Democratic Governance and Human Rights (YGH) / YTS / SPPB 819 953 3148  Formerly? Acting Team Leader – Sustainable Economic Growth, (YES) / YTS / SPPB  Responsible for drafting the SEG strategy

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Bonaventure Bowa Economic Policy Advisor, Democratic and Human Rights (YGH) / YTS . SPPB 819 997 0892  Formerly? Analyst, Sustainable Economic Growth / YES / YTS / SPPB  Works with Marc and Patricia on the SEG strategy Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency Tobias Nussbaum Director General, Strategic Policy Directorate (YAD) / SPPB View Org Chart 819 953 3139  Oversees Policy Research, Development, International Strategy and Donor Relations, Strategic Initiatives, Economic Analysis and Environment, and co-chair of the International Network on Conflict and Fragility)  Will likely be the point person on the New Deal

François Montour Director General, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability Directorate, PWCB 819 997 1530  Responsible for PWCB Economic Growth  Environment Food Security  Climate programming  Deals with the SEG strategy in the context of funding proposals by CSOs  Director General of Michelle below)

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Michelle Veilleux Program Manager, Economic Growth Section (EGS) / EGESD / PWCB 819 997 0592

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Fauzya Moore Senior Economic Policy Advisor, Economic Analysis (YED) / YAD / SPPB 819 994 6861  Deals with trade and development issues at policy level

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Sharon Peake Senior Policy Officer, Policy Development (YSP) / YAD / SPPB 819 934 5658 Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency   

Formerly? Policy Research Analyst Her director is Marc-Yves Bertin Works on Policy Coherence for Development

Nancy Odeh Policy Analyst, Policy Development (YSP) / YAD / SPPB 819 934 6373  Formerly? Junior Analyst  Her director is Marc-Yves Bertin  Works on issues relating to emerging donors and Canada’s engagement

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Transparency (And IATI) Yohanna Loucheur Team Leader, Policy Development (YSP) / YAD / SPPB 819 994 5419  Sits as an observer on the IATI process

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Section 2: Organizational Charts CIDA Secretariat

Minister of International Cooperation

Ministers Office Chief of Staff

Beverley Oda

Neil Desai Senior Policy Advisor, Food Security and Africa

Idee Inyangudor

Policy Advisor, Sustainable Economic Growth and Asia

Policy Advisor, Children and Youth and the Americas

President / Senior Executive VP

Alayna Johnson

Shuvaloy Majumdar

Margaret Biggs

Executive Director & General Counsel, Legal Services

Corporate Sectretary

Winston Fogarty

Nicole Martel

Chief Audit Executive

Jorge da Silva

Geographic Programs Branch SVP David Morrison

Strategic Policy and Performance Branch

VP Vincent Rigby

Business Modernization Initiative

Multilateral and Global Programs Branch


Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

VP Diane Jacovella

Partnerships with Canadians Branch VP Darren Schemmer

Human Resources Branch DG Darlene De Gravina

Communications Branch DG Andre Frenette

Chief Financial Officer

VP Sue Stimpson

Chief Information Officer

Jacques Mailloux

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Geographic Programs Branch Senior Vice President David Morrison 8 other geographic and operational groups

Pan-Geographic Programs


A/Vice President

Nadia Kostiuk

Business Operations Group

4 other groups



Bon Cummings

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Strategic Policy and Performance Branch

SPPB Vice President

Vincent Rigby

Consultations and Outreach Directorate


Strategic Planning and Performance Reporting Directorate

Stragetic Integration Directorate

Strategic Policy Directorate



Thematic and Sectoral Policy Directorate



Director General Director General

Director General

Lillian Chatterjee

International Strategy and Donor Relations

Policy Development


Director of Policy

Marc-Yves Bertin

Ioanna Sahas Martin

Responsible: 3 strategies

Caroline Leclerc

Economic Analysis



Director General

(OECD; ODA Accntblty; Busan; Aid Effectiveness)

Tobias Nussbaum

3 other groups



Hossein Rostami

Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

Christopher MacLennan

Economic Growth and Environmental Sustaoinability

Strategic Planning


Director Busan; Aid Effectiveness

Susan Greene

3 other groups

Human Development and Gender Equality


Director Carla Hogen-Rufelds

Democratic Governance and Human Rights



Heather Cameron



Patricia Pena

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Multilateral and Global Programs Branch Vice President

