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Coordinator Message from IB Diploma

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,

It’s certainly been an eventful month in ACG School Jakarta for our senior cohorts!

Year 13

The corridors are a little quieter after the departure of our Year 13 students, who have finished their IB Exams! This was a long and stressful 3 weeks for them, and I was impressed at their dedication during the exam session. Everyone was on time for their examinations and followed all of the directions and procedures.

On behalf of the IBDP teachers, I’d like to congratulate them on finishing their senior program. This is even more impressive after the challenges that online learning and readjusting to school over the course of their studies. We look forward to celebrating their success during our Graduation Ceremony on Saturday 10th June. Check out the smiling faces after their final exam!

I’d also like to thank the IBDP teachers for their efforts in preparing the students for the exams including running additional lessons after lesson hours, changing their rooms to provide quiet spaces for the exams, providing tips and hints on the day, and supporting them emotionally. A special thank you to Pak Bambang, Ms. Datrix, Ms. Ursula, and Mr. Myles for staying after hours to invigilate the examinations and assisting me to run the exam session efficiently.

This was the first full IB examination session since 2019, and we have our fingers crossed for positive results when grades are released on the 6th of July. I will share access codes with students so that they can access these when they are released.

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