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Coordinator Message from IB Diploma
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,
I hope that you and your family are doing well.
Year 13 Updates:
We’re into the most challenging stage for the Year 13s, with Mock Examinations occurring this week and next week. These exams are being run just like the IBDP examinations in May, which will assist the students in their preparation. There are also IA deadlines and preparation for the final examinations. This is always a very difficult time, so please do your best to support your child and reach out to us if you require any support.
The students will receive their results prior to the holiday break to assist them in their upcoming study leave. Students will still be able to meet with their teachers in this time if they wish to. We are also planning to run some workshops to provide additional examination skills and strategies. If students wish to have a session on a particular skill, exam paper, or topic as a class, please contact myself and their teacher to arrange this.
Sleep – Make sure that the students are not staying up late to study the night before an exam. Getting at least 8 hours sleep is much more important for their performance.
Year 12 Updates:
Students have now started research for their Extended Essays and should have met with their teacher supervisor. They will be working on this project this semester, with the aim of having a full draft completed by the end of the academic year.
Please continue to support the students in arriving to school on time.
Support: We realize that this is a stressful time for Year 13 students. Please encourage your child to reach out to us if they require emotional or academic support. We are happy to arrange a time with our school counsellor if needed, or to provide additional support. Having a balance of activities and adequate sleep is also important for students at this time.
Thank you for reading and please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Kieran Pascoe IBDP Coordinator