Diane Jacovella

Vice President's Office

International Humanitarian Assistance Directorate


Multilateral Development Institutions Directorate



Director General

Humanitarian Assistance Division


Director General

Leslie Norton

Food Aid Unit

Global Initiatives Directorate



Paul Samson

Strategic Analysis and Planning Unit

Strategic Planning, Integration and Management Directorate

David Stevenson

Strategic Anayisis and Operations Unit

Health and Education Institutions Programming Division

Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Division




Stephen Salewicz

Natural Disaster Response Unit

Complex Humanitarian Situations Unit


Christine Reissmann

Disaster Preparedness Unit

Global Fund, TB and Education Unit

Jennifer Goosen

Aids and Health Institutions Unit

GLO-UNI Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Partnerships With Canadians Branch

PWCB Vice President

Darren Schemmer

Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability Directorate

Human Development Directorate

3 other groups



Director General


Program Manager

Michelle Veilleux


Governance Directorate


Director General


Director General

Director General

Helene Giroux

Francois Montour

Economic Growth Section

Strategic Planning and Operations Directorate

Environmental Sustainability Section

Health Section

ESS International Development Program Manager

Frank Schneider

Marie Nyiramana

Strategic Planning and Coordination Section

Education Section


Program Manager

Marise Grenier

ES International Development Project Manager

Kate Reekie

Thematic Planning and Analysis Unit


Cida staff email: Link to Government Electronic Directory Service(GEDS)



Community Governance and Human Rights Section


Program Manager

Diane Harper

Aid Effectiveness and Country Programs Unit


Douglas Henderson

Public Institutions and Elections Section


A/Program Manager

Steve Jaltema

Reporting, Data Analysis and Correspondence Unit


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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Section 3: ‘Program Information’ Funding through Partnerships With Canadians Branch

Small Projects Envelope (up to $30 mn annually) Build skills and knowledge of individuals and smaller organizations for up to two projects, min $100,000, maximum $2 million over five years).

Large Projects Envelope (up to $95 mn annually) To support longterm strategic partnerships based around a program identifying locally identified development priorities carried out in collaboration with other groups, $2 mn for up to five years).

Knowledge Partners Envelope (up to $20 mn annually) To support research and contribute to knowledge sharing and policy development. Will have more flexible cost-sharing arrangements.

Volunteer Cooperation Envelope (up to $50 mn annually) To support sending skilled and qualified volunteers to share skills and build capacity in partner countries. No changes here.

University Partners Envelope (up to $25 mn annually) Currently under development

Partners for Development Program $220 mn annually

Global Citizens for Development Program $30 mn annually

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

Section 4: Index of Staff and Issues Accountability, 3, 16 Aid Effectiveness, 3, 4, 16 Anar Mamdani, 9 Benjamen Yung, 14 Bon E. Cummings, 9 Bonaventure Bowa, 17 Busan, 3, 16 C4D, 4 Carla Hogan Rufelds, 8 Caroline Leclerc, 3, 16 Chris Demerse, 13 Christine Reissmann, 7 Christopher Maclennan, 4, 16 Climate Change, 4 Dany Drouin, 5 David Stevenson, 7 Diane Harper, 5 Douglas Henderson, 5, 12 Environmental Sustainability, 4 Erin Maclean, 9 Erin McLean, 11 Fauzya Moore, 18 François Montour, 6, 8, 18 Frank Schneider, 6, 8 Heather Cameron, 10, 13 Hélène Giroux, 7, 11 Iain MacGillivray, 14 Ioanna Saha Martin, 15 Jacqueline Wood, 6 Jean Touchette, 15 Jennifer Goosen, 10 Jennifer Lalonde, 4 Jessica Birks, 13 Johanne Dupont, 15

Kate Reekie, 8 Laura Smallwood, 4 Laurence Blandford, 5 Laverne Barretto, 4 Leslie Norton, 12 Lillian Chaterjee, 5 Marie Nyiramana, 12 Marise Grenier, 11 Mark Banzet, 17 Michael Koros, 15 Micheline Gilbert, 10 Michelle Veilleux, 18 Milica Nauman, 9 Milica Naumann, 13 Minh-Tien Nguyen, 16 Nancy Odeh, 18 Natalie St. Lawrence, 11 Nick Leswick, 14 Nikita Eriksen-Hamel, 9 Nora Fyles, 6 Patricia Pena, 12, 17 Réal Lavergne, 6 Rebecah Young, 14 Responsible Investment, 4 Ryan Legault-McGill, 7 Sara Nicholls, 7 Serge Koskinen, 13 Sharon Peake, 18 Steve Jaltema, 12 Susan Greene, 3 Tobias Nussbaum, 15, 17 Umesha Da Silva, 10 Yohanna Loucheur, 19

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Practical “Who’s Who” Guide to the Canadian International Development Agency

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